The language of educational linguistics in Hispanic Latin America

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-147
Federico Navarro

Abstract This study aims to identify patterns of the system of theme in Spanish in 28 educational linguistics’ articles, an emerging field in Latin America. Results show a high number of textual and elaborated interpersonal Themes (especially in Conclusions), alongside a frequent choice of marked Themes (especially in Introductions) which adjust thematic strings, while the Subject is usually explicit and previous to the verb. Educationally-oriented articles tend to use more interpersonal Themes and preposed explicit Subjects, in what seems to be a disciplinary validation struggle. This research can help understand the construction of a new disciplinary discourse, connecting semantic and lexicogrammatical patterns to epistemological frameworks, while providing evidence to the realization of Theme and Subject across stages, disciplines and languages.

1968 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-349
Robert Carlyle Beyer

The subject of identity is both important and timely. In the last twenty years we ourselves have been so involved in the processes of alienation, myth-making and image-making that the recent concentration of thinking on the subject of “identity” is easily recognized as only one more facet to the same problem. The term “identity” appears in the title of several recent books on Latin America. The general themes of our two papers—religious movements and students—are currently very much in the fore when the subject of identity is discussed.At first, the prospect of relating these two papers under the single theme “A Search for Identity” appeared to me unpromising; but as I began to extend my modest reading about identity, I became increasingly intrigued. I thought to myself: “Should I really take my courage in my hands and talk about identity with all the abstractions and the pitfalls that abstractions bring?” While trying to make up my mind, a day dream flashed before me.

1982 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 421-460 ◽  
John R. Bowman ◽  
Michael Wallerstein

The 1891 civil war that led to the downfall of President José Manuel Balmaceda is without doubt one of the most visible episodes of Chilean history. Already the subject of a voluminous bibliography by 1894 (Echeverría y Reyes, 1894), the “revolution's” importance to historians of Chile actually increased over time as a new generation of scholars came to view it not merely as a discrete event of limited intrinsic interest but as an important key to understanding Chile's subsequent political and economic development. In retrospect, the conflict came to be seen as a “crucial watershed” in Chilean history (Blakemore, 1974: 243), marking the replacement of a presidential system—1833-1891—notable in nineteenth-century Latin America for political stability, by a parliamentary system—1891-1924—notorious for political and monetary disorder.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 002
Consuelo Flecha-García ◽  
Alicia Itatí Palermo

This paper offers a descriptive and critical overview of the experience of the presence of women at university in Spain and several countries in Latin America. It focuses not just on how they embarked on different degrees, but also on the extent to which they went on to exercise professionally and the social barriers encountered at each step. It describes some of the strategies used on the paths followed to study at university during almost one hundred and fifty years, and the achievements made possible by this education, both inside and outside the academic setting. The paper draws on primary documentary sources from university archives and newspaper libraries and includes a review of the literature on the subject. These documentary searches provided us with a great deal of valuable information that has helped us in our task. The indicators of the subject matter studied are, amongst others, university education, female lecturers, history and sociology, female students and life aspirations.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
João Carlos Amoroso Botelho

