scholarly journals The effects of dietary restriction and exercise on the volume of adipocytes in two intra-orbital depots in the guinea-pig

1985 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-213 ◽  
Christine A. Mattacks ◽  
Caroline M. Pond

1. The volume of adipocytes in two intra-orbital sites and fourteen superficial and intra-abdominal sites, and the total adipocyte complement have been measured in virgin and reproductive guinea-pigs maintained on several different regimens of diet and exercise.2. The adipocytes around the ocular muscles at the back of the orbit (peripheral fat) are always larger than those just behind the eyeball (orbital fat).3. The adipocytes in both the intra-orbital sites are significantly larger in guinea-pigs whose total adipocyte complement is smaller than one standard deviation from the mean, than in those which have a normal-size or large adipocyte complement.4. The volume of intra-orbital adipocytes correlates very significantly with the volume of adipocytes in superficial and intra-abdominal sites in guinea-pigs which have large adipocyte complements, correlates weakly in those with normal adipocyte complements and not at all in those with small adipocyte complements.5. It is suggested that there may be fewer intra-orbital adipocytes in animals which have small adipocyte complements, and that, because the intra-orbital adipose tissue occupies a constant volume, the adipocytes in these sites become larger when they are less numerous.

1984 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 425-433 ◽  
Caroline M. Pond ◽  
Christine A. Mattacks ◽  
Dawn Sadler

1. Two intermuscular adipose depots, the popliteal mass (POP) and the fat under the gluteus superficialis muscle (GLS) were studied in guinea-pigs maintained under three different regimes of diet and exercise.2. Eleven different sites in POP and four sites in GLS were defined using associated muscle and fascia as ‘landmarks’. Samples of twenty to twenty-five adipocytes from each site were removed and their mean volume measured; a consistent pattern of distribution of larger and smaller adipocytes within POP and GLS was found in all animals.3. The correlation between the volume of adipocytes from sites between the same pairs of muscles was substantially greater than the correlation between the volume of adipocytes from comparable sites between different muscles, whether the sites were within the same fat mass (POP) or in different fat masses (POP and GLS).4. The volume of adipocytes from the edge of the fat mass correlated more closely with those from the edge of the same or a synergistic muscle than with the volume of cells from the centre sites or edge sites from an interface with another muscle. These effects were most pronounced in exercised animals and weak or insignificant in sedentary ad lib.-fed animals.5. The volume of adipocytes from edge sites correlated with the gross weight of the adjacent muscles in exercised animals only.6. It is concluded that muscle activity has a local effect on the volume of adjacent adipocytes. It is suggested that the mechanism involved is mechanical rather than biochemical.

1930 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 647-655 ◽  
Morgan Upton

Young guinea pigs while progressing on an inclined surface orient upward in a way such that the path of progression is at a mean angle θ to the intersection of the plane with the horizontal. The angle θ increases as the angle α of the inclination of the plane increases. The results of this experiment indicate that in principle the formulation of similar behavior in the cases of young rats and mice holds essentially for young guinea pigs, and further supports a general muscle tension theory of the limitation of geotropic orientation. The relation of θ to log sin α is sigmoid in character and cos θ is a nearly rectilinear function sin α. It is notable however that in this case the functions are in reality compound, being made up of two curves with a break occurring at a slope of α = 45°. Observation of a blinded guinea pig in light upon an inclined plane reveals the fact that in the neighborhood of 45° the mode of progression changes. Below this angle the animal walks with the feet on the two sides of the body moving forward alternately, while above α = 45° the animal hops in such a way that both front feet and both hind feet move forward together. This change in the mode of progression clearly involves a change in the organization of muscular tensions, and in all probability accounts for the change in the relation of the values of θ to the magnitudes of the slope. The behavior of the mean θ's is closely paralleled by that of their P.E.'s, an automatic check being in this way given upon the significance of the measurements.

1986 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-48 ◽  
Caroline M. Pond ◽  
Christine A. Mattacks ◽  
Marion C. Thomson ◽  
Dawin Sadler

