scholarly journals Implementing IFRSs in the UK devolved administrations

2016 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-225 ◽  
Anthony Wall ◽  
Ciaran Connolly

Purpose – Utilising concepts drawn from the governmentality literature, the purpose of this paper is to examine the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) in the UK’s devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales in order to assess why they were adopted and how their introduction has been governed. Design/methodology/approach – This research applies a combination of three different approaches, namely: a content analysis; an anonymous online questionnaire; and semi-structured interviews. Findings – These include: the transition has had minimal impact upon policy setting and the information produced to aid budgeting and decision making; IFRSs are not entirely appropriate for the public sector; the time, cost and effort involved outweighed the benefits; public sector accounting has become overly-complicated; and the transition is not perceived as part of a wider privatisation programme. Research limitations/implications – As this study focuses upon the three UK devolved administrations, the findings may not be applicable in a wider setting. Practical/implications – Public sector change must be adequately resourced, carefully planned, with appropriate systems, trained staff and interdisciplinary project teams; accounting change should be based on value for money; and a single, coherent financial regime for the way in which government uses budgets, presents estimates to Parliament and publishes its resource accounts should be implemented. Originality/value – This study highlights that accounting change is not just a technical issue and, while it can facilitate a more business-like environment and enhance accountability, all those affected by the changes may not have the requisite skills to fully utilise the (new) information available.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 404-417 ◽  
Gareth Chaplin ◽  
Paul Wyton

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of research that aimed to determine what university students living in Unite accommodation in the UK understand about the concept of sustainable living. It considers what barriers they perceive to be standing in the way of following sustainable living practices. In particular, the research aimed to explore any value–action gap for the student population with a view to informing future actions to help close any gap. Design/methodology/approach – The study was completed through an online questionnaire survey of students living in halls of residence operated by provider The Unite Group Plc. The survey informed semi-structured interviews and focus groups that explored the issues raised in greater detail. Findings – It was found that students living in Unite properties believed sustainable living to be important, yet levels of understanding were very low and there appeared to be a wide value–action gap. Reasons for this are varied; however, an unexpected theme emerged around the association of effort and importance. There was a very strong association between sustainable living and recycling, which, therefore, saw the lack of adequate recycling facilities as a significant barrier to sustainable living. There were also issues around a lack of information, cost and respondents’ flatmates as further barriers. However, the most significant barrier was the displacement of responsibility for sustainable living to other people or organisations. Originality/value – Gaining an insight into the complexity of attitude and behaviour of students with the sustainability agenda will enable understanding that can be applied to activities that promote sustainability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-319 ◽  
Gwenda Jensen

PurposeThe purpose of this article is to contribute to an ongoing dialogue between practitioners and academics. This article describes the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) recent strategies and highlights the IPSASB's increasing outreach to academics.Design/methodology/approachThis is a practitioner's viewpoint which reflects the IPSASB's publicly available documents, and the opinions of a practitioner directly involved in the IPSASB's work and International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) development.FindingsThe findings are that the IPSASB has increased its outreach to academics and now academics have more opportunities to engage with the IPSASB and IPSAS developments. The IPSASB's strategy has remained relatively constant over time, focusing on IPSAS to address public sector-specific issues, alignment with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and reduction of differences between IPSAS and Government Finance Statistics (GFS) reporting guidelines.Research limitations/implicationsThe limitations of this article (which are also its strength in terms of fitness for purpose) are that as a practitioner's viewpoint it provides a brief overview and personal judgments, rather than an empirical analysis of developments applying a theoretical framework.Practical implicationsThe practical implications were IPSASB's increased outreach to the research community providing opportunities for academics to have increased input into IPSAS development, with likely benefits to researchers and the IPSASB.Social implicationsPractitioners’ engagement with academics supports increased understanding of the respective views leading to better outcomes for practitioners and academics working in the area of public sector financial reporting and its regulation.Originality/valueThis article is the first to (a) describe the IPSASB's increasing outreach to academics during 2019–2020 and (b) compare the IPSASB's strategies for the period of 2019–2023, with its strategies since the beginning of IPSAS developments in 1996–1997.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 483-499
Khaldoon Al-Htaybat

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the change of the Jordanian corporate reporting requirements in 1998. The reasons as to why International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) were adopted in Jordan are outlined on the basis of strong structuration theory’s (SST) quadripartite structure. Design/methodology/approach This study is interpretive, as perceptions of the study’s participants are analysed regarding the adoption of IFRS in emerging economies. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken to collect Jordanian experts’ perceptions. The study uses elements of Stones’ strong structuration to illustrate and analyse the current study’s data. Findings The analysis illustrated that various elements pushed for the adoption of IFRS in Jordan – external structures that cause adoption of IFRS are the Gulf War and the immediate impact this had on Jordan. The internal structures seek to adopt new regulation in order to protect and support the Jordanian economy, which is part of agents-in-focus’ dispositions, and gain foreign direct investment. Agents-in-focus found that some corporations comprehended the needs of external investors, thus, sought to provide such information voluntarily. Research limitations/implications A limitation of this paper is the number of participants, which for future studies needs to be considered. Practical implications Reasons as to why new regulation is adopted are illustrated, which can support other countries seeking to do adopt new corporate reporting rules. Originality/value This study contributes to the sparse body of studies using SST in financial accounting. It is also one of the few studies investigating the change of regulation and the reasons for this adoption in the Middle Eastern and Jordanian context, in an interpretive study.

