Simultaneous Electrochemical Leaching and Electrodeposition of Heavy Metals in a Single-Cell Process for Wastewater Sludge Treatment

2014 ◽  
Vol 140 (8) ◽  
pp. 04014030 ◽  
Isabel Beauchesne ◽  
Patrick Drogui ◽  
Brahima Seyhi ◽  
Guy Mercier ◽  
Jean-François Blais
HortScience ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 46 (9) ◽  
pp. 1308-1313 ◽  
Ugur Bilgili ◽  
F. Olcay Topac-Sagban ◽  
Irfan Surer ◽  
Nejla Caliskan ◽  
Pervin Uzun ◽  

The objectives of the present study were to determine the effects of the rate and timing of the application of sun-dried wastewater sludge from a food processing company's wastewater system on turfgrass growth and quality. The results were compared with those obtained with ammonium nitrate, and changes in the concentration of heavy metals and the presence of fecal coliform in turf soils after sun-dried wastewater sludge application were determined. The rate and the timing of sun-dried wastewater sludge and ammonium nitrate applications affected the turf color, quality, and clipping yield. Monthly fertilization resulted in a more uniform color and turf quality than infrequent spring and fall fertilization. Compared with the background values of base soils, heavy metals did not accumulate in sun-dried wastewater sludge-amended soils over the test period. Fecal coliform was not detected in sludge-amended soil samples, indicating that bacteria regrowth did not occur during the study period.

2016 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-55 ◽  
A. M. Marchenko ◽  
G. N. Pshinko ◽  
V. Ya. Demchenko ◽  
V. V. Goncharuk

Ю.А. Егорова ◽  
В.И. Кичигин ◽  
О.И. Нестеренко ◽  
А.А. Юдин

Осадки городских очистных канализационных сооружений являются самым массовым технологическим отходом, создающим проблемы утилизации для любого города. Рассмотрены возможные методы обработки осадков сточных вод на городских очистных канализационных сооружениях городского округа Самара с целью их последующей утилизации. Обозначены причины и приведены документальные подтверждениянекорректности возложения ответственности за обращение с такими отходами только на организации водопроводно-канализационного хозяйства. Рассмотрен способ захоронения обезвоженного осадка сточных вод в обвалованном полигоне. Установлено, что обработанные на очистных сооружениях осадки относятся к V классу опасности для окружающей среды. Обработанные, стабилизированные, подсушенные, обезвреженные отходы осадков сточных вод (малоопасный осадок с песколовок при очистке хозяйственно-бытовых и смешанных сточных вод, практически не опасный осадок с песколовок при очистке хозяйственно-бытовых и смешанных сточных вод и избыточный ил биологических очистных сооружений в смеси с сырым осадком) могут быть использованы в качестве наполнителей бетонно-цементных смесей и органоминеральных удобрений или переданы для утилизации сторонним организациям. Sludge from the municipal wastewater treatment facilities is the most massive technological waste that causes trouble for any city. Possible methods of wastewater sludge treatment at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities of the Samara Urban District with the purpose of its further utilization are considered. The reasons are indicated and documentary evidence of the incorrectness of assigning the responsibility for processing such wastes only to the water and wastewater utilities is provided. The method of landfilling dewatered wastewater sludge in a ridged landfill is considered. It has been established that the sludge processed at the wastewater treatment facilities is referred to the V class of environmental hazard. Sludge subjected to the treatment, stabilization, drying and neutralization (low hazardous sludge from grit chambers for domestic and mixed wastewater treatment; almost non-hazardous sludge from grit chambers for domestic and mixed wastewater treatment and excess sludge from biological treatment facilities mixed with raw sludge) can be used as fillers for concrete-cement mixtures and organo-mineral fertilizers or transferred for disposal to outside companies.

2012 ◽  
pp. 253-303 ◽  
Akrama Mahmoud ◽  
Jérémy Olivier ◽  
Jean Vaxelaire ◽  
Andrew F. A. Hoadley

1991 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 377-380 ◽  
E. G. Carrington ◽  
E. B. Pike ◽  
D. Auty ◽  
R. Morris

A new sludge treatment plant at Harrogate South Sewage Treatment Works is designed to handle up to 4 tonnes (dry solids) daily. Sludge is thickened continuously up to 8% (ds) and is then treated in parallel anaerobic mesophilic (AD) and thermophilic aerobic digestion (TAD) plants each with a maximum working volume of 530m3. Microbiological studies were carried out to compare the destruction of pathogens and faecal indicator bacteria. The AD plant operated with a mean retention of 26 days at 34 °C and achieved 49% reduction of volatile solids. The TAD plant operated with a mean retention of 28 days at 55 °C and reduced volatile solids by 35%. Operation was on a pump in-pump out cycle, guaranteeing 4h retention for all sludge. The disinfecting ability of TAD exceeded that of AD since it reduced counts of Enterobacteriaceae, thermotolerant coliforms and faecal streptococci to below 103/100ml, rendered cytopathic enteroviruses undetectable and destroyed viability of Ascaris suum ova within 4h. The AD process reduced bacterial counts by 90% and enteroviruses by 99%, but has no effect upon viability of Ascaris ova.

2018 ◽  
Vol 762 ◽  
pp. 121-125 ◽  
Agnese Stunda-Zujeva ◽  
Imants Kreicbergs ◽  
Olita Medne

Biological treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater becomes more common in EU countries. As a result, the amount of wastewater sludge increases. The political and economic situation in world is requiring new methods for recovery of non-renewable mineral resources. Sludge is great secondary source of many elements. The aim of this research is to summarize available techniques for sustainable utilization of industrial sludge and recovery of critical raw minerals (CRMs). The most common sustainable method is using treated sludge as fertilizer in agriculture due to high content of P, N, C and microelements. However, this method has many restrictions, e.g. it can contain toxic substances or lack of appropriate land. Thermal sludge treatment methods like pyrolysis have developed crucially in last decade and pyrolysis units for sludge treatment are commercially available now. Pyrolysis becomes the most sustainable method due to recovery of CRMs and better energy recovery comparing to incineration.

2002 ◽  
Vol 46 (10) ◽  
pp. 71-77 ◽  
K.-H. Ahn ◽  
K.Y. Park ◽  
S.K. Maeng ◽  
J.H. Hwang ◽  
J.W. Lee ◽  

An ozone treatment system was introduced as an alternative method for municipal sludge treatment and disposal. A pilot-scale facility was built to investigate the feasibility of the ozonation for sludge reduction and recycle. The system consists of three main parts; advanced wastewater treatment, sludge ozone treatment and belt press dewatering. Ozonation of wastewater sludge resulted in mass reduction by mineralization as well as volume reduction by improvement of dewatering characteristics. The supernatant of the ozonated sludge, consisting of solubilized organics and micro-particles, proved to be an effective carbon source for denitrification. A simple economic assessment reveals that the ozonation process can be more economical than incineration for sludge treatment and disposal at small- and medium-sized wastewater treatment plants.

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