Teaching for Humanism

Nicole M. Piemonte ◽  
Arno K. Kumagai

The introduction of the humanities—literature, history, the fine arts, and philosophy—is becoming increasingly popular in medical education. However, the overall role and educational purpose of the humanities in medical education are not clear. The oft-expressed assumption that “exposure to humanities makes one more humanistic,” is a truism that has been justifiably challenged. In fact, introducing the humanities into a context in which their importance and “efficacy” in creating humanistic doctors is assessed by the same means as that assessing biomedical or clinical knowledge and skills (e.g., standardization, observable outcomes, fulfillment of competencies, simulations) arguably risks compromising the very value that the humanities bring to explorations of the human dimensions of illness and care. This chapter is devoted to an exploration of the aims of engaging the humanities in medical education and a discussion of specific pedagogical approaches in educating physicians for humanistic practice. In particular, the role of stories, dialogues, and reflection on the moral, existential, and interpersonal dimensions of medicine will be considered; and examples of specific educational practices from the authors’ own experiences will be used to illustrate how educational and social theory may be used to design learning activities that foster an orientation toward a practice of medicine that embodies excellence, compassion, and justice.

Disputatio ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (50) ◽  
pp. 245-273 ◽  
Sally Haslanger

Abstract In response to commentaries by Esa Díaz León, Jennifer Saul, and Ra- chel Sterken, I develop more fully my views on the role of structure in social and metaphysical explanation. Although I believe that social agency, quite generally, occurs within practices and structures, the relevance of structure depends on the sort of questions we are asking and what interventions we are considering. The emphasis on questions is also relevant in considering metaphysical and meta-metaphysical is- sues about realism with respect to gender and race. I aim to demon- strate that tools we develop in the context of critical social theory can change the questions we ask, what forms of explanation are called for, and how we do philosophy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Yusnawarni Yusnawarni

To commemorate the 21st century, a new learning model was designed in 2013 curriculum, in which there is a shift from teachers give knowledge to students become student must actively seek out knowledge from a variety of learning resources. In this case, the teacher acts as facilitators. Thus, language is a very central role, because the language should be in front of all other subjects. Curriculum 2013 imposed a thematic integrated learning which is no longer based subjects. Various subjects for primary schools (such as: Religion, Civics, Indonesian, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and so on) are integrated intoone book. The subject matter is not presented in textbook, but it presented in book thematics lesson, the themes are about nature, social life and culture. In this new curriculum, learning process is implemented by applying a scientific approach (observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and networking) that includes three aspects such as attitudes, knowledge, and skills. So, how is the role of Indonesian in an integrated thematic learning by applying scientific approaches in primary schools in 2013 curriculum? By appying the method, the object of this paper is to gain preview about the role of Indonesian in 2013 curriculum that uses integrated thematic learning by scientific approach in primary schools.AbstrakUntuk menyongsong abad ke-21, model pembelajaran baru dirancang dalam Kurikulum 2013, yang di dalamnya terdapat pergeseran dari siswa diberi tahu menjadi siswa harus aktif mencari tahu ilmu pengetahuan dari berbagai sumber belajar. Dalam hal ini, guru berperan sebagai fasilitator. Dengan demikian, peran bahasa menjadi sangat sentral, karena bahasa harus berada di depan semua mata pelajaran lain. Kurikulum 2013 memberlakukan pembelajaran tematik terpadu yang tidak lagi berbasis mata pelajaran. Berbagai mata pelajaran untuk sekolah dasar (seperti: Agama, PPKN, Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, IPA, IPS, dan sebagainya) diintegrasi menjadi satu buku. Materi pelajaran tidak disajikan dalam buku mata pelajaran, tetapi dalam buku tema pelajaran, baik tema alam, sosial, maupun budaya. Proses pembelajaran dalam kurikulum baru ini diimplementasikan melalui pendekatan saintifik (mengamati, menanya, menalar, mencoba, dan mengomunikasikan) yang mencakup tiga aspek, yaitu sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. Lalu, bagaimana peran bahasa Indonesia dalam pembelajaran tematik terpadu melalui pendekatan saintifik di sekolah dasar pada Kurikulum 2013 ini? Melaluimetode deskriptif, yang menjadi tujuan penulisan ini adalah mendapatkan gambaran mengenai peran bahasa Indonesia dalam Kurikulum 2013 yang menggunakan pembelajaran tematik terpadu melalui pendekatan saintifik di sekolah dasar.

2020 ◽  
pp. 5-13
L. Guseva

The article considers urgent problem of modern society – progressive increase in the number of people infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Epidemiological characteristics of the pathogen are given, clinical signs of the disease and a modern strategy aimed at reducing the number of infected people are presented. The role of specialists with secondary medical education in the implementation of the Strategy aimed at combating the spread of HIV infection epidemic in the Russian Federation is emphasized.

