3d visualization
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 823
Md. Rafiqul Islam ◽  
Mehrdad Shahmohammadi Beni ◽  
Shigeki Ito ◽  
Shinichi Gotoh ◽  
Taiga Yamaya ◽  

Proton range monitoring and verification is important to enhance the effectiveness of treatment by ensuring that the correct dose is delivered to the correct location. Upon proton irradiation, different positron emitting radioisotopes are produced by the inelastic nuclear interactions of protons with the target elements. Recently, it was reported that the 16O(p,2p2n)13N reaction has a relatively low threshold energy, and it could be potentially used for proton range verification. In the present work, we have proposed an analysis scheme (i.e., algorithm) for the extraction and three-dimensional visualization of positron emitting radioisotopes. The proposed step-by-step analysis scheme was tested using our own experimentally obtained dynamic data from a positron emission mammography (PEM) system (our developed PEMGRAPH system). The experimental irradiation was performed using an azimuthally varying field (AVF) cyclotron with a 80 MeV monoenergetic pencil-like beam. The 3D visualization showed promising results for proton-induced radioisotope distribution. The proposed scheme and developed tools would be useful for the extraction and 3D visualization of positron emitting radioisotopes and in turn for proton range monitoring and verification.

2022 ◽  
Wenxue Ran ◽  
Yimin Hu ◽  
Yang Zhi

Abstract By enabling the merging of the virtual and real worlds, DT (Digital Twin) technology has considerably aided the development of businesses at both levels of digitization and networking in recent years. As an outcome, industrial research has shifted its attention to this new technology in the manufacturing business. However, there are still technical issues with DT technology, such as real-time data interaction, high integration of constituent elements, and high simulation. This paper proposes to solve these issues by presenting a framework that blends DT with 3D visualization technologies. A case study of an intelligent logistics management 3D scheduling system for a factory in Shandong verifies the applicability of digital twins to flexible production management. The example demonstrates that the framework can be synchronizing the virtual and real systems. Moreover, the framework can effectively cover the whole manufacturing life cycle, enhance production efficiency and product quality, and achieve flexible production management, helping the manufacturing industry's digital and intelligent transition.

2022 ◽  
Xinhao Shao ◽  
Christopher Grams ◽  
Yu Gao

Protein structure is connected with its function and interaction and plays an extremely important role in protein characterization. As one of the most important analytical methods for protein characterization, Proteomics is widely used to determine protein composition, quantitation, interaction, and even structures. However, due to the gap between identified proteins by proteomics and available 3D structures, it was very challenging, if not impossible, to visualize proteomics results in 3D and further explore the structural aspects of proteomics experiments. Recently, two groups of researchers from DeepMind and Baker lab have independently published protein structure prediction tools that can help us obtain predicted protein structures for the whole human proteome. Although there is still debate on the validity of some of the predicted structures, it is no doubt that these represent the most accurate predictions to date. More importantly, this enabled us to visualize the majority of human proteins for the first time. To help other researchers best utilize these protein structure predictions, we present the Sequence Coverage Visualizer (SCV), http://scv.lab.gy, a web application for protein sequence coverage 3D visualization. Here we showed a few possible usages of the SCV, including the labeling of post-translational modifications and isotope labeling experiments. These results highlight the usefulness of such 3D visualization for proteomics experiments and how SCV can turn a regular result list into structural insights. Furthermore, when used together with limited proteolysis, we demonstrated that SCV can help validate and compare different protein structures, including predicted ones and existing PDB entries. By performing limited proteolysis on native proteins at various time points, SCV can visualize the progress of the digestion. This time-series data further allowed us to compare the predicted structure and existing PDB entries. Although not deterministic, these comparisons could be used to refine current predictions further and represent an important step towards a complete and correct protein structure database. Overall, SCV is a convenient and powerful tool for visualizing proteomics results.

Cancers ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 355
Kevin M. Sullivan ◽  
Yuman Fong

Minimally invasive surgery techniques are expanding in utilization in liver resections and now include robotic approaches. Robotic liver resection has been demonstrated to have several benefits, including surgeon ergonomics, wrist articulation, and 3D visualization. Similarly, for multivisceral liver resections, the use of minimally invasive techniques has evolved and expanded from laparoscopy to robotics. The aim of this article is to review the literature and describe multivisceral resections, including hepatectomy, using a robotic technique. We describe over 50 published cases of simultaneous robotic liver resection with colon or rectal resection. In addition, we describe several pancreatectomies performed with liver resection and one extra-abdominal pulmonary resection with liver resection. In total, these select reported cases at experienced centers demonstrate the safety of robotic multivisceral resection in liver surgery with acceptable morbidity and rare conversion to open surgery. As robotic technology advances and experience with robotic techniques grows, robotic multivisceral resection in liver surgery should continue to be investigated in future studies.

A. Zamzuri ◽  
I. Hassan ◽  
A. Abdul Rahman

Abstract. A new version of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) has been discussed and is under further development in ISO/TC 211 on Geographic Information. One of the extending parts is where the model can accommodate complex and advanced marine properties and cadastral objects. Currently, the fundamentals part of this new version (LADM Edition II) has been examined by the committee, and a few elements need to be considered, especially for marine space georegulation. Based on the possibility of embedding LADM with marine cadastre as agreed by several researchers, the concept of marine cadastre data model within land administration context has been anticipated in many countries (e.g., Canada, Greece, Turkey, Australia, and Malaysia). Part of the research focused on constructing and developing the appropriate data models to manage marine spaces and resources most effectively. Several studies have attempted to establish a conceptual model for marine cadastre in Malaysia. However, there is still no acceptable marine data model. Thus, this paper proposed a marine data model for Malaysia based on the international standard, LADM. The approach, by definition, can be applied to the marine environment in terms of controlling and modelling a variety of rights, responsibilities, and restrictions. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) application was utilized to construct the conceptual and technical models via Enterprise Architect as part of the validation process. The data model was constructed within the marine's concept in Malaysia to meet international standards. The features of the data model were also discussed in the FIG workshop (9th LADM International Workshop 2021). The experiment on the data model also includes 3D visualization and simple query.

