Enhancing Habermas with Ray Oldenburg

2017 ◽  
pp. 201-226
Jack Fong
Muzealnictwo ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 123-131
Katarzyna Jagodzińska

The article focuses on museums’ activity that reaches beyond the walls of their premises in the context of a concept of the so-called third place. The third place – as a gathering place which is neither one’s home, i.e. first place, nor workplace, i.e. second place – was described by an American sociologist Ray Oldenburg in 1999 in his book The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community. Three study cases have been used in the article: Museum Forum (project carried out by the National Museum in Kraków), Bródno Sculpture Park (project co-conducted by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw), and the method of work implemented by the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków, including in particular the project Dzikie Planty (Wild “Planty” Park). I discuss assumptions the projects have been based on, how they fit in an overall strategy of the museums, and reasons why they have been undertaken. Finally, I wonder whether having been conducted in a fully accessible public space and conducive to users’ interaction make it justified to categorise them as the third places in the meaning given by Oldenburg. Although Oldenburg’s concept has been regarded by museum theorists as not applicable to museums, I have come to the conclusion that projects conducted by museums in a non-committal context of an open space meet the conditions the third places do.

Taylor Dotson

This chapter interrogates the built environment with respect to its compatibility with thick community. Echoing and extending the analyses of Jane Jacobs and Ray Oldenburg, it is argued that much of the urban environment in technological societies – from suburban sprawl to urban renewal high rises – effectively legislates that citizens live as networked individuals. Not only does the coarse graining of these spaces functionally segregate different facets of everyday life, they ensure that social ties are diffuse and single-threaded. Their lack of appropriate density and walkable amenities limits serendipitous interactions and other activities that support the growth of place-based social connection. Moreover, their poor affordances for “third places” such as pubs and cafes limits the sociability of most neighborhoods. Finally, the governance structures of most areas is either weakly democratic, unable to support constructive ways of working through conflict, or not scaled so as to match the physical boundaries of urban communities.

Wewin Febriana Dewi ◽  
Maria Veronica Gandha

Pondok Kelapa is an area located on the edge of East Jakarta and is dominated by settlements, according to data from BKKBN the dominance of age in Pondok Kelapa ranges from 6 years old to 22 years old, the age at which people prefer to gather to exchange information with their friends. The third place is a space for humans to meet and exchange information, this research of Third Place uses criteria from The Great Good Place, a book by Ray Oldenburg(1999). It is not home and it is not a place to work, the third place is often used as teenagers to gather. The third place has an important role for humans, therefore all humans have the right to have it in the environment they live. The lack of a third place in the Pondok Kelapa causes its citizens to go downtown where the third room is better and this causes traffics on weekends. The purpose of this research is to apply the criteria of the third place in the arts and culture building as a positive container as well as a community forum for the environment. Keywords:  Art and Culture; Expression; Third place Abstrak Pondok Kelapa adalah Kelurahan yang berada di tepi Jakarta Timur dan didominasi oleh pemukiman, menurut data dari Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (disingkat BKKBN)[1] dominasi umur di pondok kelapa berkisar 6 tahun hingga 22 tahun, umur dimana lebih suka berkumpul bertukar informasi dengan teman seusianya. Ruang ketiga adalah ruang untuk manusia bertemu dan bertukar informasi, penilitian ini menggunakan kriteria dari buku Ray Olderburg tahun 1999 yang berjudul The Great Good Place. Ruang ketiga bukan rumah dan bukan tempat berkerja, Ruang Ketiga sering dijadikan remaja untuk berkumpul. Ruang Ketiga memiliki peran penting untuk manusia, maka dari itu semua manusia berhak memilikinya di lingkungan Ia tinggal. Kurangnya ruang ketiga di pondok kelapa menyebabkan warganya pergi ke pusat kota dimana ruang ketiga lebih baik dan hal ini menyebabkan kemacetan di akhir minggu. Tujuan dari penilitian ini adalah menerapkan kriteria ruang ketiga pada bangunan seni dan budaya sebagai wadah positif juga wadah komunitas bagi lingkungan.

