scholarly journals Information modeling of the construction and demolition waste system

2019 ◽  
Vol 97 ◽  
pp. 01020
Alexander Ginzburg

Throughout the world, the intensive development of production is accompanied by a steady increase in waste generation. Ecological problems, problems of utilization and recycling of waste come to the fore. The effective functioning of the construction complex is largely determined by the effective organization of the construction and demolition waste (CDW) circulation. Considering the scale of construction, forecasting the volume of waste formation in order to effectively organize the system of economic turnover of CDW is a very relevant scientific and practical problem. Management of CDW flows in Smart cities should be based on information models containing the necessary data on the types, forms and volumes of waste. The paper presents such an information model and a mathematical method of predicting the formation of the CDW. Information modeling of the composition and volume of CDW formation allows on the basis of the developed mathematical apparatus to provide an analysis of construction development trends. It allows to carry out construction production operational and strategic planning and management in terms of the CDW formation, processing and disposal. Analysis of the construction, reconstruction and demolition CDW volume dynamics information model is the basis for further design of treatment plants future scheme.

Alexander Ginzburg ◽  
Anastasiia Khaustova

The study aims to develop standardized BIM methods for buildings that are part of the Moscow city renovation program. This problem is extremely urgent, since there are no digitized sources of typical projects of the last century, and this complicates the process of calculating the generation of construction and demolition waste and casts doubt on its accuracy. At the stage of high quality and timely dismantling phase (calculation of the weight of construction and demolition waste, scheduling of work and transportation of waste), this process can be automated using information modeling software – Autodesk Revit 2019. This will complement the existing information model by including in it one of the final stages of the building’s life cycle – dismantling, which in transparency, accessibility and completeness will not be inferior to the blocks of design, examination, construction and operation. On the basis of albums of typical building projects, you can get a lot of information to create the necessary project families and specifications, which will greatly simplify and speed up the process of developing building demolition projects in the future, since with each new project libraries of elements, materials, families will be supplemented. The article presents the process of developing a project template for the phase of the dismantling of buildings. A new project parameter has been created, assigned to each material of the project template, the necessary parametric and design characteristics have been assigned for further calculations based on the simulated building design, a design specification has been developed, on the basis of which data on the weight of construction and demolition waste can be quickly obtained, relevant checks carried out for different types of developed and basic project families.

The relevance of the practical implementation of the concept of modeling processes of reflexive management of herd behavior at enterprises, which is reduced to the construction of a conceptual information model, is substantiated. The subject of this research is the toolkit of information modeling of the processes of reflexive management of herd behavior at enterprises. The goal of the article is information modeling of the processes of reflexive management of herd behavior at enterprises. Objective: the construction of an information model of the mechanisms of reflexive management of herd behavior in enterprises in the context of the interrelated functions performed by the system in question and the relationship between data, where, among others, information communications are reflected. General scientific methods are used: system analysis – to determine the features of the mechanism of reflexive management of herd behavior at enterprises, structural (functional) analysis – to identify the main functions of the modeling system of processes of reflexive management of herd behavior at enterprises, information modeling methodology SADT (IDEF0 notation) – to develop information models of a system for modeling the processes of reflexive management of herd behavior at enterprises. The results are obtained: an information IDEF0 model of a system for modeling the processes of reflexive management of herd behavior based on the SADT methodology is developed, which allows you to get a holistic picture of the corresponding processes at enterprises, the basic system concepts of which form the basis of the future information system. Conclusions: formalization, within the framework of the information model of the basic functions of the mechanism of modeling the processes of reflexive management of herd behavior at the enterprise, allows us to describe the basic information connections in a logical, convenient and consistent form, present implementation mechanisms, a set of mathematical models and approaches of the corresponding system.

Sai Zeng ◽  
Edward J. Kim ◽  
Gregory M. Mocko ◽  
Angran Xiao ◽  
Russell Peak ◽  

As engineering systems are increasingly becoming more complex, the need for information models is growing accordingly. Extensive research is currently underway to develop engineering data management capabilities and to understand the role of information as a systems integrator. In order to develop information models more effectively, a systematic methodology is needed to better manage data and develop information models. In the area of CAD/CAE/CAM applications, an information gap exists between design models and analysis models. To this end, a multi-representational architecture (MRA) is presented to facilitate the transformation of information from design models to various support analysis models. In this paper, our primary focus is on ABBs (Analysis Building Blocks) for solid mechanics and thermal systems that generate FEA (Finite Element Analysis) SMMs (Solution Method Models) to obtain their results. Our focus in this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the Pahl and Beitz methodology in developing the ABB information model. The Pahl and Beitz design methodology is intended for physical product design applications. Three of the four phases of the Pahl and Beitz methodology are examined and modified to facilitate development of the ABB information model. The augmentations of these phases are presented in this paper. The results of the development of concepts of ABB information model using the Pahl and Beitz methodology support the use of systematic design methodologies for the development of information models. The emphasis of this work is on the methodology used to develop the ABB information model rather than the technical result of the ABB model.

