scholarly journals Elevation-dependent behavior of hoar-prominent snowpack on forest slopes in the Japanese Central Alps based on a decade of observations

2018 ◽  
Vol 59 (77) ◽  
pp. 77-86
Yusuke Harada ◽  
Ryuzo Wakabayashi ◽  
Yoshikage Inoue

ABSTRACTFull snow-pit observations were performed on a monthly basis over ten winter seasons from 1995 to 2004, at 15 study plots spaced at 100 m elevation intervals (1300–2700 m a.s.l.) in the mountainous forest of the Japanese Central Alps. We observed 514 pits with an average depth of 1.12 m. Density measurements were taken in 2610 snow layers in total. Monthly trends indicate that snow depth has a strong linear correlation with elevation and that the mean density of snow cover has a moderate linear correlation with elevation in midwinter. Snow water equivalent can increase as a quadratic function of elevation in January and February. For this reason, the influence of overburden load and wind packing is elevation-dependent from January to February, a period when a facet-prominent snowpack existed on account of low snow and air temperatures. The density of depth hoar is greater at higher elevations than it is for rounded grains in midwinter due to densification. On forested slopes, with increasing elevation, snowfall frequency and the impact of wind upon snow increases while air temperature decreases, causing elevational variance in grain shapes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (21) ◽  
pp. 8657-8671 ◽  
Patrick D. Broxton ◽  
Xubin Zeng ◽  
Nicholas Dawson

Across much of the Northern Hemisphere, Climate Forecast System forecasts made earlier in the winter (e.g., on 1 January) are found to have more snow water equivalent (SWE) in April–June than forecasts made later (e.g., on 1 April); furthermore, later forecasts tend to predict earlier snowmelt than earlier forecasts. As a result, other forecasted model quantities (e.g., soil moisture in April–June) show systematic differences dependent on the forecast lead time. Notably, earlier forecasts predict much colder near-surface air temperatures in April–June than later forecasts. Although the later forecasts of temperature are more accurate, earlier forecasts of SWE are more realistic, suggesting that the improvement in temperature forecasts occurs for the wrong reasons. Thus, this study highlights the need to improve atmospheric processes in the model (e.g., radiative transfer, turbulence) that would cause cold biases when a more realistic amount of snow is on the ground. Furthermore, SWE differences in earlier versus later forecasts are found to much more strongly affect April–June temperature forecasts than the sea surface temperature differences over different regions, suggesting the major role of snowpack in seasonal prediction during the spring–summer transition over snowy regions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 3045-3059 ◽  
Nick Rutter ◽  
Melody J. Sandells ◽  
Chris Derksen ◽  
Joshua King ◽  
Peter Toose ◽  

Abstract. Spatial variability in snowpack properties negatively impacts our capacity to make direct measurements of snow water equivalent (SWE) using satellites. A comprehensive data set of snow microstructure (94 profiles at 36 sites) and snow layer thickness (9000 vertical profiles across nine trenches) collected over two winters at Trail Valley Creek, NWT, Canada, was applied in synthetic radiative transfer experiments. This allowed for robust assessment of the impact of estimation accuracy of unknown snow microstructural characteristics on the viability of SWE retrievals. Depth hoar layer thickness varied over the shortest horizontal distances, controlled by subnivean vegetation and topography, while variability in total snowpack thickness approximated that of wind slab layers. Mean horizontal correlation lengths of layer thickness were less than a metre for all layers. Depth hoar was consistently ∼30 % of total depth, and with increasing total depth the proportion of wind slab increased at the expense of the decreasing surface snow layer. Distinct differences were evident between distributions of layer properties; a single median value represented density and specific surface area (SSA) of each layer well. Spatial variability in microstructure of depth hoar layers dominated SWE retrieval errors. A depth hoar SSA estimate of around 7 % under the median value was needed to accurately retrieve SWE. In shallow snowpacks <0.6 m, depth hoar SSA estimates of ±5 %–10 % around the optimal retrieval SSA allowed SWE retrievals within a tolerance of ±30 mm. Where snowpacks were deeper than ∼30 cm, accurate values of representative SSA for depth hoar became critical as retrieval errors were exceeded if the median depth hoar SSA was applied.

