Use of Pavo cristatus feather extract for the better management of snakebites: Neutralization of inflammatory reactions

2005 ◽  
Vol 99 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-237 ◽  
Satish K. Murari ◽  
Felix J. Frey ◽  
Brigitte M. Frey ◽  
There V. Gowda ◽  
Bannikuppe S. Vishwanath

ЯКИМЕНКО Н.И., КЛЕТИКОВА Л.В. Ивановская государственная сельскохозяйственная академия Аннотация: У павлина обыкновенного (Pavo cristatus), перенесшего сильный стресс из-за нападения и повреждений, нанесенных собакой, спустя год обнаружилась хромота. При осмотре костно-хрящевые экзостозы отсутствовали, на подошвах тазовых конечностей отмечены незначительные припухлости. В каловых массах обнаружено большое количество включений кремового цвета, содержание мочевой кислоты в сыворотке крови составило 1027 мкмоль/л. Лечение включало коррекцию рациона, поение бутилированной водой, включение в питьевой режим минеральной щелочной воды и отвара льняного семени, обогащение рациона ретинолом; из медикаментозных средств назначены 0,25% раствор гексаметилентетрамина и аллопуринол. На фоне улучшения состояния птицы ее лечение было прекращено владельцем. После лечения для кормления был использован комбикорм, поение - в летне-осеннее время водопроводной водой, в зимнее - снегом, что привело к гибели птицы. При вскрытии на внутренних органах выявлены вкрапления и наложения беловато-желтоватой массы различного диаметра. На петле тощей кишки обнаружен узел округлой формы, 2,5 см в диаметре, упругой консистенции, заполненный творожистой массой желтого цвета. Также отмечены дистрофия миокарда, расширение левой половины сердца. При морфологическом исследовании установлено, что узел инкапсулирован в подслизистом слое стенки кишки. В зонах некроза узла выявлены волокнистые некротизированные структуры и капли жира, в окружающем гистиоцитарном инфильтрате крупные капли белкового субстрата розового цвета, что связано с нарушением белково-жирового обмена типа tophi urici у млекопитающих. Таким образом, стресс, обусловленной травмой, привел к нарушению у павлина обмена веществ, миокардиодистрофии и развитию подагры, приведших к летальному исходу. Ключевые слова: ПАВЛИН (PAVO CRISTATUS), ТРАВМА, СТРЕСС, ПОДАГРА

А.С. Рыбалко ◽  
А.С. Григорьян ◽  
А.А. Орлов

Цель исследования состояла в разработке неинвазивного метода диагностики состояния тканей периимплантационной зоны после постановки дентальных имплантатов, а также прогноза течения послеоперационного периода и ранней диагностики послеоперационных осложнений, таких, как мукозит и периимплантит, при одноэтапном методе дентальной имплантации. Методы. В исследовании представлена цитологическая характеристика отпечатков из области контакта имплантата с десной, в которых оценивали состояние эпителиальных клеток при различных проявлениях цитопатологии. Определяли индекс деструкции (ИД) и воспалительно-деструктивный индекс (ВДИ) в клетках воспалительного инфильтрата, которые сопоставляли с клинической картиной течения послеоперационного периода. Сроки забора цитологического материала 1, 5, 15, 25, 30, 60, 120 дней после постановки имплантатов. Количество исследованных цитограмм - 442 от 11 пациентов (по 1-2 имплантата). Общий массив использованных для вычисления интегральных показателей составил »2550. Результаты. Было установлено, что в сроки 1-5 дней после постановки дентальных имплантатов происходит резкое повышение показателей ИД (до 7500 ± 15) и ВДИ (до 80 ± 20), что отражает процесс развития в области имплантатов острых воспалительных реакций. В отдаленные сроки наблюдений отмечалось 2 варианта развития событий. Первый из них характеризовался сохранением во все сроки высоких показателей ИД и ВДИ. Для второго варианта динамики показателей было характерно их падение, что соответствовало развитию процесса остеоинтеграции дентальных имплантатов. The objectives of the investigation were to develop protocols evaluating the validity and effectiveness of the cytological method for diagnosis and prognosis of tissue conditions adjacent to a dental implant. Methods. This study examined the cytological characteristics of imprints of the gingiva-implant contact area, a. the correlation of quantitative ratios of epithelial cells either with or without hystopathological manifestations (an index of destruction, ID); b. ratio of cells of the inflammatory infiltrate (an inflammatory and destructive index, IDI); these data were researched in relation with dynamics of the clinical pictures during a postoperative period.The cytological material was obtained 1, 5, 15, 25, 30, 60, 120 days after dental implantation. Totally 442 cytogramme from 11 patients (1-2 implant per a patient) were assayed. The data array for computation of integrated indicators was composed of ca. 2550 data points. Results. A significant increase of ID (7500 ± 15) and IDI (80 ± 20) indicators, which reflects the development of acute inflammatory reactions in tissues neighboring an implant, was observed within 1-5 days following the insertion of dental implants. Long-term observations revealed two scenarios. The first scenario was characterized by the retention of high levels of ID and IDI over the period of observations. The second scenario featured the reduction of ID and IDI indices, which corresponded to the development of the osseointegration of dental implants.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (37) ◽  
pp. 4837-4853 ◽  
Agata Jarząb ◽  
Wirginia Kukula-Koch