Desde que autores como Germani (1962), Di Tella (1969) e Ianni (1975) aplicaram a noção de populismo à América Latina, muito se escreveu sobre o tema. O conceito se estirou tanto que tem servido para definir políticos os mais díspares. Com a ausência das condições socioeconômicas descritas pelas formulações clássicas, a estratégia adotada é limitar a categoria à dimensão política. Esse procedimento, porém, não é capaz de descrever atributos exclusivos suficientes para que o populismo seja um fenômeno específico. Ao mesmo tempo, o conceito está tão enraizado que não é viável abandoná-lo. A solução proposta é avaliar em quais características um político se aproxima e se afasta dos casos paradigmáticos do passado. Assim, ele pode ser populista em certos aspectos e não em outros. Com esse procedimento, se chega a uma classificação, em que um líder apresente mais ou menos atributos descritos pelas definições clássicas, eliminando a necessidade de reformulação constante do conceito para adaptá-lo a novas circunstâncias. Também haveria menos espaço a que o rótulo de populista continuasse servindo para desqualificar políticos latino-americanos. O artigo aborda definições clássicas e recentes aplicadas à América Latina e avalia a viabilidade empírica da estratégia de se concentrar na dimensão política.---LA APLICACIÓN DEL CONCEPTO DE POPULISMO AMÉRICA LATINA: la necesidad de clasificar, y no descalificar Desde que autores como Germani (1962), Di Tella (1969) y Ianni (1975) aplicaron la noción de populismo a la América Latina, mucho se ha escrito sobre el tema. El concepto se ha estirado tanto que ha definido políticos muy dispares. Con la ausencia de las condiciones socioeconómicas descritas por las formulaciones clásicas, la estrategia adoptada es concentrarse en la dimensión política. Ese procedimiento, sin embargo, no es capaz de describir atributos exclusivos suficientes para que el populismo sea un fenómeno específico. Al mismo tiempo, el concepto está tan enraizado que no es viable abandonarlo. La solución propuesta es evaluar en cuales características un político se acerca y se aleja de los casos paradigmáticos del pasado. Así, ello puede ser populista en ciertos aspectos y no en otros. Con ese procedimiento, se llega a una clasificación, en que un líder presente más o menos atributos descritos por las definiciones clásicas, eliminando la necesidad de reformulación constante del concepto. También habría menos espacio a que el rótulo de populista continuase sirviendo para descalificar políticos latinoamericanos. El artículo presenta definiciones clásicas y recientes aplicadas a la América Latina y discute la viabilidad empírica de la estrategia de concentrarse en la dimensión política.Palabras-clave: populismo; América Latina; casos paradigmáticos; clasificación.---THE APPLICATION OF THE CONCEPT OF POPULISM IN LATIN AMERICA: the need to classify and not disqualifyEver since authors such as Germani (1962), Di Tella (1969) and Ianni (1975) applied the notion of populism in Latin America, much has been written on the subject. The concept stretched out so much that it has served to define the most dissimilar politicians. In the absence of socioeconomic conditions described by classical formulations, the strategy adopted is to restrict the category to the political dimension. Such a procedure, however, is not capable of describing adequate particular attributes that populism would be a specific phenomenon. At the same time, the concept is so deeply embedded in our society that it is not feasible to abandon it. The proposed solution is to evaluate in which characteristics a politician reaches and moves away from the paradigmatic cases of the past. Thus, it can be populist in some respects and not in others. In such a procedure, we arrive at a classification in which a leader shows more or less attributes described by classical definitions, eliminating the need for constant reformulation of the concept to adapt it to new circumstances. Also, there would be less space to which the label of populist would continue to serve to disqualify Latin American politicians. The article discusses recent and classic settings applied to Latin America and assesses the empirical viability of focusing on the political dimension strategy.Key words: populism; Latin America; paradigmatic cases; classification.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 160
Juliane Sachser Angnes ◽  
Elisa Yoshie Ichikawa ◽  
Marcel Luciano Klozovski ◽  
Maria De Fátima Quintal de Freitas

This theoretical essay proposes to understand how the contemporary conception of Human Rights is configured, and from that, to articulate the affirmative actions for Indigenous peoples inserted in this conception. In other words, it reflects on how this process took place in Latin America, that is, whether these actions proposed in Latin America for Indigenous peoples adopt a perspective constituted by the “subject of law” being seen in its particularity and peculiarity, and whether there have been advances or setbacks. The results showed that, specifically, from the conceptions presented at the International Labor Organization (OIT) there was a break in the integrationist paradigm, showing a real advance in the expressions of these conceptions and the ways in which indigenous societies are understood, at least in the applied legislation in Latin America. However, there is still much to reflect on and fight for.