J. Donald Boudreau ◽  
Eric J. Cassell ◽  
Abraham Fuks

This introduction discusses traditional meanings of the following concepts: health, sickness, disease, suffering, and healing. The point is made that “disease” is an abstract phenomenon, albeit one that is critically important to the contemporary practice of medicine. Unfortunately, the term disease has often come to occupy the center of physicians’ preoccupations. Currently, health is considered in a negative sense, as an “absence of disease.” This chapter proposes a new and bold definition of sickness, one that revolves around the notion of function. This opens up possibilities for the goals of physicians and for medical education to be truly person centered.

Machiel Lamers ◽  
Jeroen Nawijn ◽  
Eke Eijgelaar

Over the last decades a substantial and growing societal and academic interest has emerged for the development of sustainable tourism. Scholars have highlighted the contribution of tourism to global environmental change and to local, detrimental social and environmental effects as well as to ways in which tourism contributes to nature conservation. Nevertheless the role of tourist consumers in driving sustainable tourism has remained unconvincing and inconsistent. This chapter reviews the constraints and opportunities of political consumerism for sustainable tourism. The discussion covers stronger pockets and a key weak pocket of political consumerism for sustainable tourism and also highlights inconsistencies in sustainable tourism consumption by drawing on a range of social theory arguments and possible solutions. The chapter concludes with an agenda for future research on this topic.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002248712110000
Lucrecia Santibañez ◽  
Christine Snyder ◽  
Danielle Centeno

English Learner-classified (ELC) students are one of the nation’s most marginalized student populations. One promising but understudied strategy to strengthen teaching of ELC students is teacher induction. This article examines the role of teacher induction in strengthening novice teachers’ EL-specific teaching knowledge and skills. Through a detailed analysis of induction in California, we find that the state has little external assurance that teachers who have undergone induction can meet ELC students’ unique and diverse needs. California’s decentralized, flexible, teacher-led induction may support teachers’ development of general teaching skills, but misses an opportunity to support teachers in an area where many of them struggle. The study raises other problematic issues around mentoring for equity such as monolithic views of ELC students, lack of timely and actionable information about language proficiency, and lack of guidance as to what constitutes acceptable evidence of competency teaching ELC students.

Béla Szende ◽  
Attila Zalatnai

SummaryThis article discusses the impact of the ‘second’ Vienna Medical School, hallmarked by Karl Rokitansky, Joseph Skoda and Ferdinand Hebra, on the study and practice of medicine in Hungary. Six medical doctors’ lives and achievements are outlined, who formed a bridge between Vienna and Budapest through their studies and work. Four of them returned to Hungary and promoted the cause of medicine and medical education there. Lajos Arányi (1812–1877) founded in 1844 the Institute of Pathology at the University of Pest. János Balassa (1814–1868) took the Chair of the Surgical Department. Ignaz Philip Semmelweis (1818–1865), the ‘Saviour of Mothers’, received a position at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Vienna in 1846. Gustav Scheuthauer (1832–1894) became Arányi’s successor. Each of them continued to keep contact with their tutors in Vienna, especially with Karl Rokitansky, and followed the clinicopathological conception pioneered by the Vienna Medical School regarding diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases. Two physicians remained in Vienna: Mór Kaposi (1837–1902), who became known worldwide posthumously due to the connection between Kaposi’s sarcoma and AIDS, was the director of the Department of Dermatology of the Vienna University in 1878. Salomon Stricker (1837–1898) undertook the leadership of the Department of General and Experimental Pathology in 1872.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7040
Beat Meier ◽  
Michèle C. Muhmenthaler

Perceptual fluency, that is, the ease with which people perceive information, has diverse effects on cognition and learning. For example, when judging the truth of plausible but incorrect information, easy-to-read statements are incorrectly judged as true while difficult to read statements are not. As we better remember information that is consistent with pre-existing schemata (i.e., schema congruency), statements judged as true should be remembered better, which would suggest that fluency boosts memory. Another line of research suggests that learning information from hard-to-read statements enhances subsequent memory compared to easy-to-read statements (i.e., desirable difficulties). In the present study, we tested these possibilities in two experiments with student participants. In the study phase, they read plausible statements that were either easy or difficult to read and judged their truth. To assess the sustainability of learning, the test phase in which we tested recognition memory for these statements was delayed for 24 h. In Experiment 1, we manipulated fluency by presenting the statements in colors that made them easy or difficult to read. In Experiment 2, we manipulated fluency by presenting the statements in font types that made them easy or difficult to read. Moreover, in Experiment 2, memory was tested either immediately or after a 24 h delay. In both experiments, the results showed a consistent effect of schema congruency, but perceptual fluency did not affect sustainable learning. However, in the immediate test of Experiment 2, perceptual fluency enhanced memory for schema-incongruent materials. Thus, perceptual fluency can boost initial memory for schema-incongruent memory most likely due to short-lived perceptual traces, which are cropped during consolidation, but does not boost sustainable learning. We discuss these results in relation to research on the role of desirable difficulties for student learning, to effects of cognitive conflict on subsequent memory, and more generally in how to design learning methods and environments in a sustainable way.

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