scholarly journals Black shale ore of Big Karatau is a raw material source of rare and rare earth elements

2021 ◽  
pp. 105733
B.K. Kenzhaliyev ◽  
T. Yu Surkovа ◽  
M.N. Azlan ◽  
S.B. Yulusov ◽  
B.M. Sukurov ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-138 ◽  
Alexander V. Tolstov ◽  
Nikolay P. Pokhilenko ◽  
Nikolay Yu. Samsonov ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-41
Lianfu Hai ◽  
Qinghai Xu ◽  
Caixia Mu ◽  
Rui Tao ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  

In the Tanshan area, which is at the Liupanshui Basin, abundant oil shale resources are associated with coals. We analyzed the cores, geochemistry of rare earth elements (REE) and trace element of oil shale with ICP-MS technology to define the palaeo-sedimentary environment, material source and geological significance of oil shale in this area. The results of the summed compositions of REE, and the total REE contents (SREE), in the Yan'an Formation oil shale are slightly higher than the global average of the composition of the upper continental crustal (UCC) and are lower than that of North American shales. The REE distribution pattern is characterized by right-inclined enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREE) and relative loss of heavy rare earth elements (HREE), which reflects the characteristics of crustal source deposition. There is a moderate degree of differentiation among LREE, while the differences among HREE are not obvious. The dEu values show a weak negative anomaly and the dCe values show no anomaly, which are generally consistent with the distribution of REE in the upper crust. The characteristics of REE and trace elements indicate that the oil shale formed in an oxygen-poor reducing environment and that the paleoclimatic conditions were relatively warm and humid. The degree of differentiation of REE indicates that the sedimentation rate in the study area was low, which reflected the characteristics of relatively deep sedimentary water bodies and distant source areas. The results also proved that the source rock mainly consisted of calcareous mudstone, and a small amount of granite was also mixed in.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 195
Diana Hendrati ◽  
Erianti Siska Purnamasari ◽  
Syulastri Effendi ◽  
Santhy Wyantuti

<p>Gadolinium (Gd) merupakan salah satu logam tanah jarang, dimana logam tanah jarang dapat diekstrak dari mineral salah satunya mineral monasit. Logam Gd biasanya digunakan sebagai bahan dasar <em>contrast agent</em> dalam dunia kesehatan. Ligan dibutilditiokarbamat mampu membentuk senyawa kompleks dengan cara mengikat logam sehingga membentuk khelat yang dapat digunakan untuk ekstraksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memantapkan sintesis ligan dibutilditiokarbamat berdasarkan desain eksperimen dan karakterisasi kompleks antara Gd(III) dengan ligan dibutilditiokarbamat hasil sintesis. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pembuatan desain eksperimen untuk sintesis ligan dan ekstraksi Gd(III) dengan ligan, kemudian proses sintesis dan ekstraksi dilakukan sesuai dengan desain eksperimen, hasil sintesis dan ekstraksi dikarakterisasi menggunakan metode spektroskopi serta diuji kelarutannya dalam pelarut organik. Data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa sintesis ligan dibutilditiokarbamat optimal pada suhu 4 °C, perbandingan dibutilamin dan karbondisulfida yaitu 1 : 3 dengan perbandingan mol ammonia terhadap dibutilamin yaitu 1 : 4, sedangkan kondisi optimal untuk ekstraksi Gd(III) dengan ligan yaitu pada pH 6, dengan perbandingan mol Gd(III) dan ligan yaitu 1 : 4 dan lama ekstraksi 60 menit. Oleh karena itu ligan dibutilditiokarbamat hasil sintesis berpotensi digunakan sebagai ekstraktan untuk ekstraksi Gd(III). Hasil prediksi ligan berdasarkan desain eksperimen yaitu sebesar 56,12% sedangkan prediksi ekstraksi Gd(III) dengan ligan hasil sintesis diperoleh sebesar 78,41%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa sintesis ligan dibutilditiokarbamat  berdasarkan desain eksperimen dapat dikembangkan untuk sintesis skala besar.</p><p>Gadolinium (Gd) is one of the rare-earth elements, whereas rare-earth elements can be extracted from monazite. Gd is usually used as raw material for synthesizing contrast agent<em> </em>in medicine field. Dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligand can form a complex compound with metal. This ligand will bind a metal and then forming chelate which is used for extraction. The purpose of this research is to ensure procedure of dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligand synthesis based on the design of experiment and to study the characterization of reaction result between Gd(III) and dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligand which this ligand is synthesis result. This research begins with making design of experiment for ligand synthesis and Gd(III) extraction with ligand, then perform the process of synthesis and extraction according to the design of experiment, the result of synthesis and extraction were characterized by spectroscopy method and solubility tested in organic solvent. The data was collected indicate that the optimal condition of dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligan synthesis at 4 °C (temperature), the ratio of di-n-butylamine and carbon disulphide is 1:3 with the mole ratio of ammonia to the di-n-butylamine 1:4, while the optimal conditions for gadolinium extraction with ligand at pH 6, the mol ratio of gadolinium and ligand is 1:4 and 60 minutes extraction time. Hence, dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligand can be used as extractan for extracting Gd(III). The prediction of ligand based on the experimental design is 56.12% while the prediction of Gd(III) extraction with ligand of the synthesis result is obtained equal to 78.41%. The conclusion of this research is that the synthesis of dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligand based on the experimental design can be developed for large-scale synthesis.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 219
Diana Hendrati ◽  
Erianti Siska Purnamasari ◽  
Syulastri Effendi ◽  
Santhy Wyantuti