2021 ◽  
Ilaria Clemenzi ◽  
David Gustafsson ◽  
Jie Zhang ◽  
Björn Norell ◽  
Wolf Marchand ◽  

&lt;p&gt;Snow in the mountains is the result of the interplay between meteorological conditions, e.g., precipitation, wind and solar radiation, and landscape features, e.g., vegetation and topography. For this reason, it is highly variable in time and space. It represents an important water storage for several sectors of the society including tourism, ecology and hydropower. The estimation of the amount of snow stored in winter and available in the form of snowmelt runoff can be strategic for their sustainability. In the hydropower sector, for example, the occurrence of higher snow and snowmelt runoff volumes at the end of the spring and in the early summer compared to the estimated one can substantially impact reservoir regulation with energy and economical losses. An accurate estimation of the snow volumes and their spatial and temporal distribution is thus essential for spring flood runoff prediction. Despite the increasing effort in the development of new acquisition techniques, the availability of extensive and representative snow and density measurements for snow water equivalent estimations is still limited. Hydrological models in combination with data assimilation of ground or remote sensing observations is a way to overcome these limitations. However, the impact of using different types of snow observations on snowmelt runoff predictions is, little understood. In this study we investigated the potential of assimilating in situ and remote sensing snow observations to improve snow water equivalent estimates and snowmelt runoff predictions. We modelled the seasonal snow water equivalent distribution in the Lake &amp;#214;veruman catchment, Northern Sweden, which is used for hydropower production. Simulations were performed using the semi-distributed hydrological model HYPE for the snow seasons 2017-2020. For this purpose, a snowfall distribution model based on wind-shelter factors was included to represent snow spatial distribution within model units. The units consist of 2.5x2.5 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; grid cells, which were further divided into hydrological response units based on elevation, vegetation and aspect. The impact on the estimation of the total catchment mean snow water equivalent and snowmelt runoff volume were evaluated using for data assimilation, gpr-based snow water equivalent data acquired along survey lines in the catchment in the early spring of the four years, snow water equivalent data obtained by a machine learning algorithm and satellite-based fractional snow cover data. Results show that the wind-shelter based snow distribution model was able to represent a similar spatial distribution as the gpr survey lines, when assessed on the catchment level. Deviations in the model performance within and between specific gpr survey lines indicate issues with the spatial distribution of input precipitation, and/or need to include explicit representation of snow drift between model units. The explicit snow distribution model also improved runoff simulations, and the ability of the model to improve forecast through data assimilation.&lt;/p&gt;

2016 ◽  
Jean M. Bergeron ◽  
Mélanie Trudel ◽  
Robert Leconte

Abstract. The potential of data assimilation for hydrologic predictions has been demonstrated in many research studies. Watersheds over which multiple observation types are available can potentially further benefit from data assimilation by having multiple updated states from which hydrologic predictions can be generated. However, the magnitude and time span of the impact of the assimilation of an observation varies according not only to its type, but also to the variables included in the state vector. This study examines the impact of multivariate synthetic data assimilation using the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) into the spatially distributed hydrologic model CEQUEAU for the mountainous Nechako River located in British-Columbia, Canada. Synthetic data includes daily snow cover area (SCA), daily measurements of snow water equivalent (SWE) at three different locations and daily streamflow data at the watershed outlet. Results show a large variability of the continuous rank probability skill score over a wide range of prediction horizons (days to weeks) depending on the state vector configuration and the type of observations assimilated. Overall, the variables most closely linearly linked to the observations are the ones worth considering adding to the state vector. The performance of the assimilation of basin-wide SCA, which does not have a decent proxy among potential state variables, does not surpass the open loop for any of the simulated variables. However, the assimilation of streamflow offers major improvements steadily throughout the year, but mainly over the short-term (up to 5 days) forecast horizons, while the impact of the assimilation of SWE gains more importance during the snowmelt period over the mid-term (up to 50 days) forecast horizon compared with open loop. The combined assimilation of streamflow and SWE performs better than its individual counterparts, offering improvements over all forecast horizons considered and throughout the whole year, including the critical period of snowmelt. This highlights the potential benefit of using multivariate data assimilation for streamflow predictions in snow-dominated regions.

