Changes in skin and fleece characteristics of Scottish cashmere goats following selection for increased annual production and decreased fibre diameter

2003 ◽  
Vol 76 (3) ◽  
pp. 517-522 ◽  
M. Merchantt ◽  
D. J. Riach

AbstractThe aim of this experiment was to determine the mechanisms involved in changes in the production of cashmere as a consequence of genetic selection. Skin follicle parameters and pattern of cashmere growth were compared in two selected lines of Scottish cashmere goats and a randomly bred control line. One line, the fine line, had been selected for low fibre diameter, and this had resulted in lower fibre diameter, but the weight of cashmere produced had also been reduced. Selection for fibre quantity and quality to give maximum financial return (the value line) had increased cashmere weight without a significant increase in cashmere diameter.Skin follicle density and the ratio of secondary to primary follicles (S/P ratio) were measured at 5 months of age in 25 female kids from each line. The density of follicles in the value line was greater (P · 0.05) than that in the fine or control lines (means were 21·8, 19·8 and 20·1 follicles per mm2 respectively, s.e.d. 0.73). S/P ratio increased (P · 0.001) from control to fine to value lines (means were 6.5, 7.7 and 8.4 respectively, s.e.d. = 0.30).The rate of cashmere growth (length), peak cashmere length, the duration of the cashmere growing period and dates of initiation and cessation of growth were measured in the same 25 goats from each line between 2 and 3 years of age. These traits were estimated from the regression of measurements of staple length taken at approximately 6-weekly intervals from the start of the growing period until peak staple length was reached. Measurements were made on the shoulder, mid side and hip. There was no difference in cashmere growth rate between the selection lines (average 0·29 (s.e. 0.006) mm/day). Cashmere growth started earliest in the value line and latest in the fine line but the date of cessation of growth was not different. This affected the duration of the growing period which was 183, 163 and 214 days (s.e.d. 9.6, P · 0.001) for the control, fine and value lines respectively. Peak staple length of cashmere was longest in the value line.Increased weight of cashmere in the value line was brought about through an increase in the number of secondary follicles and by an increase in the length of cashmere due to an increase in the duration of the growing period.

1982 ◽  
Vol 98 (3) ◽  
pp. 553-562 ◽  
M. L. Ryder

SUMMARYTen Scottish Blackface ewes from each of three lines, a line selected for hairiness, a line selected for a fine fleece, and an unselected control, were fleece and skin sampled in April, June, September and December, during their 6J year life-span on the hill.Fleece weight differed between individuals and between lines, and declined by 4% per year from 1·5 kg at 1 year, to 1·3 kg at 6 years. Fleece grade was inadequate as a method of denning fleece differences between the lines.The height of the spring ‘rise’ in growth in April differed between years, and between lines, declining 2 mm a year from 26 mm at 1 year. Staple length was greatest in the Hairy group and least in the Fine group (P < 0·05). Growth in length was faster between September and December (autumn) than between April and June (spring). Staple length decreased by 14 mm a year.The lines differed significantly (P < 0·05) in mean fibre diameter but not in modal fibre diameter. There was a highly significant decrease in diameter from summer to winter, ranging from 20% in the Fine line to 31% in the Hairy line, the greater decrease in the Hairy line being attributed to loss of medulla.The selection had between 1954 and 1972 changed the S/P follicle ratio of 3·0 in the control to 2·8 in the Hairy line and 3·2 in the Fine line. Most seasonal follicle inactivity occurred in April, December came second, and June invariably had more follicle inactivity than September. The control line had the greatest values of primary follicle inactivity and the Fine least. Among the secondary follicles the Hairy line had most inactivity, and the control line least. Maximum primary fibre medullation occurred in either June or September, and medullation was at a minimum in December or April.

Genetics ◽  
1974 ◽  
Vol 76 (3) ◽  
pp. 537-549
Gunther Schlager

ABSTRACT Response to two-way selection for systolic blood pressure was immediate and continuous for about eight generations. In the twelfth generation, the High males differed from the Low males by 38 mmHG; the females differed by 39 mmHg. There was little overlap between the two lines and they were statistically significant from each other and from the Random control line. There appeared to be no more additive genetic variance in the eleventh and twelfth generations. Causes for the cessation of response are explored. This is probably due to a combination of natural selection acting to reduce litter sizes in the Low line, a higher incidence of sudden deaths in the High line, and loss of favorable alleles as both selection lines went through a population bottleneck in the ninth generation.—In the eleventh generation, the selected lines were used to produce F1, F2, and backcross generations. A genetic analysis yielded significant additive and dominance components in the inheritance of systolic blood pressure.

