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Published By Krscanski Akademski Krug

1848-8676, 1334-2312

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 613-628
Tihana Škojo

Unatoč aktualnim pojavnostima u društvu koje sustavno utječu na smanjenje slobodnoga vremena kod svih društvenih skupina, zborsko je pjevanje zadržalo svoju bogatu tradiciju i mjesto najzastupljenije slobodne aktivnosti u kojoj pojedinci uspješno iznalaze načine da zadovolje svoju potrebu za aktivnošću, socijalizacijom, da kvalitetno zadovolje zanimanje za glazbu i glazbeno stvaralaštvo te da se dodatno afirmiraju u društvu. Na temelju dosadašnjih istraživanja ukazujemo na odnos glazbenih aktivnosti i dobrobiti pojedinca, povezanost pozitivnih emocija s pjevanjem u zboru, što se očituje u promjeni fiziološkoga statusa pjevača te na razvoj glazbenih vještina i poboljšanje psihofizičkoga stanja pjevača. Vodeći se iskustvima iz ranijih svjetskih istraživanja, a radi utvrđivanja odnosa aktivnosti zborskoga pjevanja i dobrobiti pjevača amatera provedeno je istraživanje u kojemu se ispitala duljina pjevačkog staža, zadovoljstvo životom, doprinos pjevanja subjektivnom osjećaju dobrobiti te percipirana procjena fizičke, emocionalne, socijalne i duhovne dobrobiti. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju da pjevanje u zboru pruža brojna osobna poboljšanja kod pjevača. Pjevači procjenjuju da je najsnažnija dobrobit od zborskog pjevanja povezana s emocionalnim, zatim socijalnim pa fizičkim i najmanje s područjem duhovne dobrobiti. Zborsko pjevanje, osim primarne umjetničke funkcije, pridonosi emocionalnoj, društvenoj i fizičkoj dobrobiti kao važnom cilju slobodnih aktivnosti i života uopće.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 525-540
Marta Licardo

The purpose of the study is to examine the early childhood education students’ values and what are the differences in the students’ values in specific conditions related to social environment. The values of undergraduate students who study early childhood education are very important for professional development and practice. The purpose of this study is to determine, if their values change during their study programme; which values are more important to the students; and what are the differences in the students’ values in terms of the type of study (full time/part time), years of study, age, work experience and work status. Results indicate that employed students have higher scores on other-centred values than unemployed students, older students express more others-centred values than younger students, while in self-centred values there are no age differences. Students who have more work experience express more others-centred values and students who study longer express more others-centred values than fresh students, while in self-centred values differences by years of study do not occur. These results reveal important changes in the hierarchy of values related to measured variables and interplay between various conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 643-657
Odilon-Gbènoukpo Singbo ◽  
Darko Novak

Suvremeni razvoj biomedicine i tehnologije brže i bolje nego prije donosi nova otkrića koja će znatno poboljšati pristup zdravlju živih bića. Jedno od takvih otkrića je alat CRISPR-Cas9 koji je donio znanstvenicama Nobelovu nagradu za kemiju. Pomoću tog alata moguće je precizno uređivanje genoma i time su otvorene mogućnosti manipuliranja životom sve do rizika »proizvodnje« genetički modificiranih ljudi. Ovaj članak nastoji jezgrovito prikazati glavna načela tog alata i njegove terapijske primjene na živi organizam. Etički izazovi otkrivaju opasnost biomodifikacije putem mogućnosti dizajniranja buduće djece, a to vraća ne samo eugeniku, nego i želju za nadilaženjem ljudskoga.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 541-557
Ivana Batarelo Kokić ◽  
Tonći Kokić

Razumijevanje rodoslovlja i društvene uvjetovanosti promjena obrazovnih sustava može se tražiti u antičkim izvorima: Sparti i Ateni. Interpretacijom su uspoređeni obrazovni sustavi antičkih polisa, a neka njihova obilježja su na razini jukstapozicije uspoređena s obrazovnim politikama Europske unije. Usporedbom je potvrđena hipoteza o postojanju zajedničkih prioritetnih odgojno-obrazovnih tema u društvima istog rodoslovlja na različitom stupnju povijesnog i tehnološkog razvoja. Stereotipna interpretacija vidi Spartu kao zajednicu hrabrih patriota vojnika u kojoj je obrazovanje bilo apsolutno politički institucionalizirano, dok se Atena percipira kao demokratska zajednica humanistički obrazovanih slobodnih građana bez izravne stroge političke kontrole obrazovanja. Na razini jukstapozicije, antički obrazovni sustavi uspoređeni su sa suvremenom europskom obrazovnom politikom s obzirom na: (1) svrhu obrazovanja; (2) dostupnost obrazovanja; (3) strukturiranost kurikuluma i vrijednosne pokazatelje; (4) prepoznavanje talenta i (5) praćenje kvalitete obrazovanja. U zaključku rada navode se ograničenja studije te se naglašava temeljna srodnost tema koje su se istakle analizom.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 571-582
Bojan Marotti

Znamenita Aristotelova definicija tragedije u povijesti je hrvatske filozofije i (klasične) filologije prevođena razmjerno često. Može se govoriti o desetak pokušaja, uzmu li se u obzir, osim cjelovitih prijevoda Aristotelove Poetike, i različita druga djela, kao što su povijesti (grčke) filozofije, ili povijesti književnih teorija i estetike. U prilogu se uspoređuju prijevodi Armina Pavića i Franje pl. Markovića. Pri tome se razmatra i odabir hrvatskih otpovjednica pri prijenosu pojedinih (temeljnih) pojmova iz grčkoga jezika u hrvatski i cjelina stavka, budući da jedno i drugo, naime odabrane prevedenice i sam »ustroj« hrvatske rečenice, redovito upućuju i na (prevoditeljevo) poimanje Aristotelova shvaćanja tragedije, ali k tomu i na razumijevanje Aristotelove filozofije umjetnosti u cjelini.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 559-570
Andreja Sršen