2021 ◽  
Ondrej Hotovy ◽  
Michal Jenicek

&lt;p&gt;Seasonal snowpack significantly influences the catchment runoff and thus represents an important input for the hydrological cycle. Changes in the precipitation distribution and intensity, as well as a shift from snowfall to rain is expected in the future due to climate changes. As a result, rain-on-snow events, which are considered to be one of the main causes of floods in winter and spring, may occur more frequently. Heat from liquid precipitation constitutes one of the snowpack energy balance components. Consequently, snowmelt and runoff may be strongly affected by these temperature and precipitation changes.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The objective of this study is 1) to evaluate the frequency, inter-annual variability and extremity of rain-on-snow events in the past based on existing measurements together with an analysis of changes in the snowpack energy balance, and 2) to simulate the effect of predicted increase in air temperature on the occurrence of rain-on-snow events in the future. We selected 40 near-natural mountain catchments in Czechia with significant snow influence on runoff and with available long-time series (&gt;35 years) of daily hydrological and meteorological variables. A semi-distributed conceptual model, HBV-light, was used to simulate the individual components of the water cycle at a catchment scale. The model was calibrated for each of study catchments by using 100 calibration trials which resulted in respective number of optimized parameter sets. The model performance was evaluated against observed runoff and snow water equivalent. Rain-on-snow events definition by threshold values for air temperature, snow depth, rain intensity and snow water equivalent decrease allowed us to analyze inter-annual variations and trends in rain-on-snow events during the study period 1965-2019 and to explain the role of different catchment attributes.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The preliminary results show that a significant change of rain-on-snow events related to increasing air temperature is not clearly evident. Since both air temperature and elevation seem to be an important rain-on-snow drivers, there is an increasing rain-on-snow events occurrence during winter season due to a decrease in snowfall fraction. In contrast, a decrease in total number of events was observed due to the shortening of the period with existing snow cover on the ground. Modelling approach also opened further questions related to model structure and parameterization, specifically how individual model procedures and parameters represent the real natural processes. To understand potential model artefacts might be important when using HBV or similar bucket-type models for impact studies, such as modelling the impact of climate change on catchment runoff.&lt;/p&gt;

2021 ◽  
pp. 117-127

The article presents an analysis of the impact of climate change on the main characteristics of ice phenomena, snow cover and the water regime in the Small Northern Dvina River basin occurring in recent decades. Recently, a significant climate warming has been observed in the basin. As a result, winters are getting warmer and shorter. There is also an increase in winter precipitation and the number of thaws. Climate warming directly affects the duration of snow cover, which decreases both due to the later formation and to the earlier destruction of snow. There is also a slight downward trend in the annual values of the maximum snow water equivalent, which may be the result of an increase in the number of thaws in winter, when a part of the snow cover melts contributing to the winter river runoff. The analysis of the main characteristics of the ice cover on the rivers of the studied basin shows that their changes are similarly to changes in the snow cover: there is a reduction in the freeze-up period due to its later formation and earlier complete destruction. The maximum ice thickness on the rivers of the basin also tends to decrease. There is an increase in winter and a decrease in spring runoff. Predictive estimates of changes in the observed trends in the future are presented in the fi nal part of the article based on the CMIP5 project data.

1996 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 255-274 ◽  
S. V. N. Rao ◽  
K. S. Ramasastri ◽  
R. N. P. Singh

The rivers originating from middle and greater Himalayas have a significant part of their catchments under permanent snow cover and glaciers. Modeling runoff becomes difficult with almost no data from these parts. Even in the seasonal snow covered zones, the network is generally inadequate. However precipitation characteristics show repetitiveness and snowline movement elevation wise by and large occurs the same pattern each year. The snowline movement is distinct on a monthly basis and the location of permanent snowline is also more or less constant at about 4,500 m. A simple monthly snowmelt runoff model with relatively few parameters is proposed to take advantage of above mentioned characteristics, using the degree day method. The model uses monthly rain, snow (snow water equivalent), mean air temperature and snowline elevation as primary inputs. Model conceptualisation has been made in view of the data constraints. All parameters are estimated through few trial simulations, except the storage coefficient, which is optimised using Rosenbrock technique. The model was applied on two sub-catchments of Chenab basin (of Indus river system) to evaluate the model capability. The results are encouraging. There is further scope for model improvement, generalisation and for application to other catchments in the Western Himalayas.

