Spurious white blood cell count from a new automated Sysmex XN hematology analyzer

2014 ◽  
Vol 36 (6) ◽  
pp. e86-e87 ◽  
C. Tantanate
Rinny Ardina

Proporsi perokok pasif di Indonesia mencapai 40,5 persen dan 78,4 persen perokok pasif banyak terpapar asap rokok di dalam rumah.Setiap hembusan asap rokok mengandung 1015 radikal bebas oksidatif dan nikotinpenyebab leukositosis di dalam darah sebagai bentuk respon inflamasi.Jenis leukosit penunjuk inflamasi akibat asap rokok diawali neutrofilia, neutropenia, limfositosis, limfopenia dan monositosis sebagai bentuk respon inflamasi. Analisis deskriptif dengan rancangan cross sectional digunakan untuk memberikan gambaran respon inflamasi ditinjau dari jumlah leukosit dan jenis leukosit pada perokok pasif yang tinggal di kecamatan Pahandut kota Palangka Raya. Sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 30 orang diambil dengan teknik Purposive Sampling dimulai dengan observasi, pembagian lembar inform consent, wawancara, pengisian kuesioner, pengambilan sampel darah dan pemeriksaan laboratorium menggunakan hematology analyzer dan apusan darah tepi. Data yang diperoleh dimuat dalam bentuk tabel dan dianalisis dan dideskripsikan dalam bentuk persentase (%). Pada 5 orang (17%) terjadi leukositosis, 2 orang (6%) neutropenia, 1 orang (3%) neutrofilia, 1 orang (3%) limfopenia, dan 6 orang (20%) limfositosis. Leukositosis menunjukkan penanda adanya perubahan imun sistemik, dimana selanjutnya terjadi rekrutmen sel inflamasi diantaranya neutrofil dan limfosit. Radikal bebas dan nikotin memicu inflamasi ditandai dengan neutrofilia dengan limfopenia relatif pada awal inflamasi dan selanjutnya berkembang menjadi limfositosis dengan neutropenia relatif.Proportion of passive smokers in Indonesia reached 40,5% and 78,4% of them were exposure of cigarette smoke in the house. Each puff of cigarette smoke contains 1015 of oxidative free radicals and nicotine that causes leukocytosis in the blood where it found as an inflammatory response. Either free radicals or nicotine can also cause of neutrophilia, neutropenia, lymphocytosis, lymphopenia, and monocytosis. This study aimed to overview of the inflammatory response in terms of white blood cell count and differential counting of leukocytes in passive smokers (housewives) who live in the district of Pahandut, Palangka Raya. Descriptive analysis with cross sectional design was used in this study. Samples obtained by 30 people were taken with Purposive Sampling technique. Procedure of collecting data starts from observation, distribution of informed consent, interview, answered of questionnaire, blood sampling and laboratory examination using hematology analyzer for measured of white blood cell count and peripheral blood smear for measured of differential counting of leukocytes. The data obtained were analyzed and described in percentage (%). This study found 5 people (17%) of leukocytosis, 2 people (6%) of neutropenia, 1 person (3%) of neutrophilia, 1 person (3%) of lymphopenia, and 6 people (20%) of lymphocytosis. Leukocytosis occurs because of the mechanism of leukocytes recruitment into inflammatory tissues and the types of leukocyte that increased are neutrophils and lymphocytes. Free radicals and nicotine play a major role in triggering inflammation. Acute inflammation cause of exposure of cigarette smoke characterized by neutrophilia and relative lymphopenia in the blood and it will be develop into chronic inflammation that characterized by lymphocytosis and relative neutropenia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 195
Yitang Sun ◽  
Jingqi Zhou ◽  
Kaixiong Ye

