scholarly journals Note on certain lichens

1870 ◽  
Vol 18 (114-122) ◽  
pp. 222-227

Through the kindness of W. Qarruthers, Esq., of the Botanical Department of the British Museum, I obtained a considerable quantity of lichens from the neighbourhood of Moffat in Scotland. These were Cladonia rangiferina , and a mixture of Usnea bbarbata and Evernia prunastri , the latter of which were carefully separated by picking—a somewhat tedious operation, as they were much interlaced. In order to extract the usnic acid from this lichen, it was macerated for about thirty minutes with a dilute solution of so die carbonate, squeezed, again treated once or twice in a similar manner, and the turbid solution precipitated by a slight excess of hydrochloric acid. The crude dark-green acid thus obtained was mixed with milk of lime and a considerable quantity of warm water (40° C.), filtered, and the clear lemon-coloured solution of usnate of calcium acidulated with hydrochloric acid. The acid was thus precipitated in pale yellow flocks, which were collected.

1986 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-286 ◽  
Carlos Vicente ◽  
Azucena Gonzalez ◽  
Maria Estrella Legaz

1897 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 96-104
W. G. Aitchison Robertson

The following experiments were performed with normal human gastric secretion. After thoroughly washing out the stomach of a healthy man, several ounces of a dilute solution of Caffyn's liquor carnis were introduced into it. After the lapse of an hour the contents of the stomach were drawn off, filtered, and used instead of the pure acid solutions in former experiments. The acidity of the gastric fluid was due to inorganic acid and amounted to 0·15 per cent. hydrochloric acid.This experiment shows that, in the stomach, with an acidity of the contents less than that even normally present in the gastric secretion, the action of ptyalin is wholly restrained.Was the ferment merely inhibited from action by the acid, or was it destroyed ?To determine this, I took equal volumes of this gastric fluid, 1 per cent, starch solution, and saliva, and having mixed them, carefully neutralised the mixture with a solution of caustic potash, using very delicate test-papers to show the neutral point.On examining the mixture shortly after neutralisation, the whole of the starch was found to have undergone conversion. It reduced Fehling's solution strongly, and contained 0·22 per cent. of reducing substance. This demonstrates that, with an acidity equal to 0·05 per ′cent, hydrochloric acid, the action of ptyalin is restrained.I performed similar experiments with the gastric fluid from a case of chronic gastric catarrh, the acidity of which was equal to 0·067 per cent. hydrochloric acid.

1968 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 719-724
Bruce C Flann ◽  
John C Bartlet

Abstract Lead in trace quantities is co-precipitated as the sulfate with milligram quantities of strontium carrier, using dilute sulfuric acid. The precipitate is separated from the excess sulfate by centrifuging and is then converted to the carbonate by agitation with ammonium carbonate solution. The carbonate precipitate is separated, dissolved in a slight excess of hydrochloric acid, and then freed of carbon dioxide. The solution, buffered to a pH of 8.8, is immediately extracted with a solution of dithizone in chloroform, and the lead is determined spectrophotometrically. Recoveries are approximately 100% and moderate quantities of the following ions do not interfere: Cd; Co (II) ; Cu (II) ; Fe (II); Fe (II); Mn (II); Hg (II) ; Ni (II) ; Ag (I) ; and Zn. Cyanide buffer is not required, all the chemistry is done in the same centrifuge tube, and many samples can be analyzed simultaneously, using readily available equipment

