Effect of seed source and seed phosphorus concentration on the yield response of yellow serradella to superphosphate applications

1990 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 811 ◽  
MDA Bolland ◽  
M Baker

A field experiment at Medina, Western Australia, was designed to test whether seed produced at different locations and containing different phosphorus (P) concentration in the seed would change the relationship between yield and the level of superphosphate drilled with the seed. To produce the seed for the experiment, subsamples of the same source of seed of yellow serradella (Ornithopus compressus cv. Madeira) were grown at Medina and Esperance, Western Australia. Seed of the same size produced at each location, and containing 3 different P concentrations, was sown in the experiment at Medina. Three levels of superphosphate were drilled with the seed. Yields (of dried herbage and seed) were increased 2- to 4-fold as the amount of P drilled with the seed was increased from 5 to 40 kg P/ha. Although the Medina seed contained >0.40% P and the Esperance seed contained <0.40% P, plants grown from Esperance seed produced larger yields than plants grown from Medina seed for each of the 3 levels of P drilled with the seed; yield difference increased from about 14 to 70% as the level of P drilled with the seed increased from 5 to 40 kg P/ha. Higher P concentration in the sown seed increased herbage and seed yields by 35-70% when 5 kg P/ha superphosphate was drilled with the seed, and by about 616% when 40 kg P/ha was P drilled with the seed. Seed grown at Esperance produced larger yields for each seed P concentration than Medina seed; yield differences were about 30-90%. The P concentration measured in dried herbage and seed depended only on the amount of P drilled with the seed. It was unaffected by the P concentration in the seed sown, and for dried herbage, it was unaffected by where the seed sown was produced. However, for seed production, the relationship between yield and P concentration in the seed differed depending on where the seed was grown.

1989 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 791 ◽  
MDA Bolland ◽  
MJ Baker

Seed of Trifolium balansae and Medicago polymorpha, of the same size (mean ± s.d., T. balansae 0.8 ± 0.01 mglseed, M. polymorpha 3.6 ± 0.05 mg/seed) but with increasing phosphorus (P) concentration in the seed (T. balansae 0.34 to 0.63% P, M. polymorpha 0.40 to 0.64% P), were sown in field experiments as singlestrain, dense, ungrazed swards on 2 different soil types (a sand and a lateritic gravel sand) in south-western Australia. Different amounts of superphosphate were drilled with the seed (5-40 kg P/ha for the sand, and 15-100 kg P/ha for the lateritic gravel sand). Increasing P concentration in seed increased yields of dried herbage measured at each harvest, and also increased seed yields (measured for M. polymorpha only). Increasing P concentration in the seed increased the effectiveness of superphosphate drilled with the seed, so that less fertiliser was required to produce the same yield as P concentration in the seed increased.

1989 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 797 ◽  
MDA Bolland ◽  
BH Paynter ◽  
MJ Baker

In a field experiment on a phosphorus (P) deficient soil in south-western Australia, lupin seed (Lupinus angustifolius cv. Danja) of the same size (157 mg/seed) but with 2 different phosphorus (P) concentrations in the seed (2.0 and 2.8 g P/kg) was sown with 4 levels of superphosphate (5, 20, 40 and 60 kg P/ha) drilled with the seed in May 1988 to examine the effect of seed P concentration on subsequent dry matter (DM) and grain yields. Increasing the amount of superphosphate applied from 5 to 60 kg P/ha almost doubled yields. In addition, lupins grown from seed containing the higher P concentration produced larger yields of dried whole tops in early August (69-day-old) for all levels of superphosphate drilled with the seed, the difference decreasing from about 45 to 10% as the level of superphosphate increased from 5 to 60 kg P/ha. By maturity (mid- November), however, plants grown from seed containing the higher P concentration in seed produced higher DM yields of tops and grain only when 5 and 20 kg P/ha superphosphate was drilled with the seed, the differences being about 40 and 20%, respectively.

