scholarly journals On the existence of a luminosity threshold of GRB jets in massive stars

2018 ◽  
Vol 478 (3) ◽  
pp. 3576-3589 ◽  
M A Aloy ◽  
C Cuesta-Martínez ◽  
M Obergaulinger

ABSTRACT Motivated by the many associations of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with energetic supernova (SN) explosions, we study the propagation of relativistic jets within the progenitor star in which an SN shock wave may be launched briefly before the jets start to propagate. Based on analytic considerations and verified with an extensive set of 2D axisymmetric relativistic hydrodynamic simulations, we have estimated a threshold intrinsic jet luminosity, $L_{\rm j}^{\rm thr}$, for successfully launching a jet. This threshold depends on the structure of the progenitor and, thus, it is sensitive to its mass and to its metallicity. For a prototype host of cosmological long GRBs, a low-metallicity star of 35 M⊙, it is $L_{\rm j}^{\rm thr}\simeq 1.35\times 10^{49}$ erg s−1. The observed equivalent isotropic gamma-ray luminosity, $L_{\rm \gamma ,iso,BO} \simeq 4 \epsilon _\gamma L_{\rm j} \theta _{\rm BO}^{-2}$, crucially depends on the jet opening angle after breakout, θBO, and on the efficiency for converting the intrinsic jet luminosity into γ-radiation, εγ. Highly energetic jets can produce low-luminosity events if either their opening angle after the breakout is large, which is found in our models, or if the conversion efficiency of kinetic and internal energy into radiation is low enough. Beyond this theoretical analysis, we show how the presence of an SN shock wave may reduce this luminosity threshold by means of numerical simulations. We foresee that the high-energy transients released by jets produced near the luminosity threshold will be more similar to llGRBs or X-ray flashes than to GRBs.

2014 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 1460198

We probe the interstellar medium towards the objects Circinus X-1, a low-mass X-ray binary with relativistic jets; and the highly energetic Westerlund 2 stellar cluster, which is located towards TeV gamma-ray emission and interesting arc- and jet-like features seen in Nanten 12CO data. We have mapped both regions with the Mopra radio telescope, in 7 mm and 12 mm wavebands, looking for evidence of disrupted/dense gas caused by the interaction between high energy outflows and the ISM. Towards Westerlund 2, peaks in CS(J=1-0) emission indicate high density gas towards the middle of the arc and the endpoint of the jet; and radio recombination line emission is seen overlapping the coincident HII region RCW49. Towards Circinus X-1, 12CO(J = 1-0) Nanten data reveals three molecular clouds that lie in the region of Cir X-1. Gas parameters for each cloud are presented here.

Galaxies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Yoshiyuki Inoue ◽  
Dmitry Khangulyan ◽  
Akihiro Doi

To explain the X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN), non-thermal activity in AGN coronae such as pair cascade models has been extensively discussed in the past literature. Although X-ray and gamma-ray observations in the 1990s disfavored such pair cascade models, recent millimeter-wave observations of nearby Seyferts have established the existence of weak non-thermal coronal activity. In addition, the IceCube collaboration reported NGC 1068, a nearby Seyfert, as the hottest spot in their 10 yr survey. These pieces of evidence are enough to investigate the non-thermal perspective of AGN coronae in depth again. This article summarizes our current observational understanding of AGN coronae and describes how AGN coronae generate high-energy particles. We also provide ways to test the AGN corona model with radio, X-ray, MeV gamma ray, and high-energy neutrino observations.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 210
Georgii K. Sizykh ◽  
Sergei P. Roshchupkin ◽  
Victor V. Dubov

The process of resonant high-energy electron–positron pairs production by electrons in an X-ray pulsar electromagnetic field is studied theoretically. Under the resonance conditions, the second-order process under consideration effectively reduces into two sequential first-order processes: X-ray-stimulated Compton effect and X-ray–stimulated Breit–Wheeler process. The kinematics of the process is studied in detail: the dependencies of the energy of the scattered electron on its outgoing angle and the energies of the particles of the pair on the outgoing angle of the scattered electron and the opening angle of the pair are obtained. The analysis of the number of different possible particles energies values in the entire range of the angles is also carried out, according to which the energies of the particles of the pair can take up to eight different values at a fixed outgoing angle of the scattered electron and opening angle of the pair. The estimate of the resonant differential probability per unit time of the process, which reaches the maximum value of 24 orders of the value of the non-resonant differential probability per unit time, is obtained. The angular distribution of the differential probability per unit time of the process is analyzed, particularly for the case of high-energy positrons presenting in pulsar radiation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (S296) ◽  
pp. 295-299
Marie-Hélène Grondin ◽  
John W. Hewitt ◽  
Marianne Lemoine-Goumard ◽  
Thierry Reposeur ◽  

