Apotheosis and death of the author: Goethe in Italica

Neophilologus ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-90
Erdmann Waniek
2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-82
Julia Genz

Digital media transform social options of access with regard to producers, recipients, and literary works of art themselves. New labels for new roles such as »prosumers « and »wreaders« attest to this. The »blogger« provides another interesting new social figure of literary authorship. Here, some old desiderata of Dadaism appear to find a belated realization. On the one hand, many web 2.0 formats of authorship amplify and widen the freedom of literary productivity while at the same time subjecting such production to a periodic schedule. In comparison to the received practices of authors and recipients many digital-cultural forms of narrating engender innovative metalepses (and also their sublation). Writing in the net for internet-publics enables the deliberate dissolution of the received autobiographical pact with the reader according to which the author’s genuine name authenticates the author’s writing. On the other hand, the digital-cultural potential of dissolving the autobiographical pact stimulates scandals of debunking and unmasking and makes questions of author-identity an issue of permanent contestation. Digital-cultural conditions of communication amplify both: the hideand- seek of authorship as well as the thwarting of this game by recipients who delight in playing detective. In effect, pace Foucault’s and Barthes’ postulates of the death of the author, the personality and biography of the author once again tend to become objects of high intrinsic value

Оlena Moskalenko-Vysotska

The purpose of the article is to examine in detail the features of the historical fate of K. S. Stanislavsky's doctrine of the supertask, which is considered the cornerstone of his system, and to find out the reasons for the tendentiously limited interpretation of the term “supertask” in the research literature of the second half of the last century, which still remains unconsidered. The methodology of the research is the general logical method of cognition, which involves an analysis of the features of the historical era of the emergence of the doctrine of the super-task and specific measures for its dissemination among art workers. This method makes it possible to determine the causes of deformation of the defining term of the system of K. Stanislavsky. The method of comparison is also used as a cognitive operation, which makes it possible to clearly understand the primary content of the concept of "super task" and its differences from the interpretations of many other researchers of the theoretical heritage of K. S. Stanislavsky – those authors whose interpretation is based on the judgment about the similarity or difference of objects. Scientific novelty. An attempt is made to look at the fate of the Stanislavsky system as a whole and the doctrine of the super-task, in particular, from the standpoint of historical truth, in contrast to the standpoint of myth-making, which was characteristic of researchers of the Soviet era. The novelty also lies in the fact that for the first time in the theory of acting, an attempt was made to compare the true meaning put by the author of the system into the very term of the supertask itself, with the way it was interpreted by theoretical thought in the Soviet period in accordance with the ideological needs of the then society. Conclusions. As a result of a comparative analysis of the texts of K. Stanislavsky, dedicated to the disclosure of the content of the doctrine of the super-task with the formulations that tried to reveal its content in the period after the death of the author of the system, it becomes obvious that the true meaning of the doctrine has suffered a rather significant semantic deformation. This actualizes the need for a detailed and in-depth study of all the materials of his heritage, which are related to the disclosure of the content of the doctrine of the supertask, which will contribute to the further development of the system at the present stage.

2017 ◽  
pp. 59-74
John Kayl Cox

Radomir Konstantinović and Provincial Philosophy: Binaries as BordersThis essay is a partial reconsideration of the complex and often-cited work Filozofije palanke (1969) by the Serbian novelist and essayist Radomir Konstantinović. The fiery condemnations of Serbia’s stalled social and intellectual development and its accompanying predilection for barbaric violence are fiercely debated to this day, nearly six years after the death of the author and approaching fifty years since the book’s first publication. One way that Konstantinovic builds his argument is by establishing borders between Serbia, or other societies, and Europe or modernity; three main types of these borders can be expressed as binaries centered on values, time, and geography. The “spirit” or mindset of the palanka, or small Serbian town, can perhaps be rehabilited by converting it into a historically contingent philosophy, which comes to term with the forces of time, evolution, and agency. Radomir Konstantinović i filozofia prowincjalna. Przeciwstawności jako graniceEsej jest cząstkowym spojrzeniem na złożoną i często cytowaną pracę Filozofije palanke (1969) napisaną przez serbskiego powieściopisarza i eseistę Radomira Konstantinovicia. Ostra krytyka opóźnionego rozwoju społecznego i intelektualnego Serbii oraz towarzyszącego mu upodobania do barbarzyńskiej przemocy także dziś – prawie sześć lat po śmierci autora, i prawie pięćdziesiąt lat od pierwszego wydania książki, stanowią temat dyskusji. Jednym ze sposobów, w jaki Konstantinović buduje swoją argumentację, jest ustanowienie granicy między Serbią a innymi społeczeństwami, czy Europą i nowoczesnością. Trzy główne typy tych granic można wyrazić jako przeciwstawności skoncentrowane na wartościach, czasie i geografii. „Duch” lub sposób myślenia palanki, czyli serbskiego pipidówka, może zostać zrehabilitowany poprzez przekształcenie go w historycznie reprezentatywną filozofię, która mierzy się z siłami czasu, ewolucji i działań.

