scholarly journals The Success and Struggles of Physical Education Teachers While Teaching Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Erin Centeio ◽  
Kevin Mercier ◽  
Alex Garn ◽  
Heather Erwin ◽  
Risto Marttinen ◽  

The purpose of this study was to investigate physical education teachers’ perceptions of implementing online physical education during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as to explore their needs with regard to support for future teaching experiences. A total of 4,302 teachers completed four open-ended questions as part of a larger survey. Deductive and inductive qualitative analysis led to three themes: (a) Teachers’ Proud Moments, (b) Help! So Many Obstacles, and (c) Future Challenges. Teachers stated many successes and challenges that they experienced through the COVID-19 pandemic. Many items specifically focused on use and access to technology, student participation, and meeting students’ needs in various ways. Results can provide guidance for how to address the essential components of physical education in the online environment. In addition, results may provide insight to those who educate, train, and prepare teachers to teach in a virtual and/or physically distanced environment.

Joaquín Piedra ◽  
Gonzalo Ramírez-Macías ◽  
Francis Ries ◽  
Augusto Rembrandt Rodríguez-Sánchez ◽  
Catherine Phipps

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 253
Mehmet Yanık

The aim of this study was to examine preservice physical education teachers’ perceived competence in selecting teaching techniques according to certain variables. The research was designed as a descriptive study using a screening model. The study universe consisted of a total of 348 preservice physical education teachers studying in different departments. The “Scale of Preservice Teachers’ Perceived Competence in Selecting Teaching Techniques” was used as the data collection tool. For analysis of the data, frequency and percentage distribution, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way analysis of variance values were used. The level of significance was taken as p < 0.05 for all tests. The results obtained in the study revealed that according to the evaluation of the scale score intervals, the participants’ mean scores (4.24±0.36) for perceptions of competence in selecting teaching techniques were high. According to the subdimensions, mean scores of 4.30±0.38 in the positive prediction subdimension and 4.11±0.39 in the negative prediction subdimension were obtained. No difference was found between groups according to the gender variable. According to the variable for type of department attended, it was seen that students in the coaching department who obtained the right to become teachers via certificate programmes had lower perception levels. Another finding of the study was that as grade level increased, participants’ levels of perceived competence increased. As a result of the research, recommendations are offered regarding the need for preservice teachers, from their selection onwards, to be educated with programmes which give priority to domain-specific practices, and for certificate programmes that grant the right to become a teacher through short-term training to be reviewed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (8-9) ◽  
pp. 1156-1170 ◽  
Joaquín Piedra ◽  
Gonzalo Ramírez-Macías ◽  
Francis Ries ◽  
Augusto Rembrandt Rodríguez-Sánchez ◽  
Catherine Phipps

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 213
Adnan Altaweel ◽  
AlMothana AlJa'afreh

The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to investigate physical education teachers’ perceptions of their teaching competencies (2) to examine potential differences in physical education teachers’ perceptions of their teaching competencies based on their gender and academic qualification. Descriptive approach was selected to guide the study. The study consisted of 127 physical education teachers from schools in four Governorates at the Southern of Jordan: Tafila, Maan, Aqaba, and Karak. A questionnaire instrument was used to collect data from the participants. The questionnaire instrument consisted of four scales: planning competencies, implementation competencies, personal and social competencies, and motivational competencies. The results showed that the participants’ perceptions of the levels of their educational competencies varied between low and high. The participants believed that the level of their planning competencies was low. While they believed that the level of their implementation competencies was high. The participants believed that the level of their personal/social and motivational competencies was moderate. The findings showed that there were significant differences in the physical education teachers’ perceptions of the levels of their educational competencies based on their gender and academic qualifications. Based on the findings, recommendations were presented. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 1356336X2110108
Alejandro Prieto-Ayuso ◽  
María Pilar León ◽  
Onofre Ricardo Contreras-Jordán ◽  
David Morley

