scholarly journals Alignments between strategic content and process structure: the case of container terminal service process automation

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 543-558 ◽  
Ping Wang ◽  
Joan P. Mileski ◽  
Qingcheng Zeng

AbstractDuring the last three decades, technological innovations in cargo handling equipment have made it possible to automate operational processes in container terminals. Despite the increasing trend in terminal automation, little work has been done to develop theoretical guidelines for evaluating the benefits of this industrial practice. We assess terminal automation by focusing on whether strategic content and process structure are aligned. In this study, we explore the reasons that these results are mixed in the context of service automation. Have market competitiveness and operational performance been enhanced by automation in seaports? We focus on two key strategic elements and their proper alignment to produce the best performance for a port. The first element is the overall business strategy and strategic content adopted by the port. In this study, we look at Porter’s (Competitive strategy, Free Press, New York, 1980) generic strategic classification of low cost, differentiation, or focus strategies. The second element is the process structure of the port, which may have been impacted by technological innovation. Using the framework of contingency theory, we explore the interface of strategic content and process structure and how this interface impacts the service process automation. A multiple case study is conducted on a sample of 20 container terminals, selected from the list of 2014 Journal of Commerce’s Top Productive Terminals. We come up with three important findings. First, a port’s strategic market position determines the choice of overall business strategy. If a port is strategically positioned as an international gate, then it should adopt an overall cost-leadership strategy, whereas a transshipment terminal should adopt an overall differentiation strategy. Second, we find that the process structure adopted is associated with the level of automation, and a differentiation strategy is dependent on the level of flexibility, speed, and reliability. Higher market uncertainty requires higher flexibility, while lower market uncertainty requires greater speed and reliability. Third, the level of process automation depends on throughput volume and stability. Closer relationships with maritime supply–chain partners help increase throughput volume and reduce throughput uncertainty.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 720-720
Ping Wang ◽  
Joan P. Mileski ◽  
Qingcheng Zeng

We regret that one of the author’s names (Qingcheng Zeng) was misspelt in the original version of the article and the order in which the authors appeared was incorrect.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 1850
Tingyong Zhong ◽  
Fangcheng Sun ◽  
Haiyan Zhou ◽  
Jeoung Yul Lee

This paper investigates the relationship between business strategy and cost stickiness under different ownership. Using the data from listed firms in China from 2002 to 2015, we find that first, firms with different strategies exhibit different cost behavior. The cost stickiness of choosing a differentiation strategy is higher than that of choosing a low-cost strategy. Second, management expectations will affect cost stickiness. Optimistic expectations will increase cost stickiness, while pessimistic expectations will reduce cost stickiness. Third, management expectations can adjust the relationship between business strategy and cost stickiness in terms of government-created advantages (GCAs). If management expectations tend to be optimistic, the cost stickiness is higher with a differentiation strategy than with a low-cost strategy. If management expectations tend to be pessimistic, then cost stickiness is higher with a low-cost strategy than with a differentiation strategy. Finally, the state-owned equity affects the extent of the effect of a differentiation strategy on cost stickiness. State-owned firms, which receive more GCAs than non-state-owned firms, have stronger cost stickiness than non-state-owned firms, even if both categories of firms use more differentiation strategy.

Dwi Rahmawati ◽  
Raden Aswin Rahadi

The aim of the study is to establish the most appropriate business strategy for Piksel Indonesia which is a creative company focusing on technology and fashion designs, resulting from the batik consumption preferences while planning to use batik products. Data from 338 respondents were randomly collected from several cities in Indonesia. The first section deals with the demographic background of the respondents, and the remaining of the questions deal with the respondents’ impulse towards batik products. The survey results show differences in previous studies. The first difference is the source of information about batik products obtained by the customer. Secondly, the study by the researchers builds on the consumer’s tastes about the batik style and the results are 54.6 percent. Integrated cost leadership/differentiation is Piksel Indonesia’s best business strategy. For Batik Fractal, their batik products brand, low cost was achieved by employing their vendor to produce the product from the minimum overhead. The production flow begins with the order of the customer that the pattern, colour, material and size chart have been determined. JBatik, which is a parametric software to make a new and distinguish batik pattern established by Piksel Indonesia, has no direct competitors at present. As with Batik Fractal, integrated cost management/differentiation strategy is the best strategy.  

NICODEMUS B2041141022

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kausalitas dengan menggambarkan kondisi sebagaimana adanya berdasarkan data yang diperoleh pada saat penelitian pada stockiest Tupperware Jl.Danau Sentarum dan Jl. Sungai jawi kota  Pontianak. Dalam penelitian ini, sampel diambil sebanyak 100 responden yang menggunakan produk Tupperware. Teknik analisis data menggunaka analisis Regresi Bertahap (Analisis Jalur/Path Analysis), Analisis jalur tidak hanya menguji pengaruh langsung, tetapi juga menjelaskan tentang ada atau tidaknya pengaruh tidak langsung yang diberikan variabel bebas melalui variabel intervening terhadap variabel terikat.Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kualitas produk (X1) dan citra merek (X2) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian (Y1) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H1 dan H2 ditolak. Sedangkan nilai emosional (X3) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian (Y1) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H3 terbukti (diterima).Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis, dapat diketahui bahwa citra merek (X2) dan nilai emosional (X3) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen (Y2) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H5 dan H6 tidak terbukti (ditolak). Sedangkan kualitas produk (X1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen (Y2), hal ini berarti H4 terbukti (diterima). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis keputusan pembelian (Y1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen (Y2) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H7 terbukti (diterima). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keputusan pembelian tidak memediasi kualitas produk dan citra merek terhadap kepuasan konsumen dari produk Tupperware. Kata kunci : kualitas produk, citra merek, nilai emosional, keputusan pembelian, kepuasan konsumen.DAFTAR PUSTAKA  Aaker, David A (1991), Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the value of Brand Name, Prentice Hill, New York Almaulidta, Suharyono dan Yulianto (2015). “Pengaruh Green Brand Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dan Kepuasan Konsumen (Survei Pada Mahasiswa Program Strata 1 Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya yang Menggunakan Produk Elektronik Merek Sony”. Malang Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Vol. 3, No.1, 2015. Amirullah (2002). Perilaku Konsumen, Cetakan Pertama, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta. Anastasia dan Nurendah (2014). “Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Citra Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen. 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Cuong Truong Ngoc ◽  
Xiao Xu ◽  
Hwan-Seong Kim ◽  
Duy Anh Nguyen ◽  
Sam-Sang You

