Relationship Between Carrying Capacity of Small Island Tourism Destinations and Quality-of-Life

Deborah L. Kerstetter ◽  
Kelly S. Bricker
2021 ◽  
Vol 124 ◽  
pp. 02004
Mohamad Pirdaus bin Yusoh ◽  
Jabil Mapjabil ◽  
Nurhazliyana Hanafi ◽  
Mohd Azmi bin Muhammed Idris

In driving sustainable tourism, the concept of carrying capacity in tourism needs to be applied. This concept of carrying capacity gives a comprehensive emphasis in the development of tourism whether in physical, social or economic aspects. If this concept is applied, it is in determining the situation in a tourist destination whether it is still in a state that can be accepted by the stakeholders in tourism, namely tourists, locals and tour operators. In this paper, emphasis is given to social carrying capacity in tourism which is one of the parts in tourism carrying capacity. This social capacity is the most difficult part to examine because it involves unequal perceptions and views from various parties. It involves interactions between tourists and tourists that cover issues of congestion and the quality of their tourism and interactions between tourists and locals or hosts that involve issues of their quality of life. Due to that, this social capacity is quite difficult to implement in some tourist areas.

2021 ◽  
Christopher Roland Correia

Planning started as a profession to maintain a better quality of life by managing the negative effects of human settlement. Anticipated improvements in health derived from the adoption of single-family dwellings have failed to materialize across North America. Attainment of this better quality of life can only come from life in urban environments. The only way to ensure society's survival is to refine our means of living, shifting away from one that consumes resources beyond the Earth's carrying capacity. Our society must begin to question the path of development selected by articulating the need for a drastically different development paradigm. Without this discussion, our society will inevitably use more resources to sustain our lifestyle than our planet can allow.

2021 ◽  
Kay Bergamini ◽  
Robert Moris ◽  
Piroska Ángel ◽  
Daniela Zaviezo ◽  
Horatio Gilabert

The increase of population in Rapa Nui (Easter Island) has fueled concerns within the community, given the uncertainty of its impacts. These concerns have driven a socio-political process that triggered the enactment of Law 21,070, which regulates the access and permanence of visitors in the territory as a way to cushion the pressure on different environmental, social, and infrastructure components that affect the local quality of life. However, for its application, this law requires technical foundations that allow restrictions to be applied and, therefore, knowledge about the demographic capacity of the territory is also needed. To this end, a dynamic model was built, which consists of different variables that are sensitive to population growth and also can be projected into the future, thus delivering timely information for decision-making. This paper describes the socio-political context for the creation of this instrument, as well as its elaboration process and main results.

2014 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-94 ◽  
Jorge Ridderstaat ◽  
Robertico Croes ◽  
Peter Nijkamp

Garry Jeremiah Anthony Rey ◽  
Suryono Herlambang

Tidung Island Tourism Area is a natural tourist attraction located in the Tidung Island Village, Seribu Islands District which offers Beach and Underwater Beauty as the attraction of Small Island Tourism. In addition, the large number of homestays is the difference between Tidung Island and other small islands in Kepulaun Thousand. The high number of tourists each year is a marker that Tidung Island Tourism Area is one of the options for the community to spend their vacation time. Along with the increasing number of tourists, it is necessary to repair and improve the quality of management and also the physical condition of existing facilities so that small island management can be maintained. Virtual Hotel Operator is a system that can be an answer in managing existing homestays. In addition, there is still a lack of direct community involvement in the management of the Island which is also a serious concern. The purpose of this study is to find out the management system in Small Island, especially Tidung Island, visitors' perceptions and preferences regarding the Tourist Area and propose a plan for managing the Tidung Island Tourism Area. To achieve these objectives, several analyzes were carried out, namely: policy analysis, physical conditions and management analysis, distribution, conditions and management of accommodation analysis, perception and visitor preferences analysis; carrying capacity analysis management plans and strategies analysis. These analysis were done using descriptive analysis tool, SWOT, calculation of carrying capacity, likert scale and cartesius.  AbstrakKawasan Wisata Pulau Tidung adalah objek wisata alam yang berada di Kelurahan Pulau Tidung, Kecamatan Kepulauan Seribu yang menawarkan Pantai dan Keindahan bawah laut sebagai daya tarik Pariwisata Pulau Kecil. Selain itu jumlah homestay yang banyak merupakan pembeda Pulau Tidung dengan Pulau-Pulau Kecil lainnya di Kepulaun seribu.  Jumlah wisatawan yang tinggi tiap tahunnya menjadi penanda bahwa Kawasan Wisata Pulau Tidung menjadi salah satu opsi masyarakat dalam menghabiskan waktu berlibur yang ada. Seiring dengan bertambah banyaknya wisatawan maka perlu dilakukaan perbaikan dan peningkatan kualitas terhadap manajemen dan juga kondisi fisik fasilitas yang ada sehingga pengelolaan pulau kecil dapat terjaga. Virtual Hotel Operator merupakan suatu sistem yang bisa menjadi jawaban dalam pengelolaan homestay yang ada. Selain itu, masih kurangnya keterlibatan masyarakat secara langsung dalam pengelolaan Pulau yang ada juga menjadi perhatian yang serius. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui sistem pengelolaan yang ada di Pulau Kecil khususnya Pulau Tidung, persepsi dan preferensi pengunjung mengenai Kawasan Wisata serta mengusulkan rencana pengelolaan Kawasan Wisata Pulau Tidung. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan beberapa analisis yaitu : analisis kebijakan, analisis kondisi fisik dan pengelolaan, analisis persebaran, kondisi dan pengelolaan akomodasi, analisis persepsi dan preferensi pengunjung, analisis daya dukung dan analisis rencana dan strategi pengelolaan. Analisis yang dilakukan menggunakan alat analisis yaitu deksriptif , SWOT, perhitungan daya dukung, skala likert dan diagram cartesius.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Perunjodi Naidoo ◽  
Prabha Ramseook Munhurrun ◽  
Pallavi Deegumbur

