Field Test Validation of the DLN2.5H Combustion System on the 9H Gas Turbine at Baglan Bay Power Station

Markus Feigl ◽  
Fred Setzer ◽  
Rebecca Feigl-Varela ◽  
Geoff Myers ◽  
Bryan Sweet

The lean, premixed H combustion system was targeted to deliver low NOx and CO emissions from 50% to 100% combined cycle load in both the Frame 7H (60 Hz) and Frame 9H (50 Hz) heavy-duty industrial gas turbines. The H System™ is the first gas turbine combined-cycle technology capable of achieving 60% thermal efficiency. The present paper describes field test performance of the combustion system during the launch and operation of the initial MS9001H installation at Baglan Bay power station near Port Talbot, Wales. The 480 MW 9H combined cycle, fired using the 14-chamber DLN2.5H combustion system, was comprehensively evaluated during the gas turbine Characterization Test program over a period of several months in late 2002 and 2003. Results are reported for exhaust emissions, combustor component durability, operability, and other key combustion system performance parameters over the full gas turbine operating range. The present paper also describes the operability of the H combustion system throughout a rigorous validation of the power plant system, including National Grid Council testing, load rejections, and other key system transients.

Geoff Myers ◽  
Dan Tegel ◽  
Markus Feigl ◽  
Fred Setzer ◽  
William Bechtel ◽  

The lean, premixed DLN2.5H combustion system was designed to deliver low NOx emissions from 50% to 100% load in both the Frame 7H (60 Hz) and Frame 9H (50 Hz) heavy-duty industrial gas turbines. The H machines employ steam cooling in the gas turbine, a 23:1 pressure ratio, and are fired at 1440 C (2600 F) to deliver over-all thermal efficiency for the combined-cycle system near 60%. The DLN2.5H combustor is a modular can-type design, with 14 identical chambers used on the 9H machine, and 12 used on the smaller 7H. On a 9H combined-cycle power plant, both the gas turbine and steam turbine are fired using the 14-chamber DLN2.5H combustion system. An extensive full-scale, full-pressure rig test program developed the fuel-staged dry, low emissions combustion system over a period of more than five years. Rig testing required test stand inlet conditions of over 50 kg/s at 500 C and 28 bar, while firing at up to 1440 C, to simulate combustor operation at base load. The combustion test rig simulated gas path geometry from the discharge of the annular tri-passage diffuser through the can-type combustion liner and transition piece, to the inlet of the first stage turbine nozzle. The present paper describes the combustion system, and reports emissions performance and operability results over the gas turbine load and ambient temperature operating range, as measured during the rig test program.

Zengo Aizawa ◽  
William Carberg

Combined cycle technology was successfully applied to the 2000 MW Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) Futtsu Station. The fourteen 165 MW single shaft combined cycle Stages were commissioned between 1985 and 1988. Since that time, experience has been accumulated on these 2000 deg F (1100 deg C) class gas turbine based Stages. With the advent of 2300 deg F (1300 deg C) class gas turbines and dry low NOx technologies, an advanced combined cycle with substantially improved performance became possible. TEPCO commissioned General Electric, Toshiba and Hitachi to perform a study to optimize the use of these technologies. The study was completed and the participants are now doing detailed design of a plant consisting of eight 350 MW single shaft combined cycle Stages. The plant will be designated the Yokohama Thermal Power Station No. 7 and No. 8 Groups. This paper discusses experience gained at the Futtsu Station, the results of the optimization study for an advanced combined cycle and the progress of the design for Yokohama Groups No. 7 and No. 8.

Markus Feigl ◽  
Geoff Myers ◽  
Stephen R. Thomas ◽  
Raub Smith

This paper describes the concept and benefits of the fuel moisturization system for the GE H System™ steam-cooled industrial gas turbine. The DLN2.5H combustion system and fuel moisturization system are both described, along with the influence of fuel moisture on combustor performance as measured during full-scale, full-pressure rig testing of the DLN2.5H combustion system. The lean, premixed DLN2.5H combustion system was targeted to deliver single-digit NOx and CO emissions from 40% to 100% combined cycle load in both the Frame 7H (60 Hz) and Frame 9H (50 Hz) heavy-duty industrial gas turbines. These machines are also designed to yield a potential combined-cycle efficiency of 60 percent or higher. Fuel moisturization contributes to the attainment of both the NOx and the combined-cycle efficiency performance goals, as discussed in this paper.

