scholarly journals COVID-19-Pandemie: Belastungen des medizinischen Personals

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (04) ◽  
pp. 190-197 ◽  
Jens Bohlken ◽  
Friederike Schömig ◽  
Matthias R. Lemke ◽  
Matthias Pumberger ◽  
Steffi G. Riedel-Heller

Zusammenfassung Ziel Darstellung von Studien zur psychischen Belastung von medizinischem Personal unter Bedingungen der COVID-19-Pandemie. Methodik PubMed-gestützte Suche mit den Stichworten COVID 19“, „stress“, „mental health“, „healthcare worker“, „staff“, „psychiatry“. Eingeschlossen wurden quantitative Studien, (inkl. „Letter to the editor“) zur Belastung des medizinischen Personals im Zeitraum von Januar bis März 2020. Ergebnisse Es wurden 14 Studien mit Klinikpersonal aus Infektionsabteilungen, Abteilungen für Fieberkranke, Abteilungen der Inneren Medizin inklusive Intensivstationen sowie der Chirurgie und Psychiatrie identifiziert. Am häufigsten wurden der Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), die Self-rating-Anxiety Scale (SAS) und die Impact of Event Scale (IES-R) verwendet. Die Stichprobengröße schwankte zwischen 37 und 1257 Personen des überwiegend pflegerischen und ärztlichen Personals. Der Anteil an COVID-19-nahen Tätigkeiten schwankte zwischen 7,5 % und 100 %. Es wurde eine erhebliche Belastung durch Stresserleben, depressive und ängstliche Symptome berichtet. Schwere Ausprägungsgrade fanden sich bei 2,2–14,5 % der Befragten. Die Ausprägung der psychischen Symptomatik wurde beeinflusst durch Alter, Geschlecht, Berufsgruppe, Fachrichtung, Art der Tätigkeit und die Nähe zu COVID-19-Patienten. Als Mediatorvariablen wurden das Personalmanagement, die präventive Intervention, die Resilienz und vorhandene soziale Unterstützung angesehen. Schlussfolgerung Angesichts der Häufigkeit psychischer Symptome bei medizinischem Personal erscheinen begleitende psychiatrisch-psychotherapeutisch informierte Interventionen notwendig, um eine Bewältigung zu unterstützen. Eine schnell einsetzende Forschung ist in diesem Bereich wünschenswert.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1E-10E
Elan Shapiro ◽  
Brurit Laub

Le but de cette étude était d'investiguer l'efficacité de l'intervention EMDR (désensibilisation et retraitement par les mouvements oculaires) rapide à l'aide du protocole EMDR de l'épisode traumatique récent (EMDR recent traumatic episode protocol [R-TEP]) après un événement traumatique dans une collectivité, lors duquel un missile a frappé un bâtiment dans un quartier très fréquenté de la ville. Dans un essai contrôlé randomisé de groupes parallèles avec liste d'attente/traitement reporté, 17 rescapés manifestant une détresse post-traumatique ont été traités avec la psychothérapie EMDR en utilisant le protocole R-TEP. Des praticiens EMDR bénévoles ont effectué le traitement lors de deux journées consécutives. Les participants étaient assignés de manière aléatoire à la condition du traitement immédiat ou à celle de la liste d'attente/traitement reporté. Les évaluations à l'aide de l'échelle Impact of Event Scale-Revised (Échelle révisée d'impact de l'événement [IES-R]) et de l'inventaire bref de la dépression du Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) ont été réalisées lors du pré- et du post-traitement ainsi qu'au suivi après trois mois. Une semaine post-traitement, les scores du groupe de traitement immédiat s'étaient significativement améliorés sur l'IES-R en comparaison du groupe liste d'attente/traitement reporté qui n'a montré aucune amélioration avant le traitement. Lors du suivi après trois mois, les résultats de l'IESR étaient maintenus et les scores PHQ-9 montraient une amélioration significative. Cette étude pilote apporte des preuves préliminaires qui soutiennent l'efficacité de l'EMDR R-TEP dans la réduction du stress post-traumatique chez les victimes civiles d'hostilités et qui montrent que ce modèle d'intervention, brièvement ajouté aux services locaux à la suite d'incidents traumatiques à grande échelle, fondé sur une intervention EMDR sur deux jours consécutifs, peut être efficace.

