Abraham Maslow

Frederick Walborn
2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 232-243
Kenneth D. Feigenbaum ◽  
Rene Anne Smith

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-53

Trên thế giới, nhiều nghiên cứu về tự trọng đã được tiến hành trên nhóm khách thể là trẻ em và trẻ vị thành niên, tuy nhiên nhóm người trưởng thành từ 18 tuổi trở lên lại chưa nhận được sự quan tâm thích đáng. Ở Việt Nam, tình hình cũng tương tự, đặc biệt, các nghiên cứu về sự thỏa mãn nhu cầu tự trọng (Self- Esteem) tiếp cận dựa trên khung lý thuyết của Abraham Maslow còn rất thiếu vắng. Mục đích của nghiên cứu này nhằm mô tả sự thỏa mãn nhu cầu tự trọng của 301 người trưởng thành, độ tuổi 18 - 60 (Mean = 34.6, SD = 0.77) tại Việt Nam tiếp cận theo lý thuyết về Tháp nhu cầu của A. Maslow. Thang đo sự thỏa mãn nhu cầu tâm lý (Psychological Needs Satisfaction) của David Lester và cộng sự (1990), được sử dụng trong nghiên cứu này. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy: (i) Sự thỏa mãn nhu cầu tự trọng của người trưởng thành tại Việt Nam có điểm số trung bình cao nhất trong số 5 nhu cầu theo lý thuyết của A.Maslow; (ii) Các nhu cầu trong năm nhu cầu theo khung lý thuyết đều có mối tương quan mạnh với nhau, trong đó tương quan mạnh nhất là sự thỏa mãn nhu cầu tự trọng với nhu cầu hiện thực hóa bản thân; (iii) Có sự khác biệt về sự thỏa mãn nhu cầu tự trọng giữa các nhóm tuổi khác nhau và giữa các nhóm trình độ học vấn khác nhau, tuy nhiên chưa đủ bằng chứng để kết luận có sự khác biệt theo tiêu chí giới tính, địa bàn nghiên cứu, kiểu tính cách và mức thu nhập. Ngày nhận 01/10/2018; ngày chỉnh sửa 5/12/2018; ngày chấp nhận đăng 28/2/2019

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (102) ◽  
pp. 81-89 ◽  
Richard E. Watts

Los defensores de la Psicología Positiva, cuando abordan las perspectivas fundacionales, suelen identificar a Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers y Gordon Allport como precursores y predecesores. Este artículo demuestra que la Psicología Individual de Alfred Adler precedió a estos precursores de la Psicología Positiva y se podría considerar como la Psicología Positiva original. Tras un breve resumen de las ideas clave de la Psicología Individual de Adler, los autores presentan específicamente los dos principios fundacionales de la teoría de Adler que se repiten particularmente en la Psicología Positiva y a continuación ofrecen una perspectiva más amplia de las bases comunes notables entre las ideas teóricas tardías de Adler y el movimiento de la Psicología Positiva.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002216782110076
Nadine Weidman

The ideal human community or “Eupsychia” envisioned by Abraham Maslow was a place inhabited by a thousand “self-actualizing people” who shared a devotion to certain higher values. These values were, for Maslow, universally human and biologically rooted, and they included truth, beauty, justice, and the ability to become the best that one was capable of becoming. In addition to imagining it, Maslow searched for Eupsychia in reality and thought he had found it in three California locations: Non-Linear Systems, a technology company; Synanon, a drug rehab center; and Esalen, a hippie retreat. Despite its dependence on shared values, for Maslow Eupsychia was not a perfect place, either in his imagination or in reality, and he realized that its inhabitants would need ways to confront strife and deal with their differences. I suggest that his utopian realism contains an important lesson for our own highly divided 21st-century American society.