J. Feenstra ◽  
P. Kamminga

EPON operates a number of power stations in the north of the Netherlands. At some of these the forced-draught-fans have been replaced by gas turbines. Unit 3 of Flevo Power Station was the latest repowering project in the Netherlands. This paper gives a description of the most important points of the mechanical, and process design of the combined cycle unit and the influence of the gas turbine on the starting procedure.

1986 ◽  
Vol 108 (1) ◽  
pp. 182-190 ◽  
J. G. Meier ◽  
W. S. Y. Hung ◽  
V. M. Sood

This paper describes the successful development and application of industrial gas turbines using medium-Btu gaseous fuels, including those derived from biodegradation of organic matters found in sanitary landfills and liquid sewage. The effects on the gas turbine and its combustion system of burning these alternate fuels compared to burning high-Btu fuels, along with the gas turbine development required to use alternate fuels from the point of view of combustion process, control system, gas turbine durability, maintainability and safety, are discussed.

Frank Reiss ◽  
Sven-Hendrik Wiers ◽  
Ulrich Orth ◽  
Emil Aschenbruck ◽  
Martin Lauer ◽  

This paper describes the development and test results of the low emission combustion system for the new industrial gas turbines in the 6–7 MW class from MAN Diesel & Turbo. The design of a robust combustion system and the achievement of very low emission targets were the most important design goals of the combustor development. During the design phase, the analysis of the combustor (i.e. burner design, air distribution, liner cooling design) was supported with different CFD tools. This advanced Dry Low Emission can combustion system (ACC) consists of 6 cans mounted externally on the gas turbine. The behavior and performance of a single can sector was tested over a wide load range and with different boundary conditions; first on an atmospheric test rig and later on a high pressure test rig with extensive instrumentation to ensure an efficient test campaign and accurate data. The atmospheric tests showed a very good performance for all combustor parts and promising results. The high pressure tests demonstrated very stable behavior at all operation modes and very low emissions to satisfy stringent environmental requirements. The whole operation concept of the combustion system was tested first on the single-can high pressure test bed and later on twin and single shaft gas turbines at MAN’s gas turbine test facility. During the engine tests, the can combustors demonstrated the expected combustion performance under real operation conditions. All emissions and performance targets were fully achieved. On the single shaft engine, the combustors were running with single digit ppm NOx levels between 50% and 100% load. The validation phase and further optimization of the gas turbines and the engine components are ongoing. The highlights of the development process and results of the combustor and engine tests will be presented and discussed within this paper.

J. Masada ◽  
I. Fukue

A new, 13MW class, heavy duty gas turbine, the “MF-111” was developed for use as a prime mover for cogeneration, combined cycle and repowering applications. The use of such equipment in refineries presents special challenges as regards the combustion of nonstandard fuels, tolerance of industrial environments, and accomodation of site-specific design requirements. Such circumstances add substantially to the tasks of proving and adjusting the design of a new gas turbine, meeting stringent emissions requirements and introducing to the world of industrial gas turbines the benefits of F-class (1250°C burner outlet temperature) levels of thermodynamic performance. This paper describes how these challenges have successfully been met during the three calendar years and ten machine-years of MF-111 refinery-application experience accumulated to-late.

James M. Rakowski ◽  
Charles P. Stinner ◽  
Mark Lipschutz ◽  
J. Preston Montague

Primary surface recuperators (PSR’s) for land-based industrial gas turbines are typically constructed from heat-resistant alloys such as nickel-base superalloys or highly-alloyed austenitic stainless steels. The water vapor present in gas turbine exhaust has been shown to increase the rate of chromium oxide volatility, which in turn can cause rapid oxidation of the underlying metal. As PSR’s are generally fabricated from thin foil materials, excessive degradation can cause perforation, leading to failure of components. The results of a field test program will be summarized, based on analysis of recuperator stand-in components which were exposed to a full-flow exhaust stream during gas turbine operation for times ranging from 500 hours to 21,500 hours. A significant effect of service on the materials of construction was observed, with near-surface chromium depletion and microstructural instability evident after the longest exposures. These results will be combined with those from an extensive laboratory test program to evaluate the performance of heat-resistant alloys during recuperator service, outlining the different modes of degradation and means for their mitigation.