Віктор Коширець ◽  
Катерина Шкарлатюк

Мета. У статті розглянуто особливості організації особистісного простору військовослужбовців з ознаками посттравматичного стресового розладу. Визначено основні напрями та підходи до дослідження поняття психологічного простору, а також впливу психотравмуючих подій на організацію особистісного простору як компоненту структури життєвого простору. Здійснено теоретичне обґрунтування поняття особистісного простору військових та емпірично досліджено його психологічні особливості. Методи. Використано стандартизовані психодіагностичні методики «Суверенність психологічного простору» С. К. Нартова-Бочавер, опитувальник пацієнта про стан здоров’я Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) -9, опитувальник для скринінгу посттравматичного стресового розладу, шкала оцінки впливу травматичної події Impact of Event Scale (IES-R). Результати. Виявлено, що рівень суверенності простору, тіла, соціальних зв’язків, речей, цінностей пов’язаний із появою ознак ПТСР у військовослужбовців. Проведене дослідження дозволяє констатувати у військовослужбовців з ознаками ПТСР психологічні особливості, які негативно впливають на їх повсякденне життя, процеси адаптації, ресоціалізації та організацію їх особистісного простору. Низький рівень суверенності психологічного простору засвідчує ознаки депривації, яка проявляється в переживанні підпорядкованості, відчуженості, фрагментарності власного життя і характеризується труднощами в пошуку об’єктів середовища, з якими люди себе ідентифікують. Висновки. Дослідження показало, що у військових з низьким рівнем суверенності психологічного простору яскраво виражені показники схильності до посттравматичного стресового розладу. Тобто, низька суверенність простору, тіла, соціальних зв’язків, речей, цінностей впливає на вірогідність виникнення у військовослужбовців ознак ПТСР. Аналогічний взаємозв’язок виявлений між рівнем суверенності і наявністю тенденції до ПТСР: ті військовослужбовці, які мають високий рівень суверенності психологічного простору, не мають виражених ознак посттравматичного стресового розладу. Продемонстровано важливість вирішення завдань реабілітації, ранньої діагностики та психокорекції військових з метою забезпечення їх психічного здоров’я, а також для розвитку особистісної й професійної самореалізації.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jung Hyun Lee ◽  
Dayoung Lee ◽  
Soyoen Hyun ◽  
Ji Sun Hong ◽  
Chang-Hoon Kim ◽  

Experiences of infectious diseases cause stressful and traumatic life events, hence, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients could suffer from various mental health problems requiring psychological support services. This study investigates the severity of mental health problems among confirmed COVID-19 patients. From March to November 2020, we collected the data from 118 COVID-19 patients who voluntarily participated in the National Center for Disaster Trauma's online mental health assessment consisting of self-report scales like Primary Care of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder screen (PC-PTSD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15), and P4 Suicidality Screener. For control, 116 other disaster-experienced and 386 non-COVID-19-experienced participants were recruited. The COVID-19 patients showed more severe symptoms including post-traumatic symptoms, depression, anxiety, and somatic symptoms than control groups across all four screening scales (p < 0.001). Regarding high-risk, COVID-19 patients had an increased association with high-risk compared to the comparison groups (PC-PTSD: OR = 24.16, 95% CI = 13.52–43.16 p < 0.001; PHQ-9: OR = 14.45, 95% CI = 8.29–25.19, p < 0.001; GAD-7: OR=20.71, 95% CI = 10.74–39.96, p < 0.001; PHQ-15: OR = 5.65, 95% CI = 3.44–9.25, p < 0.001; P4: OR = 14.67, 95% CI = 8.95–25.07, p < 0.001). This study's results imply that there is a high-risk of overall mental health problems, especially stronger associations of post-traumatic stress symptoms, in COVID-19 patients. These findings help inform practitioners about the psychological responses to COVID-19 experiences and to prepare appropriate interventions and services for the incremental number of confirmed cases.

2019 ◽  
Vol 63 (15-16) ◽  
pp. 2572-2585 ◽  
Ben J. Riley ◽  
David Smith ◽  
Michael F. Baigent

The rate of females imprisoned worldwide has increased by more than 50% during the last two decades, with recent figures suggesting that, worldwide, the female prison population may still be increasing at a faster rate than males. Despite prevalence rates for psychiatric conditions among female prisoners being significantly higher than males, there is a particular lack of programs specifically designed for women. This preliminary study evaluates the initial effectiveness of a mindfulness and acceptance–based group program in an uncontrolled pragmatic pilot study of a heterogeneous group of incarcerated women with a range of mental health issues. Participants were 59 incarcerated women who engaged in a 10-session group program. Outcome measures comprised the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire–II, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale, Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale, and three screening tools derived from the full version of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), to measure depression, binge eating (Patient Health Questionnaire–Binge Eating Disorder [PHQ-ED]), and somatoform disorders (PHQ-15). Results of linear mixed modelling showed improvements in mindfulness and acceptance, and reductions in depression, anxiety, and somatoform symptoms. Furthermore, acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) was shown to be an acceptable and feasible intervention for female Indigenous Australian prisoners. A mindfulness and acceptance–based group approach appears to be feasible and acceptable in a prison environment for a female prisoners with a range of mental health symptomatology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (12) ◽  
pp. 1373-1380 ◽  
Emily A Spataro ◽  
Cherian K Kandathil ◽  
Mikhail Saltychev ◽  
Cristen E Olds ◽  
Sam P Most