The topic of Quality of Life (QoL) has received increased research attention in recent research years as tourism development should contribute to the wellbeing of destination communities and those who are employed by the tourism industry. The consideration of younger employees that is the millennial work force is important globally but also for Small Island developing states with challenges of small population size and migration of the younger generation seeking better job opportunities abroad. To be prepared for the future, the tourism sector needs to understand and adapt to this younger workforce and investigate how they perceive their Quality of Work Life (QWL) and its impacts on their well-being. Examining how tourism contributes to QoL is important to better plan for tourism so as to support the prosperity of the population, industry and destination. Nevertheless, limited research has investigated QWL and QoL. The objectives of this study are to firstly examine the impact of QWL and QoL; secondly, to investigate the relationship between QWL and support for future tourism development and thirdly to examine the relationship between QoL and support for future tourism development. A mixed method approach with unstructured interviews and 400 questionnaires were used to investigate the issue. This study found that a relationship exists between QWL, QoL and support for tourism amongst millennial, and that age of the employees influenced this correlation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  
pp. 8445
Adalberto Santos-Júnior ◽  
Fernando Almeida-García ◽  
Paulo Morgado ◽  
Luiz Mendes-Filho

The objective of this research is to propose a theoretical model based on studies on residents’ quality of life in smart tourism destinations. Smart tourism destinations are territories based on information and communication technologies (ICT), which improve travelers’ tourist experiences as well as affect the quality of life of residents. To know the context of the relationships between tourism and quality of life, main studies and theories regarding these two phenomena are analyzed. Likewise, the relationship between smart places and quality of life is also studied. Therefore, a theoretical model on residents’ quality of life in smart tourism destinations is proposed based on a systematized analysis of the literature. From the theoretical model, it is perceived that residents’ overall life satisfaction results from the relationship between perceived tourism impacts and satisfaction with specific life factors, and they are measured by qualitative indicators. Also, it is identified that the quality of life of residents is clearly influenced by the impacts of tourism and ICTs. In addition, it is understood that the residents’ overall life satisfaction corroborates for the further development of the smart tourism destination. Finally, we understand that the knowledge of residents’ perception and satisfaction of their quality of life contribute to formulation and implementation of urban and tourism development policies in smart tourism destinations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 212-223 ◽  
Robertico Croes ◽  
Jorge Ridderstaat ◽  
Mathilda van Niekerk

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Nurlisa GINTING ◽  
Vinky RAHMAN ◽  

Due to its positive effects on the economy, tourism is a significant aspect in the development of a country. Therefore, it is necessary to improve facilities at tourism destinations as well as to especially increase the local people’s self-esteem in order to maintain such destinations. The study aims to examine self-esteem referring to the assessments given by tourists and residents in which such assessments can be used to improve the maintenance of tourist attractions in a region. As one of the regencies in North Sumatera Province, Karo owns great tourism potentials due to its various natural attractions as well as cultural richness. However, many of these attractions are not well maintained so self-esteem is considered as a solution. This study has measured four aspects namely evaluation, pride, attachment, and commitment which must become parts of Karo’s identity. This study used the mix method which utilized a combination of 360 questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The findings show that the aspects of pride, attachment, and commitment became the positive features by the local residents although the assessment to the aspect is poorly evaluated. Moreover, the quality of infrastructures available at main tourism destinations was proved to increase also the residents’ quality of life.

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