scholarly journals Conserved T Cell Receptor Repertoire in Primary and Memory CD8 T Cell Responses to an Acute Viral Infection

1998 ◽  
Vol 188 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-82 ◽  
David J.D. Sourdive ◽  
Kaja Murali-Krishna ◽  
John D. Altman ◽  
Allan J. Zajac ◽  
Jason K. Whitmire ◽  

Viral infections often induce potent CD8 T cell responses that play a key role in antiviral immunity. After viral clearance, the vast majority of the expanded CD8 T cells undergo apoptosis, leaving behind a stable number of memory cells. The relationship between the CD8 T cells that clear the acute viral infection and the long-lived CD8 memory pool remaining in the individual is not fully understood. To address this issue, we examined the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire of virus-specific CD8 T cells in the mouse model of infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) using three approaches: (a) in vivo quantitative TCR β chain V segment and complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) length repertoire analysis by spectratyping (immunoscope); (b) identification of LCMV-specific CD8 T cells with MHC class I tetramers containing viral peptide and costaining with TCR Vβ–specific antibodies; and (c) functional TCR fingerprinting based on recognition of variant peptides. We compared the repertoire of CD8 T cells responding to acute primary and secondary LCMV infections, together with that of virus-specific memory T cells in immune mice. Our analysis showed that CD8 T cells from several Vβ families participated in the anti-LCMV response directed to the dominant cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope (NP118–126). However, the bulk (∼70%) of this CTL response was due to three privileged T cell populations systematically expanding during LCMV infection. Approximately 30% of the response consisted of Vβ10+ CD8 T cells with a β chain CDR3 length of nine amino acids, and 40% consisted of Vβ8.1+ (β CDR3 = eight amino acids) and Vβ8.2+ cells (β CDR3 = six amino acids). Finally, we showed that the TCR repertoire of the primary antiviral CD8 T cell response was similar both structurally and functionally to that of the memory pool and the secondary CD8 T cell effectors. These results suggest a stochastic selection of memory cells from the pool of CD8 T cells activated during primary infection.

Blood ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 128 (22) ◽  
pp. 3364-3364
Falk Heidenreich ◽  
Elke Ruecker-Braun ◽  
Juliane S. Stickel ◽  
Anne Eugster ◽  
Denise Kühn ◽  

Abstract Background Immunotherapy for CLL with new antibodies or T-cells with modified TCR relies on attractive targets. ROR1 is such a promising target since it is highly overexpressed in CLL. Chimeric antigen receptor engineered T cells and antibodies directed against the extracellular part of ROR1 have already been developed and tested in vitro or in animal models, but still there is no MHC-class I presented peptide serving as target structure for CD8+ T cells (with or without a genetically modified T cell receptor) available. Aim The aim of this study was (1) to identify an immunogenic MHC-class I presented ROR1 peptide, (2) to generate respective ROR1 peptide specific CD8+ T cell clones, and (3) to analyze the nucleotide sequence of the CDR3 region of the expressed alpha and beta T cell receptor chain. Results In mass spectrometric-based analyses of the HLA-ligandome a HLA-B*07 presented ROR1 peptide was identified in primary CLL cells of two patients. Six T cell clones specific for this particular ROR1-peptide were generated from single CD8+ T cells from 2 healthy individuals with 3 T cell clones generated from each donor. Functionality and specificity of those T cell clones were tested in cytotoxicity assays. All 6 dextramer+ CD8+ T cell clones lysed peptide loaded and HLA-B*07+ transduced K562 cells (kindly provided by Lorenz Jahn, [Jahn et al., Blood, 2015 Feb 5;125(6):949-58]). Two selected clones (XD8 and XB6) were tested for their cytotoxic potential against 2 ROR1+ HLA-B*07+ tumor cell lines (with the ROR1 peptide identified by mass spectrometry for both of them) and against 2 primary CLL cell samples. Tested clones showed a significant lysis of the respective target cells. CDR3 regions of the alpha and beta T cell receptor chain were sequenced on a single cell level. The CDR3 alpha region from each of the 3 ROR1 specific T cell clones from donor A showed some similarities to T cell clones derived from donor B (Table 1). Conclusion For the first time a MHC-class I presented ROR1 peptide antigen is reported. ROR1 positive CLL cells can be targeted by specific HLA-B*07 restricted CTLs. Respective CD8+ T cell clones with anti-leukemic activity from 2 donors share some amino acid motifs of the CDR3 alpha and beta regions. In conclusion, this information provides the possibility of generating ROR1 specific CD8+ T cells with genetically modified T cell receptors for immunotherapy and for tracking those cells after administration with next generation sequencing in peripheral blood samples of patients. Furthermore, data suggest the existence of public TCR motifs in leukemia antigen specific CTLs, which needs to be proven in follow-up experiments with larger cohorts of donors and patients. Finally, the presented strategy to identify leukemia specific peptide antigens for CD8+ T cells might be an attractive method for similar projects. Table 1 Amino acid sequences of CDR3 alpha and beta regions of the TCR of ROR1 specific CD8+ T cell clones. When comparing two clones, matching amino acids are depicted in red. The aromatic amino acids phenylalanine (F) and tyrosine (Y) are shown in blue when situated at the same position. Gaps inserted during the sequence alignment process are indicated by a hyphen '-'. Table 1. Amino acid sequences of CDR3 alpha and beta regions of the TCR of ROR1 specific CD8+ T cell clones. When comparing two clones, matching amino acids are depicted in red. The aromatic amino acids phenylalanine (F) and tyrosine (Y) are shown in blue when situated at the same position. Gaps inserted during the sequence alignment process are indicated by a hyphen '-'. Disclosures Middeke: Sanofi: Honoraria. Schetelig:Sanofi: Honoraria.