1966 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 557 ◽  
GH Brown ◽  
HN Turner ◽  
SSY Young ◽  
CHS Dolling

Estimates were made of the effects of the following factors on 10 fleece and body characteristics measured on breeding ewes aged 1½ to 10½ years in three mating groups over a period of 15 years: age of ewe, single or twin birth, age of dam, the ewe's own lambing performance, the year in which measurements were made, and the year in which each set of ewes was born. Two groups (S and MS) were under selection for high clean wool weight at 15–16 months, with a ceiling on wrinkle score and fibre diameter, while the third (C) was a random control. Changes with age were present in all characteristics and were similar in the three groups. The finding that selection on wool weight at an early age had no effect on subsequent age changes in any characteristic is of considerable importance. Greasy and clean wool weight reached a maximum at 34 years, then declined by 0.3–0.2 1b per year. Percentage clean yield, fibre diameter, body weight, and wrinkle score had maxima at 5½ to 6½ years. Staple length fell consistently by approximately 0.2 cm per year, while face cover rose consistently but slightly. Crimp number rose, fell, and rose again, while fibre number rose, fell, and remained constant from 4½ years. The chief source of increase in wool weight from l½ to 3½ years was an increase in the total number of fibres. The chief source of the subsequent fall was a decrease in fibre volume, with a minor contribution from a fall in total fibre number after 6½ years. Twin-born ewes cut 0.21 lb (4.2% of the mean) less clean wool per year over their lifetime than single-born ewes, while the progeny of 2-year-old ewes cut 0.32 lb (6.4%) less than the progeny of adults. The main source of lower weight in each case was a lower total fibre number. Pregnancy lowered clean wool weight more than lactation, the separate effects being 0.87 and 0.38 lb respectively (17.4 and 7.7% of the mean) and the combined effect 1.25 1b or 25.1%. Pregnancy lowered total fibre number but lactation had no further effect. Mean clean wool weights over all ages in the C group varied from year to year, the range being from 1.08 lb (21.6%)below the mean to 0.97 lb (19.4%) above. Differences in total fibre number contributed between one-third and two-thirds of the variation. Ewes born in consecutive years in the S and MS groups showed marked upward trends in clean wool weight, fibre number, and staple length, with a marked downward trend in crimp number and a slight upward trend in body weight. These trends demonstrate direct and correlated responses to the strong selection for high clean wool weight at 15–16 months of age, and the associated slight selection against fibre diameter and wrinkle score. The mean annual increases in clean wool weight were 0.15 and 0.11 Ib (3.0 and 2.2%) in the S and MS groups, approximately 40% of the increase arising from increased total fibre number and 40% from increased staple length. The effects of age and lambing performance can be used to predict productivity in flocks of differing age structures. As the casting age rises to 54 years changes in productivity are negligible. With a rise in casting age to 7½ years the average clean wool weight of the flock would fall by 0.14 lb, with a slight decrease in staple length and crimp number. These changes need to be balanced against any increased lambing percentage or decreased annual genetic gain due to increased generation interval. Comparison with other available figures indicates that age changes may vary from one area to another.

1970 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 955 ◽  
HN Turner ◽  
MG Brooker ◽  
CHS Dolling

Direct and correlated responses are reported for 10 traits in eight pairs of lines under selection for high and low values of single characteristics : clean wool weight per head, clean wool weight per unit skin area (measured only in the groups under selection for it), body weight, wrinkle score, fibre number per unit skin area (adjusted for body weight), fibre diameter, staple length, and percentage clean yield. All groups showed overall divergence in the character under selection, though response was not always symmetrical, and in two cases (long staple and low fibre number) there was no continuing response after the initial response to extreme selection of the base parents. In all except one case, whenever previous estimates of genetic correlation were at the level of 0.2 or higher, correlated responses were in the predicted direction, though not always symmetrical in magnitude. The exception was a previously reported negative correlation between fibre number and staple length, which was not exhibited under selection for either character. Where two characters of a pair were under selection, reciprocal responses agreed in sign; magnitude will be examined in a later paper. Wool per unit area was shown to have a greater influence on clean wool weight than that of surface area, with staple length on this occasion being the most important component of wool per unit area. Reasons for an apparent decrease in the relative importance of fibre number are discussed. Three other points of importance in sheep breeding are again emphasized by these results : 1. Crimp in several pairs of groups was a poor indicator of fibre diameter. 2. Increases in clean wool weight were associated with falls in crimp number, even though fibre diameter actually became finer; diameter, not crimp, should therefore be used as a guide to wool quality. 3. The absence of genetic correlations DL and NL indicates that selection can be for high N (fibre number) with high L (staple length) and low D (fibre diameter) -in other words, a desirable fleece -with no impeding genetic correlations.

