Home prices and fundamentals: solving the mystery for the G-7 by accounting for nonlinearities

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 299-315
William Miles

Purpose The purpose of this study is to determine whether house prices and income share a stable, stationary relationship in the G-7 countries. This stable relationship has been clearly implied by theory but has been difficult to uncover empirically in previous studies. Design/methodology/approach The analysis entails using nonlinear tests for a stationary relationship between home prices and per-capita income for the G-7 countries, whereas most previous papers on the topic have used linear methods. Findings When the standard linear ADF test is used, no stationary relationship for home prices and income is found for any of the G-7 countries. When the more powerful (but still linear) Ng–Perron test is used, the USA, but no other G-7 country, exhibits a stable relationship between the two variables. When the nonlinear Enders–Granger test is used, stationarity between home prices and income is found for five of the remaining six G-7 states. Practical implications Previous research has shown that as house prices have risen far above the income, especially over bubble periods, income has done a poor job in predicting home values. The findings show that income has a clear long-run stationary relationship with home values. This implies income could be helpful in providing home price forecasts. Originality/value Where previous studies have failed to find a long-run relationship between home prices and income while using linear methods, results in this paper show this theoretical asset–pricing relationship holds once the adjustment process is allowed to exhibit nonlinearity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 397-416
William Miles ◽  

Asset prices and fundamentals can move apart, as is the case during bubble episodes. However, they should exhibit a stable relationship in the long run. For UK housing, previous studies have investigated whether house prices share a long run relationship with income. Results thus far have not yet found such stability in the interaction of the two variables. These previous papers have imposed linear adjustment on the relationship. Nonlinear adjustment, however, has been shown to be a feature in a number of housing market relationships. In this study, we utilize a data set that consists of home prices relative to first time buyer income for the UK and its twelve constituent regions, which gives us a direct measure of affordability. We test for the stationarity of the home price/first time buyer income ratio with linear tests, and, as in past studies, fail to find a long run relationship. However, we then employ a nonlinear test, and find a stationary relationship for the UK and seven of the twelve regions. In particular, the regions closest to London appear most clearly to have a stationary relationship between home prices and income.

Urban Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Gordon F. Mulligan ◽  
John I. Carruthers

This paper examines the joint adjustment of population and employment numbers across America’s metropolitan areas during the period 1990–2015. Current levels of both are estimated, for 10 year periods, using their lagged (own and cross) levels and eight other lagged variables. Population is affected by both human and natural amenities and employment by wages, patents, and other attributes of the workforce. This paper questions the conventional interpretation of the adjustment process by using geographically weighted regression (GWR) instead of standard linear (OLS, 2GLS) regression. Here the various estimates are all local, so the long-run equilibrium solutions for the adjustment process vary over space. Convergence no longer indicates a stable universal solution but instead involves a mix of stable and unstable local solutions. Local sustainability becomes an issue when making projections because employment can quickly lead or lag population in some metropolitan labor markets.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Russ D. Kashian ◽  
Tracy Buchman ◽  
Robert Drago

PurposeThe study aims to analyze the roles of poverty and African American status in terms of vulnerability to tornado damages and barriers to recovery afterward.Design/methodology/approachUsing five decades of county-level data on tornadoes, the authors test whether economic damages from tornadoes are correlated with vulnerability (proxied by poverty and African American status) and wealth (proxied by median income and educational attainment), controlling for tornado risk. A multinomial logistic difference-in-difference (DID) estimator is used to analyze long-run effects of tornadoes in terms of displacement (reduced proportions of the poor and African Americans), abandonment (increased proportions of those groups) and neither or both.FindingsControlling for tornado risk, poverty and African American status are linked to greater tornado damages, as is wealth. Absent tornadoes, displacement and abandonment are both more likely to occur in urban settings and communities with high levels of vulnerability, while abandonment is more likely to occur in wealthy communities, consistent with on-going forces of segregation. Tornado damages significantly increase abandonment in vulnerable communities, thereby increasing the prevalence of poor African Americans in those communities. Therefore, the authors conclude that tornadoes contribute to on-going processes generating inequality by poverty/race.Originality/valueThe current paper is the first study connecting tornado damages to race and poverty. It is also the first study finding that tornadoes contribute to long-term processes of segregation and inequality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (9) ◽  
pp. 3779-3798 ◽  
David N. Aratuo ◽  
Xiaoli L. Etienne ◽  
Tesfa Gebremedhin ◽  
David M. Fryson

Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the causal linkages between tourism and economic growth in the USA and determine how they respond to shocks in the system. Design/methodology/approach The study uses a variety of time series procedures, including the bounds test, Granger causality test, impulse response functions and generalized variance decomposition to analyze the relationship between monthly tourist arrivals (TA) to the USA, real gross domestic product (GDP) and real effective exchange rates. Findings Results suggest that GDP Granger causes TA in the USA in the long run, indicating the economy-driven tourism growth hypothesis. Additionally, a shock to GDP generates a positive and significant effect on TA that persists in the long-run, while exchange rate shocks only have a significant effect in the first six months. Research limitations/implications Different tourism sectors may exert different degrees of influence on the economy. The use of aggregate data on TA in the analysis assumes homogeneity in the industry, thus, only represents the average relationship between tourism and GDP. Practical implications This study provides insight that shapes the investment, marketing, sustainability decisions of the public and private sectors aim at increasing tourist flows to drive economic development at the national, state and local levels. Originality/value Though several studies have examined the factors influencing the international tourist demand of the USA, this is the first to investigate the causal relationships between tourism, GDP and exchange rates for the USA. It is also the first in the US tourism literature to account for the nature of interactions between the three variables because of innovations in the system.

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-89 ◽  
Soumyananda Dinda

Purpose – The aim of this paper was to focus on China’s economic integration with Asia region and the world. It also attempts to find the long-run relation with short-run dynamics of China’s trade in Asia and the world. Design/methodology/approach – The augmented Dickey–Fuller and Phillips–Perron methods are applied to test the time-series properties of the variables. Co-integration technique is used to detect the economic integration of China’s export to the USA and its import from Asian nations using monthly aggregate data from December 2005 to July 2010. Findings – This study observed that empirically China’s export to the USA depends on exchange rate and China’s import from Asia depends on China’s export to the USA. China has double role in international trade – China acts as an attractor of all inputs from Asia, and China exports the final products in international market. This study also reveals that the speed of China’s import from Asia is faster than that of China’s export to the USA. Research limitations/implications – This study has some limitation in terms of data availability, and choice of methodology like the Gravity model Practical implications – The results imply that China’s trade should be treated as an engine of growth in the Asian developing countries and the trade promotion policies should be encouraged. The emerging China will create other opportunities through trade integration with Asia and the world. Social implications – These empirical findings will help policy-makers formulate their policy and design the mechanism for application as per their targets. Originality/value – China is economically integrated with the region and the world. The paper contributes to measure the speed of China’s export and import in short run within Asia and the world. These empirical findings will help policy-makers to formulate their policy and design the mechanism for application as per their targets.

2019 ◽  
Vol 46 (5) ◽  
pp. 1083-1103
Constantinos Alexiou ◽  
Sofoklis Vogiazas

Purpose Housing prices in the UK offer an inspiring, yet a complex and under-explored research area. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the critical factors that affect UK’s housing prices. Design/methodology/approach The authors utilize the recently developed nonlinear ARDL approach of Shin et al. (2014) over the period 1969–2016. Findings The authors find that both the long-run and short-run impact of the price-to-rent (PTR) ratio and credit-to-GDP ratio on house prices (HP) is asymmetric whilst ambiguous results are established for mortgage rates, industrial production and equities. Apart from the novel framework of analysis, this study also establishes a positive association between HP and the PTR ratio which suggests a speculative behaviour and could imply the formation of a housing bubble. Originality/value It is the first study for the UK housing market that explores the underlying fundamental relationships by looking at nonlinearities hence, allowing HP to be tied by asymmetric relationships in the long as well as in the short run. Modelling the inherent nonlinearities enhances significantly the understanding of UK housing market which can prove useful for policymaking and forecasting purposes.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 311-328 ◽  
P. Lakshmi ◽  
S. Visalakshmi ◽  
Kavitha Shanmugam