1993 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 145 ◽  
BH Paynter ◽  
MDA Bolland

The responses of burr medic (Medicago polymorpha) and yellow serradella (Ornithopus compressus) to topdressed phosphate were compared with the response of wheat (Triticum aestivum) to drilled phosphate on a range of soils in the low rainfall wheatbelt of Western Australia. Species were compared firstly on the amount of applied phosphorus (P) required for 90% maximum yield at 3 harvests, and secondly on the ratio of their curvature coefficients from the Mitscherlich relationship between absolute yield and P applied. On 7 marginally acidic, medium-textured soils, the comparative requirements of burr medic (cvv. Serena or Santiago) and wheat (cv. Gutha) for applied P changed with harvest. At harvest 1 152-55 days after sowing (DAS)], burr medic generally had a larger curvature coefficient and required less applied P for 90% maximum yield than wheat. At harvest 2 (107-111 DAS) and for harvest 3 (seed yields), the curvature coefficients for burr medic were smaller than those for wheat, and burr medic generally required more applied P at 90% maximum yield. The average P requirement at 90% maximum yield of burr medic was 14 kg P/ha at harvest 1, 22 kg P/ha at harvest 2, and 19 kg P/ha for seed production. The average P requirement of wheat was 28 kg P/ha at harvest 1,11 kg P/ha at harvest 2, and 15 kg P/ha for seed production. On 3 acidic, light-textured soils, yellow serradella (cv. Madeira) generally had a lower requirement for applied P at 90% maximum yield, and a larger curvature coefficient, than wheat (cv. Gutha) at all harvests in each experiment. The requirements of yellow serradella and wheat also varied between harvests. The average P requirement at 90% maximum yield of yellow serradella was 16 kg P/ha at harvest 1 (52-55 DAS), 21 kg P/ha at harvest 2 (105-110 DAS), and close to 26 kg P/ha for seed production. The average P requirement of wheat was 29 kg P/ha at harvest 1,25 kg P/ha at harvest 2, and >33 kg P/ha for seed production. In most experiments burr medic had a larger absolute response to applied P at harvests 1 and 2 and a lower absolute response for seed production than wheat. Yellow serradella had a smaller absolute yield response to applied P than wheat over all 3 harvests. When converted to a percentage of maximum yield, burr medic and yellow serradella had a lower percentage response to applied P at harvest 1, and a higher percentage response at harvest 2 and for seed production than wheat.

1988 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 765 ◽  
MDA Bolland ◽  
MJ Baker

Seed of 2 cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and 1 burr medic (Medicago polymorpha) with increasing phosphorus (P) concentrations (wheat 1.4-3.7 g P/kg dry matter, medic 3.3-7.9 g P/kg dry matter) were collected from field experiments with variable levels of applied superphosphate (wheat 0- 577 kg P/ha, medic 0-364 kg P/ha) in south-western Australia. These seeds were used in further experiments to examine the effect of seed P concentration on the subsequent dry matter (DM) production of seedlings and plants in 3 glasshouse pot experiments and 1 field experiment. Seed of the same size (wheat, 35 mg/seed; medic, 3.6 mg/seed) but with increasing P concentration produced substantially higher DM yields in the absence or presence of freshly applied superphosphate P up to 28-35 days after sowing in the pot experiments and 67 days after sowing in the field experiment.

2009 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 343-348 ◽  
M.P. Rolston ◽  
B.L. McCloy ◽  
I.C. Harvey ◽  
R.W. Chynoweth

A summary of seed yield data from 19 fungicide trials in perennial and hybrid ryegrass (Lolium spp) seed crops conducted over a 12 year period is presented Seed yields from the best fungicide treatments were increased on average by 25 in forage ryegrass (390 kg/ha) and 42 in turf ryegrass (580 kg/ha) Seed yield increases were associated with the control of stem rust and/or maintaining green leaf area during seed fill In turf ryegrass (susceptible to stem rust) delaying the first fungicide application until stem rust appeared resulted in seed yields that were not different (P>005) from the untreated experimental controls whereas early fungicide applications from the beginning of reproductive development increased seed yield by between 36 and 42 Fungicide mixes of a triazole plus a strobilurin usually gave higher seed yields than using either fungicide type alone

1991 ◽  
Vol 31 (6) ◽  
pp. 777
MDA Bolland

The effect of superphosphate applications (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 kg P/ha to the soil surface) on the dry matter (DM) herbage production of dense swards of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum cv. Junee) and yellow serradella (Ornithopus compressus cv. Tauro) was measured in a field experiment on deep, sandy soil in south-western Australia. The swards were defoliated with a reel mower at weekly intervals from 88 to 158 days after sowing, to a height of 2 cm for the first 9 cuts, 4 cm for the tenth cut and 5 cm for the eleventh cut. Yellow serradella was more productive than subterranean clover. Consequently, for the relationship between yield and the level of phosphorus (P) applied, yellow serradella supported larger maximum yields and required less P than subterranean clover, to produce the same DM herbage yield. Maximum yields of yellow serradella were 12-40% larger. To produce 70% of the maximum yield for yellow serradella at each harvest, yellow serradella required about 50% less P than subterranean clover. However, when yields were expressed as a percentage of the maximum yield measured for each species at each harvest, the relationship between yield and the level of P applied was similar for both species, and they had similar P requirements.