2019 ◽  
Hagai Hagai ◽  
Hagarita Hargarita ◽  
Mathius Merang ◽  
Sappe Sappe

Abraham Maslow menjelaskan teori motivasi manusia seperti kebutuhan fisik, rasa aman, sosial, penghargaan, dan aktualisasi diri sehingga inilah yang menjadi sebagian dasar orang-orang dalam mengikut Yesus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkoreksi motivasi mahasiswa/i di STT Jaffray Makassar, khususnya bagi angkatan 2018 jurusan teologi dalam mengikut Yesus. Metode tanya jawab inilah yang digunakan dalam penelitian, dan menggunakan cerita Alkitab Injil Yohanes 6:25-59, yang menjadi dasar penghubung, pelajaran, penerapan, perubahan, dan penutupan dalam penelitian. Hasil penelitian dari 37 mahasiwa/i ada sekitar 14 orang yang memberi pendapat dalam motivasinya ketika mengikut Yesus terutama dalam ibadah, seperti mencari uang dari hasil pelayanan, ketemu teman, menjauhi perkerjaan rumah, dan lain-lain tanpa menjadikan Yesus sebagai tujuan utama dalam hidup untuk memperoleh hidup kekal. Melalui penelitian ini masih ada beberapa orang yang motivasinya salah dalam mengikut Yesus, sehingga hal inilah yang perlu dikoreksi agar orang dapat memahami dan mengikut serta menjadikan Yesus sebagai Tuhan dan juruselamat yang hidup.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Asep Gosaki Nata Miharja

Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan tentang konsep kebutuhan tokoh Tamu dalam naskah drama Beruang Menagih Hutang (The Bear/The Boor) karya Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentatif sedangkan teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah teknik baca catat, menggarisbawahi serta pengelompokan data ke dalam tabel data. Data-data tersebut selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode dan pendekatan yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh data yang menunjukan bahwa tokoh Tamu memenuhi kebutuhannya dipengaruhi ketidakstabilan emosi. Konsep kebutuhan tokoh Tamu berupa usahanya untuk memenuhi empat tingkat kebutuhan, yaitu, kebutuhan fisiologis, kebutuhan rasa aman, kebutuhan rasa cinta dan memiliki, dan kebutuhan harga diri. Selanjutnya, data tersebut dianalisis dengan merujuk pada teori kebutuhan bertingkat Maslow. Sedangkan kebutuhan aktualisasi diri tidak muncul di dalam data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Nazilatul Masruroh

This research was conducted with the aim of describing the main character's personality in the novel "Genduk" by Sundari Mardjuki (Literature Psychology Study) by using Abraham Maslow's perspective. The data in this study are derived from the novel Genduk by Sundari Mardjuki, Cetakan November 2017, the publisher of PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, with a total of 232 pages. Data is collected by library method, see, record, and documentation. The findings of the study show that all the needs theory proposed by Abraham Maslow has been obtained by the main character. The five needs raised include physiological needs or basic needs, the need for security, needs to be owned and loved, the need for self-esteem, and the need for self-actualization. The results showed that the fulfillment of these five needs in the main character found a good personality development from the main characters, including sociability, compassion, helping, not being easily offended, never giving up in achieving desires, and wise in responding to conflicts or problems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 88 (9) ◽  
pp. 816-817
Christopher J. Young

Angela Duckworth ◽  

Like many schools, the university where I teach has made all classes pass/fail optional. Months ago, before Covid-19 sent my students home for the semester, I was designing a new undergraduate class. Against convention, I requested its designation be mandatory pass-fail. Why? I love to teach but hate to grade. I know that sizing up what students know and can do serves a function, but I hate it all the same. One reason is that grades are assigned to individuals, not groups—inadvertently implying that achievement is a solo sport. Think about it. You're anointed the valedictorian if you outperform everyone in your graduating class. To graduate summa cum laude, you edge out classmates who earned magna cum laude—who in turn beat those who made cum laude, not to mention those who walk across the stage and accept their diploma without any extra frills at all. The psychologist Abraham Maslow once observed that “self-­actualizing people are, without one single exception, involved in a cause outside their own skin, in something outside of themselves.”

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