Determination of arsenic atom distribution arsenic doped silicon using HOLZ-line analysis

Y. Kikuchi ◽  
N. Hashikawa ◽  
F. Uesugi ◽  
E. Wakai ◽  
K. Watanabe ◽  

In order to measure the concentration of arsenic atoms in nanometer regions of arsenic doped silicon, the HOLZ analysis is carried out underthe exact [011] zone axis observation. In previous papers, it is revealed that the position of two bright lines in the outer SOLZ structures on the[011] zone axis is little influenced by the crystal thickness and the background intensity caused by inelastic scattering electrons, but is sensitive to the concentration of As atoms substitutbnal for Siatomic site.As the result, it becomes possible to determine the concentration of electrically activated As atoms in silicon within an observed area by means of the simple fitting between experimental result and dynamical simulatioan. In the present work, in order to investigate the distribution of electrically activated As in silicon, the outer HOLZ analysis is applied using a nanometer sized probe of TEM equipped with a FEG.Czodiralsld-gown<100>orientated p-type Si wafers with a resistivity of 10 Ώ cm are used for the experiments.TheAs+ implantation is performed at a dose of 5.0X1015cm-2at 25keV.

1996 ◽  
Vol 154 (2) ◽  
pp. 531-541 ◽  
N. Hashikawa ◽  
K. Watanabe ◽  
Y. Kikuchi ◽  
Y. Oshima ◽  
I. Hashimoto

S. Golladay

The theory of multiple scattering has been worked out by Groves and comparisons have been made between predicted and observed signals for thick specimens observed in a STEM under conditions where phase contrast effects are unimportant. Independent measurements of the collection efficiencies of the two STEM detectors, calculations of the ratio σe/σi = R, where σe, σi are the total cross sections for elastic and inelastic scattering respectively, and a model of the unknown mass distribution are needed for these comparisons. In this paper an extension of this work will be described which allows the determination of the required efficiencies, R, and the unknown mass distribution from the data without additional measurements or models. Essential to the analysis is the fact that in a STEM two or more signal measurements can be made simultaneously at each image point.

J. S. Lally ◽  
R. J. Lee

In the 50 year period since the discovery of electron diffraction from crystals there has been much theoretical effort devoted to the calculation of diffracted intensities as a function of crystal thickness, orientation, and structure. However, in many applications of electron diffraction what is required is a simple identification of an unknown structure when some of the shape and orientation parameters required for intensity calculations are not known. In these circumstances an automated method is needed to solve diffraction patterns obtained near crystal zone axis directions that includes the effects of systematic absences of reflections due to lattice symmetry effects and additional reflections due to double diffraction processes.Two programs have been developed to enable relatively inexperienced microscopists to identify unknown crystals from diffraction patterns. Before indexing any given electron diffraction pattern, a set of possible crystal structures must be selected for comparison against the unknown.

R.D. Leapman ◽  
P. Rez ◽  
D.F. Mayers

Microanalysis by EELS has been developing rapidly and though the general form of the spectrum is now understood there is a need to put the technique on a more quantitative basis (1,2). Certain aspects important for microanalysis include: (i) accurate determination of the partial cross sections, σx(α,ΔE) for core excitation when scattering lies inside collection angle a and energy range ΔE above the edge, (ii) behavior of the background intensity due to excitation of less strongly bound electrons, necessary for extrapolation beneath the signal of interest, (iii) departures from the simple hydrogenic K-edge seen in L and M losses, effecting σx and complicating microanalysis. Such problems might be approached empirically but here we describe how computation can elucidate the spectrum shape.The inelastic cross section differential with respect to energy transfer E and momentum transfer q for electrons of energy E0 and velocity v can be written as