This paper deals with three-dimensional (3D) model of competitive Lotka-Volterra equation to investigate nonlinear dynamics and control strategy of container terminal throughput and capacity. Dynamical behaviors are intensely explored by using eigenvalue evaluation, bifurcation analysis, and time-series data. The dynamical analysis is to show the stability with bifurcation of the competition and collaboration of multiple container terminals in the maritime transportation. Based on the chaotic analysis, the sliding mode control theory has been utilized for optimization of port operations under disruptions. Extensive numerical simulations have been conducted to validate the efficacy and reliability of the presented control algorithms. Particularly, the closed-loop system has been assessed through chaotic suppression and synchronization strategies for port management. Finally, the presented fundamental techniques can be utilized to provide managerial insights and solutions on efficient seaport operations that allow more timely and cost-effective decision making for port authorities in such a highly competitive environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Arif Budiyanto ◽  
Muhammad Hanzalah Huzaifi ◽  
Simon Juanda Sirait ◽  
Putu Hangga Nan Prayoga

AbstractSustainable development of container terminals is based on energy efficiency and reduction in CO2 emissions. This study estimated the energy consumption and CO2 emissions in container terminals according to their layouts. Energy consumption was calculated based on utility data as well as fuel and electricity consumptions for each container-handling equipment in the container terminal. CO2 emissions were estimated using movement modality based on the number of movements of and distance travelled by each container-handling equipment. A case study involving two types of container terminal layouts i.e. parallel and perpendicular layouts, was conducted. The contributions of each container-handling equipment to the energy consumption and CO2 emissions were estimated and evaluated using statistical analysis. The results of the case study indicated that on the CO2 emissions in parallel and perpendicular layouts were relatively similar (within the range of 16–19 kg/TEUs). These results indicate that both parallel and perpendicular layouts are suitable for future ports based on sustainable development. The results can also be used for future planning of operating patterns and layout selection in container terminals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 2153
Nadia Giuffrida ◽  
Maja Stojaković ◽  
Elen Twrdy ◽  
Matteo Ignaccolo

Container terminals are the main hubs of the global supply chain but, conversely, they play an important role in energy consumption, environmental pollution and even climate change due to carbon emissions. Assessing the environmental impact of this type of port terminal and choosing appropriate mitigation measures is essential to pursue the goals related to a clean environment and ensuring a good quality of life of the inhabitants of port cities. In this paper the authors present a Terminal Decision Support Tool (TDST) for the development of a container terminal that considers both operation efficiency and environmental impacts. The TDST provides environmental impact mitigation measures based on different levels of evolution of the port’s container traffic. An application of the TDST is conducted on the Port of Augusta (Italy), a port that is planning infrastructural interventions in coming years in order to gain a new role as a reference point for container traffic in the Mediterranean.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (15) ◽  
pp. 6922
Jeongmin Kim ◽  
Ellen J. Hong ◽  
Youngjee Yang ◽  
Kwang Ryel Ryu

In this paper, we claim that the operation schedule of automated stacking cranes (ASC) in the storage yard of automated container terminals can be built effectively and efficiently by using a crane dispatching policy, and propose a noisy optimization algorithm named N-RTS that can derive such a policy efficiently. To select a job for an ASC, our dispatching policy uses a multi-criteria scoring function to calculate the score of each candidate job using a weighted summation of the evaluations in those criteria. As the calculated score depends on the respective weights of these criteria, and thus a different weight vector gives rise to a different best candidate, a weight vector can be deemed as a policy. A good weight vector, or policy, can be found by a simulation-based search where a candidate policy is evaluated through a computationally expensive simulation of applying the policy to some operation scenarios. We may simplify the simulation to save time but at the cost of sacrificing the evaluation accuracy. N-RTS copes with this dilemma by maintaining a good balance between exploration and exploitation. Experimental results show that the policy derived by N-RTS outperforms other ASC scheduling methods. We also conducted additional experiments using some benchmark functions to validate the performance of N-RTS.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 168
Hyeonu Im ◽  
Jiwon Yu ◽  
Chulung Lee

Despite the number of sailings canceled in the past few months, as demand has increased, the utilization of ships has become very high, resulting in sudden peaks of activity at the import container terminals. Ship-to-ship operations and yard activity at the container terminals are at their peak and starting to affect land operations on truck arrivals and departures. In response, a Truck Appointment System (TAS) has been developed to mitigate truck congestion that occurs between the gate and the yard of the container terminal. The vehicle booking system is developed and operated in-house at large-scale container terminals, but efficiency is low due to frequent truck schedule changes by the transport companies (forwarders). In this paper, we propose a new form of TAS in which the transport companies and the terminal operator cooperate. Numerical experiments show that the efficiency of the cooperation model is better by comparing the case where the transport company (forwarder) and the terminal operator make their own decision and the case where they cooperate. The cooperation model shows higher efficiency as there are more competing transport companies (forwarders) and more segmented tasks a truck can reserve.

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