Mechanisms of polyethylenimine-mediated DNA delivery: free carrier helps to overcome the barrier of cell-surface glycosaminoglycans

2011 ◽  
Vol 13 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 402-409 ◽  
Martina Hanzlíková ◽  
Marika Ruponen ◽  
Emilia Galli ◽  
Atso Raasmaja ◽  
Vladimir Aseyev ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 286 (21) ◽  
pp. 18982-18993 ◽  
Rangeetha J. Naik ◽  
Pallavi Chandra ◽  
Anita Mann ◽  
Munia Ganguli

2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 1757-1768 ◽  
Patrick M. McLendon ◽  
Daniel J. Buckwalter ◽  
Erica M. Davis ◽  
Theresa M. Reineke

D. James Morré ◽  
Charles E. Bracker ◽  
William J. VanDerWoude

Calcium ions in the concentration range 5-100 mM inhibit auxin-induced cell elongation and wall extensibility of plant stems. Inhibition of wall extensibility requires that the tissue be living; growth inhibition cannot be explained on the basis of cross-linking of carboxyl groups of cell wall uronides by calcium ions. In this study, ultrastructural evidence was sought for an interaction of calcium ions with some component other than the wall at the cell surface of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) hypocotyls.

P. Bagavandoss ◽  
JoAnne S. Richards ◽  
A. Rees Midgley

During follicular development in the mammalian ovary, several functional changes occur in the granulosa cells in response to steroid hormones and gonadotropins (1,2). In particular, marked changes in the content of membrane-associated receptors for the gonadotropins have been observed (1).We report here scanning electron microscope observations of morphological changes that occur on the granulosa cell surface in response to the administration of estradiol, human follicle stimulating hormone (hFSH), and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).Immature female rats that were hypophysectcmized on day 24 of age were treated in the following manner. Group 1: control groups were injected once a day with 0.1 ml phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for 3 days; group 2: estradiol (1.5 mg/0.2 ml propylene glycol) once a day for 3 days; group 3: estradiol for 3 days followed by 2 days of hFSH (1 μg/0.1 ml) twice daily, group 4: same as in group 3; group 5: same as in group 3 with a final injection of hCG (5 IU/0.1 ml) on the fifth day.

Robert M. Glaeser ◽  
Thea B. Scott

The carbon-replica technique can be used to obtain information about cell-surface structure that cannot ordinarily be obtained by thin-section techniques. Mammalian erythrocytes have been studied by the replica technique and they appear to be characterized by a pebbly or “plaqued“ surface texture. The characteristic “particle” diameter is about 200 Å to 400 Å. We have now extended our observations on cell-surface structure to chicken and frog erythrocytes, which possess a broad range of cellular functions, and to normal rat lymphocytes and mouse ascites tumor cells, which are capable of cell division. In these experiments fresh cells were washed in Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium Salt Solution (for suspension cultures) and one volume of a 10% cell suspension was added to one volume of 2% OsO4 or 5% gluteraldehyde in 0.067 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.3. Carbon replicas were obtained by a technique similar to that employed by Glaeser et al. Figure 1 shows an electron micrograph of a carbon replica made from a chicken erythrocyte, and Figure 2 shows an enlarged portion of the same cell.

Manfred E. Bayer

The first step in the infection of a bacterium by a virus consists of a collision between cell and bacteriophage. The presence of virus-specific receptors on the cell surface will trigger a number of events leading eventually to release of the phage nucleic acid. The execution of the various "steps" in the infection process varies from one virus-type to the other, depending on the anatomy of the virus. Small viruses like ØX 174 and MS2 adsorb directly with their capsid to the bacterial receptors, while other phages possess attachment organelles of varying complexity. In bacteriophages T3 (Fig. 1) and T7 the small conical processes of their heads point toward the adsorption site; a welldefined baseplate is attached to the head of P22; heads without baseplates are not infective.

Anthony Demsey ◽  
Christopher W. Stackpole

The murine leukemia viruses are type-C oncornaviruses, and their release from the host cell involves a “budding” process in which the newly-forming, RNA-containing virus core becomes enveloped by modified cell surface membrane. Previous studies revealed that the released virions possess a dense array of 10 nm globular projections (“knobs”) on this envelope surface, and that these knobs contain a 70, 000 MW glycoprotein (gp70) of viral origin. Taking advantage of this distinctive structural formation, we have developed a procedure for freeze-drying and replication of intact cells which reveals surface detail superior to other surface replica techniques, and sufficient to detect even early stages of virus budding by localized aggregation of these knobs on the cell surface.Briefly, cells growing in monolayer are seeded onto round glass coverslips 10-12 mm in diameter. After a period of growth, cells are fixed in situ for one hour, usually with 1% OsO4 in 0. 1 M cacodylate buffer, and rinsed in distilled water.

T. Aoki ◽  
J. Izard ◽  
U. Hämmerling ◽  
E. de Harven ◽  
L. J. Old

Although a variety of viral and cellular antigens have been demonstrated by ferritin-labeled antibody, this technique has not been used to locate isoantigens on the surface of nucleated cells. The recognition of several systems of isoantigens on the surface of thymocytes, lymphocytes and leukemia cells of the mouse and the ease with which these cells can be obtained in free suspension led us to consider the ferritin-labelling method to determine the amount and location of these isoantigens on the cell surface. Because of the problems involved in the direct labelling of mouse gamma globulin by ferritin, we have chosen an indirect labelling technique (i.e. ferritin-conjugated rabbit anti mouse γG)to detect localization of mouse isoantibody.

R.F. Stump ◽  
J.R. Pfeiffer ◽  
JC. Seagrave ◽  
D. Huskisson ◽  
J.M. Oliver

In RBL-2H3 rat basophilic leukemia cells, antigen binding to cell surface IgE-receptor complexes stimulates the release of inflammatory mediators and initiates a series of membrane and cytoskeletal events including a transformation of the cell surface from a microvillous to a lamellar topography. It is likely that dynamic properties of the IgE receptor contribute to the activation of these responses. Fewtrell and Metzger have established that limited crosslinking of IgE-receptor complexes is essential to trigger secretion. In addition, Baird and colleagues have reported that antigen binding causes a rapid immobilization of IgE-receptor complexes, and we have demonstrated an apparent increase with time in the affinity of IgE-receptor complexes for antigen.

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