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Published By Universitas Islam Darul Ulum Lamongan

2579-5015, 2355-1356

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Sarujin Sarujin

This study aims to obtain a description of the type and form of mixed reduplication word code in the novel RadikusMakankakus, by RadityaDika. This research data comes from RadikusMakankakus novel, RadityaDika. Data collection in this study using the method refer to the basic techniques of tangible techniques tapping techniques and techniques as advanced techniques. Based on the results of the research, that in the novel RadikusMakankakus, found the type of mixed code into (inner code maxing) and the type of mixed code out (outer code maxing). Type of mixed code into (inner code maxing) found, among others, is mixed code into (inner code maxing) which tangible repetition of Indonesian dialect Jakarta, Javanese words, Jakarta dialect. In addition, also found type of mixed code out (outer code maxing). The outer code maxing types found in the novel include mixing outward code in the form of looping of English words.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-66
Rahmat Rahmat

The purpose of this thesis research is to describe the character values ​​taught by Harfin in the novel Loving Him before Loving You. This study uses a qualitative method. Qualitative method as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences for each paragraph. Research data are data sources, collection techniques and data analysis techniques which include data description, data analysis and data conclusions. Data analysis was carried out by content analysis to reveal the 5 character values, namely religious character, mutual cooperation, independence, nationalism and integrity. Religious characters have good characters (protagonists) and person who are ugly. Character of mutual cooperation is the attitude of helping and advising each other. The usual independent character lives in deprivation, hard work, has a motivation that is less dependent on others. Nationalism character in the form of dedication of honorary teachers in an elementary school. The integrity character of hard work with confidence and optimism can complete the work while praying to Him. The character implanted can be a reference for learning in schools in order to realize Indonesian children who are religious, mutual help, independent, nationalism and integrity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Muniroh Machu

Comparison of Indonesian word classes with Southern Thai Malay language is a problem, namely how to compare Indonesian word classes with Southern Thai and Malay languages ​​so that there will be no errors in the use of said classes. The purpose of this study is to describe the similarities, differences and comparisons of Indonesian word classes with Southern Thai Malay. The type of research used in this study is a qualitative descriptive study. The results of the study are a comparison of Indonesian word classes with Southern Thai Malay language can be expressed in the same class of words, namely three word classes: Indonesian verbs with verbs Southern Thai Malay, Indonesian adjectives with the adjectives of South Thai Malay language and Indonesian verbs with language Southern Thai Malay. The difference between Indonesian words and Southern Thai Malay can be distinguished as noun, Pronomina and Numeralia words, adverb words can be found in Indonesian only, while South Thai Malay words can be classed as names.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Nazilatul Masruroh

This research was conducted with the aim of describing the main character's personality in the novel "Genduk" by Sundari Mardjuki (Literature Psychology Study) by using Abraham Maslow's perspective. The data in this study are derived from the novel Genduk by Sundari Mardjuki, Cetakan November 2017, the publisher of PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, with a total of 232 pages. Data is collected by library method, see, record, and documentation. The findings of the study show that all the needs theory proposed by Abraham Maslow has been obtained by the main character. The five needs raised include physiological needs or basic needs, the need for security, needs to be owned and loved, the need for self-esteem, and the need for self-actualization. The results showed that the fulfillment of these five needs in the main character found a good personality development from the main characters, including sociability, compassion, helping, not being easily offended, never giving up in achieving desires, and wise in responding to conflicts or problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Asrorul Huda

The purpose of this research is to express the value of character education contained in the novel Negeri Lima Menara works A. Fuadi published by PT Gramedia Pustaka mold 2011. While data collection techniques used are descriptive-interpretative and categorization techniques. In this case, the instrument used is the researcher himself. This means that researchers do the reading and analyzing the source data repeatedly until found the certainty and confidence. The next step is consulted with the tutors. The result of the research shows that in novel Negeri 5 Menara contains five dimensions of character education value that is, divine character education, moral character education, social character education, character education culture and aesthetic character education. The elements used in the novel Negeri 5 Menara as a conveyor of the value of character education that there are four things: 1) the theme, which became the main idea of ​​the storyline, 2) the background, which underlies the description as explanation story, 3) The story in the novel is so interesting, and 4) the style of language, based on the directness of meaning, which is used in this research is a rhetorical and figurative style.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-82
Diah Retno Wulandari

