Toward a Better Understanding of the Positive/Normative Distinction in Economics

1994 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17 ◽  
Samuel C. Weston

This essay argues in favor of retaining the positive/normative distinction in economics, in spite of developments in methodology and epistemology that have cast doubt on the possibility of a “value-free” economics. The central claim is that it is worthwhile to distinguish between positive economic analysis and normative judgments, even if economics is viewed as being permeated with ethical values. This argument is presented without trying either to demonstrate that there is (or is not) a profound epistemological difference between science and ethics or to show that positive science can (or cannot) afford us access to objective reality.

2008 ◽  
Vol 85 (3) ◽  
pp. 360-368 ◽  
Mylène Fugère ◽  
Patrice Farand ◽  
Rock Chabot ◽  
Paul Stuart

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-26
Alfrida Lembang

Abstract: Indonesia is a vast country committed to undertaking efforts to eradicate corruption in order to create advanced Indonesia. The profession of the State Civil Apparatus is a part of Indonesia's profession and vulnerable to corruption. The country already has an Anti-Corruption module for ASN. The module can be developed by adding values ​​to the characteristics of Caleb leadership so that it is expected to be effective for eradicating corruption in the context of Christian ASN. The purpose of this study is to uncover the leadership character values ​​of Caleb to later integrate it with the anti-corruption values ​​of the State civil apparatus. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of grounded theory research. This paper produces Caleb characteristic values ​​for ASN anti-corruption values. These values ​​consist of: first, a Christian ASN must have a value of faith in God. Second, a Christian ASN must live according to the fear of God. Third, a Christian ASN must have the correct ethical values ​​to live up to nine anti-corruption values.   Keywords: State Civil Apparatus, Anti Corruption, Caleb, Leadership.   Abstrak: Indonesia merupakan Negara besar berkomitmen melakukan usaha-usaha pemberantasan Korupsi demi terciptanya Indonesia Maju. Profesi Aparatur Sipil Negara merupakan bagian dari profesi yang ada di Indonesia dan rentan untuk melakukan tindakan korupsi. Negara telah memiliki modul Anti Korupsi untuk ASN. Modul tersebut dapat dikembangkan dengan menambah nilai-nilai karakteristik kepemimpinan kaleb sehingga diharapkan efektif bagi pemberantasan korupsi dalam konteks ASN Kristiani. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai karakter kepemimpinan dari kaleb  untuk kemudian memadukannya dengan nilai-nilai anti korupsi aparatur sipil Negara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian  grounded theory. Tulisan ini menghasilkan nilai-nilai karakteristik kaleb bagi nilai anti korupsi ASN. Nilai-nilai tersebut terdiri atas: pertama, Seorang ASN kristiani harus memiliki nilai iman kepada Allah. Kedua, seorang ASN kristiani harus hidup berdasarkan rasa takut akan Allah. Ketiga, Seorang ASN Kristiani harus memiliki nilai sikap nilai nalar etis   yang benar untuk dapat menghidupi sembilan nilai anti korupsi.   Kata Kunci:  Aparatur Sipil Negara, Anti Korupsi, Kaleb, Kepemimpinan.

Teknik ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 225-231
Sunarso Sugeng ◽  
Mohammad Ridwan ◽  
Suharto Suharto ◽  
Samuel Febriary Khristyson

In a ship planning can not be separated from the planning of the ship launching process. A ship can glide perfectly if it has a high enough planning time and costs. The launch process itself is divided into several ways. The choice of this method needs to be considered because it relates to the budget and preparations made. The method used is the calculation according to the numerical approach assisted by computational software. In the first calculation it is planned with the slipway launch, and then the next one is planned with the airbags that have been implemented previously. The purpose of this study is to provide analysis results as a consideration in implementing the slipway and airbag ship launching method on KM ships. Belt Nusantara 72 measuring 2000 DWT. In steps 5 to 6, both the slipway and the airbags experience a stern lift condition with a value (yVd) of 1396.97 ton.  Based on the economic analysis of the hours of people using airbags, there is a decrease in working hours by 44% when compared to the launch using a slipway. This also happened to work productivity where it was 84% more time effective. When viewed from an investment point of view, the use of slipways is actually more economical than airbag, the difference is 43% more economical using slipways. Both types of launch can be applied by looking at the economical side and the ability of each shipyard in carrying out the launching process and seeing the main size of the ship to be launched.

