scholarly journals Nature of Science Progression in School Year 1–9: a Case Study of Teachers’ Suggestions and Rationales

2017 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 591-611 ◽  
Lotta Leden ◽  
Lena Hansson
2016 ◽  
Vol 53 (6) ◽  
pp. 774-805 ◽  
Molly W. Metzger ◽  
Patrick J. Fowler ◽  
Todd Swanstrom

The school mobility rate in St. Louis Public Schools was 40% in 2011-2012, meaning that nearly half of students exited or entered a given school midway through the school year. This alarmingly high rate of churning across schools is accompanied by high neighborhood turnover, particularly within low-income, urban neighborhoods. This constant, disruptive change presents a serious and fundamental challenge for urban education. In this article, we summarize the literature linking mobility to educational outcomes, examine the causes of hypermobility in the case study of St. Louis, describe some of the current approaches to this challenge, and propose additional policy and program solutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Nuryanti Mustari ◽  
Rudi Hardi ◽  
Amir Muhiddin

Implementing the zoning system in the 2019/2020 school year imposed by the Makassar city government through the Education Office caused various problems. This study's specific purpose is (1) To examine the characteristics of the New Student Acceptance problem of the zoning system, (2) explore the supporting capacity of the regulations, 3. non-regulatory environmental factors that affect the implementation of the PPDB zoning system. 4. Implementation trap of policy. The Research Method used is a qualitative method, and the appropriate type of research is a case study.  The results showed that the New Student Acceptance problem zoning system characteristics, among others: Infrastructure readiness problems for online registration, Lack of socialization of PPDB system to prospective students and parents, thus confusing. The implementation trap of policy, the policy objective is too vague or broad to be converted into action, the target specification is not clearly defined due to weak guidelines on how goals can be achieved, or undefined standards or actions to be taken, either in implementing, or the target community. Finally, problems also arise when the chain of responsibility for implementing a policy is unclear.Penerapan sistem zonasi pada tahun ajaran 2019/2020 yang diberlakukan pemerintah kota Makassar melalui Dinas Pendidikan menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk meneliti karakteristik masalah Penerimaan Siswa Baru dari system zonasi, (2) mengeksplorasi daya dukung peraturan, 3. Factor lingkungan non-regulasi yang mempengaruhi penerapan system zonasi PPDB. 4. Perangkap implementasi kebijakan. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, dan jenis penelitian yang sesuai adalah studi kasus.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik system zonasi masalah Penerimaan Siswa Baru antara lain: Masalah kesiapan infrastruktur untuk pendaftaran online, Kurangnya sosialisasi sistem PPDB kepada calon siswa dan orang tua, sehingga membingungkan. Jebakan implementasi kebijakan  , tujuan kebijakan terlalu kabur atau luas untuk dikonversi menjadi tindakan, spesifikasi target tidak didefinisikan dengan jelas karena pedoman yang lemah tentang bagaimana tujuan dapat dicapai, atau standar atau tindakan yang tidak terdefinisi untuk diambil, baik dalam menerapkan, atau komunitas target. Akhirnya, masalah juga muncul ketika rantai tanggung jawab untuk menerapkan kebijakan tidak jelas. 

2012 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Valentin Cosmin Blândul

Pupils’ school dropout could be defined as an early and final abandonment of school before graduation, which prevents the pupil from registering in the following stage of education, losing in this way the possibility of benefiting from a proper and higher education. The statistics show that, unfortunately, in recent years school dropout rates have been increasing among secondary school pupils. The University of Oradea and The Bihor County School Inspectorate, Romania, have implemented a project called “School. My chance!” The aim of the project was to prevent and reduce the phenomenon of early school leaving by 100 pupils. The pupils attended five schools in Avram Iancu, Bogei, Carasau, Les and Suncuius, all village in Bihor, Romania, and were identified with higher school dropout risks. This paper proposes to present the partial results obtained at the end of the first period of the project implementation – the second semester of the 2010 / 2011 school year. The sample was represented by those 100 pupils from the above mentioned schools, who were included in Cognitive Therapy, implemented with the help of the project. The method consisted of analysing and comparing the pupils' school marks at the beginning and at the end of the relevant period. The results proved that, after one school semester, the pupils' marks remained rather unchanged, but in a few specific cases (schools or school subjects) small progresses were made. These results can, however, be seen as a significant success, because in education it is very difficult to obtain some spectacular improvements in such a short time and the most important aim of our project was to help those pupils to remain in the formal learning system so that that the positive conditions were created for their personal development. Key words: formal learning system, prevention, school dropout, school performance.

2011 ◽  
pp. 2026-2044 ◽  
Alison Radl ◽  
Yu-Che Chen

As e-government projects proliferate at all levels of government, and as they transition from voluntary to mandatory participation, close examination is required, particularly the examination of security issues. The CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability) model offers a framework for examining e-government projects. This study examines the factors impacting security, using as a case study an education information system in the 2003-2004 school year. The study focuses on how CIA factors relate to a host of variables, such as school district size, software selection, technology staffing, technical competence and support, awareness of security issues, and project commitment. For the organizations participating in the project, typical factors of district size and software selection are found to be insignificant, and technical support is identified as one of the key factors promoting security.

Information ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 209
Plamen D. Petrov ◽  
Tatiana V. Atanasova

The effect of one of the most popular 3D visualization and modelling technologies with haptic and touch feedback possibilities—augmented reality (AR)—is analysed herein. That includes a specific solution, incorporating augmented reality. A case study for delivering STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) content using this tool at one secondary school in Sofia is presented. The experience gained in one school year of using facilities for a STEM enrichment program has been examined.

1971 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 937-938 ◽  
Bonnie C. Pedrini ◽  
D. T. Pedrlni

A student and his problems were pin-pointed, recorded, and changed. The first 3 wk. were used to establish a base rate. S defecated in class, once every few days. After he was programmed with reinforcers (charting and coupons toward book purchases), he may have had one accident, only, for the remainder of the school year (8 wk.). Follow-up through the seventh month of the next school year (the time of this writing) indicates one accident only. During this 7-mo. period, he was not programmed with book coupons or any other specific reinforcer. He had internalized a previous external model of control.

2003 ◽  
Vol 40 (10) ◽  
pp. 1025-1049 ◽  
Valarie L. Akerson ◽  
Fouad Abd-El-Khalick

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