Behaviour ◽  
1978 ◽  
Vol 65 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 263-269 ◽  
Kovach Joseph K.

Japanese quail (C. coturnix japonica) were artificially selected for early preferences of blue over red and red over blue. Subjects were drawn from the 2nd and 8th generations of the selected lines and were tested for color choices by five different color pairs, in addition to the blue-red pair used for selection. Eight generations of selection for choices between blue and red modified choice responses to all color combinations. Maximum preferences were not shown in the selected choices between blue and red, but in the choice of green over red in the subjects from the line selected for preference of blue and in the choice of yellow over blue in the subjects from the line selected for preference of red.

2017 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 60 ◽  
Chunhui Duan ◽  
Jianhai Xu ◽  
Yu Zhang ◽  
Wei Zhang ◽  
Yabo Sun ◽  

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of melatonin implants on cashmere growth, the concentrations of plasma melatonin and prolactin and the total cashmere yield in cashmere-perennial-type Liaoning cashmere goats. Twenty female goats were assigned to two treatments (n = 10) including a control and a treatment in which melatonin (2 mg/kg bodyweight) was implanted in March and May, respectively. The experiment lasted for 153 days. Fibre samples were collected in July, August and April the following year (before cashmere harvest). Blood samples were taken monthly from March to August. Cashmere yield was recorded after harvest. In melatonin-treated goats, cashmere length and cashmere growth rate from April to July were significantly increased (P < 0.05), but no influence was observed (P > 0.05) in August. Implantation of melatonin significantly increased plasma melatonin concentrations (P < 0.05) and decreased prolactin concentrations from April to July compared with the control group (P < 0.05), but no difference was observed in August (P > 0.05). Administration of melatonin increased the cashmere yield by 6.2% and the maximum cashmere length by 8.4%, but the differences were not significant (P > 0.05). Moreover, the cashmere fibre diameter was not influenced by melatonin implantation (P > 0.05). The results also indicated that plasma melatonin concentrations were correlated with plasma prolactin in the regulation of cashmere growth. Implantation of melatonin was an effective way to promote cashmere growth, and administration during the cashmere slow-growing period improved cashmere production without changing cashmere fibre diameter in cashmere-perennial-type Liaoning cashmere goats.

2008 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 124 ◽  
K. MÄKI ◽  

Genetic parameters were estimated for wool characteristics of white and coloured Finnsheep. The data consisted of 5 309 lambs from ordinary production flocks, the Finnsheep nucleus flock and a breeding flock. The variance component estimation was done applying REML analyses. Wool traits included fleece uniformity, density, staple formation, lustre, crimp frequency, fineness grade and staple length. There was a smaller dataset that contained also lamb live weight, greasy fleece weight and additional fleece characteristics including fibre diameter measured with the OFDA method. The variance components for direct and maternal effects were estimated using bivariate analysis for 42-day, 120-day weight and greasy fleece weight. Heritability for visually assessed wool characteristics varied from 0.23 to 0.43 and for measured traits from 0.45 to 0.62. Staple length had a high negative genetic correlation with crimp frequency and fineness grade. Heritability of greasy fleece weight was high (0.55) and that of fibre diameter 0.62. The genetic correlation between crimp frequency and fibre diameter was negative (- 0.56). The results imply that the assessed traits are useful indicators for fleece quality and those of major importance can be introduced into the breeding programme. The results suggest that there is no antagonism in selection for both growth capacity and wool quantity.;

