Quantum computers

S.M. Blinder
Nature ◽  
2005 ◽  
Philip Ball

2018 ◽  
Rajendra K. Bera

It now appears that quantum computers are poised to enter the world of computing and establish its dominance, especially, in the cloud. Turing machines (classical computers) tied to the laws of classical physics will not vanish from our lives but begin to play a subordinate role to quantum computers tied to the enigmatic laws of quantum physics that deal with such non-intuitive phenomena as superposition, entanglement, collapse of the wave function, and teleportation, all occurring in Hilbert space. The aim of this 3-part paper is to introduce the readers to a core set of quantum algorithms based on the postulates of quantum mechanics, and reveal the amazing power of quantum computing.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 9461-9464

Current quantum computer simulation strategies are inefficient in simulation and their realizations are also failed to minimize those impacts of the exponential complexity for simulated quantum computations. We proposed a Quantum computer simulator model in this paper which is a coordinated Development Environment – QuIDE (Quantum Integrated Development Environment) to support the improvement of algorithm for future quantum computers. The development environment provides the circuit diagram of graphical building and flexibility of source code. Analyze the complexity of algorithms shows the performance results of the simulator and used for simulation as well as result of its deployment during simulation

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
T. Berry ◽  
J. Sharpe

Abstract This paper introduces and demonstrates the use of quantum computers for asset–liability management (ALM). A summary of historical and current practices in ALM used by actuaries is given showing how the challenges have previously been met. We give an insight into what ALM may be like in the immediate future demonstrating how quantum computers can be used for ALM. A quantum algorithm for optimising ALM calculations is presented and tested using a quantum computer. We conclude that the discovery of the strange world of quantum mechanics has the potential to create investment management efficiencies. This in turn may lead to lower capital requirements for shareholders and lower premiums and higher insured retirement incomes for policyholders.

Stephen Piddock ◽  
Ashley Montanaro

AbstractA family of quantum Hamiltonians is said to be universal if any other finite-dimensional Hamiltonian can be approximately encoded within the low-energy space of a Hamiltonian from that family. If the encoding is efficient, universal families of Hamiltonians can be used as universal analogue quantum simulators and universal quantum computers, and the problem of approximately determining the ground-state energy of a Hamiltonian from a universal family is QMA-complete. One natural way to categorise Hamiltonians into families is in terms of the interactions they are built from. Here we prove universality of some important classes of interactions on qudits (d-level systems): We completely characterise the k-qudit interactions which are universal, if augmented with arbitrary Hermitian 1-local terms. We find that, for all $$k \geqslant 2$$ k ⩾ 2 and all local dimensions $$d \geqslant 2$$ d ⩾ 2 , almost all such interactions are universal aside from a simple stoquastic class. We prove universality of generalisations of the Heisenberg model that are ubiquitous in condensed-matter physics, even if free 1-local terms are not provided. We show that the SU(d) and SU(2) Heisenberg interactions are universal for all local dimensions $$d \geqslant 2$$ d ⩾ 2 (spin $$\geqslant 1/2$$ ⩾ 1 / 2 ), implying that a quantum variant of the Max-d-Cut problem is QMA-complete. We also show that for $$d=3$$ d = 3 all bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg interactions are universal. One example is the general AKLT model. We prove universality of any interaction proportional to the projector onto a pure entangled state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 155 (3) ◽  
pp. 034110
Prakash Verma ◽  
Lee Huntington ◽  
Marc P. Coons ◽  
Yukio Kawashima ◽  
Takeshi Yamazaki ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Israel F. Araujo ◽  
Daniel K. Park ◽  
Francesco Petruccione ◽  
Adenilton J. da Silva

AbstractAdvantages in several fields of research and industry are expected with the rise of quantum computers. However, the computational cost to load classical data in quantum computers can impose restrictions on possible quantum speedups. Known algorithms to create arbitrary quantum states require quantum circuits with depth O(N) to load an N-dimensional vector. Here, we show that it is possible to load an N-dimensional vector with exponential time advantage using a quantum circuit with polylogarithmic depth and entangled information in ancillary qubits. Results show that we can efficiently load data in quantum devices using a divide-and-conquer strategy to exchange computational time for space. We demonstrate a proof of concept on a real quantum device and present two applications for quantum machine learning. We expect that this new loading strategy allows the quantum speedup of tasks that require to load a significant volume of information to quantum devices.

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