digital model
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Vladimir Mikhailovich Levin ◽  
Ammar Abdulazez Yahya ◽  
Diana A. Boyarova

Power transformers are one of the most important and complex parts of an electric power system. Maintenance is performed for this responsible part based on the technical condition of the transformer using a predictive approach. The technical condition of the power transformer can be diagnosed using a range of different diagnostic methods, for example, analysis of dissolved gases (DGA), partial discharge monitoring, vibration monitoring, and moisture monitoring. In this paper, the authors present a digital model for predicting the technical condition of a power transformer and determining the type of defect and its cause in the event of defect detection. The predictive digital model is developed using the programming environment in LabVIEW and is based on the fuzzy logic approach to the DGA method, interpreted by the key gas method and the Dornenburg ratio method. The developed digital model is verified on a set of 110 kV and 220 kV transformers of one of the sections of the distribution network and thermal power plant in the Russian Federation. The results obtained showed its high efficiency in predicting faults and the possibility of using it as an effective computing tool to facilitate the work of the operating personnel of power enterprises.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Fabrizio D’Amico ◽  
Luca Bianchini Ciampoli ◽  
Alessandro Di Benedetto ◽  
Luca Bertolini ◽  
Antonio Napolitano

The implementation of the digitalization of the linear infrastructure is growing rapidly and new methods for developing BIM-oriented digital models are increasing. The integration of the results obtained from non-destructive surveys carried out along a road infrastructure in a pavement digital model can be a useful method for developing an efficient process from a pavement management systems (PMS) point of view. In fact, several applications to optimize PMS have been thoroughly investigated over the years and several researchers and scientists have investigated significant elements for improving the PMS applied to a transport network, including road infrastructures. This study presents a new, tentative process for implementing into a BIM environment the dataset processed from two surveys carried out in a case study. Moreover, the main reason for this investigation is related to the need for an effective system able to evaluate continuously the pavement conditions and programming maintenance interventions. To date, both the instruments and the methods to detect the pavement configuration have evolved, along with the development of non-destructive technology (NDT) tools such as laser-scanners and ground-penetrating radar. Finally, the main results of the research demonstrate the possibility to provide a digital twin model from the synergistic use of geometric and design information with the results from monitoring conducted on a road infrastructure. The model can be potentially used in future BIM-based PMS applications.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Ebru Hazar Bodrumlu ◽  
Fethiye Çakmak Özlü ◽  
Hakan Yılmaz ◽  
Levent Demiriz

Abstract Background Bruxism is defined as repetitive jaw-muscle activity characterized by the grinding and clenching of teeth. The prevalence of bruxism in children is extensive, and it can cause irregularities in dental arches. The study aimed to investigate the presence of any effects of bruxism on maxillary arch length and width in children using three-dimensional (3D) digital model analysis. Method This study evaluated 30 children with bruxism. For every child with bruxism, a case control without bruxism was selected and matched for gender, age, and dentition. Digital models of the patients’ maxilla were obtained with a 3D intraoral scanner, and width and length measurements between the reference points on the maxilla were obtained on the digital models. Results The mean age of the study group was 9.13 ± 1.27. Insıgnificance differences were found between females and males within and between groups in terms of maxillary width and length. Insignificant difference was found between the control and study groups when the lengths of 3R-3L, 4R-4L, 5R-5L, 6R-6L, and IP-M were compared (p > 0.05). Conclusion Based on the study results, there were no differences in the maxillary arch length and width in patients with bruxism and patients without bruxism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 475-483
Theresia Limbong

Pendahuluan; peran pendampingan suami masih menjadi masalah sosio-medis baik pada tingkat global maupun pada tingkat nasional dan lokal. Tujuan; mengkaji faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat peran pendampingan suami terhadap isteri pada masa kehamilan dan persalinan. Metode; metode deskriptif kualitatif, eksploratif dan studi fenomenologi. Sumber data adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, interview dan dokumentasi. Instrumen utama penelitian adalah penulis sendiri, dengan didukung pedoman wawancara, melakukan pencatatan, perekaman dan validasi data, dan peralatan pencatatan lapangan tape recorder, kamera digital Model analisis data dilakukan secara interaktif dan berlangsung secara terus menerus sampai tuntas. Rangkaian prosesnya mencakup reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Hasil; bahwa struktur sosial, aktor sosial (meliputi empati, persepsi positif, motivasi, nilai-nilai kepercayaan, sikap, kompetensi sosial, dan perilaku sosial), dukungan keluarga, perubahan-perubahan multidimensional pada isteri, kebutuhan pemecahan masalah dan konflik, kesemuanya merupakan faktor pendukung. Sedangkan waktu, ruang, pekerjaan, persepsi yang negatif, frekuensi kehamilan dan bersalin, kebijakan tempat kerja, kebijakan di pusat pelayanan kesehatan, dan perilaku isteri adalah faktor-faktor penghambat. Kesimpulan; bahwa faktor pendukung peran pendampingan suami terhadap isteri selama masa kehamilan hingga persalinan adalah: nilai dan norma sosial; faktor social, dukungan keluarga; perubahan multidimensional pada isteri; dan kebutuhan pemecahan masalah dan konflik