2021 ◽  
Mark A Pilkinton ◽  
Wyatt J McDonnell ◽  
Louise Barnett ◽  
Abha Chopra ◽  
Rama Gangula ◽  

Cellular immune responses to Gag correlate with improved HIV viral control. The full extent of cellular immune responses comprise both the number of epitopes recognized by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, as well as the diversity of the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire directed against each epitope. The optimal diversity of the responsive TCR repertoire is unclear. Therefore, we evaluated the TCR diversity of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells responding to HIV-1 Gag to determine if TCR diversity correlates with clinical or virologic metrics. Previous studies of TCR repertoires have been limited primarily to CD8+ T cell responses directed against a small number of well-characterized T cell epitopes restricted by specific human leucocyte antigens. We stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 21chronic HIV-infected individuals overnight with a pool of HIV-1 Gag peptides, followed by sorting of activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and TCR deep sequencing. We found Gag-reactive CD8+ T cells to be more oligoclonal, with a few dominant TCRs comprising the bulk of the repertoire, compared to the highly diverse TCR repertoires of Gag-reactive CD4+ T cells. HIV viral sequencing of the same donors revealed that high CD4+ T cell TCR diversity was strongly associated with lower HIV Gag genetic diversity. We conclude that the TCR repertoire of Gag-reactive CD4+ T helper cells display substantial diversity without a clearly dominant circulating TCR clonotype, in contrast to a hierarchy of dominant TCR clonotypes in the Gag-reactive CD8+ T cells, and may serve to limit HIV diversity during chronic infection. IMPORTANCE Human T cells recognize portions of viral proteins bound to host molecules (human leucocyte antigens) on the surface of infected cells. T cells recognize these foreign proteins through their T cell receptors (TCRs), which are formed by the assortment of several available V, D and J genes to create millions of combinations of unique TCRs. We measured the diversity of T cells responding to the HIV Gag protein. We found the CD8+ T cell response is primarily made up of a few dominant unique TCRs whereas the CD4+ T cell subset has a much more diverse repertoire of TCRs. We also found there was less change in the virus sequences in subjects with more diverse TCR repertoires. HIV has a high mutation rate, which allows it to evade the immune response. Our findings describe the characteristics of a virus-specific T cell response that may allow it to limit viral evolution.

2017 ◽  
Vol 214 (11) ◽  
pp. 3417-3433 ◽  
Xiaojing Chen ◽  
Lucia Poncette ◽  
Thomas Blankenstein

For thymic selection and responses to pathogens, T cells interact through their αβ T cell receptor (TCR) with peptide–major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on antigen-presenting cells. How the diverse TCRs interact with a multitude of MHC molecules is unresolved. It is also unclear how humans generate larger TCR repertoires than mice do. We compared the TCR repertoire of CD4 T cells selected from a single mouse or human MHC class II (MHC II) in mice containing the human TCR gene loci. Human MHC II yielded greater thymic output and a more diverse TCR repertoire. The complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3) length adjusted for different inherent V-segment affinities to MHC II. Humans evolved with greater nontemplate-encoded CDR3 diversity than did mice. Our data, which demonstrate human TCR–MHC coevolution after divergence from rodents, explain the greater T cell diversity in humans and suggest a mechanism for ensuring that any V–J gene combination can be selected by a single MHC II.

eLife ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Alexandria C Wells ◽  
Keith A Daniels ◽  
Constance C Angelou ◽  
Eric Fagerberg ◽  
Amy S Burnside ◽  

The differentiation of naive CD8 T cells into effector cytotoxic T lymphocytes upon antigen stimulation is necessary for successful antiviral, and antitumor immune responses. Here, using a mouse model, we describe a dual role for the let-7 microRNAs in the regulation of CD8 T cell responses, where maintenance of the naive phenotype in CD8 T cells requires high levels of let-7 expression, while generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes depends upon T cell receptor-mediated let-7 downregulation. Decrease of let-7 expression in activated T cells enhances clonal expansion and the acquisition of effector function through derepression of the let-7 targets, including Myc and Eomesodermin. Ultimately, we have identified a novel let-7-mediated mechanism, which acts as a molecular brake controlling the magnitude of CD8 T cell responses.