Yogita Chowdhary

Gmelina arborea is a fast-growing tree, which grows on different localities and prefers moist fertile valleys with 750–4500 mm rainfall. It does not thrive on ill-drained soils and remains stunted on dry, sandy or poor soils; drought also reduces it to a shrubby form. The tree attains moderate to large heights of up to 30 m, with a girth of 1.2 to 4 m. It has a chlorophyll layer just under the outer bark, which is pale yellow on the outside and white inside.Gmelina arborea wood is pale yellow to cream-coloured or pinkish-buff when fresh, turning yellowish brown on exposure and is soft to moderately hard, light to moderately heavy, lustrous when fresh, usually straight to irregular or rarely wavy grained and medium course textured. Flowering takes place during February to April when the tree is more or less leafless whereas fruiting starts from May onwards up to June. The fruit is up to 2.5 cm long, smooth, dark green, turning yellow when ripe and has a fruity smell. The fruit is edible and has a bitter-sweet taste.4 This tree is commonly planted as a garden and an avenue tree; growing in villages along agricultural land and on village community lands and wastelands. It is light demander, tolerant of excessive drought, but moderately frost hardy. It has good capacity to recover from frost injury. Gamhar trees coppices very well with vigorous growth. Saplings and young plants need protection from deer and cattle. Gmelina arborea grows naturally throughout India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and in southern provinces of China

Max H. Hey ◽  
F. A. Bannister ◽  
Arthur Russell

In May, 1936, a quantity of pale yellow, rounded fragments, averaging 7 mm. across, was submitted to us by Mr. Arthur Russell for examination, with the information that the material came from the Castle-an-Dinas wolfram mine, and contained bismuth and tungsten. Chemical and spectroscopic examination showed that, besides bismuth and tungsten, the mineral contained only traces of silicon, arsenic, and iron. A sample of the same material had also been given to the British Museum by Mr. E. H. Davison in 1934 and registered provisionally as bismuth tungstate. This, however, would not have provided sufficient of the yellow mineral for chemical analysis. We are also indebted to Mr. Davison for a further generous supply of yellow pellets picked from the wolfram concentrates received since tile present work was begun. The mineral has all the attributes of an alteration product probably of native bismuth. It is fine-grained and compact, with hardness 3½, and on fracture it gives a clay-like odour. Some of the pellets show traces of a micaeeous mineral and quite frequently enclose native bismuth, wolframite, and bismuthinite. Mr. Russell has picked out from tihe material he had collected a few green pellets and some showing both the yellow and the green mineral. Spectrographs of the two are identical, but an X-ray powder photograph of the green mineral is quite distinct from that of tile yellow mineral.