AbstractThe supernova remnant (SNR) Puppis A (aka G260.4-3.4) is a middle-aged supernova remnant, which displays increasing X-ray surface brightness from West to East corresponding to an increasing density of the ambient interstellar medium at the Eastern and Northern shell. The dense IR photon field and the high ambient density around the remnant make it an ideal case to study in γ-rays. Gamma-ray studies based on three years of observations with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) aboard Fermi have revealed the high energy gamma-ray emission from SNR Puppis A. The γ-ray emission from the remnant is spatially extended, and nicely matches the radio and X-ray morphologies. Its γ-ray spectrum is well described by a simple power law with an index of ~2.1, and it is among the faintest supernova remnants yet detected at GeV energies. To constrain the relativistic electron population, seven years of Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data were also analyzed, and enabled to extend the radio spectrum up to 93 GHz. The results obtained in the radio and γ-ray domains are described in detail, as well as the possible origins of the high energy γ-ray emission (Bremsstrahlung, Inverse Compton scattering by electrons or decay of neutral pions produced by proton interactions).

2003 ◽  
Vol 214 ◽  
pp. 70-83 ◽  
T. P. Li

The energy range of hard X-rays is a key waveband to the study of high energy processes in celestial objects, but still remains poorly explored. In contrast to direct imaging methods used in the low energy X-ray and high energy gamma-ray bands, currently imaging in the hard X-ray band is mainly achieved through various modulation techniques. A new inversion technique, the direct demodulation method, has been developed since early 90s. with this technique, wide field and high resolution images can be derived from scanning data of a simple collimated detector. The feasibility of this technique has been confirmed by experiment, balloon-borne observation and analyzing simulated and real astronomical data. Based the development of methodology and instrumentation, a high energy astrophysics mission – Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT) has been proposed and selected in China for a four-year Phase-A study. The main scientific objectives are a full-sky hard X-ray (20–200 keV) imaging survey and high signal-to-noise ratio timing studies of high energy sources.

1996 ◽  
Vol 160 ◽  
pp. 315-322 ◽  
Alice K. Harding

AbstractWith the increased sensitivity of gamma-ray detectors on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO) the number of presently known gamma-ray pulsars has grown. The new detections are beginning to provide clues to the origin of the high-energy radiation in the form of emerging patterns and correlations among observed quantities such as gamma-ray efficiency and spectral index vs. age. But there are still many questions about the location of the emission and its relation to the radio, optical and X-ray pulses. This paper will review models for gamma-ray emission from pulsars and will examine how well the detailed predictions of these models account for the existing observations.

2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (S285) ◽  
pp. 41-46 ◽  
Neil Gehrels ◽  
Scott D. Barthelmy ◽  
John K. Cannizzo

AbstractThe dynamic transient gamma-ray sky is revealing many interesting results, largely due to findings by Fermi and Swift. The list includes new twists on gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), a GeV flare from a symbiotic star, GeV flares from the Crab Nebula, high-energy emission from novae and supernovae, and, within the last year, a new type of object discovered by Swift—a jetted tidal disruption event. In this review we present highlights of these exciting discoveries. A new mission concept called Lobster is also described; it would monitor the X-ray sky at order-of-magnitude higher sensitivity than current missions can.

1989 ◽  
Vol 346 ◽  
pp. 151 ◽  
D. Ciampa ◽  
R. W. Clay ◽  
P. G. Edwards

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
He Li-xia ◽  
Hao Xiao-yong ◽  
He Gao-kui

Thallium bromide (TlBr) is a compound semiconductor material, which can be used for X-ray and gamma-ray detectors and can be used at room temperature. It has excellent physical properties, high atomic number and density, wide bandgap (B = 2.68 eV), and low ionization energy. Compared with other X-ray and gamma-ray detection materials, TlBr devices have high detection efficiency and excellent energy resolution performance. So TlBr is suitable for housing in small tubes or shells, and it can be widely used in nuclear material measurement, safeguards verification, national security, space high-energy physics research, and other fields. Based on the fabrication of TlBr prototype detector, this paper focuses on the device fabrication and signal acquisition technology. Gamma-ray spectrum measurements and performance tests are carried out with AM-241 radioactive source. The results show that the special photoelectric peak of 59.5 keV is clearly visible, and the optimal resolution is 4.15 keV (7%).

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Odysseas Kosmas ◽  
Theodoros Smponias

In this work, we simulate γ-rays created in the hadronic jets of the compact object in binary stellar systems known as microquasars. We utilize as the main computational tool the 3D relativistic magnetohydrodynamical code PLUTO combined with in-house derived codes. Our simulated experiments refer to the SS433 X-ray binary, a stellar system in which hadronic jets have been observed. We examine two new model configurations that employ hadron-based emission mechanisms. The simulations aim to explore the dependence of the γ-ray emissions on the dynamical as well as the radiative properties of the jet (hydrodynamic parameters of the mass-flow density, gas-pressure, temperature of the ejected matter, high energy proton population inside the jet plasma, etc.). The results of the two new scenarios of initial conditions for the microquasar stellar system studied are compared to those of previously considered scenarios.

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