Jurnal RASI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-33
Ahmad Rifai

The phenomenon of violence addressed to Islam is a blow to the Islam Community, why not? Islam as a religion of revelation is cornered to radical stigma that have a negative stigma fundamentalists. This phenomenon attracts the author's interest to explore more the concept of goodness which is reviewed in Islam perspective and philosophy. The study found that Islam has never dominated violence. Goodness in Islamic perspective is seen as Al Makruf, which relies on divine and ethical values, norms that occur in society. Al Makruf (goodness) has the same meaning in the context of philosophy, the good deed has a value of benefits to humans when related with morals and ethics. Therefore, there is not contradicting between the meaning of goodness in Islam (al makruf) and the meaning of goodness in philosophy. The behavior of piety is indicate moral behavior.

2017 ◽  
Vol 58 (4) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Samir Saleh

Das Verfolgen von ethischen Werten im Marketing muss keinen Widerspruch zum ökonomischen Erfolg eines Unternehmens darstellen. Gerade der starke Kostendruck in der Logistikbranche erfordert für die strategische Ausrichtung von Logistikunternehmen Differenzierungskriterien, die sich von einer reinen Kostenorientierung abwenden. Fairness als ein ethischer Wert, ergänzt um ökologische und soziale Gesichtspunkte, die sowohl nach außen auf die Kunden und die Öffentlichkeit als auch nach innen auf die Mitarbeiter wirken, stellen die Eckpunkte eines ethischen Marketings dar. Die Rückbesinnung auf die Werte des ehrbaren Kaufmanns und damit eine ethische Ausrichtung der Marketingkonzeption eines Unternehmens ermöglichen eine Bindung des Kunden und damit die Realisierung von ethischen und ökonomischen Zielen. The pursuit of ethical values in marketing doesn’t need to be a contradiction to economic success. Fairness, ecological and social aspects are important cornerstones of ethical marketing. The alignment of a marketing conception with ethical values leads to a value-based behavior towards employees, customers and business partners. This helps to build and maintain lasting relationships and thus the realization of ethical and economic targets. Keywords: ökonomischer erfolg, marketingkonzeption, logistikbranche, logistik

1991 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-72 ◽  
David D Friedman ◽  
William M Landes ◽  
Richard A Posner

Despite the practical importance of trade secrets to the business community, the law of trade secrets is a neglected orphan in economic analysis. This paper sketches an approach to the economics of trade secret law that connects it more closely both to other areas of intellectual property and to broader issues in the positive economic theory of the common law.

1996 ◽  
Vol 321 ◽  
pp. 315-333 ◽  
John R. Taylor ◽  
George Veronis

In a series of laboratory experiments the growth of double-diffusive salt fingers from an initial configuration of two homogeneous reservoirs with salt in the lower and sugar in the upper layer was investigated. For most of the experiments the stability ratio was between 2.5 and 3, where the latter value is at the upper limit (the ratio of salt to sugar diffusivities) for which fingers can exist. In these experiments long slender fingers are generated at the interface. Essentially all theories or physical bases for models of salt fingers presuppose such a configuration of long fingers. Our measurements show that the length of fingers at high stability ratio increases with time like t1/2, with a coefficient that is consistent with the diffusive spread of the faster diffusing component (salt). When the initial stability ratio is closer to unity, fingers penetrate into the reservoirs very rapidly carrying with them large anomalies of salt and sugar which give rise to convective overturning of the reservoirs. The convection sweeps away the ends of the fingers, and when it is intense enough (as it is when the sugar anomaly is large) it can reduce the finger height to a value less than the width. After this initial phase the finger length grows linearly with time as has been found in previous studies. These results show that salt fingers can evolve in quite different ways depending on the initial stability ratio and must cast doubt on the use of simple similarity arguments to parameterize the heat and salt fluxes produced by fingers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
A Sans

Abstract The proposal of this talk is to explain alternatives to obtain ethical reasoning in the humans/AI interactions in medical (especially public health) contexts. One of the ethical problems in AI is the alignment mechanisms between human values and machines automatisms. This research is based on obtaining a system capable to infer from rational human activity in a certain behavior, so it can be captured how a human moves and the way that human beings learn and teach ethical values. One way is mimetic alignment, which are values imitation processes based trough big data preferences analysis, linguistic expressions, etc. However, this approximation commits two mistakes. First, preferences are confused with values, and then the second problem is that naturalistic fallacy is committed. From this point of view, naturalistic fallacy occurs if the research is focused on alignment meaning instead of value one, and the subsequent answer is preference analysis based. Therefore, prescriptions are derivate from descriptions. The chain of reasoning that leads us to commit this fallacy begins with the confusion that values and preferences are equivalent. An alternative proposal is anchored values alignment, which is based on anchoring normative values processes of a machine that has a behavior to interact. Through abductive reasoning, this way of thinking tries to capture the idea that a value is not in any set of things, instead it is some action guiding. The relevance of abduction is its temptative value to project beyond descriptive reasoning as statically one, which it is currently used in works on medical diagnosis precisely for the characteristics that clinical eye needs.

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