scholarly journals II. Descriptions of New and Rare Diatoms from the Tropics and Southern Hemisphere

1866 ◽  
Vol 8 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 436-440 ◽  
R. K. Greville
2021 ◽  
Lian-Yi Zhang ◽  
Yan Du ◽  
Wenju Cai ◽  
Zesheng Chen ◽  
Tomoki Tozuka ◽  

<p>This study identifies a new triggering mechanism of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) from the Southern Hemisphere. This mechanism is independent from the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and tends to induce the IOD before its canonical peak season. The joint effects of this mechanism and ENSO may explain different lifetimes and strengths of the IOD. During its positive phase, development of sea surface temperature cold anomalies commences in the southern Indian Ocean, accompanied by an anomalous subtropical high system and anomalous southeasterly winds. The eastward movement of these anomalies enhances the monsoon off Sumatra-Java during May-August, leading to an early positive IOD onset. The pressure variability in the subtropical area is related with the Southern Annular Mode, suggesting a teleconnection between high-latitude and mid-latitude climate that can further affect the tropics. To include the subtropical signals may help model prediction of the IOD event.</p>

2005 ◽  
Vol 62 (5) ◽  
pp. 1614-1625 ◽  
F. Javier Sáez de Adana ◽  
Stephen J. Colucci

Abstract Upper-tropospheric divergence anomalies and divergence tendencies prior to and during the onset of blocking have been investigated for selected cases over the Southern Hemisphere in search of links between the upper-tropospheric response to tropical convective activity and the onset of blocking in midlatitudes. Climatologies of blocking, defined by an objective index, and divergence are established for the Southern Hemisphere and the southern Pacific, respectively. Relative blocking frequency versus longitude reveals a region of maximum blocking activity between 160°E and 75°W. Blocking frequencies for each ENSO phase indicate a shift toward the late austral fall and early winter during the warm phase, whereas during the cold and neutral phases the highest frequencies are in June and July, respectively. Composites of area-averaged divergence anomalies for the selected blocking cases reveal more anomalous divergence than during nonblocking periods over the blocking regions and the immediate upstream regions in midlatitudes. A full divergence tendency equation is utilized to diagnose the local development of divergence preceding the onset of blocking. Results indicate that divergence tendencies over midlatitudes in the block-onset region were forced primarily by horizontal advection, ageostrophic relative vorticity, and a nonlinear effect. In the region directly upstream from the block-onset region, ageostrophic relative vorticity had the greatest contribution followed by the horizontal advection. In the Tropics, divergence tendencies appear to be driven primarily by horizontal advection. Correlations of calculated divergence tendencies with the blocking index suggest that ageostrophic vorticity may locally generate divergence that in turn may force anticyclonic vorticity associated with blocking. Lag correlations with a blocking index during blocking reveal the importance of horizontal advection in driving divergence anomalies, implying divergence-induced vorticities, toward the incipient block.

2021 ◽  
Rishav Goyal ◽  
Martin Jucker ◽  
Alex Sen Gupta ◽  
Harry Hendon ◽  
Matthew England

Abstract A distinctive feature of the Southern Hemisphere (SH) extratropical atmospheric circulation is the quasi-stationary zonal wave 3 (ZW3) pattern, characterized by three high and three low-pressure centers around the SH extratropics. This feature is present in both the mean atmospheric circulation and its variability on daily, seasonal and interannual timescales. While the ZW3 pattern has significant impacts on meridional heat transport and Antarctic sea ice extent, the reason for its existence remains uncertain, although it has long been assumed to be linked to the existence of three major land masses in the SH extratropics. Here we use an atmospheric general circulation model to show that the stationery ZW3 pattern is instead driven by zonal asymmetric deep atmospheric convection in the tropics, with little to no role played by the orography or land masses in the extratropics. Localized regions of deep convection in the tropics form a local Hadley cell which in turn creates a wave source in the subtropics that excites a poleward and eastward propagating wave train which forms stationary waves in the SH high latitudes. Our findings suggest that changes in tropical deep convection, either due to natural variability or climate change, will impact the zonal wave 3 pattern, with implications for Southern Hemisphere climate, ocean circulation, and sea-ice.