Background: Obesity in the 21st century society became an important health problem, alarming both the scientists and medicine doctors around the world. That is why, the search for new drug candidates capable to reduce the body weight is of high concern. Objective: This contribution tends to collect current findings on the biochemistry of obesity and on the application of plants and in particular turmeric tuber – a commonly used spice - as an anti-obesity agent. Methods: Following an introduction on the biochemical characteristics of obesity, the description of Curcuma secondary metabolites, their pharmacological applications and a study on the plants’ regulatory properties in obesity was summarized. Particular attention was paid to curcumin – the major metabolite present in the extracts of Curcuma spp., which is known to exhibit a variety of pharmacological actions. Also, the characteristics of some semisynthetic analogues of this ferulic acid derivative, characterized by a higher polarity and better bioavailability will be discussed. Results: Numerous scientific papers treat on the influence of turmeric on weight loss. Additionally, some of them describe its anti-inflammatory properties. Conclusions: This important spice tends to fight the 21st century plague, which is an excessive weight gain, related to the development of metabolic syndrome, to the occurrence of cardiovascular problems and diabetes, and, in consequence, leading to a significant shortening of life span. As herein proven, the extracts of turmeric play an important role in the regulation of inflammatory reactions which are evoked in the overweight patients, helping them reduce the excess body weight.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (34) ◽  
pp. 4234-4245
Deepaneeta Sarmah ◽  
Aishika Datta ◽  
Swapnil Raut ◽  
Ankan Sarkar ◽  
Birva Shah ◽  

Inflammation is a devastating outcome of cerebrovascular diseases (CVD), namely stroke and atherosclerosis. Numerous studies over the decade have shown that inflammasomes play a role in mediating inflammatory reactions post cellular injury occurring after a stroke or a rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque. In view of this, targeting these inflammatory pathways using different pharmacological therapies may improve outcomes in patients with CVD. Here, we review the mechanisms by which inflammasomes drive the pathogenesis of stroke and atherosclerosis. Also, discussed here are the possible treatment strategies available for inhibiting inflammasomes or their up-stream/down-stream mediators.

1975 ◽  
Vol 142 (5) ◽  
pp. 1065-1077 ◽  
A.P. Osmand ◽  
R.F. Mortensen ◽  
Joan Siegel ◽  
H. Gewurz

Interactions of CRP with various substrates in the presence of human serum have been shown to result in efficient activation of C components C1-C5. We now report the ability of CRP to initiate C-dependent hemolysis. For this purpose CRP was isolated by affinity chromatography using pneumococcal CPS and gel filtration; its purity was established by several criteria. Erythrocytes were coated with CPS (E-CPS) and passively sensitized with CRP. C-dependent lysis of these cells was observed upon the addition of suitably absorbed human serum, and the efficiency of hemolysis compared favorably with that initiated by rabbit IgG anti-CPS antibody. CRP also sensitized E-CPS for lysis by guinea pig C; partial lysis was seen when C4-deficient guinea pig serum was used, suggesting that CRP also shares with antibody the ability of CRP to fully activate the C system and provide further evidence for a role for CRP similar to that of antibody in the initiation and modulation of inflammatory reactions via the complete system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (9) ◽  
pp. 1285-1297 ◽  
Cornelia Wiegand ◽  
Martin Abel ◽  
Uta-Christina Hipler ◽  
Peter Elsner ◽  
Michael Zieger ◽  

Background Application of controlled in vitro techniques can be used as a screening tool for the development of new hemostatic agents allowing quantitative assessment of overall hemostatic potential. Materials and methods Several tests were selected to evaluate the efficacy of cotton gauze, collagen, and oxidized regenerated cellulose for enhancing blood clotting, coagulation, and platelet activation. Results Visual inspection of dressings after blood contact proved the formation of blood clots. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated the adsorption of blood cells and plasma proteins. Significantly enhanced blood clot formation was observed for collagen together with β-thromboglobulin increase and platelet count reduction. Oxidized regenerated cellulose demonstrated slower clotting rates not yielding any thrombin generation; yet, led to significantly increased thrombin-anti-thrombin-III complex levels compared to the other dressings. As hemostyptica ought to function without triggering any adverse events, induction of hemolysis, instigation of inflammatory reactions, and initiation of the innate complement system were also tested. Here, cotton gauze provoked high PMN elastase and elevated SC5b-9 concentrations. Conclusions A range of tests for desired and undesired effects of materials need to be combined to gain some degree of predictability of the in vivo situation. Collagen-based dressings demonstrated the highest hemostyptic properties with lowest adverse reactions whereas gauze did not induce high coagulation activation but rather activated leukocytes and complement.