2013 ◽  
Vol 210 (3) ◽  
pp. 491-502 ◽  
Shlomo Z. Ben-Sasson ◽  
Alison Hogg ◽  
Jane Hu-Li ◽  
Paul Wingfield ◽  
Xi Chen ◽  

Here, we show that interleukin-1 (IL-1) enhances antigen-driven CD8 T cell responses. When administered to recipients of OT-I T cell receptor transgenic CD8 T cells specific for an ovalbumin (OVA) peptide, IL-1 results in an increase in the numbers of wild-type but not IL1R1−/− OT-I cells, particularly in spleen, liver, and lung, upon immunization with OVA and lipopolysaccharide. IL-1 administration also results in an enhancement in the frequency of antigen-specific cells that are granzyme B+, have cytotoxic activity, and/ or produce interferon γ (IFN-γ). Cells primed in the presence of IL-1 display enhanced expression of granzyme B and increased capacity to produce IFN-γ when rechallenged 2 mo after priming. In three in vivo models, IL-1 enhances the protective value of weak immunogens. Thus, IL-1 has a marked enhancing effect on antigen-specific CD8 T cell expansion, differentiation, migration to the periphery, and memory.

2010 ◽  
Vol 52 ◽  
pp. S263-S264
R. Bakshi ◽  
V. Schlaphoff ◽  
P.V. Suneetha ◽  
P. Malinski ◽  
M.P. Manns ◽  

2007 ◽  
Vol 204 (11) ◽  
pp. 2747-2757 ◽  
Pia P. Yachi ◽  
Carina Lotz ◽  
Jeanette Ampudia ◽  
Nicholas R.J. Gascoigne

T cells are extremely sensitive in their ability to find minute amounts of antigenic peptide in the midst of many endogenous peptides presented on an antigen-presenting cell. The role of endogenous peptides in the recognition of foreign peptide and hence in T cell activation has remained controversial for CD8+ T cell activation. We showed previously that in a CD8+ T cell hybridoma, nonstimulatory endogenous peptides enhance T cell sensitivity to antigen by increasing the coreceptor function of CD8. However, others were not able to detect such enhancement in naive and activated CD8+ T cells. Here, we show that endogenous peptides substantially enhance the ability of T cells to detect antigen, an effect measurable by up-regulation of activation or maturation markers and by increased effector function. This enhancement is most pronounced in thymocytes, moderate in naive T cells, and mild in effector T cells. The importance of endogenous peptides is inversely proportional to the agonist activity of the stimulatory peptide presented. Unlike for CD4+ T cells, the T cell receptor of CD8+ T cells does not distinguish between endogenous peptides for their ability to enhance antigen recognition.

1995 ◽  
Vol 756 (1 T-Cell Recept) ◽  
pp. 179-182 ◽  
R. FURIE ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 213 (10) ◽  
pp. 2129-2146 ◽  
Ningwen Tai ◽  
Jian Peng ◽  
Fuqiang Liu ◽  
Elke Gulden ◽  
Youjia Hu ◽  

Both animal model and human studies indicate that commensal bacteria may modify type 1 diabetes (T1D) development. However, the underlying mechanisms by which gut microbes could trigger or protect from diabetes are not fully understood, especially the interaction of commensal bacteria with pathogenic CD8 T cells. In this study, using islet-specific glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit–related protein (IGRP)–reactive CD8 T cell receptor NY8.3 transgenic nonobese diabetic mice, we demonstrated that MyD88 strongly modulates CD8+ T cell–mediated T1D development via the gut microbiota. Some microbial protein peptides share significant homology with IGRP. Both the microbial peptide mimic of Fusobacteria and the bacteria directly activate IGRP-specific NY8.3 T cells and promote diabetes development. Thus, we provide evidence of molecular mimicry between microbial antigens and an islet autoantigen and a novel mechanism by which the diabetogenicity of CD8+ T cells can be regulated by innate immunity and the gut microbiota.

1997 ◽  
Vol 186 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23 ◽  
Harumi Suzuki ◽  
Yoichi Shinkai ◽  
Lawrence G. Granger ◽  
Frederick W. Alt ◽  
Paul E. Love ◽  

As a consequence of positive selection in the thymus, immature CD4+8+ double-positive, [DP] thymocytes selectively terminate synthesis of one coreceptor molecule and, as a result, differentiate into either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells. The decision by individual DP thymocytes to terminate synthesis of one or the other coreceptor molecule is referred to as lineage commitment. Previously, we reported that the intrathymic signals that induced commitment to the CD4 versus CD8 T cell lineages were markedly asymmetric. Notably, CD8 commitment appeared to require lineage-specific signals, whereas CD4 commitment appeared to occur in the absence of lineage-specific signals by default. Consequently, it was unclear whether CD4 commitment, as revealed by selective termination of CD8 coreceptor synthesis, occurred in all DP thymocytes, or whether CD4 commitment occurred only in T cell receptor (TCR)–CD3-signaled DP thymocytes. Here, we report that selective termination of CD8 coreceptor synthesis does not occur in DP thymocytes spontaneously. Rather, CD4 commitment in DP thymocytes requires signals transduced by either CD3 or ζ chains, which can signal CD4 commitment even in the absence of clonotypic TCR chains.

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