1. The mean adipocyte volume and cellularity of adipose tissue in twelve anatomically defined depots were measured in 190 virgin and reproductive guinea-pigs aged 6 months to 2 years, maintained on five different regimens of diet and exercise.2. The total adipocyte complement was constant up to the age of about 10 months and increased by 65–70% during the 2nd year of life. At constant percentage body-weight as fat, age-related accumulation of adipocytes was accompanied by reduction in average adipocyte volume. A period of high percentage body-weight as fat was not a necessary antecedent to age-related accumulation of adipocytes, and the effect was not observed in specimens that exercised regularly.3. In guinea-pigs over 13 months old, changes in adipose tissue cellularity made a major contribution to total fatness. The mean volume of samples of adipocytes was a satisfactory indicator of fatness only in younger specimens in which adipose tissue cellularity was not changing.4. The lean body mass and the total adipocyte complement were lower in guinea-pigs on the sedentary, restricted-diet regimen, whether the regimen began at the age of 19 weeks or 31 weeks, but the depots studied were not equally affected. Both moderate and strenuous exercise on an ad lib. diet caused a reduction in the percentage body-weight as fat in males but not in females. The total adipocyte complement and lean body mass were unchanged, although the males became almost as thin following exercise as those on the restricted-diet regimen.5. Among guinea-pigs under 400 d old, there were no significant differences between males and virgin females in the site-specific volume of adipocytes relative to the size of those in other depots of the same specimen; there was only one significant difference in this index between the older and the younger specimens. The diet and exercise regimens modified the site-specific adipocyte volume relative to those in other depots; adipocytes under the trapezius muscle of the neck (UMN), at the interscapular depot (HUMP) and those in the depots anterior to the forelimb became relatively smaller following exercise, while those in the popliteal fat mass were relatively larger. Adipocytes in the UMN and HUMP also became more numerous relative to those in the other depots following both moderate and strenuous exercise. Those in the groin site, the intra-abdominal depots and the intermuscular depots became relatively smaller following dietary restriction without exercise.6. The retroperitoneal depot was the most consistently and extensively depleted following dietary restriction without exercise, and the mesenteric and omental, ventral groin and anterior forelimb depots were not significantly depleted in any of the virgin guinea-pigs on this regmen. Thus those on the restricted diet had more adipocytes at these depots, in proportion to lean body mass, than the ad lib.-fed controls. Following age-related adipocyte proliferation, there were relatively more adipocytes in the abdominal depots, and relatively fewer in depots around the forelimbs in guinea-pigs that were first exercised strenuously and then placed on a sedentary at lib.-feeding regimen, compared with never-exercised controls.7. Some of the correlation coefficients between the volumes of adipocytes in all depots studied were significantly higher in the ad lib.-fed, sedentary mothers than in ad lib.-fed sedentary males of the same age. No other effects of maternity on site-specific differences in the relative volume or relative abundance of adipocytes were identified.8. Site-specific differences in adipocyte accumulation contributed more to age and regimen-related changes in body conformation than changes in the relative volume of adipocytes.

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Cilius E. Fonvig ◽  
Dorthe S. Bille ◽  
Elizaveta Chabanova ◽  
Tenna R. H. Nielsen ◽  
Henrik S. Thomsen ◽  

The degree of fat deposition in muscle and its implications for obesity-related complications in youth are not well understood. One hundred and fifty-nine patients (mean age: 13.3 years; range: 6-20) with a body mass index (BMI) >90th percentile for age and sex were included. Muscle fat content (MFC) was measured in the psoas muscle by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The patients were assigned to two groups: MFC <5% or ³5%. Visceral adipose tissue volume (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue volume (SAT) were measured by magnetic resonance imaging. Blood samples were obtained from 119 patients, and liver enzyme concentrations and other variables were measured. The data were analysed to detect any associations between MFC and BMI standard deviation scores, VAT and SAT, blood values, and physical activity levels. The mean BMI standard deviation score (SDS) was 3.04 (range 1.32-5.02). The mean MFC was 8.9% (range 0.8-46.7), and 118 (74.2%) of 159 patients had an MFC ³5%. Children with a high MFC had a higher BMI SDS (P=0.03) and had a higher VAT, but not SAT or SAT/VAT ratio. Both intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) and extramyocellular lipid (EMCL) content were elevated in patients with an MFC ³5%. Blood values and physical activity levels did not differ between the two groups. Severely obese children and adolescents tend to have a high MFC, which is associated with elevated VAT and IMCL and EMCL content. An increased MFC may be associated with impaired metabolic processes, which may predispose young people to obesity-related complications.

1956 ◽  
Vol 187 (2) ◽  
pp. 338-340 ◽  
J. Walter Woodbury ◽  
Donald M. McIntyre

For the first time overshooting action potentials of pregnant guinea pig uterus have been recorded intracellularly. Flexibly mounted ultramicroelectrodes were used. The largest action potential (AP) seen was 48 mv with an associated resting potential (RP) of 38 mv. The mean of 129 measurements of RP in four guinea pigs was 32.6 mv. The mean of 86 AP's was 21.9 mv. Although overshoot was seen only occasionally, the action potentials were always of the same order of magnitude as the resting potentials. It seems probable that the excitable mechanisms of uterine muscle though labile and variable are closely similar to those of other tissues.