2021 ◽  

The yearbook "West-East-Russia" 2020 presents the most significant events, processes and trends of the past year in the relations of the countries of the Center, Periphery and Semi-Periphery, including the positions and interests of Russia in this interaction. The main theme of the panorama of 2020 was the COVID-19 pandemic, the analysis of its damage to the world economy, the study of the experience of countering it in various countries and regions (China, India, Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America). On this background, the problems of the BRICS and the post-Soviet space are considered. Attention is paid to the situation in Syria, Libya and other hot spots. These and other topics are presented in both global and regional dimensions (Middle East, East and Southeast Asia, Latin America, etc.). There are sections on ecology and scientific life, as well as reviews of new books on the subject of the yearbook.

2021 ◽  
pp. 102
Alexandra V. Sitenko

The author reviews a collective monograph on the pages of which international experts analyze the main aspects and principles of China's relationship with Latin and Caribbean America today, right up to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. The chapters of the book cover most of the countries in the region, and the subject of the study is both bilateral and multilateral interaction.

Meredith McNeill Hale

This concluding chapter focuses on the question of circulation and impact: to what extent did De Hooghe’s satires travel beyond The Netherlands in the seventeenth century and what influence did they have on English political satire of the eighteenth century? The appearance of motifs from De Hooghe’s satires in mezzotints of c.1690 and prints on the subject of the South Sea Bubble of 1720 will be discussed as will instances in which De Hooghe’s satires were reissued in the eighteenth century. However, a comparison of this handful of examples with the liberal use of De Hooghe’s triumphal allegories and battle scenes in such distant locations as Latin America and Russia reveals one of the qualities that epitomizes political satire—its dramatic circumscription by temporal and geographical boundaries. Satire’s embeddedness in a specific political, historical, and cultural moment and its dependence upon text that often channels the idiosyncrasies of spoken language, render it difficult—often impossible without intensive investigation—to understand beyond its immediate context. This is as true for twenty-first-century satires as it was for those produced in the late seventeenth century.

2019 ◽  
pp. 499-518
Pablo Torres Matovelle ◽  
Jesús Tapia López ◽  
Karla Suquilanda Agila

La congestión es un fenómeno que preocupa desde hace décadas a los gestores de destinos turísticos. Pocos estudios se han desarrollado para evaluarla en ciudades patrimoniales sobre todo a partir de la percepción del turista, notando un escaso tratamiento del tema en Latinoamérica. Esta investigación evalúa la percepción de congestión del turista en el Centro Histórico de Quito, mediante aportes metodológicos que vinculan variables de tipo motivacional, emocional y conductual. Los resultados indican que la percepción de congestión es percibida mayoritariamente entre leve y moderada. Crowding is a phenomenon that has worried managers of tourist destinations for decades. Few studies have been developed to evaluate it in heritage cities from the perception of the visitor, noticing a poor treatment of the subject in Latin America. This research evaluates the tourist crowding perception in the Historic Center of Quito, through methodological contributions that link motivational, emotional and behavioral variables. The results indicate that crowding is perceived mostly between mild and moderate.

1977 ◽  
Vol 17 (194) ◽  
pp. 264-270

Presidential mission. —Mr. Alexandre Hay, President of the ICRC, visited South Africa from 19 to 26 April, in the company of Mr. Frank Schmidt, Delegate General for Africa. On 21 April, Mr. Hay met Mr. John Vorster, Prime Minister, Mr. R. F. Botha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. J. Kruger, Minister of Justice, Mr. P. W. Botha, Minister of Defence, and Mr. S. van der Merwe, Minister of Health. The talks dealt mainly with humanitarian problems in southern African and in particular with the subject of detention. In this connection, the ICRC, which visits sentenced political detainees, expressed the wish to extend such visits to other categories of detainees, especially those arrested under the “Terrorism Act” and the “General Law Amendment Act”.

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