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the intensity of transmission of shocks from USA to BRICS countries in the long-run and short-run deviations and swiftness of recovery during US subprime mortgage crisis. This analysis enables the authors to explore the evolving patterns of relationships between these markets and examine whether their co-movements altered either in response to international shocks that originated in advanced markets like USA or due to their domestic fluctuations. Design/methodology/approach – Employing data of daily stock market indices (open and close) of BRICS countries for the period January 2, 2001 to May 31, 2012, this paper examines the interactions and characteristics of price movements of BRICS with US market by applying co-integration tests, vector error correction model and Granger causality relationship. The daily stock market indices data are derived from respective stock exchange web sites. Findings – The results exhibit that both long-run co-integration relationships and short-run Granger causality relationships exist between the stock markets of US-BRICS. Furthermore, this nexus is amplified in the short-run during 2007-2009, when the subprime mortgage financial crisis in the USA cropped up. This finding lends support to the prominence of developed (US) market links in the proliferation of persistent co-movements of BRICS stock markets. Research limitations/implications – The findings imply an increasing degree of global market integration due to quick dissemination of global shocks originating from developed market like USA, and swift recovery which can be attributed to the increased resilience, consistent with the moderated level of domestically driven risk in the BRICS markets. In spite of their similarities, long-run and short-run interdependences with the US stock market exhibit differences among the BRICS. This can be attributed to the regional heterogeneity in long-run risk and return co-movements with the USA. Practical implications – Changes from the US index easily affect these stock markets in the short-run, which implies that the US index may act as a leading indicator for investing funds in BRICS markets. Originality/value – This study would enable the authors to understand whether BRICS economies actually remain resilient to adverse developments in USA and could serve as alternative investment destinations for global portfolio diversification.

Significance Furthermore, in the year to April, sales fell by 19.2% year-on-year. After a decade of sharp rises, home prices have been declining since September 2017. Impacts A cooling housing market will hurt the profits of banks and property developers. Kahlon and his Kulanu party should benefit politically from the lower home prices in the next elections. The risk of an out-of-control decline in house prices, which would endanger the wider economy, is small.

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 356-367
Faridul Islam ◽  
Saleheen Khan

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the dynamic relationship among immigration rate, GDP per capita, and and real wage rates in the USA. Design/methodology/approach – The paper implements the Johansen-Juselius (1990, 1992) cointegration technique to test for a long-run relationship; and for short-run dynamics the authors apply Granger causality tests under the vector error-correction model. Findings – The results show that the long-run causality runs from GDP per capita to immigration, not vice versa. Growing economy attracts immigrants. The authors also find that immigration flow depresses average weekly earnings of the natives in the long-run. Originality/value – The authors are not aware of any study on the USA addressing the impact of immigrants on labor market using a tripartite approach by explicitly incorporating economic growth. It is therefore important to pursue a theoretically justified empirical model in search of a relation to resolve on apparent immigration debate.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 711-725 ◽  
Mohamed Bilel Triki ◽  
Samir Maktouf

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on whether the deviations from the cointegrating relationship possess long memory and the fractional cointegration analyses may capture a wider range of mean-reversion behaviour than standard cointegration analyses. Design/methodology/approach – This paper uses a fractional cointegration technique to test the purchasing power parity (PPP). Findings – The authors found that PPP held, but very weakly, in the long run between the Argentine, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Thailand and Venezuela and US exchange rate during our floating exchange rate period but that the deviations from it did not follow a stationary process. Nevertheless, it is also found that the deviations from PPP exists and can be characterized by a fractionally integrated process in nine out of 13 countries studied. Originality/value – The findings are consistent with the consensus of the empirical literature, reviewed earlier in this paper, on PPP between Argentine, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Thailand and Venezuela and the USA.

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