1937 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 289-309 ◽  
E. G. Gibbins

Five years ago, when a study was commenced of the Simuliid fauna of Uganda, 24 species were known from the whole of Africa. To-day, Uganda can claim more than that number within its own boundaries. In fact 30 species are known to occur in the country. And yet it is probable that many more species remain to be discovered, particularly as the investigation has not included the Northern Province, which will undoubtedly prove to be one of the richest in Simulium, since within its confines are the River Nile and its many subsidiary tributaries. Quite a number of species found in Uganda occur in other parts of the African continent. Some extend their distribution over to the west and also to the east coast, while other species do not confine their range to the tropics and are found as far afield as the Transvaal and Natal in the Southern Hemisphere. Early observations (1934) indicated a specialised Simuliid fauna on each of the high mountains in Uganda, and while this may still be true in the case of some species, subsequent investigations have shown that several have a wider distribution.

2013 ◽  
Vol 26 (11) ◽  
pp. 3562-3574 ◽  
Maria Flatau ◽  
Young-Joon Kim

Abstract A tropical–polar connection and its seasonal dependence are examined using the real-time multivariate Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) (RMM) index and daily indices for the annular modes, the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO). On the intraseasonal time scale, the MJO appears to force the annular modes in both hemispheres. On this scale, during the cold season, the convection in the Indian Ocean precedes the increase of the AO/AAO. Interestingly, during the boreal winter (Southern Hemisphere warm season), strong MJOs in the Indian Ocean are related to a decrease of the AAO index, and AO/AAO tendencies are out of phase. On the longer time scales, a persistent AO/AAO anomaly appears to influence the convection in the tropical belt and impact the distribution of MJO-preferred phases. It is shown that this may be a result of the sea surface temperature (SST) changes related to a persistent AO, with cooling over the Indian Ocean and warming over Indonesia. In the Southern Hemisphere, the SST anomalies are to some extent also related to a persistent AAO pattern, but this relationship is much weaker and appears only during the Southern Hemisphere cold season. On the basis of these results, a mechanism involving the air–sea interaction in the tropics is suggested as a possible link between persistent AO and convective activity in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific.

2009 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 2165-2194 ◽  
A. Lupu ◽  
J. W. Kaminski ◽  
L. Neary ◽  
J. C. McConnell ◽  
K. Toyota ◽  

Abstract. We investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in the upper troposphere through numerical simulations and comparison with observations from a space-based instrument. To perform the simulations, we used the Global Environmental Multiscale Air Quality model (GEM-AQ), which is based on the three-dimensional global multiscale model developed by the Meteorological Service of Canada for operational weather forecasting. The model was run for the period 2004–2006 on a 1.5°×1.5° global grid with 28 hybrid vertical levels from the surface up to 10 hPa. Objective analysis data from the Canadian Meteorological Centre were used to update the meteorological fields every 24 h. Fire emission fluxes of gas species were generated by using year-specific inventories of carbon emissions with 8-day temporal resolution from the Global Fire Emission Database (GFED) version 2. The model output is compared with HCN profiles measured by the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) instrument onboard the Canadian SCISAT-1 satellite. High values of up to a few ppbv are observed in the tropics in the Southern Hemisphere; the enhancement in HCN volume mixing ratios in the upper troposphere is most prominent in October. Low upper-tropospheric mixing ratios of less than 100 pptv are mostly recorded at middle and high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere in May–July. Mixing ratios in Northern Hemisphere peak in the boreal summer. The amplitude of the seasonal variation is less pronounced than in the Southern Hemisphere. Our model results show that in the upper troposphere GEM-AQ performs well globally for all seasons, except at Northern high and middle latitudes in summer, where the model has a large negative bias, and in the tropics in winter and spring, where it exhibits large positive bias. This may reflect inaccurate emissions or possible inaccuracies in the emission profile. The model is able to explain most of the observed variability in the upper troposphere HCN field, including the interannual variations in the observed mixing ratio. The estimated average global emission equals 1.3 Tg N yr−1. The average atmospheric burden is 0.53 Tg N, and the corresponding lifetime is 4.9 months.