Abstract Background Identifying mental health disorders, including body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), is important prior to rhinoplasty surgery; however, these disorders are underdiagnosed, and screening tools are underutilized in clinical settings. Objectives The authors sought to evaluate the correlation of a rhinoplasty outcomes tool (Standardized Cosmesis and Health Nasal Outcomes Survey [SCHNOS]) with psychiatric screening tools. Methods Patients presenting for rhinoplasty consultation were prospectively enrolled and administered mental health instruments to assess depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9), anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7), and BDD (BDD Questionnaire-Aesthetic Surgery [BDDQ-AS]) as well as the SCHNOS rhinoplasty outcomes scale. Convergent validity of SCHNOS scores with these mental health instruments was assessed as well as calculation of an optimal SCHNOS-C score to screen for BDD. Results A total 76 patients were enrolled in the study. The average SCHNOS-O score (standard deviation) was 46.1 (34.0) and the average SCHNOS-C score was 61.1 (27.0). Five (7%) patients screened positive for depression, and 24 (32%) patients screened positive for mild, 5 (7%) for moderate, and 4 (5%) for severe anxiety. Twenty-four (32%) patients screened positive for BDD by BDDQ-AS scores. SCHNOS-O and SCHNOS-C did not correlate with Patient Health Questionnaire-9 or Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 scores; SCHNOS-C did correlate with BDDQ-AS. A score of 73 or greater on SCHNOS-C maximized the sensitivity and specificity of also screening positive for BDD with BDDQ-AS. This score correlated with a sensitivity of 62.5%, specificity of 80.8%, and number needed to diagnose of 2.3, meaning for every 2 patients with a score of ≥73 on SCHNOS-C, 1 will have a positive BDDQ-AS score. Conclusions SCHNOS-C correlates with BDDQ-AS and may help screen rhinoplasty patients at higher risk for BDD. Level of Evidence: 2

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 105-109 ◽  
Christina Herbert ◽  
Holly Winkler

Abstract Introduction: The demand for mental health (MH) services has increased as more veterans seek MH care. At the South Texas Veterans Health Care System, Primary Care Mental Health Integration (PCMHI) was developed to manage patients with uncomplicated MH conditions, including depression, anxiety, or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), within an interdisciplinary primary care (PC) team that includes clinical pharmacy specialists (CPSs). Pharmacists have improved outcomes and access to care for many chronic medical conditions, but limited data demonstrate the impact of MH pharmacists within PC. Methods: This project evaluated the impact of a PCMHI CPS clinic on managing patients with recent antidepressant initiation and CPS clinic intake from September 2015 through December 2016, including follow-up through January 2017. Markers used to evaluate effectiveness of the service included the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores, antidepressant medication possession ratio, number of emergency department visits for MH-related concerns, patient engagement in concurrent psychotherapy, and referrals to specialty MH providers. Results: A total of 196 unique patients had intake with the PCMHI CPS in the time specified; 172 of these patients were included in analyses. There were 155 patients maintained in PC. Average Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores decreased from 14.5 to 8.5, with 63 patients (46%) achieving response and 42 patients (31%) achieving remission. The average antidepressant medication possession ratio was 0.93 for all included patients. Discussion: A PCMHI CPS successfully manages and maintains patients with uncomplicated MH conditions in PC through evidence-based pharmacotherapy, as evidenced by symptom improvement, medication adherence, and low rate of specialty MH referrals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Kathryn E. Coakley ◽  
David T. Lardier ◽  
Kelley R. Holladay ◽  
Fabiano T. Amorim ◽  
Micah N. Zuhl

Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic placed social, travel, school access, and learning restrictions on University students. Excessive restriction measures have been shown to have negative impacts on mental health. Physical activity preserves mental health, and may be useful during quarantines.Purpose: Explore physical activity and sedentary behavior and associations with depression and anxiety symptoms among University students during COVID-19 restrictions in the Fall 2020 semester.Methods: Six hundred and ninety-seven undergraduates (18–25 years) from a U.S. public University completed a cross-sectional survey in fall 2020. The survey included demographic questions, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale 7 (GAD-7), the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9), and questions about meeting moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) recommendations and sedentary behavior.Results: Forty-nine percent did not meet MVPA guidelines. Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (p = 0.002) and GAD-7 (p = 0.024) scores were higher among those who did not achieve MVPA. Sitting time (h/day) was a significant associated with depression (B = 0.29 (0.06), p < 0.05, 95% CI = 0.18, 0.41) and anxiety (B = 0.24 (0.05), p < 0.05, 95% CI = 0.13, 0.34) severity.Conclusion: Physical activity was associated with mental health among University students during COVID-19 lockdowns.

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