<p>Gadolinium (Gd) merupakan salah satu logam tanah jarang, dimana logam tanah jarang dapat diekstrak dari mineral salah satunya mineral monasit. Logam Gd biasanya digunakan sebagai bahan dasar <em>contrast agent</em> dalam dunia kesehatan. Ligan dibutilditiokarbamat mampu membentuk senyawa kompleks dengan cara mengikat logam sehingga membentuk khelat yang dapat digunakan untuk ekstraksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memantapkan sintesis ligan dibutilditiokarbamat berdasarkan desain eksperimen dan karakterisasi kompleks antara Gd(III) dengan ligan dibutilditiokarbamat hasil sintesis. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pembuatan desain eksperimen untuk sintesis ligan dan ekstraksi Gd(III) dengan ligan, kemudian proses sintesis dan ekstraksi dilakukan sesuai dengan desain eksperimen, hasil sintesis dan ekstraksi dikarakterisasi menggunakan metode spektroskopi serta diuji kelarutannya dalam pelarut organik. Data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa sintesis ligan dibutilditiokarbamat optimal pada suhu 4 °C, perbandingan dibutilamin dan karbondisulfida yaitu 1 : 3 dengan perbandingan mol ammonia terhadap dibutilamin yaitu 1 : 4, sedangkan kondisi optimal untuk ekstraksi Gd(III) dengan ligan yaitu pada pH 6, dengan perbandingan mol Gd(III) dan ligan yaitu 1 : 4 dan lama ekstraksi 60 menit. Oleh karena itu ligan dibutilditiokarbamat hasil sintesis berpotensi digunakan sebagai ekstraktan untuk ekstraksi Gd(III). Hasil prediksi ligan berdasarkan desain eksperimen yaitu sebesar 56,12% sedangkan prediksi ekstraksi Gd(III) dengan ligan hasil sintesis diperoleh sebesar 78,41%.</p><p><strong>The Consolidation of Dibutyldithiocarbamate (DBDTC) Synthesis as Gadolinium Metal Extraction Based On Experimental Design. </strong>Gadolinium (Gd) is one of the rare-earth elements, whereas rare-earth elements can be extracted from monazite. Gd is usually used as raw material for synthesizing contrast agent<em> </em>in medicine field. Dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligand can form a complex compound with metal. This ligand will bind a metal and then forming chelate which is used for extraction. The purpose of this research is to ensure procedure of dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligand synthesis based on the design of experiment and to study the characterization of reaction result between Gd(III) and dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligand which this ligand is synthesis result. This research begins with making design of experiment for ligand synthesis and Gd(III) extraction with ligand, then perform the process of synthesis and extraction according to the design of experiment, the result of synthesis and extraction were characterized by spectroscopy method and solubility tested in organic solvent. The data was collected indicate that the optimal condition of dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligan synthesis at 4 °C (temperature), the ratio of di-n-butylamine and carbon disulphide is 1:3 with the mole ratio of ammonia to the di-n-butylamine 1:4, while the optimal conditions for gadolinium extraction with ligand at pH 6, the mol ratio of gadolinium and ligand is 1:4 and 60 minutes extraction time. Hence, dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligand can be used as extractan for extracting Gd(III). The prediction of ligand based on the experimental design is 56.12% while the prediction of Gd(III) extraction with ligand of the synthesis result is obtained equal to 78.41%. The conclusion of this research is that the synthesis of dibuthyldithiocarbamate ligand based on the experimental design can be developed for large-scale synthesis.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Franziska Klimpel ◽  
Michael Bau ◽  
Torsten Graupner