2006 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 10087-10152 ◽  
F. Borchi ◽  
J.-P. Pommereau

Abstract. The performances of satellite and sondes ozone measuring instruments available in the tropics between 10 and 26 km during the southern hemisphere summer in 2003 and 2004, have been investigated by comparison with series of profiles obtained by solar occultation in the visible Chappuis bands using a SAOZ UV-Vis spectrometer carried by circumnavigating long duration balloons. When compared to SAOZ, systematic positive or negative altitude shifts could be observed in satellite profiles, varying from <50 m for the GOMOS stellar occultation instrument, followed by +100/200 m for solar occultation systems (SAGE II, HALOE above 22 km), but as large as −900 m or +2000 m for limb viewing systems (OSIRIS, SCIAMACHY). The ozone relative biases are generally limited, between −4% and +4%, for measurements in the visible Chappuis bands (SAGE II and III, GOMOS above 22 km and OSIRIS), the near IR (HALOE above 22 km) and the ozonesondes, but increase to −7% in the UV (SCIAMACHY), and +7% in the mid-IR (MIPAS) and the submillimetric range (SMR). Regarding precision, evaluated statistically from the zonal variability of ozone concentration, the best measurements are found to be those of SAGE II (2%), followed by HALOE above 22 km (3–4%), then the ozonesondes, SAGE III moon and OSIRIS (4–5%), GOMOS above 22 km and SCIAMACHY (~6%), MIPAS (8.5%) and finally SMR (16%). Overall, all satellite ozone measurements appear little reliable in the tropical troposphere except those of SAGE II (and eventually SAGE III), though low biased by 50% and of limited (50%) precision.

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e11737
Cristian B. Canales-Aguirre ◽  
Peter A. Ritchie ◽  
Sebastián Hernández ◽  
Victoria Herrera-Yañez ◽  
Sandra Ferrada Fuentes ◽  

The genus Sprattus comprises five species of marine pelagic fishes distributed worldwide in antitropical, temperate waters. Their distribution suggests an ancient origin during a cold period of the earth’s history. In this study, we evaluated this hypothesis and corroborated the non-monophyly of the genus Sprattus, using a phylogenetic approach based on DNA sequences of five mitochondrial genome regions. Sprattus sprattus is more closely related to members of the genus Clupea than to other Sprattus species. We also investigated the historical biogeography of the genus, with the phylogenetic tree showing two well-supported clades corresponding to the species distribution in each hemisphere. Time-calibrated phylogenetic analyses showed that an ancient divergence between Northern and Southern Hemispheres occurred at 55.8 MYBP, followed by a diversification in the Oligocene epoch in the Northern Hemisphere clade (33.8 MYBP) and a more recent diversification in the Southern Hemisphere clade (34.2 MYBP). Historical biogeography analyses indicated that the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) likely inhabited the Atlantic Ocean in the Southern Hemisphere. These results suggest that the ancestral population of the MRCA diverged in two populations, one was dispersed to the Northern Hemisphere and the other across the Southern Hemisphere. Given that the Eocene was the warmest epoch since the Paleogene, the ancestral populations would have crossed the tropics through deeper cooler waters, as proposed by the isothermal submergence hypothesis. The non-monophyly confirmed for the genus Sprattus indicates that its systematics should be re-evaluated.

2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 415-430 ◽  
D. Ackerley ◽  
J. A. Renwick

Abstract. The Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) was undertaken to assess the climatic effects of the presence of large ice-sheets and changes in the Earth's orbital parameters in fully coupled Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs). Much of the previous literature has focussed on the tropics and the Northern Hemisphere during the last glacial maximum and Mid-Holocene whereas this study focuses only on the Southern Hemisphere. This study addresses the representation of the Semiannual Oscillation (SAO) in the PMIP2 models and how it may have changed during the Mid-Holocene. The output from the five models suggest a weakening of the (austral) autumn circumpolar trough (CPT) and (in all but one model) a strengthening of the spring CPT. The effects of changing the orbital parameters are to cause warming and drying during spring over New Zealand and a cooling and moistening during autumn. The amount of spring warming/drying and autumn cooling/moistening is variable between the models and depends on the climatological locations of surface pressure anomalies associated with changes in the SAO. This study also undertakes an Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of the leading modes of atmospheric variability during the control and Mid-Holocene phases for each model. Despite the seasonal changes, the overall month by month and interannual variability was simulated to have changed little from the Mid-Holocene to present.

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