Knud Rasmussen

Knud Rasmussen (1930–1985) was a famous Danish historian, Professor at Institute of Slavic Studies at University of Copenhagen, specialist in medieval Russia, author of a dozen of scientific monographs published in large editions including in Russian. In 1973, he defended his thesis titled “The Livonian crisis of 1554–1561”. According to the list of works published by J. Lind, 13 publications are devoted to the epoch of Ivan the Terrible. This article, published for the first time, is presented in the form of a report at the conference in Hungary. The scientist consistently outlined the main tasks and problems related to the study of Russian history abroad, in particular, in Denmark. He told what plan was built for the team of Danish historians who decided in the early 1970s to prepare a textbook on Russian history in the form of a problem historiographic course for Danish students, and how this plan was implemented. The study of works on Russian history and their systematization helped the team of Danish historians, which included K. Rasmussen, develop a special historiographic method and its principles, which led to developing understanding of the problematic historical field as a whole and placing individual research in it. As a result, a multivolume manual was written; by the time of K. Rasmussen’s speech, 3 volumes were published, covering the period of Russian history from the 17th to the 20th century inclusive. K. Rasmussen worked on preparing a volume on the Russian history of the 16th century. In the second part of his speech (article), the author shared his thoughts on the chosen approach to the assessment of historiography and spoke about the content of this volume, where he outlined the controversial problem of enslaving peasants, discussions on the reasons for backwardness of Russian cities as the basis of Moscow defeats in Livonia, possible ways of Russian revival, on the state and its institutions and on the development of historical events in the field of domestic policy. This volume was published after the death of the author in the same year: Rasmussen Knud. Ruslands historie i det 16. Arhundrede: En forsknings-og kildeoversigt. Kobenhavn, 1985. 161 s. Bibliography about K. Rasmussen: Lind J. Creative Way Knud Rasmussen (on the 10th anniversary of his death) // Archeographic Yearbook for 1995. – Moscow : Nauka, 1995. – P. 160–165; Lind J. H. Knud Rasmussen in memoriam // Jacob Ulfeld. Travel to Russia. – M. : Languages of Slavic culture, 2002. – Р. 17–25; Vozgrin V. E. Knud Rasmussen and Zans Bagger – Danish historians of Russia // Proceedings of the Department of the History of New and Newest Times of St. Petersburg State University. – 2016. – № 16 (2). – Р. 205–219. The abstract is prepared by Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor N.V. Rybalko.

PMLA ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 116 (5) ◽  
pp. 1377-1385
Michael North

The Single Most Influential Contemporary Statement on Authorship is Still the Obituary that Roland Barthes pronounced over thirty years ago (Burke, Death 19). Partly by the stark extremity of its title, Barthes's essay “The Death of the Author” transformed New Critical distaste for the biographical into an ontological conviction about the status of language (Burke, Death 16) and in so doing made the dead author far more influential than living authors had been for some time. If authorship is now a subject of contention in the academy rather than a vulgar embarrassment, it is largely because of the way that Barthes inflated the issue in the very act of dismissing it. Though the idea that “it is language which speaks, not the author,” seems to demote the human subject (“Death” 143), it may also promote the written word, and it has been objected from the beginning, by Michel Foucault first of all, that the notion of écriture “has merely transposed the empirical characteristics of an author to a transcendental anonymity” (Foucault 120). Many later critics have agreed, and thus there have been a series of arguments, from the theoretical (Burke, Death) to the empirical (Stillinger), to the effect that the whole post-Saussurean turn exemplified by Barthes has not so much killed off the concept of the author as raised it to a higher plane of abstraction. But it may be that, approached from another angle, Barthes's essay will turn out to have its own relation to certain social and technological developments, and that these, in their turn, will help to situate the death of the author as a historical phenomenon.

Anthony Ossa-Richardson

This chapter traces the flattening of Friedrich Schlegel's new notion of irony into a useful philological tool—dramatic irony—by German and English scholars in the nineteenth century, a process made possible by a new attention to double meanings in Greek tragedy. The result is a kind of ambiguity that is both artificial for the playwright and inspired for the characters onstage. The audience's privileged capacity to resolve the ‘constitutively ambiguous nature of Greek tragedy’ would later provide a powerful model for Roland Barthes's notion of the ‘death of the author’, inspired by the work of the classicist Jean-Pierre Vernant. Nevertheless, dramatic irony originally meant something quite different, hinging not on the audience at all, but on the playwright. The chapter then explains how this change came about.

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