The purpose of this study was to describe (1) the views gender of women in the novel Heaven is Not Missed  by  Nadia, Asma on several aspects of their live; (2) the gender injustice suffered by women in the Novel  Heaven is Not Missed  by  Nadia, Asma: (3 ) women ‘s resistance  in the Novel  Heaven is Not Missed  by  Nadia, Asmaagainst injustice they live. The research uses a sociological approach.  Theoretical basis used is (1) the concept of feminism studies,  (2) the concept of women ‘s perspectives,  (3)  the concept of women and injustice,  (4) the concept of women ‘s resistance in the literature. Source of data used (1) Novel Heaven is Not Missed by Nadia. The technique used in collect the data is reading and note technic.  Data analysis was performed based on techniques in conducting studies of feminism, namely (1) identifying one or more female characters in a literature, (2) examine another character, especially male figures relating to the female characters in the literature, (3) observing the am rude of the writer in the literary work. Based on the  analysis, obtained : (1) the view gender that there are women in the Novel Heaven is Not missed  by  Nadia, Asma (2) form of gender injustice experienced by women in the Novel Heaven is not missed  by  Nadia, Asma, (3) resistance of women in the Novel Heaven is Not Missed  by  Nadia, Asma.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Siyono Siyono

The research aims to produce a description of; the personality structure of the id, ego, and superego lead character in the novel "tears of God" by Aguk Irawan M.N. Research methods include; This type of study is a qualitative description. Data from this research in the form of quotations in the form of id, ego and superego lead character in the novel This Study using the method of data collection techniques and note the reading. As the instruments are key instruments as a researcher. The analysis of the data include data reduction, withdrawal of the presence data, and conclusions. Based on the results of the collection and the resulting data structure analyst personality Fisha Id in the novel consists of; helplessness, anger, anxiety, suffering, happiness. While the structure of the ego's include; sincerity, fear, obedience, patience, and acceptance. The superego structure include; acceptance, patience, do not despair, obedience, regret. From the results obtained from these three structures namely id, ego, and superego, shows that the bylaws Fisha always suffer, but suffering "endured with patience and admissibility with great resignation as Providence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-102
Taufiq Zen

The purpose of this study is to describe (1) Subject-Object and (2) position of writer-reader in the novel Migrant Workers' Diary and Xie Xie Ni De Ai. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the Sara Mills discourse analysis method. This research data is in the form of words, sentences or texts whose source of data is in the novel of Migrant Workers' Diary and Xie Xie Ne De Ai. At the data analysis stage, steps are taken: selecting, classifying, analyzing, interpreting the data, and summarizing it. The results of this study indicate that through the relationships that occur between migrant workers and capitalism, migrant workers and employers, and between fellow migrant workers are still positioned as marginal people. TKW is described as having no power. Regarding the author-reader structure, the writer positions the reader with direct and indirect greetings. This greeting serves to place the reader as part of the text, so that they will be concerned about the problems of the migrant workers. The conclusion is that the two novels still represent TKW discourse in line with the dominant discourse.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Martutik Martutik

The tittle of this reserch is “Struktur Semiotik cerita Ken Arok  karya Tjahyaningtyas and Zhaenal Fanani, Todorov Teori.”  Novel Ken Arok Ken Dedes made of Tjahyaningtyas, and Ken Arok Sumelang Gandring made of Zhaenal Fanani. “Have the goal, this goal is to analiyse semiotic struktur. This reserch is the objective semiotic struktur methode. The source of the data is ken arok ken dedes made of  Tjahyaningtyas and ken arok sumelang gandring made of zhaenal Fanani. The focuse of the resech in the problem related to the structure ang semantic. In this written will be analysed by 3 aspec, thera are : sematic aspec, sintacsis aspec, and verbal aspec. The result of the research are : First, sintacsis aspep analyse, consist of coherence of part of thd data, logic coherence, and cronologic coherence, second semantic aspec analyse relationship beetween semantic (in presense) and relationship paradigmatic (in absense), Therd verbal aspect, analyse someting related to the 4 categories, They are : Modus and time categories, knowledge categories,  teller categories and,   kinds of the language categories.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-16
Zumrotul Ilmiyah

The research was conducted with the aim of (1) describing the objective structure aspects, (2) describing the value of moral education in the Asma Nadia Pesantren Impian novel. The object in this study is the aspect of objective structure and the value of moral education contained in the novel Pesantren Impian by Asma Nadia. The subject of his research was Asma Nadia's Dream Dream School. The instruments in this study were the researchers themselves, note books, ballpoint pens, and relevant books that could be used as reference material. Data collection techniques used by researchers used library techniques and note-taking techniques, namely by: (1) the researcher reads novel, (2) the author identifies the data, (3) records the results of the data relating to novel. The research method used by the researcher is the description method. The analysis technique used by researchers is the content technique of content analysis authors. The results of this study indicate that (1) the theme found in Asma Nadia's Pesantren Impian novel is the determination and effort of a woman to become a better person after undergoing a rehabilitation period in a pesantren. The main character is Girl, Rini is an additional figure, Teungku Umar, Teungku Hasan, Sinta and Santi. The background is divided into two types, namely the place setting and the time setting. The plot / groove used is a backlight or flash back. The point of view used is the third person's viewpoint of omniscience. (2) the value of moral education, namely respect, compassion and helpfulness.

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