2020 ◽  
Miguel A. Aguayo ◽  
Alejandro N. Flores ◽  
James P. McNamara ◽  
Hans-Peter Marshall ◽  
Jodi Mead

Abstract. Water management in semiarid regions of the western United States requires accurate and timely knowledge of runoff generated by snowmelt. This information is used to plan reservoir releases for downstream users and hydrologic models play an important role in estimating the volume of snow stored in mountain watersheds that serve as source waters for downstream reservoirs. Physically based, integrated hydrologic models are used to develop spatiotemporally dynamic estimates of hydrologic states and fluxes based on understanding of the underlying biophysics of hydrologic response. Yet this class of models are associated with many issues that give rise to significant uncertainties in key hydrologic variables of interest like snow water storage and streamflow. Underlying sources of uncertainty include difficulties in parameterizing processes associated with nonlinearities of some processes, as well as from the large variability in the characteristic spatial and temporal scale of atmospheric forcing and land-surface water and energy balance and groundwater processes. Scale issues, in particular, can introduce systematic biases in integrated atmospheric and hydrologic modeling. Reconciling these discrepancies while maintaining computational tractability remains a fundamental challenge in integrated hydrologic modeling. Here we investigate the hydrologic impact of discrepancies between distributed meteorological forcing data exhibiting a range of spatial scales consistent with a variety of numerical weather prediction models when used to force an integrated hydrologic model associated with a corresponding range of spatial resolutions characteristic of distributed hydrologic modeling. To achieve this, we design and conduct a total of twelve numerical modeling experiments that seek to quantify the impact of applied resolution of atmospheric forcings on simulated hillslope-scale hydrologic state variables. The experiments are arranged in such way to assess the impact of four different atmospheric forcing resolutions (i.e., interpolated 30 m, 1 km, 3 km and 9 km) on two hydrologic variables, snow water equivalent and soil water storage, arranged in three hydrologic spatial resolution (i.e., 30 m, 90 m and 250 m). Results show spatial patterns in snow water equivalent driven by atmospheric forcing in hillslope-scale simulations and patterns mostly driven by topographical characteristics (i.e., slope and aspect) on coarser simulations. Similar patterns are observed in soil water storage however, in addition to that, large errors are encountered primarily in riparian areas of the watershed on coarser simulations. The Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model is used to develop the environmental forcing variables required as input to the integrated hydrologic model. WRF is an open source, community supported coupled land-atmosphere model capable of capturing spatial scales that permit convection. The integrated hydrologic modeling framework used in this work coincides with the ParFlow open-source surface-subsurface hydrology model. This work has important implications for the use of atmospheric and integrated hydrologic models in remote and ungauged areas. In particular, this work has potential ramifications for the design and development of observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) in complex and snow-dominated landscapes. OSSEs are critical in constraining the performance characteristics of Earth-observing satellites.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (10) ◽  
pp. 4375-4389 ◽  
Jean M. Bergeron ◽  
Mélanie Trudel ◽  
Robert Leconte

Abstract. The potential of data assimilation for hydrologic predictions has been demonstrated in many research studies. Watersheds over which multiple observation types are available can potentially further benefit from data assimilation by having multiple updated states from which hydrologic predictions can be generated. However, the magnitude and time span of the impact of the assimilation of an observation varies according not only to its type, but also to the variables included in the state vector. This study examines the impact of multivariate synthetic data assimilation using the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) into the spatially distributed hydrologic model CEQUEAU for the mountainous Nechako River located in British Columbia, Canada. Synthetic data include daily snow cover area (SCA), daily measurements of snow water equivalent (SWE) at three different locations and daily streamflow data at the watershed outlet. Results show a large variability of the continuous rank probability skill score over a wide range of prediction horizons (days to weeks) depending on the state vector configuration and the type of observations assimilated. Overall, the variables most closely linearly linked to the observations are the ones worth considering adding to the state vector due to the limitations imposed by the EnKF. The performance of the assimilation of basin-wide SCA, which does not have a decent proxy among potential state variables, does not surpass the open loop for any of the simulated variables. However, the assimilation of streamflow offers major improvements steadily throughout the year, but mainly over the short-term (up to 5 days) forecast horizons, while the impact of the assimilation of SWE gains more importance during the snowmelt period over the mid-term (up to 50 days) forecast horizon compared with open loop. The combined assimilation of streamflow and SWE performs better than their individual counterparts, offering improvements over all forecast horizons considered and throughout the whole year, including the critical period of snowmelt. This highlights the potential benefit of using multivariate data assimilation for streamflow predictions in snow-dominated regions.

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