Performance of partial nitritation - microfiltration-anammox (PN-MF-A) process with enhanced system stability via in-between membrane filtration for sludge anaerobic reject water treatment

Jianning Ding ◽  
Hui Gong ◽  
Shunyu Wang ◽  
You Xu ◽  
Enhui Xu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 321 ◽  
pp. 124432
Yunzhi Qian ◽  
Yanmei Ding ◽  
Huaji Ma ◽  
Yongzhi Chi ◽  
Hongying Yuan ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. 00121
Mateusz Muszyński-Huhajło ◽  
Stanisław Miodoński

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 711-722
Katherine E. Greenstein ◽  
Matthew R. Nagorzanski ◽  
Bailey Kelsay ◽  
Edgard M. Verdugo ◽  
Nosang V. Myung ◽  

Electrospun carbon nanofibers with integrated titanium dioxide nanoparticles are used for water treatment in a photoactive membrane filtration system.

Membranes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 369
Shengji Xia ◽  
Xinran Zhang ◽  
Yuanchen Zhao ◽  
Fibor J. Tan ◽  
Pan Li ◽  

The membrane separation process is being widely used in water treatment. It is very important to control membrane fouling in the process of water treatment. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of a pre-oxidation-coagulation flat ceramic membrane filtration process using different oxidant types and dosages in water treatment and membrane fouling control. The results showed that under suitable concentration conditions, the effect on membrane fouling control of a NaClO pre-oxidation combined with a coagulation/ceramic membrane system was better than that of an O3 system. The oxidation process changed the structure of pollutants, reduced the pollution load and enhanced the coagulation process in a pre-oxidation-coagulation system as well. The influence of the oxidant on the filtration system was related to its oxidizability and other characteristics. NaClO and O3 performed more efficiently than KMnO4. NaClO was more conducive to the removal of DOC, and O3 was more conducive to the removal of UV254.

Entecho ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Vojtěch Kouba ◽  
Jan Bartáček

Proces částečná nitritace-anammox odstraňuje amoniakální dusík z odpadních vod s polovičními náklady na aeraci, až o 80 % nižší produkcí přebytečného kalu a bez spotřeby organického substrátu. Jde o zavedený proces pro odstraňování dusíku z kalových vod z anaerobní fermentace, a podobně koncentrovaných a teplých odpadních vod. Na tyto vody se částečná nitritace-anammox aplikuje již déle než deset let, a to např. pod názvy ANAMMOX®, ANITA™ Mox, DEMON®, nebo TERRAMOX®. Optimalizované provozy těchto technologií dusík běžně odstraňují při zatížení 0,5–2,3 kg∙m–3∙d–1 (30–35 °C). Současnou výzvou pro výzkum je implementace částečné nitritace-anammox do hlavního proudu studené splaškové odpadní vody, přičemž konkrétními problémy jsou (i) potlačení nežádoucích nitratačních mikroorganismů (NOB) a (ii) adaptace mikroorganismů anammox na nízké teploty. Náš výzkum jsme začali s jednostupňovým procesem, a poté nitritaci a anammox rozdělili do dvou reaktorů. Prezentujeme strategii, která v laboratorním měřítku NOB účinně potlačila i při 12 °C a dále i v pilotním měřítku při 13–30 °C. Dále ukazujeme, že anammox je možné na nízké teploty adaptovat studenými šoky. Tyto výsledky umožní rozšířit úsporné odstraňování dusíku i do hlavního proudu splaškové odpadní vody na ČOV. English: Partial nitritation-anammox (PN/A) process removes nitrogen from wastewater with 50% reduction of aeration costs, 80% less excess sludge and no consumption of organic carbon. PN/A is an established process for the removal of nitrogen from reject water from anaerobic digestion and other similarly warm and concentrated streams. On such wastewater, PN/A has been applied in full scale for over 10 years under names such as ANAMMOX®, ANITA™ Mox, DEMON® or TERRAMOX®, whose optimized installations consistently achieve nitrogen removal loading rates of 0,5–2,3 kg∙m–3∙d–1. The current challenge for research is to implement PN/A into the main stream of cold municipal wastewater, the specific challenges being (i) suppression of undesirable nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) and (ii) adaptation of anammox microorganisms to low temperatures. Our initial experiences with one-stage PN/A in the main stream led us to the separation of PN/A in two subsequent reactors. Subsequently, we developed a strategy for NOB suppression in partial nitritation even under 12 °C, which we then successfully tested in the pilot scale. Furthermore, we found that anammox can be adapted to low temperatures using cold shocks. In sum, these results will enable extending the savings for nitrogen removal into the main stream of wastewater at WWTP.

2018 ◽  
Vol 568 ◽  
pp. 97-104 ◽  
Wanyi Fu ◽  
Wen Zhang

2020 ◽  
pp. 1169-1191
Grzegorz Cema ◽  
Adam Sochacki

In most cases, the anammox process is used for nitrogen removal from reject water coming from dewatering of digested sludge. However, there are more industrial streams suitable for treatment by partial nitritation/anammox process. The landfill leachate may be a good example of such wastewater. Generally, landfilling is the most used solution for treatment of urban solid wastes. The problem with landfill leachate production and management is one of the most important issues associated with the sanitary landfills. These streams are highly contaminated wastewater with a complex mixture of organic and inorganic compounds and characterized by a high ammonia content and low biodegradable organic fraction matter. The objective of this chapter is the short characteristic of landfill leachate and a short review of its treatment methods with special focus on nitrogen removal by partial nitritation/anammox process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-90 ◽  
Nader Ghaffari Khaligh ◽  
Mohd Rafie Johan

: A variety of processes were reported for efficient removing of heavy metal from wastewater, including but not limited to ion exchange, reverse osmosis, membrane filtration, flotation, coagulation, chemical precipitation, solvent extraction, electrochemical treatments, evaporation, oxidation, adsorption, and biosorption. Among the aforementioned techniques, adsorption/ion exchange has been known as a most important method for removing heavy metal ions and organic pollutants due to great removal performance, simple and easy process, cost-effectiveness and the considerable choice of adsorbent materials. : Nanotechnology and its applications have been developed in most branches of science and technology. Extensive studies have been conducted to remove heavy metal ions from wastewater by preparation and applications of various nanomaterials. Nanomaterials offer advantages in comparison to other materials including an extremely high specific surface area, low-temperature modification, short intraparticle diffusion distance, numerous associated sorption sites, tunable surface chemistry, and pore size. In order to evaluate an adsorbent, two key parameters are: the adsorption capacity and the desorption property. The adsorption parameters including the absorbent loading, pH and temperature, concentration of heavy metal ion, ionic strength, and competition among metal ions are often studied and optimized. : Several reviews have been published on the application of Graphene (G), Graphene Oxide (GO) in water treatment. In this minireview, we attempted to summarize the recent research advances in water treatment and remediation process by graphene-based materials and provide intensive knowledge of the removal of pollutants in batch and flow systems. Finally, future applicability perspectives are offered to encourage more interesting developments in this promising field. This minireview does not include patent literature.

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