Study on the Degradation Mechanism of the Urushi Products

Yutaro Shimode ◽  
Atsushi Endo ◽  
Chieko Narita ◽  
Seiji Higashi ◽  
Masuo Murakami ◽  

Japanese lacquer is called “Urushi” in Japanese. Urushi have meanings such as Urushi tree, its resin and also Urushi crafts. Urushi has been used 9000 years ago in Japan. In this long history, Urushi crafts techniques have been developed, refined and inherited by many Urushi craftspeople. As a result, Urushi affect Japanese culture and aesthetic feeling greatly. Urushi has various characteristics. For example, Urushi coating surface is very smooth and glossy. And more, Urushi is strong to acid and alkali. However it is very weak to ultraviolet rays. As a result, Urushi coating is degraded very quickly in sunlight. In this study, 6 specimens were prepared by painting 6 kinds of Urushi resins on PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate) boards. Weathering tests of these 6 specimens were done to clarify the degradation of Urushi coating. Additionally, L* value (Brightness), C* value (Chroma) were also measured by spectrophotometric colorimeter to investigate the influence of the degradation on the optical characteristics. Both L* value and C* value were increased after weathering test in most specimens. Glossiness values of specimens were measured by gloss checker. As a result, glossiness values were decreased after weathering test in most specimens. There was a difference in advance of degradation according to the kind of Urushi. Then when Urushi is used, there are necessities of proper use and change of refining method for Urushi.

2006 ◽  
Vol 71 (11) ◽  
pp. 1173-1186 ◽  
Vladimir Panic ◽  
Aleksandar Dekanski ◽  
Slobodan Milonjic ◽  
Vesna Miskovic-Stankovic ◽  
Branislav Nikolic

Titanium anodes with an active RuO2 coating of two different thicknesses were prepared from the oxide suspended in ethanol ("ink" method), while the oxide itself was synthesized by the hydrolysis of ruthenium ethoxide in an ethanolic solution (alkoxide route). The morphology of prepared oxide was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The electrochemical properties of the prepared Ti/RuO2 anodes, involving their cyclic voltammetric behavior in H2SO4 and NaCl solutions, activity in the chlorine and oxygen evolution reaction, impedance behavior in H2SO4, and stability during electrolysis in dilute chloride solutions, were investigated. The performances of the anodes are compared to those of a Ti/RuO2 anode prepared by the sol-gel procedure from an oxide sol obtained by the forced hydrolysis of ruthenium chloride in acid solution. The anodes prepared via the alkoxide route showed a higher capacitance and activity for the chlorine evolution reaction than the anode prepared by the inorganic sol-gel procedure. The results of the stability test showed that the utilization of the coating active material is better when the anodes were prepared via the alkoxide route than via the inorganic sol-gel procedure, particularly for anodes with a smaller mass of coating. The different rates of loss of activity indicate a degradation mechanism for the anodes prepared via the alkoxide route in which electrochemical dissolution of RuO2 from the coating surface prevails over the growth of an insulating TiO2 layer in the coating/Ti substrate interphase. The effect of RuO2 dissolution from the coating surface increases with increasing coating mass.

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 240-260 ◽  
Meysam Moezzi ◽  
Javad Yekrang ◽  
Mohammad Ghane ◽  
Mehdi Hatami

In this study, nylon 66 industrial fabrics (used in the conveyor belts) were exposed artificially to the accelerated ultraviolet rays and the degradation mechanism was evaluated using spectral, thermal, and morphological analyses. The fabric samples were exposed to six different exposure times in a UV chamber and tensile tests were carried out in the main and bias (45°) directions. The results showed that the shear modulus was reduced in the early stages covering 4 h of the UV radiation because of the linkages breakage and the increase in the amorphous regions. However, after this early stage, the shear modulus started to increase. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) study were also performed to evaluate the surface morphology and the degradation mechanism of the nylon 66 fibers after UV illumination. The results also revealed that the formation of new links by free radicals caused the change in the bond wavelengths. Furthermore, it was found that there was an interesting mechanism for the UV degradation of nylon 66 fabrics at different exposure times, as confirmed by the results obtained regarding the mechanical properties of the samples. The results of this study can be, therefore, helpful for the industrial application of nylon 66 woven conveyor belts exposed to solar UV radiation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 476 (21) ◽  
pp. 3333-3353 ◽  
Malti Yadav ◽  
Kamalendu Pal ◽  
Udayaditya Sen