C. M. Sung ◽  
D. B. Williams

Researchers have tended to use high symmetry zone axes (e.g. <111> <114>) for High Order Laue Zone (HOLZ) line analysis since Jones et al reported the origin of HOLZ lines and described some of their applications. But it is not always easy to find HOLZ lines from a specific high symmetry zone axis during microscope operation, especially from second phases on a scale of tens of nanometers. Therefore it would be very convenient if we can use HOLZ lines from low symmetry zone axes and simulate these patterns in order to measure lattice parameter changes through HOLZ line shifts. HOLZ patterns of high index low symmetry zone axes are shown in Fig. 1, which were obtained from pure Al at -186°C using a double tilt cooling holder. Their corresponding simulated HOLZ line patterns are shown along with ten other low symmetry orientations in Fig. 2. The simulations were based upon kinematical diffraction conditions.

M.A. Gribelyuk ◽  
M. Rühle

A new method is suggested for the accurate determination of the incident beam direction K, crystal thickness t and the coordinates of the basic reciprocal lattice vectors V1 and V2 (Fig. 1) of the ZOLZ plans in pixels of the digitized 2-D CBED pattern. For a given structure model and some estimated values Vest and Kest of some point O in the CBED pattern a set of line scans AkBk is chosen so that all the scans are located within CBED disks.The points on line scans AkBk are conjugate to those on A0B0 since they are shifted by the reciprocal vector gk with respect to each other. As many conjugate scans are considered as CBED disks fall into the energy filtered region of the experimental pattern. Electron intensities of the transmitted beam I0 and diffracted beams Igk for all points on conjugate scans are found as a function of crystal thickness t on the basis of the full dynamical calculation.

C. J. D. Hetherington

Most high resolution images are not directly interpretable but must be compared with simulations based on model atomic structures and appropriate imaging conditions. Typically, the only parameters that are adjusted, in addition to the structure models, are crystal thickness and microscope defocus. Small tilts of the crystal away from the exact zone axis have only rarely been considered. It is shown here that, in the analysis of an image of a silicon twin intersection, the crystal tilt could be accurately estimated and satisfactorily included in the simulations.The micrograph shown in figure 1 was taken as part of an HREM study of indentation-induced hexagonal silicon. In this instance, the intersection of two twins on different habit planes has driven the silicon into hexagonal stacking. However, in order to confirm this observation, and in order to investigate other defects in the region, it has been necessary to simulate the image taking into account the very apparent crystal tilt. The inability to orientate the specimen at the exact [110] zone was influenced by i) the buckling of the specimen caused by strains at twin intersections, ii) the absence of Kikuchi lines or a clearly visible Laue circle in the diffraction pattern of the thin specimen and iii) the avoidance of radiation damage (which had marked effects on images taken a few minutes later following attempts to realign the crystal.) The direction of the crystal tilt was estimated by observing which of the {111} planes remained close to edge-on to the beam and hence strongly imaged. Further refinement of the direction and magnitude of the tilt was done by comparing simulated images to experimental images in a through-focal series. The presence of three different orientations of the silicon lattice aided the unambiguous determination of the tilt. The final estimate of a 0.8° tilt in the 200Å thick specimen gives atomic columns a projected width of about 3Å.

AIP Advances ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 085005
Kevin Lauer ◽  
Geert Brokmann ◽  
Mario Bähr ◽  
Thomas Ortlepp

1982 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-65
W. Batsberg ◽  
O. Kramer

Abstract The experimental result, that the equilibrium force is nearly equal to the pseudoequilibrium force immediately prior to quenching and irradiation, allows the following conclusions: (1) Chain scission during crosslinking is not a serious problem. (2) The network of highly entangled linear chains is effectively at elastic equilibrium immediately prior to crosslinking in the strained state. This would not be the case if the entangled structure remained untrapped. (3) The effect of chain entangling in tightly crosslinked elastomers is large, also at elastic equilibrium. In fact, it is almost quantitatively equal to the pseudo-equilibrium stress relaxation modulus of the uncrosslinked linear polymer. This result is in agreement with the results from the Langley and the two-network methods.

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