1993 ◽  
C. Wilkes ◽  
R. A. Wenglarz ◽  
P. J. Hart ◽  
H. C. Mongia

This paper describes the application of Allison’s rich-quench-lean (RQL) coal combustor technology to large utility gas turbines in the 100 MWe+ class. The RQL coal combustor technology was first applied to coal derived fuels in the 1970s and has been under development since 1986 as part of a Department of Energy (DOE)-sponsored heat engine program aimed at proof of concept testing of coal-fired gas turbine technology. The 5 MWe proof of concept engine/coal combustion system was first tested on coal water slurry (CWS); it is now being prepared for testing on dry pulverized coal. A design concept to adapt the RQL coal combustor technology developed under the DOE program to large utility-sized gas turbines has been proposed for a Clean Coal V program. The engine and combustion system modifications required for application to coal-fueled combined cycle power plants using 100 MWe+ gas turbines are described. Estimates for emissions and cycle performance are given. Included are comparisons with a conventional pulverized coal plant that illustrates the advantages of incorporating a gas turbine on cycle efficiency and emission rate.

William D. York ◽  
Derrick W. Simons ◽  
Yongqiang Fu

F-class gas turbines comprise a major part of the heavy-duty gas turbine power generation fleet worldwide, despite increasing penetration of H/J class turbines. F-class gas turbines see a wide range of applications, including simple cycle peaking operation, base load combined cycle, demand following in simple or combined cycle, and cogeneration. Because of the different applications, local power market dynamics, and varied emissions regulations by region or jurisdiction, there is a need for operational flexibility of the gas turbine and the combustion system. In 2015, GE introduced a DLN2.6+ combustion system for new and existing 7F gas turbines. Approximately 50 are now in operation on 7F.04 and 7F.05 turbines, combining for nearly 150,000 fired hours. The system has been demonstrated to deliver 5 ppm NOx emissions @ 15% O2, and it exhibits a wide window of operation without significant thermoacoustic instabilities, owing the capability to premixed pilot flames on the main swirl fuel-air premixers, low system residence time, and air path improvements. Based on the success on the 7F, this combustion system is being applied to the 6F.03 in 2018. This paper highlights the flexibility of the 7F and 6F.03 DLN2.6+ combustion system and the enabling technology features. The advanced OpFlex* AutoTune control system tightly controls NOx emissions, adjusts fuel splits to stay clear of instabilities, and gives operators the ability to prioritize emissions or peak load output. Because of the low-NOx capability of the system, it is often being pushed to higher combustor exit temperatures, 35°C or more above the original target. The gas turbine is still meeting 9 or 15 ppm NOx emissions while delivering nearly 12% additional output in some cases. Single-can rig test and engine field test results show a relatively gentle NOx increase over the large range of combustor exit temperature because of the careful control of the premixed pilot fuel split. The four fuel legs are staged in several modes during startup and shutdown to provide robust operation with fast loading capability and low starting emissions, which are shown with engine data. The performance of a turndown-only fueling mode is highlighted with engine measurements of CO at low load. In this mode, the center premixer is not fueled, trading the NOx headroom for a CO emissions benefit that improves turndown. The combustion system has also demonstrated wide-Wobbe capability in emissions compliance. 7F.04 engine NOx and dynamics data are presented with the target heated gas fuel and also with cold fuel, producing a 24% increase in Modified Wobbe Index. The ability to run unheated fuel at base load may reduce the start-up time for a combined cycle plant. Lastly, there is a discussion of a new OpFlex* Variable Load Path digital solution in development that will allow operators to customize the start-up of a combined cycle plant.

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