Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Theologia Catholica
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Published By Babes-Bolyai University

2065-9458, 1224-8754

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 221-231
Maura Zátonyi ◽  

Rebel or collaborator of God? Hildegard of Bingen about a converted creation approach. Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) describes the consequences of the destruction of nature with surprising modern illustrations. At the same time, she shows ways to change for the better. Instead of rebelling against God and the order of creation, man is invited to take his position in the heart of creation. Obedience frees man to deal with creation in a compliant manner. This way he can respond to God’s love and act with responsibility in the world. Keywords: Hildegard von Bingen, Schöpfung, Gottes Liebe, Freiheit, Vernunft, Verantwortung, Gottesvergessenheit, Umkehr, geschöpfliches Dasein, Gehorsam.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 183-220
Claudiu George Tuțu ◽  

The Gnomic Dimension of Human Being in the Conception of Maxim the Confessor. Writings between 628-640. It is certain that any of the patristic researches regarding the thought of St. Maximus the Confessor must explore the philosophical, biblical and patristic roots of the Maximian Corpus. This is the main purposes of the present article: to explore the theological thinking of Maximus, throughout his writings, which were drafted between 628-640. It is useful for our research to highlight the historical process of the development of his anthropological perspective, in order to better understand the concept of gnome (γνώμη). Keywords: will, gnome, anthropology, Maximus Confessor, philosophy, patristic theology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 169-182
Florin Toader Tomoioagă ◽  

Les relations entre l’Église orthodoxe et l’Église gréco-catholique en Roumanie - un aperçu de la période communiste et post-communiste. L’étude présente se concentre sur les relations entre l’Église orthodoxe et l’Église gréco-catholique en Roumanie, en particulier pendant le temps de communisme et après sa chute. Nous utilisons la méthode historique et abordons cette période du point de vue des tensions historiques, des moments d’aliénation mais aussi de ceux de rapprochement entre les deux Églises. L’étude décrit les principaux points de cette relation, les efforts de chaque Église pour préserver son identité en période de pression politique énorme, à une époque où l’État communiste tentait d’anéantir l’Église gréco-catholique et d’instrumentaliser l’Église orthodoxe selon la propagande et ses intérêts. On y analyse également il décrit brièvement la relative ouverture réciproque des deux Églises sœurs survenue après 1989, malgré les tensions existantes et l’interruption brutale de ce processus de rapprochement en 2008. L’apport de cette étude est la proposition de quelques étapes concrètes absolument nécessaires dans le processus de guérison de la mémoire, qui devrait impliquer les deux Églises. Mots-clés: Église orthodoxe, Église gréco-catholique, Patriarche Justinien, réunification, persécution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 155-168
Peter Schallenberg ◽  

From the Encyclical „Laudato si” to the Encyclical „Fratelli tutti”. A Perspective on Spirituality and Social Ethics. The essay begins by showing that it is essential for all Christian thinking - and thus also for a Christian social ethics - to refer to a deeper meaning passively received from God. Starting from this Logos, Christian social ethical thinking tries to convey how to build a civilisation or a society of integral and humane capitalism whose inner building principle is love. This reception of meaning and love in order to be enabled to love takes place practically in liturgiacal worship as the author argues with Romano Guardini; here the absolute love of God is first received and vouchsafed as an unclaimable and yet profoundly vital gift. Liturgy focuses, like a burning glass, the experience of a greater freedom of the human being to do good in the face of a greater love, in the face of absolute love, in the face of God. In this view, liturgy is liberated freedom for the good and for the better, for the beautiful. From there, all human activity not only has a technical-instrumental and efficiency-oriented side, but is deeply ordered towards the realisation of higher values, so that the author can say: Culture grows out of cult. From here, he shows how a culture of law and ethics unfolds from the mere nature of man to faith in a personal God. In this perspective, law and morality are formulations of the primordial sense placed by God in human natural reason - the logos - and serve to shape a world conducive to life and worthy of human beings. This highlights in particular the space of political action, which plays a prominent role especially in Pope Francis’ encyclicals „Laudato si” and „Fratelli tutti”. In these encyclicals, the author primarily criticises a „technocratic paradigm”, in which human action is only reduced to questions of technical possibilities and efficiency, but in which the deeper meaning of human action is obscured. Starting from the parable of the prodigal son and the parable of the Good Samaritan, which is particularly prominent in „Fratelli tutti”, the author then develops the extent to which one must first convert to the incarnate Logos Christ in order to be able to realise the Logos instilled in man and the world, also in political thought and action. This is where the author sees the proprium of Christian social ethics as ethics of institutions and as inclusive capitalism, as also developed in the encyclicals of Pope Francis: The orientation of state, society and economy towards the realisation of higher values, of the Logos placed in the world by God. Keywords: Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, Romano Guardini, Liturgy and Ethics, Social Ethics, Personalism, Integral Humanism, Critique on technocracy

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 75-103
Lucian Dîncă ◽  

The Incarnation of the Word of God between Niceism and Arianism in the IVth century. The incarnation of the Word is the main theme debated by St. Athanasius throughout his theological and dogmatic works. First, incarnation theology has an anti-pagan connotation, as pagans derided Christians’ faith in the incarnation of the divine Logos, and, on the other hand, the Alexandrian bishop developed the theme of the incarnation against the Arians who denied the divinity of the Son and promoted a “creationist” doctrine of Christ. Between niceism and arianism, the theology of the incarnation knew several forms of theological expression, starting from the Arians, followers of Arius, to the neo-Arians, reinvented by Aetius and Eunomius, passing through the theology of the Homeans, who claimed the resemblance of the Son to the Father, to it culminated in the Homoiousians, those who came closest to the dogma of the Nicene Creed and who would finally embrace Niceism. The Cappadocians use in their theology of the incarnation the intuitions and arguments of Athanasius to overcome any other doctrine that would oppose or contradict the Niceno homoousian dogma, the consubstantiality of the Son with the Father, namely, the Son is God like Father. Keywords: incarnation, Trinity, dogma, homeism, homoousianism, Arianism, niceism, Athanasius, council, ousia, theology, heresy, orthodoxy, Logos, Son, Father.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 7-32
Cecilia Avenatti De Palumbo ◽  