The article deals with some of the major theoretical and methodological strategies used by sociologists to better understand the relationship between humans and their natural world and to identify the ecologically-relevant features of modern nations and their impact on global climate change. Outlining the current state of sociological knowledge and opportunities for future research about the social causes of global climate change we have to put papal encyclical letter »Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home« and global climate change into social light of theoretical insights from the broader discipline of sociology in a number of areas, including micro and macro foundations of social inequality, population and migration research and models of globalization. At the heart of the encyclical Laudato Si’, there is a big understanding of human kind, common good and nature where Pope Francis introduces the term of »Integral Ecology« explaining that our nature is created by God and surrounded by the gifts of creation. Accordingly, there is a growing recognition of the need to better incorporate social science analyses into climate change research efforts according to the integral ecology in encyclical Laudato Si’.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 629-641
Ana Batinić ◽  
Sanja Lovrić Kralj

This paper analyses the growing up of Tajana, a fictional character in unhealthy family surroundings as depicted in Sunčana Škrinjarić’s (1931 – 2004) trilogy: The Street of Ancestors (1980), Test of Maturity (2002), and White Arrows (2004). The main controversy of the trilogy is the presentation of a childhood without didacticism, moral lessons, or idealization; a childhood which is more unhappy than protected and joyful. By breaking settled rules and taboos, Škrinjarić created her own, recognizable style of narration. This study will particularly focus on Tajana’s relationship with her mother and the girl’s emotional development, which can be interpreted in light of childhood trauma. Tajana’s mother is an educated, beautiful, and coquettish woman who does not love her daughter. She sees the girl only as a “redundant little brat”, a reminder of her broken first marriage, and an obstacle to happiness in life. Hitting Tajana, pulling her hair, and essentially ignoring all her needs, she can be labelled a bad mother who fails to fulfil the duties of her role: being present and protective, as well as providing for her daughter’s well-being and upbringing. Tajana’s experience of emotional neglect and emotional and even physical abuse from her mother in her childhood results in the girl’s problems in building firm and healthy relationships in her adult life.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 659-671
Marija Buterin Mičić

The research presented in this paper is aimed towards examining the relation between the pupils’ perception of the school life quality and different types of academic motivation (external and autonomous). The data was collected using Self regulation questionnaire-Academic (Ryan & Connell, 1989) and Quality of school life questionnaire (Ainley & Bourke, 1982). The research included 434 primary school pupils from fifth to eighth grade. A positive correlation was found between all variables, where the strength of the correlation varies depending on type of academic motivation. In general, it can be concluded that those pupils who express more positive feelings towards school and who more assess specific aspects of school life more positively are more autonomously motivated to fulfill school obligations. Obtained results are discussed with reference to the relevance of pupils’ quality of school life in enhancing autonomous motivation in the academic domain.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 491-508
Svetlana A. Bezklubaya

The modern universal significance of the all-human creative experience updates the scientific interest in phenomena of culture which concentrate and disseminate the theories, ideas and beliefs that claim universal significance and cause epochal changes over vast territories. Religion, as a way of spiritual and practical mastery of the world by man, is that part of culture that constantly changes its forms, throws off some and clothes itself in others, fixing itself in cultural systems and actively influencing the processes of their self-organization and selfregulation. Therefore, the object of this study is religious syncretism as a way of transforming components of different order of being into a powerful culturecreative potential. The purpose of the work is to study religious syncretism as a complex multilevel process of mutual influence of various types of religions, sacred ideological images and cultural archetypes (ethical, aesthetic, artistic). The parameters of openness, and the mixing and blurring of boundaries make it possible to consider religious syncretism as a creative factor of culture, giving it the necessary integrity and actual meaning. Analysis of traditional forms of reflection and regulation of socio-cultural processes (myth, ritual, religion, art) reveals syncretism as a way of filling the sacred and religious with a powerful cultural-creative force. The author reveals the entropic essence of religious syncretism and its creative role in overcoming fragmentation, simplification and monism by culture (especially in the interpretation of the concepts of life and death, being and nothing, beautiful and ugly, space and time, virtue, soul, faith). The methodological basis of the research was formed by a transdisciplinary approach establishing a systemic life stance interaction of structurally functional and historical analysis with cultural and philosophical reflection. The theoretical conclusions contained in the work open up new opportunities for further study of the influence of religions on the creativity of cultural systems. The study of the culture-creative potential of religious syncretism clearly demonstrates the unity of the primary causes of being and thus allows one to practically reduce the degree of modern interfaith tension.

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (3) ◽  
pp. 599-612
Aksinja Kermauner

The purpose of the article is to explore in what ways visual arts can be brought closer to blind persons in the postmodern society, in which sight is perceived to be the highest of the senses and in which most information is based on images. The basic methods of presenting a work of art involve the remaining senses, mostly those of hearing and of touch. It is of course not enough just to deliver a factual description of a painting or to transform it into tactile graphics – more complex techniques such as audio-description, method of associations, participating in role-playing, all with the aim of a holistic experience of the work of art, must be sought instead.

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