membrane fouling
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2022 ◽  
Vol 423 ◽  
pp. 126984
Cong Ma ◽  
Qianqian Li ◽  
Jiani Liu ◽  
Hangtong Bao ◽  
Liang Wang ◽  

Membranes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Hyungmin Cho ◽  
Gihoon Yoon ◽  
Minjae Kim ◽  
Jin Yong Park

Membrane fouling is a dominant limit of the membrane separation process. In this research, the optimal water backwashing to solve the membrane fouling problem was investigated in the combined water treatment process of alumina MF and pure polypropylene (PP) beads. Additionally, the influence of membrane shape (tubular or seven channel) was examined, depending on the water backwashing period. The optimal backwashing time (BT) could be 20 s in the combined water treatment process, because of the highest total treated volume (VT) in our BT 6–30 s conditions. The optimal backwashing period (BP) could be 6 min, because of the minimum membrane fouling and the maximum VT in the combined process of tubular alumina MF and PP beads. The resistance of reversible membrane fouling (Rrf) showed a major resistance of total membrane fouling, and that of irreversible membrane fouling (Rif) was a minor one, in the combined process using tubular or seven channel MF. The Rif showed a decreasing trend obviously, as decreasing BT from NBW to 2 min for seven channel MF. It means that the more frequent water backwashing could be more effective to control the membrane fouling, especially irreversible fouling, for seven channel membranes than tubular membranes.

Izabela Anna Tałałaj

Abstract Purpose In this paper the performance and effectiveness of the reverse osmosis (RO) process for the biologically pretreated leachate was investigated. The RO process was carried out separately for two different pH: 8.0 and 9.3. Methods A general pollution parameters as well as organic and inorganic indicators were determined in raw, biologically pretreated and RO treated leachate. The performance characteristics of the reverse osmosis system were made on the basis of permeate flux, electroconductivity removal rate, concentration factor and efficiency in removal of analyzed parameters. Results The use of SBR pretreatment had very good efficiency in BOD (97.3%) and ammonia nitrogen (95.4%) removal. The lowest effectivity was observed for chloride (11.6%), boron (3.9%) and TDS (1.2%). Pretreated leachate was subjected to RO system. The normalized average flux was 0.53 (42.3 L/m2·h) for pH = 8.0 and 0.68 (33.5 L/m2·h) for pH = 9.3. The lower membrane fouling at higher pH can be explained by electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged membrane surface and organic substances. Independently of the process pH, a two-step membrane fouling was observed. The greatest differences in removal rates were observed for boron, which had a higher retention rate at higher pH, and ammonia nitrogen, whose removal rate decreased at higher pH. The obtained permeate pH after RO process was lower than the feed pH in two analyzed value of pH. Conclusions The higher flux value at pH = 9.3 is result of high content of organic matter in leachate, which is better rejected at higher pH because of higher electrostatic repulsion between organic matter and membrane surface. This indicates that the organic matter content should be taken into account when determining the operating parameters (pH values) of the RO system.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Wajeeha Bibi ◽  
Muhammad Asif ◽  
Jawad Rabbi

VMD is one of the desalination technologies used for drinking water purification because of it higher permeate flux and lower energy consumption, and it uses low grade energy for operation. However, there are some critical problems related to VMD, one of which is membrane fouling. In the present study, the fouling phenomenon in VMD is investigated using constant pressure-blocking filtration laws. The results of constant pressure-blocking filtration law indicated that the permeate flux was initially unaffected by the cake layer, but with the passage of time as the pores began to constrict, a formation of a relatively thick cake layer was observed, which resulted in the decrease of permeate flux.

Membranes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Bin Liu ◽  
Meng Wang ◽  
Kaihan Yang ◽  
Guangchao Li ◽  
Zhou Shi

In order to alleviate membrane fouling and improve removal efficiency, a series of pretreatment technologies were applied to the ultrafiltration process. In this study, ClO2 was used as a pre-oxidation strategy for the ultrafiltration (UF) process. Humic acid (HA), sodium alginate (SA), and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were used as three typical organic model foulants, and the mixture of the three substances was used as a representation of simulated natural water. The dosages of ClO2 were 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mg/L, with 90 min pre-oxidation. The results showed that ClO2 pre-oxidation at low doses (1–2 mg/L) could alleviate the membrane flux decline caused by humus, polysaccharides, and simulated natural water, but had a limited alleviating effect on the irreversible resistance of the membrane. The interfacial free energy analysis showed that the interaction force between the membrane and the simulated natural water was also repulsive after the pre-oxidation, indicating that ClO2 pre-oxidation was an effective way to alleviate cake layer fouling by reducing the interaction between the foulant and the membrane. In addition, ClO2 oxidation activated the hidden functional groups in the raw water, resulting in an increase in the fluorescence value of humic analogs, but had a good removal effect on the fluorescence intensity of BSA. Furthermore, the membrane fouling fitting model showed that ClO2, at a low dose (1 mg/L), could change the mechanism of membrane fouling induced by simulated natural water from standard blocking and cake layer blocking to critical blocking. Overall, ClO2 pre-oxidation was an efficient pretreatment strategy for UF membrane fouling alleviation, especially for the fouling control of HA and SA at low dosages.

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Xiaoming Zhang ◽  
Qingchen Lu ◽  
Nana Li

Abstract Membrane separation technology is widely used in wastewater purification, but the issue of membrane fouling could not be ignored. Hydrophilic modification is an effective method to reduce membrane fouling. Therefore, in this work, a hydrophilic modified polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) ultrafiltration membrane was prepared by polymer/non-solvent co-induced phase separation, and the effect of coagulation bath temperature on the membrane structure and performance was systematically investigated based on the previous study. With the increased of the coagulation bath temperature, the phase separation process changed from delayed to instantaneous, and the membrane surface changed from porous to dense, while the macropore structures and sponge-like pores appeared on the cross-section. Meanwhile, the pure water flux decreased from 229.3 L/(m2·h) to 2.08 L/(m2·h), the protein rejection rate increased from 83.87% to 100%, and the surface water contact angle increased from 63° to 90°. Thus, excessively high coagulation bath temperature adversely affected the permeate and separation performance, as well as antifouling performance of the membrane. This study enriched the research for preparing separation membranes by polymer/non-solvent co-induced phase separation and provided a practical and theoretical reference for controlling the membrane structure and properties by changing the coagulation bath temperature.

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