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 220-226
Hasan Camcı ◽  
Farhad Salmanpour ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (30) ◽  
pp. 114-121
N. N. Maiorov ◽  
A. A. Dobrovolskaya ◽  
V. E. Taratun ◽  

The article solves the problem of finding a solution for building a digital model of the transport network or transport infrastructure object. On the basis of the analysis, the limitation of available solutions is given and the limited state of implementation of digital models in new modernizations of transport systems is fixed. The paper provides a general scheme of using documentation of the state of the transport system, nodes and elements and considers examples based on real transport systems. The paper examines the basic requirements for digital transport models and proposes a solution based on the use of unmanned aircraft systems. A model of formation of flight task variants is proposed and, as a proof of relevance of the research, the results of a real experiment are given. The task of modernizing a segment of the transport network of the city, the identification of the state of the site on the basis of data from unmanned aircraft system is considered. The article presents a solution to the problem, which has a high quality of building a digital model and the possibility of integration into other information systems for monitoring the condition and forecasting of development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Shanshan Hu ◽  
Qi Meng ◽  
Dawei Xu ◽  
Iyad Katib ◽  
Marwan Aouad

Abstract Condensing the multi-dimensional digital model of green urban design, and constructing a digital method system of it progressively layer by layer. Based on this research background, the dissertation designs the spatial form of landscape architecture based on the data visualisation of nonlinear technology. The article uses the colour zoning method to design the actual scene of the garden landscape with nonlinear parameteriszation. The simulation result analyses that the proposed nonlinear algorithm has realised the efficiency improvement purpose of landscape architecture design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (2) ◽  
pp. 022118
G Kravchenko ◽  
L Panasyuk ◽  
E Trufanova ◽  
L Pudanova

Abstract Formation of parametric structure digital model are considered. Investigation was based on the analysis of the shaping evolution of the analytical surface in the form of a hyperboloid of rotation. Finite element frame represents a spatial plate-rod system has been developed during creation of the digital model. This scheme allows to study the effectiveness of constructive solutions under dynamic influence at the design stage. Dynamic characteristics of various design solutions are considered in process of choosing a rational variant of the building frame. The influence of the inclusion of outrigger floor in the model of the frame at various levels of the building are investigated. The proposed method of research and application of the possibilities of the shaping evolution allows to proceed to the modernization of BIM technologies in the design of unique buildings. Recommendations for refining the algorithm for studying parametric object digital models were developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-142
Aslina Mohd Jainal

Artikel ini khususnya mengetengahkan kebolehgunaan visual realiti maya 360 darjah (360°) yang dihasilkan melalui pemetaan visual secara kreatif menerusi teknologi digital, yang dapat memudahkan urusan navigasi atau merasai pengalaman penerokaan lokasi pelancongan secara maya oleh pengguna dalam kehidupan masa kini. Penyelidikan ini mengkaji keupayaan teknologi digital yang berupaya   mengubah elemen fotografi, videografi dan grafik menjadi data serta visual secara kreatif melalui eksplorasi pemetaan lokasi yang dijalankan di Taman Negara Bako dan Teluk Melano, Sarawak. Teknologi digital melalui kaedah pemetaan yang menjana visual kreatif menerusi sentuhan elemen interaktiviti dalam memaparkan lokasi maya dapat mewujudkan gambaran kehadiran dan beradaan secara nyata pengguna di persekitaran yang belum dilawati secara fizikal. Hasil dari eksplorasi visual kreatif menggunakan pelantar teknologi digital, model percubaan pemetaan visual reality maya 360° dengan nama SaraGuVRA (Sarawak Guided Virtual Reality Assistant) telah diterjemahkan bagi dirujuk oleh penyelidik untuk tujuan navigasi reality maya secara digital pengguna dalam maklumat awal berkaitan dengan lokasi yang ingin dituju menerusi pemetaan visual reality maya 360° secara kreatif yang dapat digunakan untuk tujuan pelancongan oleh mereka jika hasil penyelidikan iaitu navigasi ini berjaya direalisasikan.

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