1974 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 973 ◽  
R Barlow

Correlated responses to selection for high and low clean fleece weight (W) in the Peppin Merino (Fleece plus and Fleece minus flocks respectively) are presented together with estimates of realized genetic correlations where appropriate. There were strong positive correlations between W and greasy fleece weight and between W and clean scoured yield, and a strong negative correlation between Wand crimp frequency. There was no consistent association between W and body weight. Selection for W caused little change in wool colour, a slight improvement in wool character, and an improvement in wool handle in the rams, but not in the ewes. There was an increase in face cover score and a decrease in birthcoat score in the Fleece minus flock, but there was no change in either trait in the Fleece plus flock. Possible reasons for these asymmetries are discussed. Most of the response in W in the Fleece plus flock arose through increases in fibre density, fibre diameter and staple length. Staple length was the major component associated with response in W in the Fleece minus flock. Decreases also occurred in fibre density and wrinkle score but there was no change in fibre diameter. Continued response in W in the Fleece minus flock was through staple length and, to a lesser extent, wrinkle score. The response in fibre density in both flocks arose through change in the ratio of secondary to primary fibres. Two-year-old and lifetime reproductive performances are reported for the two selection flocks. The Fleece minus 2-year-old ewes weaned significantly more lambs than their Fleece plus counterparts over the period studied. The lifetime reproductive performance of ewes was similar in both flocks, although there were significantly more multiple births in the Fleece plus flock. An examination of the divergence between the two flocks revealed no significant time trends. The asymmetrical pattern of response in W in these flocks is discussed in the light of the present data. __________________ *Part I, Aust. J. Agric. Res., 25: 643 (1974).

1995 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 27 ◽  
T Wuliji ◽  
IL Weatherall ◽  
RN Andrews ◽  
KG Dodds ◽  
PR Turner ◽  

Seasonal wool growth and associated wool characteristics were measured in a Romney line selected for high fleece weight and an unselected control line in 1990 and 1991. Both had a significant (P<0.01) decline in wool growth rate in winter compared with summer. The wool growth rate advantage (P<0.001) of the selected line over the control averaged 19 and 33% for ewes, and 24 and 36% for hoggets, in summer and winter, respectively. Staple strength, yield, and fibre diameter differences were closely associated with wool growth. Colour analysis showed no difference between lines in either brightness (Y) or yellowness (Y - Z). However, both the Y and Z values were lower in spring and summer, while Y - Z was highest in summer. The results suggest that selection for high fleece weight also improves major wool characteristics and reduces the relative winter wool growth decline in Romneys.

2000 ◽  
Vol 89 (4) ◽  
pp. 1608-1616 ◽  
Philippe Houle-Leroy ◽  
Theodore Garland ◽  
John G. Swallow ◽  
Helga Guderley

Selective breeding is an important tool in behavioral genetics and evolutionary physiology, but it has rarely been applied to the study of exercise physiology. We are using artificial selection for increased wheel-running behavior to study the correlated evolution of locomotor activity and physiological determinants of exercise capacity in house mice. We studied enzyme activities and their response to voluntary wheel running in mixed hindlimb muscles of mice from generation 14, at which time individuals from selected lines ran more than twice as many revolutions per day as those from control (unselected) lines. Beginning at weaning and for 8 wk, we housed mice from each of four replicate selected lines and four replicate control lines with access to wheels that were free to rotate (wheel-access group) or locked (sedentary group). Among sedentary animals, mice from selected lines did not exhibit a general increase in aerobic capacities: no mitochondrial [except pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH)] or glycolytic enzyme activity was significantly ( P < 0.05) higher than in control mice. Sedentary mice from the selected lines exhibited a trend for higher muscle aerobic capacities, as indicated by higher levels of mitochondrial (cytochrome- c oxidase, carnitine palmitoyltransferase, citrate synthase, and PDH) and glycolytic (hexokinase and phosphofructokinase) enzymes, with concomitant lower anaerobic capacities, as indicated by lactate dehydrogenase (especially in male mice). Consistent with previous studies of endurance training in rats via voluntary wheel running or forced treadmill exercise, cytochrome- c oxidase, citrate synthase, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity increased in the wheel-access groups for both genders; hexokinase also increased in both genders. Some enzymes showed gender-specific responses: PDH and lactate dehydrogenase increased in wheel-access male but not female mice, and glycogen phosphorylase decreased in female but not in male mice. Two-way analysis of covariance revealed significant interactions between line type and activity group; for several enzymes, activities showed greater changes in mice from selected lines, presumably because such mice ran more revolutions per day and at greater velocities. Thus genetic selection for increased voluntary wheel running did not reduce the capability of muscle aerobic capacity to respond to training.

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