AbstractScandium is a critical raw material that is essential for the EU economy because of its potential application in enabling technologies such as fuel cells and lightweight materials. As there is currently no secure supply of Sc, several projects worldwide evaluate potential Sc sources. While elsewhere in Europe emphasis is placed upon secondary resources such as red mud, we investigated the potential of industrial garnet sand and its waste products. Since Sc readily substitutes for Mg and Fe in the crystal lattice of garnet, the garnet minerals almandine and pyrope, in particular, may show high Sc concentrations. Garnet sand, after being used as an abrasive in the cutting and sandblasting industry, is recycled several times before it is finally considered waste which eventually must be disposed of. Extraction of Sc (and rare earth elements, REE) from such garnet sand may generate added value and thereby reduce disposal cost. The studied garnet sands from different mines in Australia, India and the U.S., and industrial garnet sands commercially available in Germany from different suppliers show average Sc concentrations of 93.7 mg/kg and 90.7 mg/kg, respectively, i.e. similar to red mud. Our data also show that “fresh” and recycled garnet sands yield similar Sc concentrations. Within the framework of a minimum-waste approach, it may be feasible to utilize the industrial waste-product “garnet sand” as an unconventional source of Sc and REE, that reduces disposal cost.


Worked-out copper pyrite mines are one of the considerable sources of hydrosphere pollution. Analysis of components of the environmental damage to surface water bodies due to treated pit water discharge has been carried out. Environmental damage to water bodies caused by the Levikha and Degtyarsk mines pit water discharge both during the mines operation and after watersealing of them is assessed in 100–200 million rubles per year? And the value of the prevented environmental damage is one order of magnitude higher. Individual components contribution to environmental damage has been determined: during the mines operation cooper was the main pollutant, after the pumping termination zinc became the main pollutant. It has been stated that pit water is a reliable renewable source of non-ferrous metals and rare earth elements and can be considered a hydro/mineral raw material deposit. Commercial content of non-ferrous metals and rare earth elements in the watersealed copper pyrite mines has been estimated. Total recoverable value of non-ferrous metals and rare earth elements in the Levikha mine pit water exceeds 4 million US dollars per year. Rare earth elements comprise the main share. It has been shown that potential recoverable value of the components exceeds cost of annual neutralization of acidic pit water and the value of environmental damage caused by the treated pit water discharge.

2012 ◽  
Vol 727-728 ◽  
pp. 1340-1344
R.A. Muñoz ◽  
J.E. Rodriguez ◽  
Cosme Roberto Moreira Silva

In this paper we propose the stabilization of zirconium oxide with controlled additions of a rare earth elements concentrate, in the system ZrO2: ƞ wt% Re2O3 (withƞ=5.36, 10.47, 13.74, 16.91 e 20) whereRe2O3is a rare earth elements concentrate composed mainly of 76.88% of yttrium oxide, 12.1% of Dysprosium oxide, 4.04% of Erbium oxide and 1.94% of Holmium oxide. The synthesis method used was the Pechini method. The results show that additions of 5.36 and 20 wt% of the concentrate are enough to stabilize the tetragonal and cubic zirconia phases respectively, and that zirconium oxide polymorphs can coexist with additions within these limit. In the characterization of the obtained powders are presented and discussed the following results: differential scanning calorimetry, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Also, it was necessary to make analysis by Rietveld refinement because they had severe overlap in the diffraction peaks. One of the most relevant results is obtaining a raw material, cheap to be used in many technological applications.

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