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-34 ◽  
Rasha Kassem

Purpose This paper aims to explore the perceptions of external auditors’ on the motivations behind management fraud, which could increase the likelihood of detecting financial reporting fraud. Design methodology/approach Mixed research methods, namely, an online questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, were used for data collection from external auditors in Egypt. Findings The findings revealed that the desire to get remuneration or bonuses and the need to secure financing are the most common motivations behind management fraud in Egypt. The current study also found other motivations behind management fraud that could be more specific to the Egyptian context. Research limitations/implications Gaining access to small- and medium-size audit firms, in particular, was very difficult. This study did not use factor analysis to determine whether differences exist among the motives/factors, which should be the focus of future studies. Practical implications This study was the first to provide empirical evidence on the motivations behind management fraud in the context of a developing nation such as Egypt. The findings of this study could be important for Egyptian regulators and external auditors who wish to reduce fraud risks in their own country. The findings could also help external auditors across the globe in recognising the signs that can trigger management motivations to engage in financial reporting fraud, which in turn could increase the likelihood of detecting financial reporting fraud. Originality/value This study was the first to provide empirical evidence on the motivations behind management fraud in the context of a developing nation such as Egypt. The findings of this study could be important for Egyptian regulators and external auditors who wish to reduce fraud risks in their own country. The findings could also help external auditors across the globe in recognising the signs that can trigger management motivations to engage in financial reporting fraud, which in turn could increase the likelihood of detecting financial reporting fraud.

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-65 ◽  
Andreea Cîrstea ◽  
Cristina Silvia Nistor ◽  
Adriana Tiron Tudor

Purpose Considering the worldwide importance granted to this topic, the purpose of this paper is to analyze, through a detailed pyramidal analysis, the intention of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) to respond better to the public sector characteristics. Design/methodology/approach The research methodology combines content analysis with the comparative and interpretive method, and also some statistical methods such as residual analysis, association coefficients, that come to bring added value to the public sector literature. Findings The main findings of the research concern the appreciation of consolidation approach in the public sphere under a dual aspect. The first one is theoretical, by presenting the evolution of the concept in literature, and the second one is empirical, by analyzing how IPSAS correlates with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), how the Exposure Draft 49 (ED 49) respondents perceive its content and implications, along with the extent to which the publication of IPSAS 35 took into account the exposure draft stage. In the authors’ opinion, the study manages to capture, theoretically and empirically, the evolution and the stage of consolidation in the public sector. The main results of the study lie in the combination in the empirical sphere of the content analysis with the mathematical and statistical methods, in order to assess the correlation IPSAS/IFRS, the responses to ED 49, but also the influences on the final version of IPSAS 35. Research limitations/implications The main limitations of the study are: the diversity of the received responses to ED and the number of comment letters submitted by the respondents. Practical implications The study addresses to a broad range of users: theoreticians, practitioners or professional bodies/legislators who will have a basis for analyzing what the acceptance and inclusion of IPSAS 35 in the national accounting rules would mean. Social implications The paper offers the possibility to understand the evolution of the concept of public sector consolidation. Originality/value The first originality aspect is revealed by the theoretical documentation and the second one lies in the combination of the empirical sphere of the content analysis with the mathematical and statistical methods.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 343-359 ◽  
Mohamed Khaled Eldaly ◽  
Magdy Abdel-Kader

Purpose This study aims to provide a better understanding of the role of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC), as the unified regulator of the audit profession in the UK, in restoring public trust in audit profession in the UK. It further analyses the views of partners in the Big 4 audit firms on this role. Design/methodology/approach The research data were gathered by conducting 17 semi-structured interviews with the top management of FRC’s members and executive partners of the Big 4 firms in the UK. The interviews were complemented by analysing data available on the web pages of the Big 4 firms and published reports related to the FRC’s projects. Findings This study identified three main strategies followed by the FRC to promote the trust and enhance the choice of auditors in the UK audit market. These strategies are improving the audit quality, increasing the transparency of the big audit firms and reducing the barriers to compete in the big audit market. Practical implications An analysis of the FRC’s efforts may help auditors to identify what they are expected to do to improve the reliability of information provided in the capital market. Audit committees can get a better understanding of the criteria that they need to improve the process of auditors’ choice. Auditors will also better understand how and why current audit regulations have been issued. This may improve their satisfaction with regulations and standards, and their efficient implementation. Furthermore, it is believed that audit regulators need to get feedback additional to the formal feedback they receive to improve their performance and current regulations. Originality/value This paper contributes to the literature by discussing the auditors’ criticism to the Audit Inspection Unit’s inspectors and the way the inspectors defend themselves. The findings suggest that partners of the Big 4 believe that the FRC’s projects effectively participate in improving the audit quality, as well as providing wider information about the audit firms to the public. However, different actions need to be taken to enhance the choice of auditors and increase the number of big audit firms that compete in the market.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (6) ◽  
pp. 709-727 ◽  
Murniati Mukhlisin ◽  
Mohamed Fadzly