Cyclic dinucleotides (CDNs) have emerged as the central molecules that aid bacteria to adapt and thrive in changing environmental conditions. Therefore, tight regulation of intracellular CDN concentration by counteracting the action of dinucleotide cyclases and phosphodiesterases (PDEs) is critical. Here, we demonstrate that a putative stand-alone EAL domain PDE from Vibrio cholerae (VcEAL) is capable to degrade both the second messenger c-di-GMP and hybrid 3′3′-cyclic GMP–AMP (cGAMP). To unveil their degradation mechanism, we have determined high-resolution crystal structures of VcEAL with Ca2+, c-di-GMP-Ca2+, 5′-pGpG-Ca2+ and cGAMP-Ca2+, the latter provides the first structural basis of cGAMP hydrolysis. Structural studies reveal a typical triosephosphate isomerase barrel-fold with substrate c-di-GMP/cGAMP bound in an extended conformation. Highly conserved residues specifically bind the guanine base of c-di-GMP/cGAMP in the G2 site while the semi-conserved nature of residues at the G1 site could act as a specificity determinant. Two metal ions, co-ordinated with six stubbornly conserved residues and two non-bridging scissile phosphate oxygens of c-di-GMP/cGAMP, activate a water molecule for an in-line attack on the phosphodiester bond, supporting two-metal ion-based catalytic mechanism. PDE activity and biofilm assays of several prudently designed mutants collectively demonstrate that VcEAL active site is charge and size optimized. Intriguingly, in VcEAL-5′-pGpG-Ca2+ structure, β5–α5 loop adopts a novel conformation that along with conserved E131 creates a new metal-binding site. This novel conformation along with several subtle changes in the active site designate VcEAL-5′-pGpG-Ca2+ structure quite different from other 5′-pGpG bound structures reported earlier.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 1159-1164
Jing Li ◽  
Fengyu Fan ◽  
Qiang Li ◽  
Feng Du ◽  
Huadong Yu

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Trimayasari Trimayasari ◽  
Ghozali Akhmad Mustaqim ◽  
Wening Dwi Prastiwi ◽  
Emas Agus Prastyo Wibowo

AbstractSoap facial cleanser is needed to keep the facial skin to keep them clean and healthy. The purpose of this study to make soap cleanser with natural materials such as hard water deposits leri. This is because the use of leri water starch or starch granules of fine particles contained in water leri dansel dust can shed the dead skin on the face because of the essential amino acids contained can regenerate skin cells. In addition, water leri can brighten the face because the leri water oryzanol contain substances that can update the development and formation of the pigment melanin, which is effectively to ward off ultraviolet rays. The process of making soap using the principle of saponification reaction, namely the reaction between the oil and the KOH/NaOH. Facial cleansing soap made in this study is solid soap. Based on the results of quality test, soap solid leri water has a pH of 11.1, saponification number is 33, the water content of 46% as well as respondents to the test aspects of aroma and foam shows good results so this water leri treatment can be an alternative solution to prevent the use of soap facial cleansers that contain harmful chemicals. Keywords: air leri, soap cleanser, saponification  AbstrakSabun pembersih wajah sangat diperlukan untuk menjaga kulit wajah agar tetap bersih dan sehat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk membuat sabun pembersih wajah dengan bahan alami berupa endapan air leri. Penggunaan air leri ini dikarenakan butiran partikel starch atau pati halus yang terdapat dalam air leri dapat merontokkan debu dansel kulit mati pada wajah karena asam amino esensial yang terkandung dapat meregenerasi sel-sel kulit. Selain itu, air leri dapat mencerahkan wajah karena air leri mengandung zat oryzanol yang dapat memperbarui perkembangan dan pembentukan pigmen melanin, yang efektif guna menangkal sinar ultraviolet. Proses pembuatan sabun menggunakan prinsip reaksi saponifikasi, yaitu reaksi antara minyak dan KOH/NaOH. Sabun pembersih wajah yang dibuat dalam penelitian ini ialah sabun padat. Berdasarkan hasil uji mutu, sabun air leri padat memiliki pH 11,1, angka penyabunan sebesar 33 kadar air 46 kadar air 46 % serta uji responden terhadap aspek aroma dan busa yang menunjukkan hasil cukup baik sehingga pengolahan air leri ini dapat menjadi solusi alternative untuk mencegah penggunaan sabun pembersih wajah yang mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya. Kata kunci: air leri, sabun pembersih wajah, saponifikasi 

TAPPI Journal ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 253-262 ◽  

The effect of coating structure variations on flexographic print quality was studied using pilot-coated paperboard samples with different latex content and latex particle sizes. Two latexes, with particle sizes of 120 nm and 160 nm, were added at either 12 parts per hundred (pph) or 18 pph to the coating formulation. The samples were printed with full tone areas at print forces of 25 N and 50 N in a laboratory flexographic printing press using a waterbased ink. A high ratio of uncovered areas (UCAs) could be detected for the samples that contained 18 pph latex printed at a print force of 25 N. UCAs decreased with increased print force and with decreased amounts of latex in the coating formulation. The fraction of latex covered area on the coating surface was estimated to be 0.35–0.40 for the 12 pph, and 0.70–0.75 for the 18 pph samples. The ink penetration depth into the coating layer could be linked to the fraction of latex-free areas on the coating surface. Optical cross section microscopy indicated that a higher printing force did not increase the depth of penetrated ink to any greater extent. Higher printing force did increase contact between plate and substrate, leading to an improved distribution of the ink. This, in turn, increased print density and decreased UCAs. On closer inspection, the UCAs could be categorized as being induced by steep topographic changes. When appearing at other locations, they were more likely to be caused by poor wetting of the surface. To understand the wetting behavior of the coating surface, observed contact angles were compared with calculated contact angles on surfaces of mixed composition.

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