2020 ◽  
pp. 021849232098409
Ihsanul Amal ◽  
Heroe Soebroto ◽  

Background Sternotomy is a standard approach performed in almost every surgical procedure on the heart and mediastinum. Effective hemostasis of the sternum is required to keep the operative field dry, avoid excessive blood transfusions during surgery, and prevent reoperation due to massive postoperative bleeding, which can further increase morbidity and mortality in patients. Bone wax is a mechanical hemostat commonly used after sternotomy and has been known to affect bone healing, trigger chronic inflammatory reactions, and increase the rate of infection. The application of chitosan, which has intrinsic hemostat ability, as hemostatic material is believed to improve bone healing following sternotomy. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of bone wax and chitosan on bone healing after sternotomy. Methods Median sternotomies were performed on 2 groups of New Zealand White rabbits. Each group of 16 animals received either bone wax or chitosan powder as hemostatic material. The degree of bone healing, the number of foreign-body giant cells, and the number of osteoblasts were evaluated after 6 weeks. Results Radiographs showed that significantly more animals in the chitosan group had total sternal healing ( p = 0.033). Histopathology revealed that the number of foreign-body giant cells was significantly less ( p = 0.036) and the number of osteoblasts was significantly greater ( p < 0.0001) in the group of animals that received chitosan. Conclusion The use of chitosan as hemostatic material can promote better bone healing compared to bone wax.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 1514 ◽  
Akihiro Yachie

Since Yachie et al. reported the first description of human heme oxygenase (HO)-1 deficiency more than 20 years ago, few additional human cases have been reported in the literature. A detailed analysis of the first human case of HO-1 deficiency revealed that HO-1 is involved in the protection of multiple tissues and organs from oxidative stress and excessive inflammatory reactions, through the release of multiple molecules with anti-oxidative stress and anti-inflammatory functions. HO-1 production is induced in vivo within selected cell types, including renal tubular epithelium, hepatic Kupffer cells, vascular endothelium, and monocytes/macrophages, suggesting that HO-1 plays critical roles in these cells. In vivo and in vitro studies have indicated that impaired HO-1 production results in progressive monocyte dysfunction, unregulated macrophage activation and endothelial cell dysfunction, leading to catastrophic systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Data from reported human cases of HO-1 deficiency and numerous studies using animal models suggest that HO-1 plays critical roles in various clinical settings involving excessive oxidative stress and inflammation. In this regard, therapy to induce HO-1 production by pharmacological intervention represents a promising novel strategy to control inflammatory diseases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (13) ◽  
pp. 5776
Varvara G. Blinova ◽  
Natalia S. Novachly ◽  
Sofya N. Gippius ◽  
Abdullah Hilal ◽  
Yulia A. Gladilina ◽  

Regulatory T cells (Tregs) participate in the negative regulation of inflammatory reactions by suppressing effector cells. In a number of autoimmune disorders, the suppressive function and/or the number of Tregs is compromised. The lack of active functioning Tregs can be restored with adoptive transfer of expanded ex vivo autologous Tregs. In our study, we traced the differentiation and maturation of Tregs CD4+CD25+FoxP3+CD127low over 7 days of cultivation from initial CD4+ T cells under ex vivo conditions. The resulting ex vivo expanded cell population (eTregs) demonstrated the immune profile of Tregs with an increased capacity to suppress the proliferation of target effector cells. The expression of the FoxP3 gene was upregulated within the time of expansion and was associated with gradual demethylation in the promotor region of the T cell-specific demethylation region. Real-time RT-PCR analysis revealed changes in the expression profile of genes involved in cell cycle regulation. In addition to FOXP3, the cells displayed elevated mRNA levels of Ikaros zinc finger transcription factors and the main telomerase catalytic subunit hTERT. Alternative splicing of FoxP3, hTERT and IKZF family members was demonstrated to be involved in eTreg maturation. Our data indicate that expanded ex vivo eTregs develop a Treg-specific phenotype and functional suppressive activity. We suggest that eTregs are not just expanded but transformed cells with enhanced capacities of immune suppression. Our findings may influence further development of cell immunosuppressive therapy based on regulatory T cells.

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