2021 ◽  
pp. 102-107

Information modeling allows you to move to the end-to-end transfer of information from surveys to designers, then to builders, and then to operational services. The information 3D model begins to be formed at the stage of research in the form of an information digital model, then a project information model of the road is created on its basis

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 7856
Mohamed Marzouk ◽  
Ahmed Elmaraghy

Existing buildings are characterized by the continuous change in the functional requirements of their end-users. As such, they are subjected to renovation or reconstruction, which is associated with total or partial demolition of the buildings, leading to an increase in construction and demolition waste. In addition, the materials abandoning the circular loop leave an adverse impact on the environment. This research integrates the building information modeling (BIM) approach and lean principles to ensure the early involvement of key participants in the decision-making process. This approach aids in planning the sequencing of deconstruction planning phases required before actual demolition activities take place. The paper presents the practical implementation of a BIM plug-in Tool. The assumptions and the scope based on which the plug-in was designed are briefly discussed. A case study for a mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) BIM model is introduced to illustrate the practical features of the proposed BIM plug-in Tool. The results encourage the selective dismantling of building elements based on the customers’ needs. Building information modeling capabilities in deconstruction planning were also investigated. The proposed tool aids in decreasing the uncertainties involved in demolition projects. The tool can be implemented on a national level to automate the deconstruction projects and optimize the extraction of salvaged building elements. The recovery option for such elements and their final destiny can be secured with sufficient time before their dismantling from their original locations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Iva Kovacic ◽  
Meliha Honic ◽  
Marijana Sreckovic

The construction industry is one of the world´s largest consumers of resources (sand, building materials) and produces significant amounts of waste. Simultaneously it is one of the least digitalized industries. With increasing levels of urbanization, scarceness of resources and lack of landfills, the policy of circular economy (CE) is becoming increasingly important in the construction industry. The European Union is obliging material recovery of construction and demolition waste to a minimum of 70% by weight by 2020 for all new construction projects. Simultaneously, digitalization in construction is one of the major goals in the EU digitalization action plan. We thereby hypothesize that digital technologies have significant potential to support CE in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) in multiple ways – for assessment of resources as well as for the prediction and optimization of upcoming waste and recycling masses. Based on our conducted and ongoing research projects - BIMaterial: Process-Design for a BIM-based Material Passport; SCI_BIM: Scanning and data capturing for the Integrated Resources and Energy Assessment using Building Information Modeling; and finally a Case Study reviewing digital tools and processes within a large design and planning company (DPC) - we assess to which degree and to what purpose digital technologies are used, and define the potentials and challenges for the realization of CE objectives in the construction industry. Based on the conducted assessment, we propose a framework for a Digital Platform for Circular Economy (DEEP), integrating various stakeholders and data repositories on the external (inter)-firm and internal (intra)-firm level, using open interfaces. Such a platform for the AEC aims to optimize the use of resources in the circular economy – from cradle to grave, foster mutual learning and coordination, and finally generate added value along the life cycle of a building project.

T.G. Budko ◽  
L.І. Lavrinenko ◽  

Тhe issues of designing a multi-volume dome structure for a water park using wooden arches as load-bearing structures are сonsidered. The complexity of the volumes and their joining lines, as well as the requirement to perform non-linear analysis of large-span timber elements at the request of Eurocode 5, make an information model with elements of BIM-technology necessary. It is noted that design using this technology is developing in the direction of taking into account all stages of the structure life cycle. Wood Information modeling is the most prepared for the use of BIM-technologies. This is due to the high factory readiness and complex digital technologies for the manufacture of modern wooden structures elements. During the design, an information model was formulated in the SAPFIR software package with the subsequent possibility of importing the model into the LIRA-SAPR software package. Additional steps were used to build the model: creating a 2D template in AutoCad with reference lines and the location of rigid walls on which the coating rests, and importing drawings into SAPFIR as a dxf-underlay; for all elements of the system located in the local coordinate system, auxiliary lines were built for the correct orientation of the plane in space; loads on curved surfaces were calculated in the PC Expri. For the further development of the nodes, 3D modeling was used with the transfer of the information model to the Tekla Structures PC as a specialized environment for the constructive section of the project. The presented calculation of a complex dome structure using wooden arches summarizes the approaches to the development of unique forms of structures using wood. The use of information models made it possible to reduce the time spent on design, to optimize the drawings, and also to significantly increase the complexity of the architectural and structural design of the structure and the design model, taking into account the nonlinear effects of wood.

James A. Thom

Software engineers develop an information model in the systems analysis and design process to represent the concepts, specification or implementation design of a software system (Fowler and Scott, 1997). This information model is designed using a modeling language such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML) defined by Rumbaugh, Jacobson, and Booch (1999). The software is implemented by translating the information model into code. Similarly, data engineers develop an information model in the database design process to represented the types of data to be stored in a database. This conceptual information model is typically defined using one of the semantic data modeling languages (Hull and King, 1987) such as Entity-Relationship diagrams (Chen, 1976), or NIAM conceptual schemas (Leung and Nijssen, 1988). The database is implemented by translating the information model into a database schema (defined using an implementation data model such as the relational data model or an object-oriented data model). Likewise, document engineers will develop an information model when designing the structure of a collection of documents. This information model will be implemented by translating it into a document schema. Traditional database information modeling has dealt with structured data such as that found in relational databases. However, much of the information produced using and stored in computers involves documents that do not contain data with a fixed structure - rather it is referred to as semi-structured data. The need for better modeling of documents is no more apparent than in the rapid and chaotic development over the last few years of the World Wide Web. In response to this need, various information models have been proposed to model the semi-structured data found in documents.

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