The Reception of Algeria’s Marthyrs in Argentina through Poetry (Christophe Lebreton) and Theatre (Pierre Claverie, Adrien Candiard). The aim of this article is to present the reception of Algeria’s marthyrs in Argentina as a testimony of the freedom of the Spirit, through Christophe Lebreton’s poetry as well as Adrien Candiard’s theatre play Pierre and Mohamed. Firstly, we will outline the itinerary of this intercultural meeting. Secondly, based on Hans Urs von Balthasar, Piero Coda and Christoph Theobald’s thoughts we will develop an interdisciplinary interpretation by making literature, Esthetics and Theology get involved in a dialogue, in order to propose hospitality as a holiness style in postmodernity. Keywords: Hospitality - Hans Urs von Balthasar - Christoph Theobald - Christophe Lebreton - Pierre Claverie.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 105-133
Liana Gehl ◽  

L’ultima lettera. Sulla corrispondenza fra Vladimir Ghika e Jacques Maritain. Tra il 1920 e il 1945, il Beato Vladimir Ghika e il filosofo francese Jacques Maritain condussero un ricco epistolare. Nonostante le avversità, più di trecentottanta lettere si sono conservate fino ad oggi. Iniziato nei “ruggenti anni Venti”, lo scambio si concluse bruscamente sulla soglia della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Il presente articolo si concentra sull’ultimo pezzo della corrispondenza: la lettera scritta da Ghika a Maritain il 18 luglio 1945. Dopo averne indagato il contesto e sotteso il significato per le parti direttamente coinvolte, lo studio si pone la domanda dell’eventuale rilevanza per il lettore contemporaneo. La traduzione inglese dell’“ultima lettera”, come pure di quella che la precede, sono fornite in Appendice, insieme a una tabella riassuntiva dei temi e delle emozioni espresse nell’ultima lettera. Parole-chiave: Vladimir Ghika, Jacques Maritain, guerra, amore, fede, agire, ricostruzione

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 33-56
William A. Bleiziffer ◽  

The Cult of God’s Servants Romanian Martyr Bishops: between Canon Law and Liturgy. On the last day of his apostolic trip to Romania (May 31 - June 2, 2019), the Holy Father Pope Francis in the exercise of his canonical powers beatified seven Romanian Greek Catholic bishops who died in odium fidei in communist prisons. By proclaiming the formula for recognizing the martyrdom of these bishops, they are officially recognized as martyrs of the Church of Christ, and as such, according to the canonical discipline in force, they can enjoy the celebration of a public cult of worship. Their feast finds a stable place in the liturgical calendar of the Greek Catholic Church, June 2, and public worship regulated by both common law and the particular law of the Church becomes a liturgical constant that manifests the particular character of these servants of God. Starting from this canonical and liturgical premise, the present study tries to highlight some significant elements regarding the liturgical cult of these martyrs. Thus, a series of disciplinary realities are taken into account, which starting from the historical elements of the cult of saints, then highlights some particular aspects that the current procedure of declaring the martyrdom of God’s servants requires to regulate their public worship. Keywords: divine worship, worship, Servants of God, martyrs, liturgy, liturgical texts, blessed, cause of beatification, persecution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 135-154
Fausto Gianfreda S. J. ◽  

La vibrazione creativa della coscienza secondo la scuola Spanda e il cristianesimo. Questo saggio è dedicato alla scuola Spanda: uno dei sotto-sistemi della filosofia Trika o Śivaismo del Kaśmir. La scuola Spanda pare essere una potente fonte di riflessione in teologia e filosofia della comparazione. Questo studio è un primo tentativo di mettere a fuoco gli aspetti essenziali della dottrina della vibrazione, ponendo attenzione ai possibili punti in comune con la teologia cristiana e l’epistemologia occidentale. Parole chiave: Śiva – coscienza - vibrazione - vuoto - creazione - grazia - non-dualismo - trascendenza - immanenza - cristianesimo

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 57-74
Alexandru Buzalic ◽  

The Beatification of the United Romanian Bishops, in the Light of the Theology of Martyrdom. The Church of Christ fulfills three functions in the history of salvation: martyria, leiturgia and diakonia. Confession of Faith, martyria, it is a fundamental mission entrusted to the Church, which is exercised by preaching the Gospel (Matt. 28:19), the Logos transmitted and explained, the life in the faith and defending it from internal enemies (schisms, polemics, etc.) or external ones (heresies and persecutions). Since the times of apostolic and ancient Christianity martyria was achieved through a testimony of faith strengthened by resistance to persecution and the radicality of the sacrifice of life, starting with St. Stephen, passing through the long line of martyrs of all times, in 1623 by the martyrdom of St. Archbishop Joshaphat for the unity of the Church, the Churches United confessing from now on, with the price of shed blood, the faith and mission entrusted by Jesus “that all may be one” (Jn 17:20). During the persecutions of the twentieth century, the United Romanian Church wrote a page in the “theology of martyrdom”, building the Church, fulfilling its crown of martyrdom, the beatification of martyrs to restore the unity of the Church opening a new stage in the history and mission of contemporary Christianity. Keywords: beatification, Church, Catholicism, Greek Catholicism, martyrdom, theology, unity.

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