1883 ◽  
Vol 36 (228-231) ◽  
pp. 183-185

An examination of some products derived from chlorophyll, which has occupied me for some time, has led to the question of the true nature and constitution of chlorophyll, a question on which widely different opinions prevail. Without entering into matters which concern the physiologist only, it may be said that to the chemist chlorophyll is simply an organic colouring-matter, the substance to which the green colour of leaves and other parts of plants is due. Now colouring-matters are of three kinds. To the first class belong such as occur ready formed and in a free state in vegetable and animal organisms, such as the colouring-matters of turmeric and safflower. The second class comprises those that are formed from colourless chromogens by the combined action of alkalis and oxygen, the colouring-matters of log-wood and archil being well-known examples of this class. These colouring-matters change rapidly when exposed to the further action of oxygen in the presence of alkali, but are quite stable when in contact with acids. The third class consists glucosides, bodies which do not undergo any considerable change under the influence of alkalis, but are rapidly decomposed when acted on by acids or ferments, yielding, on the one hand, some kind of glucose, and, on the other, substances in which the tinctorial properties of the parent substance are much more pronounced. To this division belong the colouring-matters of madder, quercitron, cochineal. &c. Now chlorophyll in its general properties so much resembles the members of the last class that one cannot help suspecting that to this class it may belong—that it is in fact a glucoside. It shows considerable stability in the presence of alkalis, but acids decompose it rapidly, giving rise to substances which are intensely coloured and show a power of absorbing particular parts of the spectrum much more strongly than chlorophyll itself. Whether, along with the latter bodies, it yields by decomposition with acids some kind of glucose, seemed to me a question worthy of attention. If it was possible to obtain chlorophyll in a state of purity, it would be very easy to settle this question; unfortunately all attempts hitherto made to separate and purify chlorophyll have ended in its decomposition. I consider it as certain that the so-called crystallised chlorophyll which has been described by several authors is in fact a derivative of chlorophyll formed during the process employed for preparing it. It is, however, very easy to obtain a solution of chlorophyll which shall be quite free from everything soluble in water extracted at the same time from the plant, and therefore free from ready-formed glucose. In order to effect this, I proceed as follows:— Having extracted leaves of any kind with boiling alcohol, I allow the extract to stand for some time, filter off the deposit which usually forms, and then mix it with its own volume of ether and with about two volumes of water, shaking up well. The liquid now separates into two layers, an upper green one, containing all the chlorophyll of the extract, and a lower bright yellow one, which contains tannin, a yellow colouring-matter, a substance giving the glucose reaction with Fehling’s solution, and probably other substances besides. The two liquids are separated in the usual way, and the upper one is shaken up with fresh water, which now usually only shows a trace of colour. This process of washing may be repeated, adding each time a little fresh ether, until the lower layer ceases to give the glucose reaction. The upper liquid leaves on spontaneous evaporation a bright green residue, which, though far from being pure chlorophyll, is free from everything soluble in water, and may therefore be employed to determine whether anything soluble in water, such as glucose, is formed by the action of acids on it. If some of the residue be treated with concentrated sulphuric acid in the cold it dissolves, forming a green solution, which, after standing for some time, gives. on the addition of water, a dark green precipitate. This precipitate consists essentially of two substances, the phyllocyanin and phyllo-xanthin of Frémy, which are undoubtedly products derived from chlorophyll, showing the absorption bands of what is usually called “acid chlorophyll.” The liquid filtered from this precipitate, when mixed with copper sulphate and an excess of caustic alkali, becomes blue, and the mixture, on boiling, deposits cuprous oxide. The experiment may be made in a slightly different manner. The residue left by the green ethereal solution of chlorophyll having been dissolved in alcohol, sulphuric or hydrochloric acid is added to the solution, which is then boiled for some time, evaporated so far as to drive off most of the alcohol, filtered from the products insoluble in water, made alkaline, then mixed with Fehling’s solution and boiled, when the usual glucose reaction takes place. In order to make sure that the reaction was not due to ready-formed glucose, I took in every case the precaution of testing a portion of the green chlorophyllic residue with Fehling’s solution before acting on the rest with acid. This was easily done by treating with weak alcohol, to which a little alcoholic potash and some Fehling’s solution were added, and heating, when the whole dissolved easily, giving a green solution, which, on boiling, in no case deposited the least trace of cuprous oxide, whereas, after adding an excess of hydrochloric acid to the liquid, boiling, filtering off the insoluble products, again making alkaline and boiling, the glucose reaction took place in a marked manner.

1911 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-80
James E. Collin

Belonging to the reptans group; thorax dark dove-grey with a faint greenish tinge; abdomen dark green, shining; legs entirely black; wings hyaline, iridescent, with pale veins, squama whitish with white fringes, halteres pale yellow with a darkened stem.

1960 ◽  
Vol 92 (12) ◽  
pp. 957-958 ◽  
W. A. Smirnoff

In the course of studies on Neodiprion swainei Midd. carried out in 1958 and 1959 in the region of Lake St. John, Que., mass migrations of Neodiprion swainei Midd. were observed. This paper gives a brief description of this phenomenon, which has never been reported heretofore, and discusses some of its implications.On hatching from the eggs which are laid on the needles of the current growth of jack pine, Pinus banksiana Lamb., N. swainei larvae crawl to the old foliage where they feed in colonies of 40 to 70 individuals. At times, when larval populations become so great that all the foliage is destroyed, mass migration begins. The larvae gather in large clusters at the top of the tree where they remain for two or three days. At this time some of the larvae moult. The larvae then abandon the tree by crawling down the tnink or by dropping to the ground. They then creep on the ground, up and down stumps, in search of jack-pine trees with foliage. The migrating larvae are pale yellow in colonr, probably as a result of their starved condition, and large nutnbers perish before they can become established on proper food. Those that manage to reach new food supplies quickly recover their original dark-green pigmentation.