Purpose This paper aims to examine the existence of multiple institutional logics among a number of organisations within the international Islamic financial architecture (IIFA) whose main purpose is to promote and support the development of Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) across the globe and how IIFA relates to the role of Islamic financial reporting standards. Design/methodology/approach The authors review websites of 11 IIFA’s constituent organisations and undertake 7 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with senior members of a selection of these organisations to identify the dominant logics by which their role and (inter)action within the IIFA are shaped. Findings The study findings reveal evidence of competing (and shifting) logics and political interests that seem to have led to contradictions and inconsistencies among the constituent organisations. The authors explain this by proposing a framework consisting of religion logic, market logic and corporate logic that intertwines with the underlying economic system and acts as sources of identity–legitimacy–authority for the respective organisations. Originality/value The authors bring to light some key issues that may pose a threat to the sustained existence of IFIs. The authors adapt the institutional logic framework and incorporate it into religion logic within the context of Islam (i.e. hifdzul-din as the first Maqasid ul-Shari’ah), resulting in some fresh theoretical perspective that may inform future research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-248 ◽  
Mohammed Amidu ◽  
Haruna Issahaku

Purpose This paper aims to analyse the implications of globalisation and the adoption of international standards (International Financial Reporting Standards [IFRS]) for accounting information quality. Design/methodology/approach This paper uses a sample of 329 banks across 29 countries leading up to and beyond the implementation of IFRS to test for related hypotheses. Findings First, banks’ financial statements are prepared on the basis of international standards as national economies are integrated when social norms are diffused. Building on these results, the second test suggests that the relatively high-quality earnings among banks in Africa during the period is attributable to the adoption of and interaction of IFRS with globalisation and the strategy of banks to diversify within and across interest and non-interest income. Originality/value The authors investigate how globalisation and the adoption of IFRS affect accounting information quality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-44 ◽  
Martin Whiteford ◽  
Glenn Simpson

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide an exploratory account of the links between devolution, homelessness and health in the UK. Specifically, it focusses on the policy context and governance structures that shape the systems of healthcare for homeless people in London, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Design/methodology/approach Empirically the paper draws on semi-structured interviews with a small sample of policy and practice actors from the devolved territories. Qualitative interviews were supplemented by a comparative policy analysis of the homelessness and health agenda within the devolved regions. Theoretically, it takes inspiration from Chaney’s concept of the “issue salience of homelessness” and explores the comparative character of healthcare as pertains to homeless people across the devolved territories. Findings The paper provides clear evidence of areas of divergence and convergence in policy and practice between the devolved regions. These features are shown to be strongly mediated by the interplay of two factors: first, the scope and scale of national and local homelessness prevention strategies; and second, intra-national variation in public health responses to homelessness. Originality/value The paper offers considerable insight from a comparative policy perspective into the nature of healthcare provision for homeless people in the devolved regions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-42 ◽  
Amal Abuzeinab ◽  
Mohammed Arif ◽  
Mohd. Asim Qadri ◽  
Dennis Kulonda

Purpose Green business models (GBMs) in the construction sector represent the logic of green value creation and capture. Hence, the call to examine GBMs is growing ever louder. The aim of this paper is to identify benefits of GBMs by adopting five essential elements of the GBM from the literature: green value proposition; target group; key activities; key resources (KR); and financial logic. Design/methodology/approach In all, 19 semi-structured interviews are conducted with construction sector practitioners and academics in the UK. Thematic analysis is used to obtain benefits of GBMs. Further, the interpretive ranking process (IRP) is used to examine which elements of the GBM have a dominant role in providing benefits to construction businesses. Findings The benefits are grouped into three themes: credibility/reputation benefits; financial benefits; and long-term viability benefits. The IRP model shows that the element of KR is the most important when evaluated against these three benefit themes. Practical implications Linking GBM elements and benefits will help companies in the construction sector to analyse the business case of embracing environmental sustainability. Originality/value This research is one of the few empirical academic works investigating the benefits of GBMs in the construction sector. The IRP method is a novel contribution to GBMs and construction research.

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