Martinus Dyon Lesmana ◽  
Dewi Ratnaningrum ◽  
Maria Veronica Gandha

The Covid-19 pandemic makes vertical housings vulnerable to mental health problems for residents. The cause of this problem is due to the small size of space, which is shrinking due to changes in urban patterns, which are not able to meet the needs of residents. The resident needs that are usually obtained outside the housing cannot be achieved due to social distancing or the lockdown. The closure of access also makes the residence must be able to become a place of work and entertainment space. As a result, the small dwellings are getting more and more cramped to live in. This problem encourages changes in new housing patterns that take into account the needs of each occupant. The use of a multidisciplinary approach by combining human psychology theory with architectural design theory is able to provide solutions in forming new residential patterns. Maslow's theory of human needs and Ray Oldenburg's theory of the Three Realms of Space form the basis of theory in designing. The design result is a residential unit module design that has all component place by Ray Oldenburg and fulfills Maslow's pyramid theory of needs. Key words: Covid-19 pandemic; Housing Pattern; Human Needs; Shrinking Space; Three Realms of Space AbstrakPandemi Covid-19 membuat hunian-hunian vertikal menjadi rentan terhadap permasalahan kesehatan mental penghuninya. Penyebab permasalahan ini dikarenakan ruang dengan ukuran kecil, yang menyusut akibat perubahan pola kota, yang tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan penghuni. Kebutuhan yang biasanya didapatkan di luar hunian menjadi tidak dapat dijangkau karena adanya social distancing hingga lockdown. Penutupan akses juga membuat hunian harus mampu beradaptasi menjadi tempat kerja dan tempat hiburan. Akibatnya hunian yang kecil semakin sesak untuk ditinggali. Permasalahan ini mendorong perubahan pola hunian baru yang mempertimbangkan kebutuhan masing-masing penghuni. Penggunaan metode pendekatan multidisiplin dengan menggabungkan teori psikologi manusia dengan teori desain arsitektural mampu memberikan solusi dalam membentuk pola hunian baru. Teori Maslow tentang kebutuhan manusia dan teori Ray Oldenburg tentang Three Realms of Space menjadi dasar teori dalam merancang. Hasil rancangan berupa desain modul unit hunian yang memiliki karakteristik ketiga tempat oleh Ray Oldenburg dan memenuhi teori piramida kebutuhan Maslow.

Teresa Natalia ◽  
Dewi Ratnaningrum

Ray Oldenburg, in his book entitled "The Great Good Places" explains a concept of initial space, by which one can find comfort aside from the house (first place) and workplace (second place). Unfortunately, these days, this concept of place are not familiar within the community. Alternative Green Space of Pademangan is a place which accommodates the needs and interests of the community in daily life from where visitors can interact with others in a natural environment. Lacking in open space, various potential activities by the community, and the use of road as a public space are some of the reasons behind this project. Based on field study and regional analysis, this project seeks to become a third place that provides individually and communally. Regardless to it main focus on the surrounding community, this project also opens to public and allows visitors from outside the region, making it a comfortable place to socialized. Aiming to create a light and transparent building, and with the method of critical regionalism that responds to the region, this project attempts to create a spacious place and safe haven for visitors.  Keywords: green; pademangan; third Place Ray Oldenburg, dalam bukunya yang berjudul “The Great Good Places” menawarkan sebuah konsep ruang ketiga, di mana seseorang dapat menemukan zona nyamannya di luar dari rumah (first place) dan tempat kerja (second place). Namun, sayangnya, saat ini third place belum menjadi bagian dari seluruh masyarakat, padahal third place memungkinkan seseorang untuk beristirahat sejenak dan bersosialisasi dengan sesama. Ruang Hijau Alternatif Pademangan merupakan sebuah wadah yang berusaha menjawab kebutuhan dan ketertarikan masyarakat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di mana pengunjung tidak hanya dapat berinteraksi satu dengan yang lain tetapi juga dapat berinteraksi dengan ‘unsur hijau’. Kurangnya ruang terbuka hijau, banyaknya potensi kegiatan di dalam masyarakat, serta penggunaan ruang jalan sebagai ruang publik adalah beberapa alasan yang melatarbelakangi proyek ini. Berdasarkan hasil survey lapangan dan analisis kawasan, proyek ini berusaha untuk menjadi third place yang yang dapat dimanfaatkan baik secara individual maupun komunal. Terlepas dari fokus utamanya yang tertuju pada masyarakat sekitar, proyek ini juga terbuka untuk umum dan memungkinkan untuk pengunjung dari luar kawasan, menjadikannya sebuah tempat yang mampu menciptakan interaksi sekaligus memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengunjungnya. Dengan konsep bangunan yang ringan dan transparan, dan dengan metode critical regionalism yang berusaha menjawab kebutuhan kawasan, proyek ini berusaha  untuk menjadi tempat yang dapat  memberikan kesan lega dan menjadi tempat yang dapat diandalkan masyarakat setempat untuk beristirahat. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 181
Carla Valeria da Costa Feitosa