1970 ◽  
Vol 10 (42) ◽  
pp. 84 ◽  
ML Poole ◽  
JW Gartrell

Ten annual Trifolium and Medicago cultivars were sown at low (1-6 lb an acre) and high (3-18 lb an acre) seeding rates with wheat crops in five trials in the south-eastern wheatbelt of Western Australia. Wheat and legume seed yields from these mixed stands were compared with stands of the same rates of wheat and legume sown alone. Sowing the legumes with the crop reduced wheat yields by from 7.4 bushels an acre (25 per cent) in one trial to 1.5 bushels an acre (5 per cent) in another. The evidence did not suggest which factors caused the different response. Legume seed production under the crop was severely reduced in all trials. In 30 of the 44 comparisons made it was reduced by more than 50 per cent, and in 13 cases by more than 75 per cent. In 9 cases the amount of seed set under the crop was less than 30 lb an acre. In most cases trebling the amount of legume seed sown under the crop greatly increased legume seed yield but caused only a small (less than one bushel per acre) further decrease in wheat yield.

1967 ◽  
Vol 7 (24) ◽  
pp. 25 ◽  
GB Taylor ◽  
RC Rossiter

Seed production and persistence of the Carnamah, Northam A, Dwalganup, and Geraldton strains of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) were examined in undefoliated swards in the wheatbelt of Western Australia. The early flowering characteristic of Carnamah was not always associated with higher seed yields. Only when there was a well-defined, early finish to the growing season, or when flowering was very much earlier in Carnamah (viz., following an early 'break' to the season), did this strain clearly outyield both Northam A and Geraldton. The seed yield of Dwalganup was generally inferior to that of the other strains. Factors affecting regeneration are discussed. Under low rainfall conditions, poorer germination-regulation of Carnamah, compared with Geraldton and Northam A, would be expected to result in poorer persistence unless offset by higher seed yields in the Carnamah strain.

1985 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 595 ◽  
MDA Bolland

In three experiments located near Esperance, Western Australia, the effect of superphosphate phosphorus on seed yields of subterranean clover, serradella and annual medics was measured on newly-cleared soils, using low seeding rates. In two experiments, the relationship between seed yield and the amount of phosphorus applied was linear for subterranean clover and serradella; seed yields increasing by 7-24 kg/ha for each kg/ha of phosphorus applied, depending on species, strain or cultivar, and location. In the third experiment, seed yields of annual medic species also increased markedly with increasing amounts of applied superphosphate phosphorus, this response also depended on species and strain or cultivar, but the responses become less marked with increasing amounts of phosphorus. For the annual medic species, the phosphorus treatments had no effect on average weight of one burr, number of seeds per burr, weight of one seed, or the rate of softening of hard seeds as measured both in a 15/60� alternating temperature oven (one cycle/day) or for samples of burrs collected periodically during summer from the field. For all legumes, the appearance of first flowers was not affected by phosphorus treatment.

2001 ◽  
Vol 136 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-79 ◽  
A. M. ADAMU ◽  
R. J. TANKO ◽  

At Shika in a subhumid environment of Nigeria, a 3-year study was carried out to select newly developed groundnut varieties for use in crop–livestock production systems. The study examined 11 groundnut varieties. Emergence time, plant stands at full emergence, forage and seed yields and yield components were examined. Whole plant samples were analysed for crude protein (CP) content. Varieties ICGV 87123 gave the lowest forage yield and cultivar M517-80I, the highest, with seven varieties recording forage yields above 5 t/ha. The CP content of forage was lowest (14·8%) for variety M576-80I and highest (21·6%) for variety M554-76. Mean seed yield (over 3 years) varied significantly from 0·73 to 1·68 t/ha. Only two varieties had mean seed yield >1 t/ha. The relationship between seed and forage yields was positive and significant (r = 0·529, P < 0·006). Varieties RMP 12, 88-80I and M517–80 were most promising for both forage and seed production.

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