F. Mohd Hanafi ◽  
M. I. Hassan ◽  
A. Abdul Rahman

Abstract. Three-dimensional visualization of 3D parcels have been investigated in many viewpoints in order to fulfil the demands of expanding cities and the increasing complexity of building design. In Malaysia, with the growing strata developed area, particularly residential buildings (i.e., apartments), land administration agencies will need to improve their application in sharing and disseminating cadastral data. Hence, web-based solutions have been recognized as an important visualization requirement among end-users. It acts as a distributed information platform that allows 3D data sharing with the minimal architecture of client-server connects by the internet. There are two key topics addressed in this paper, which is the depiction of 3D strata objects on the web and the linkage to their legal data. This paper also describes the implementation of conceptual model of strata object based on Malaysian Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) Country Profile for the representation of spatial and non-spatial data. Tools such as PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension is used for storing data, CesiumJS was used to handle and visualise 3D strata objects in a 3D browser that was customised as a web application. The results demonstrate a viewer of a multi-storey buildings using web visualization to display both physical and legal information of 3D Strata objects based on LADM country profile (Malaysia). This particular paper also attempts to address 3D visualization of spatial and non-spatial data query using a web application, which also suggests further directions for 3D cadastral visualization development.

Peter Hastreiter ◽  
Barbara Bischoff ◽  
Rudolf Fahlbusch ◽  
Arnd Doerfler ◽  
Michael Buchfelder ◽  

Abstract Background Reliable 3D visualization of neurovascular relationships in the posterior fossa at the surface of the brainstem is still critical due to artifacts of imaging. To assess neurovascular compression syndromes more reliably, a new approach of 3D visualization based on registration and fusion of high-resolution MR data is presented. Methods A total of 80 patients received MRI data with 3D-CISS and 3D-TOF at 3.0 Tesla. After registration and subsequent segmentation, the vascular information of the TOF data was fused into the CISS data. Two 3D visualizations were created for each patient, one before and one after fusion, which were verified with the intraoperative situation during microvascular decompression (MVD). The reproduction quality of vessels was evaluated with a rating system. Results In all cases, the presented approach compensated for typical limitations in the 3D visualization of neurovascular compression such as the partial or complete suppression of larger vessels, suppression of smaller vessels at the CSF margin, and artifacts from heart pulsation. In more than 95% of the cases of hemifacial spasm and glossopharyngeal neuralgia, accurate assessment of the compression was only possible after registration and fusion. In more than 50% of the cases with trigeminal neuralgia, the presented approach was crucial to finding the actually offending vessel. Conclusions 3D visualization of fused image data allows for a more complete representation of the vessel-nerve situation. The results from this approach are reproducible and the assessment of neurovascular compression is safer. It is a powerful tool for planning MVD.

2022 ◽  
Rajdeep Chowdhury ◽  
Abhishek Sau ◽  
Siegfried M. Musser

Abstract This protocol describes a two-color astigmatic imaging approach that enables direct 3D visualization of cargo transport trajectories relative to a super-resolved octagonal double-ring scaffold structure of the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Though astigmatism imaging is commonly achieved via a cylindrical lens, this protocol utilizes an adaptive optics (AO) system, which enables optimization of the astigmatism for the precision needs of the experiment as well as correction of the focal mismatch arising from chromatic aberrations in multi-color applications. With this approach, single particle spatial precision values in x, y, and z are typically 5-20 nm, and these depend on astigmatism, photon level and position in z. The method enables resolution of transport conduits through the ~60 nm diameter pore of NPCs by particle tracking on the millisecond timescale. The success of this approach is enabled by the high rigidity of fully active NPCs within the nuclear envelope of permeabilized cells. For a detailed application of this protocol, please refer to https://www.nature.com/articles/s41556-021-00815-6. The figure and table numbers in this protocol that are indicated with an “NCB” prefix (e.g., NCB Figure X) refer to the figures and table in this reference paper.

F. I. Hairuddin ◽  
A. R. Abdul Rasam ◽  
M. H. Razali

Abstract. This paper discusses the capabilities of cadastre augmented reality (AR) and three-dimensional (3D) visualization in enhancing the stratified property visibility and information of the current strata plan in Malaysia. Currently, 2D information representation from the 2D+1D cadastre system is seen to be insufficient in serving real land management of the 3D aspect and property. Hence, toward a better digital 3D strata/property registration and land administration system in Malaysia, this study has explored the process in utilizing AR and 3D model to the current strata plan to enhance digital strata information contents and enabling the virtual strata plan presentation. The software used to develop the AR application smartphone was Unity3D software while Autodesk Revit applied to develop the 3D model and preparation of strata information. The interesting findings has been shown in this study. First result showed 3D models and strata parcel’s attribute that has been developed for AR digital content preparation. Secondly, this 3D-AR processes can continuously gather of user’s ambient information, conduct real-world recognition, and obtain real-world perception through smartphone device. Lastly, with utilization of AR technology in strata, it provides a more information to the strata plan without needing to change the current format of strata plan as the information are being displayed virtually onto the reality. With the integration of augmented reality and 3D visualization, the documentation of stratified properties in strata plan is potential to be enhanced from 2D planimetric to 3D representation. overlaid 3D model of the stratified property and standard strata information virtually on the present strata plan which has created an enhanced reality. This can allow the information to be viewed by more stakeholders with less restriction by using smartphone device.

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