Trata do estudo sobre o sentimento de pertença e sensível aplicados aos rituais do terço e da vela virtual afirmando que a cultura ocidental ruma a uma nova religiosidade. Recuero[1], comentando Ray Oldenburg, adverte que os locais onde os laços de amizades são feitos e alimentados, entre os quais encontra-se a igreja, estão fadados ao desaparecimento fazendo com que comunidades virtuais religiosas ofereçam ao público um novo espaço de sociabilidade. Com isso, os rituais já conhecidos como o ato de acender uma vela e rezar o terço estão disponíveis também no mundo virtual e com eles o sentimento de pertencimento a uma comunidade religiosa, já que é desejo dos fiéis manifestarem sua fé juntamente com seus coirmãos. Da mesma forma, o ato de acender uma vela ou rezar o terço via web está repleto de significado na esfera do sensível. Há a necessidade de um ajuste total tanto do usuário quanto da voz gravada disponibilizada pelo site. Tal interação propicia ao usuário sensações de um contato direto com o mundo espiritual. O contato com uma vela acesa, representando pedidos de inúmeros fiéis, e o ato de rezar um terço virtual real, porque a fé é real, pode fazer com que o usuário se sinta convocado por esses rituais, denotando assim um efeito de presença, e contagiado a realizar o mesmo ato de fé.[1] RECUERO, Raquel da Cunha. Comunidades Virtuais: uma abordagem teórica. Rio Grande do Sul, S.D. Disponível em:< http://www.bocc.ubi.pt/pag/recuero-raquel-comunidades-virtuais.pdf>. Acesso em: 26 fev. 2014.