Mahshid Lalvand ◽  
Seyed Jamal Hashemi ◽  
Mansour Bayat

Background and Objectives: Dermatophytosis induced by Trichophyton mentagrophytes is a major human and animal fun- gal contamination. Antifungals like terbinafine and fluconazole are widely used to treat dermatophytosis; nevertheless, the prevalence of drug resistance has increased. Hence, novel curative strategies are needed. In the present study, we compared the efficacies of conventional and nanoform of antifungals agents in guinea pig model of dermatophytosis. Materials and Methods: Guinea pigs (n=36) were injected (the posterior dorsal portion) with Trichophyton mentagrophytes conidia. The guinea pigs were divided into 6 groups (positive control, negative control, fluconazole 0.5% treated group, na- no-fluconazole treated group, terbinafine 1% treated group, and nano-terbinafine treated group), then were scored both clin- ically (redness and lesion intensity) and mycologically (microscopy and culture) until day 40 of inoculation. The treatment started 5 days after the inoculation and continued until day 40 of inoculation. Results: Assessment of the mean score of clinical lesions in groups treated with nano-drug forms of fluconazole and terbin- afine on the first day of treatment showed a score of 3 (significant redness with large scaling) and for the conventional form of terbinafine and fluconazole had a score of 4 (ulcer and scar). The decrease in lesion score in nano-drug treated groups was observed between days 15 and 20 and continued until day 40. On day 40, all groups had zero scores except the positive control group. Conclusion: This study indicated that nano-drugs are more suitable for the treatment of dermatophytosis and could be con- sidered as future alternatives for the treatment of dermatophytosis.

1979 ◽  
Vol 80 (3) ◽  
pp. 357-364 ◽  
A. R. PETERS ◽  

Assay of corticosteroids in the plasma of guinea-pigs showed that concentrations were higher in lactating than in non-lactating and male animals. In five isolated perfused mammary gland experiments in which corticosteroids were at concentrations of 1·3–3·0 μg/ml in the perfusate, equivalent to concentrations during lactation, the mean (±s.e.m.) uptake by the mammary gland was 900 ± 210 ng g−1 h−1. In five experiments in which the concentrations of corticosteroid in the perfusate were 190–580 ng/ml, the uptake by the mammary gland was significantly lower (316 ± 73 ng g−1 h−1; P < 0·05). For the ten experiments there was a significant correlation between the concentration of corticosteroid in the perfusate and uptake by the mammary gland (P < 0·05). No convincing evidence for a galactopoietic role of corticosteroids in the guinea-pig was obtained, although administration of cortisol significantly stimulated the uptake of glutamine by the perfused gland.

1981 ◽  
Vol 89 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-177 ◽  

The effects of urethane or sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia on the feedback effects of oestradiol or progesterone on gonadotrophin secretion in the ovariectomized guinea-pig have been investigated. In the control experiments in which no steroids or vehicles were given the concentration of LH and FSH in samples of peripheral blood collected at intervals of 15 min varied in a random episodic manner. The mean level of LH was significantly greater in sodium pentobarbitone- and urethane-anaesthetized animals when compared with conscious animals, and in the conscious animals there was a progressive fall in mean LH level during the course of serial sampling. This effect was not observed in anaesthetized animals. Oestradiol benzoate (2 μg s.c.) inhibited LH secretion in conscious animals and in those anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone, but not in urethane-anaesthetized guinea-pigs. Progesterone (200 μg s.c.) progressively depressed plasma LH levels in conscious and urethane-anaesthetized animals, but not in guinea-pigs anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone. The effect of anaesthesia was the converse of that observed with oestradiol treatment. Significant changes in FSH secretion were not observed under any experimental conditions. These findings point to the existence of a mechanism in spayed guinea-pigs that restrains LH secretion, the action of which is reduced by anaesthesia and modified by oestradiol and progesterone.

1975 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 521-528 ◽  
M. B. TER HAAR ◽  

SUMMARY The concentration of FSH in the plasma of guinea-pigs from day 50 of gestation to day 45 of postnatal life was assayed by a radioimmunological procedure utilizing a cross-reaction with the NIAMDD S6 antiserum to rat FSH. At 68 days of gestation the mean plasma FSH concentration of female foetuses was greater than that of the males, although the concentrations in the two sexes were similar on day 50 of gestation. Maternal levels remained consistently low throughout gestation. Postnatally there were no marked changes in plasma FSH levels through to maturity, although a transient rise in the male occurred over the first 3 days after birth. Gonadectomy on days 0, 5, 10, 15, 25 or 35 of postnatal life, or when adult, resulted in a significant increase in plasma levels of FSH within 10 days. The rise in plasma FSH concentration was greater in males than in females at all ages, although a larger increase was observed in females spayed at 5 or 10 days of age than at other times.

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