Increasing evidence shows that white blood cells are associated with the risk of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), but the direction and causality of this association are not clear. To evaluate the causal associations between various white blood cell traits and the COVID-19 susceptibility and severity, we conducted two-sample bidirectional Mendelian Randomization (MR) analyses with summary statistics from the largest and most recent genome-wide association studies. Our MR results indicated causal protective effects of higher basophil count, basophil percentage of white blood cells, and myeloid white blood cell count on severe COVID-19, with odds ratios (OR) per standard deviation increment of 0.75 (95% CI: 0.60–0.95), 0.70 (95% CI: 0.54–0.92), and 0.85 (95% CI: 0.73–0.98), respectively. Neither COVID-19 severity nor susceptibility was associated with white blood cell traits in our reverse MR results. Genetically predicted high basophil count, basophil percentage of white blood cells, and myeloid white blood cell count are associated with a lower risk of developing severe COVID-19. Individuals with a lower genetic capacity for basophils are likely at risk, while enhancing the production of basophils may be an effective therapeutic strategy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 247553032110007
Eric Munger ◽  
Amit K. Dey ◽  
Justin Rodante ◽  
Martin P. Playford ◽  
Alexander V. Sorokin ◽  

Background: Psoriasis is associated with accelerated non-calcified coronary plaque burden (NCB) by coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). Machine learning (ML) algorithms have been shown to effectively identify cardiometabolic variables with NCB in cross-sectional analysis. Objective: To use ML methods to characterize important predictors of change in NCB by CCTA in psoriasis over 1-year of observation. Methods: The analysis included 182 consecutive patients with 80 available variables from the Psoriasis Atherosclerosis Cardiometabolic Initiative, a prospective, observational cohort study at baseline and 1-year using the random forest regression algorithm. NCB was assessed at baseline and 1-year from CCTA. Results: Using ML, we identified variables of high importance in the context of predicting changes in NCB. For the cohort that worsened NCB (n = 102), top baseline variables were cholesterol (total and HDL), white blood cell count, psoriasis area severity index score, and diastolic blood pressure. Top predictors of 1-year change were change in visceral adiposity, white blood cell count, total cholesterol, c-reactive protein, and absolute lymphocyte count. For the cohort that improved NCB (n = 80), the top baseline variables were HDL cholesterol related including apolipoprotein A1, basophil count, and psoriasis area severity index score, and top predictors of 1-year change were change in apoA, apoB, and systolic blood pressure. Conclusion: ML methods ranked predictors of progression and regression of NCB in psoriasis over 1 year providing strong evidence to focus on treating LDL, blood pressure, and obesity; as well as the importance of controlling cutaneous disease in psoriasis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Tao Xiang ◽  
Ming Cheng

Abstract Background Enoxaparin is an anticoagulant that falls in the class of medications called low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs), and is used to prevent or treat patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism. Enoxaparin is the most widely used LMWH for DVT prophylaxis following knee or hip replacement surgery. Common side effects of enoxaparin include bleeding, petechiae at the injection site, and thrombocytopenia. However, reactive thrombocytosis is a rarely reported adverse reaction. We managed a patient who developed enoxaparin-associated thrombocytosis, which was completely resolved after treatment cessation. Case presentation A 78-year-old female was hospitalized for post-hip replacement rehabilitation. Low molecular weight heparin 40 mg/day was administered subcutaneously to prevent deep venous thrombosis (DVT). At admission, her platelet count was normal (228 × 109/L) and her white blood cell count was slightly elevated (12.91 × 109/L). Seven days after admission, the patient developed thrombocytosis, which peaked on the 14th day (836 × 109/L), while her white blood cell count had returned to normal (8.86 × 109/L). Her therapeutic regimen was reviewed, and enoxaparin was identified as a potentially reversible cause of reactive thrombocytosis. Switching from enoxaparin to rivaroxaban lead to a gradual decrease in the patient’s platelet count, which eventually returned to normal levels 16 days after enoxaparin was discontinued. No complications secondary to thrombocytosis was observed, and no conclusion was reached on the use of small doses of aspirin for antithrombotic therapy under these circumstances. Conclusion Enoxaparin-induced reactive thrombocytosis should be suspected in patients with thrombocytosis following enoxaparin administration as an anticoagulant to prevent certain complications.

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