Jesslyn Sulaiman ◽  
Budi Adelar Sukada

According to Ray Oldenburg Third Place, refers to the place where people spend time between home ('first place') and place of work ('second place'). One example of a third place is a recreation center. According to Daniel D. Mclean, recreation can include a very wide variety of activities, including sports. Sports recreation is a type of sport that is intentionally done for personal gain, for fun. Life in a big city, like Jakarta, which is full of activities and routines can cause boredom and mental stress on the community. Based on data from the International Labor Organization, total working hours in a week in Jakarta increased in 2016 with a total of 32 hours compared to total working hours in 2006 of 27 hours and based on research from the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Indonesia was in position 3 with the country with the worst balance between work and life with a figure reaching 14.3%. According to a psychologist, Kartasasmita, M. Psi, work is the highest cause of stress on a person. With Jakarta's condition like that, needed a facility that can accommodate the recreational and fitness needs of the community in the form of Third Place. The aim of this project is to improve the quality of life of urban communities, in terms of physical and psychological health and fitness. The design method used is comparison which refers to the Place theory in Architecture according to Christian Norberg Schulz. The main programs offered in this project include a fitness area, sports studio, spa, sauna, hydrotherapy pool, jogging track, bicycle track, yoga & meditation park, and supporting areas such as sports retail and dining areas. AbstrakMenurut Ray Oldenburg tempat ketiga (Third Place), mengacu pada tempat di mana orang menghabiskan waktu antara rumah ('tempat pertama') dan tempat bekerja (tempat 'kedua'). Salah satu contoh tempat ketiga adalah pusat rekreasi. Menurut Daniel D. Mclean, rekreasi dapat mencakup berbagai kegiatan yang sangat luas, termasuk olahraga. Rekreasi olahraga merupakan jenis olahraga yang sengaja dilakukan untuk kepentingan pribadi, untuk bersenang-senang. Kehidupan di kota besar, seperti Jakarta yang penuh dengan aktivitas dan rutinitas dapat menimbulkan kejenuhan dan tekanan mental pada masyarakatnya. Berdasarkan data dari International Labour Organization, total jam kerja dalam seminggu di Jakarta meningkat pada tahun 2016 dengan total 32 jam dibandingkan dengan total jam kerja pada tahun 2006 yaitu 27 jam dan berdasarkan penelitian dari Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development (OECD), Indonesia berada di posisi 3 dengan negara yang paling buruk keseimbangan antara kerja dan kehidupan dengan angka mencapai 14,3%. Menurut seorang psikolog, Kartasasmita, M. Psi, pekerjaan merupakan penyebab stress tertinggi pada seseorang. Dengan kondisi Jakarta yang seperti itu, diperlukan sarana yang dapat mewadahi kebutuhan rekreasi dan kebugaran masyarakat berupa Third Place. Tujuan proyek ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat perkotaan, dalam hal kesehatan dan kebugaran baik fisik maupun psikis tubuh. Metode desain yang digunakan yaitu komparasi yang mengacu kepada teori Place dalam Arsitektur menurut Christian Norberg Schulz. Program utama yang ditawarkan pada proyek ini terdapat area fitness, studio olahraga, spa, sauna, hydrotherapy pool, jogging track, bicycle track, yoga & meditation park, dan area penunjang seperti sport retail dan tempat makan. 

Ruliana Ruliana ◽  
Maria Veronica Gandha

Based on site analysis in Wijaya Kusuma, there is social gap between two social groups which are living side by side but rarely interacting to each other because there isn’t any place to accommodate their interactions, this region’s population mostly are school-aged children and there’s a large number of schools in this region, so Wijaya Kusuma Playscape as a third place hopefully could be the answer of the problem, by using playing as a medium where can be a place for the two social groups to interact, as well as a non-formal education forum for local residents. Using observation and interview methods to collect the data and using analogy method as the design method. Using tree house as the design concept to build playful ambience and the theory of the third place by Ray Oldenburg also applied in this project. Hopefully Wijaya Kusuma Playscape could be a place where people can meet, interact, play, and learn in Wijaya Kusuma. Keywords:  interact; play; third place Abstrak Berangkat dari investigasi tapak di Kelurahan Wijaya Kusuma, berdasarkan analisis kawasan, dilihatnya ada kesenjangan sosial dimana terdapat dua golongan sosial yang hidup berdampingan namun kurang berinteraksi karena tak ada wadah yang mempertemukan, dominasi penduduk yang berusia anak sekolah dengan jumlah sekolah yang banyak pada kawasan ini, maka dibuatlah Wijaya Kusuma Playscape sebagai ruang ketiga yang diharapkan dapat menjadi jawaban dari analisis masalah yang ditemukan, dengan menggunakan media bermain dapat menjadi wadah kedua golongan sosial tersebut untuk berinteraksi, serta menjadi wadah pendidikan non-formal bagi warga sekitar. Menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara sebagai metode pengumpulan data dan menggunakan metode analogi sebagai metode perancangan. Konsep perancangan menggunakan konsep rumah pohon untuk menciptakan suasana bermain yang asik dan menerapkan teori ruang ketiga dari Ray Oldenburg ke dalam perancangan. Diharapkan Wijaya Kusuma Playscape dapat menjadi tempat berkumpul, berinteraksi, bermain, dan belajar di Kelurahan Wijaya Kusuma.

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