1872 ◽  
Vol 20 (130-138) ◽  
pp. 277-289

In Part IV . of these researches reasons have been adduced for the following general conclusions, viz. that codeia and morphia are capable of forming polymerides (with the elimination of methyl in the case of codeia is some instances), which yield derivatives containing certainly not less than C 68 , and probably not less than C 130 (C 72 and C 144 in the case of those codeia derivatives where methyl has not been eliminated). Experiments now in progress tend to show that the formulae of codeia and morphia are really double of those formerly ascribed to these bases i, e . are C 30 H 42 N 2 O 6 and C 30 H 42 N 2 O 6 respectively, the proof of which is (as will be shown in a subsequent communication) that the first products of the action of hydrochloric acid on these bases appear to ‘contain chlorine and carbon in the proportions C 36 and Cl, C 34 and Cl respectively, instead of C 18 and Cl, C 17 and Cl. It might be anticipated, therefore, that intermediate polymerides might be form ed containing respectively :— Morphia series. Monomorphia.. C 34 H 38 N 206 Dimorphia . . . . C 68 H 70 N 4 O 12 Trimorphia.. . . C 102 H 104 N 6 O 18 Tetramorphia.. C 136 H 152 N 8 O 24 Codeia series. C 36 H 42 N 2 O 6 . . . Monocodeia. C 72 H 84 N 4 O 12 . . Dicodeia. C 108 H 126 N 6 O 6 . . Tricodeia. C 144 H 168 N 8 O 24 . . Tetracodeia. In the case of codeia these anticipations have been verified. In order to obtain these supposed polymerides before their alteration by secondary reactions, the action of acids other than a hydro acids was examined. Acetic acid seemed a probable agent for purpose ; but no appreciable quantity of any thing different from in codeia was obtained after sixty-four hours’ digestion a t 100° of one part this base with three parts of glacial acetic acid. On precipitation of product by Na 2 CO 3 in large excess, extraction with ether, and agitation of the ethereal extract with HCl, a crystalline mass was obtained while developed a smell of acetic acid on standing in contact with a slight excess of HCl ; but on analysis this gave numbers agreeing with those required codeia hydrochlorate, and from it nothing different from codeia could't obtained ; probably therefore only a trace of acetyl-codeia was formed.

1978 ◽  
Vol 56 (13) ◽  
pp. 1499-1504 ◽  
Martha Mirando ◽  
Dianne Fahselt

Cladonia rangiferina (L.)Wigg., Cladonia mitis Sandst., and Umbilicaria muhlenbergii (Ach.) Tuck, were extracted with acetone while damp and after three different drying procedures. The extracts were chromatographed and scanned spectrophotometrically. Some of the C. rangiferina compounds were not extractable from damp material. All of the lichen substances studied here decreased significantly in thalli which were dried in an oven at 80 °C, some to the point of imperceptibility. There was no qualitative difference between the complement of compounds found in lichen material dried at 22 °C and at 40 °C. We recommend that drying be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 40 °C. Chemical variability among thallus regions of different ages was studied in Cladonia rangiferina, C. mitis, Umbilicaria muhlenbergii, and Lasallia papulosa (Ach.) Llano. Fumarprotocetraric acid, atranorin, and usnic acid were present in significantly higher amounts in younger tissue than in older. Protocetraric acid in C. rangiferina was detectable only in the older portions and would have been overlooked if young branches had been analyzed exclusively. In neither of the two umbilicate lichens was there any significant difference in the concentration of gyrophoric acid between younger and older thallus parts. Chemical variability among different-aged thallus parts was thus greater in the fruticose species than in the umbilicates examined here.

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