Since Bailey and Morley (2006) developed a model of talent development (TD) in physical education (PE), several researchers have attempted to understand TD in the PE context. However, the definition of ‘talent’ in PE remains unclear. Currently, identifying refers to using a range of predefined criteria to recognise potential; providing to offering support for those identified; and developing to the process of defining, identifying, and providing talent in PE. This study aimed to examine secondary school PE teachers’ perceptions of TD processes in PE. A purposive sample of 20 Spanish PE teachers was interviewed (n = 17 males and 3 females). Through thematic analysis, five main themes were identified. Teachers associated talented students in PE with physical abilities. Teachers suggested several limiting factors in identifying and supporting talent within PE, including a lack of curricular guidelines, knowledge, and time. However, some teachers acknowledged that they were not equipped with strategies for TD in PE. Some teachers employed strategies to limit the abilities of talented students and balance the level of the class, while others found it difficult to develop talent in PE. Additionally, extracurricular activities were considered to play a key role in TD. Furthermore, teachers’ pedagogy might be biased when developing talented students in PE, as the difference between sports talent and PE talent is unclear. Our results reveal a need for professional development in TD for PE teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Wesly Otoni Ferreira ◽  
Bianca Henriques de Oliveira ◽  
Vinicius Do Carmo Fontana ◽  
Mariana Zuaneti Martins

INTRODUÇÃO: Nesse artigo expomos o desenvolvimento de uma experiência vinculada ao tênis no curso de licenciatura em educação física. OBJETIVO: O objetivo foi, com base nos pressupostos da pedagogia do esporte, propor uma série de jogos partindo do voleibol, esporte conhecido, para o tênis. Em segundo lugar, promover a problematização da “elitização” da modalidade e esboçar possibilidades para confeccionar bolas e raquetes para o jogo do tênis. MÉTODOS: Esse relato de experiência foi desenvolvido na disciplina de pedagogia do esporte do curso de licenciatura em educação física, com alunos/as do 6° semestre. Era uma turma de 26 alunos, que reunia diferentes níveis de habilidades e vivências esportivas, todos tinham algum contato com o esporte, mas nenhum com tênis. Foram realizadas 4 aulas, num total de 16 horas. Ao final da experiência, realizamos entrevista semiestruturada com 6 alunos/as que participaram das aulas e da confecção e teste dos materiais. RESULTADOS: Os alunos/as demonstraram um envolvimento e mobilização com a proposta de série de jogos de uma prática conhecida, voleibol, para uma menos conhecida, o tênis. Desenvolveram suas propostas de confecção de materiais com criatividade e nos seus relatos afirmaram ser uma possibilidade muito factível de se promover esse tipo de aula nas escolas, ainda que a ausência dos materiais oficiais possa ser sentida. Esse fator, ao mesmo tempo em que promoveu um certo desconforto, por jogar sem os “materiais oficiais”, também permitiu problematizar a ideia de que a elitização é inescapável à prática do tênis. CONCLUSÃO: Essas possibilidades, inseridas no curso de formação, permitiram ao licenciando vislumbrar possibilidades de atuação com a modalidade na prática pedagógica cotidiana na escola. ABSTRACT. Tennis inclusion in the training of physical education teachers: teaching experiences and reconstruction in the degree course. BACKGOUND: In this article we expose the development of an experience linked to tennis in the physical education undergraduate school. OBJECTIVE: Based on the assumptions of sport pedagogy, we aimed to offer a series of games starting from volleyball, a well-known sport, for tennis. Second, to promote the problematization of the “elitization” of the sport and to outline possibilities for making balls and rackets for the game of tennis. METHODS: This experience report was developed in the sport pedagogy discipline of the physical education degree course, with 6th semester students. It was a group that brought together different levels of skills and sports experiences, everyone had experiences with sports, but with few modalities. Four classes were held, for a total of 16 hours, between practical and theoretical activities. At the end of the experiment, we conducted a semi-structured interview with 6 students who participated in the classes and the making and testing of the materials. RESULTS: The students showed involvement and mobilization with the offered content (proposed series of games from a known practice, volleyball, to a lesser known one, tennis). They developed their proposals for making materials with creativity and in their reports they said it was a very feasible possibility of promoting this type of class in schools, even though the absence of official materials can be felt. CONCLUSION: These possibilities, inserted in the training course, allow the undergraduate student to glimpse possibilities of action with the modality in the daily pedagogical practice at school.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Patric Paludett Flores ◽  
Yedda Maria da Silva Caraçato ◽  
Ana Luiza Barbosa Anversa ◽  
Bruna Solera ◽  
Luciane Cristina Arantes da Costa ◽  

Introdução: analisar o papel do Estágio Curricular Supervisionado (ECS) na formação inicial de professores de Educação Física implica em entender que o conhecimento pedagógico especializado se legitima na prática, e, mais do que no conhecimento das disciplinas, compreende os procedimentos de transmissão, de forma complexa e desafiadora, dos conhecimentos da cultura corporal de movimento. Nesse sentido, esta Objetivo: verificar, a partir da perspectiva de estudantes-estagiários, a organização e relevância da realização do ECS, bem como, a compreensão didático-pedagógica que esses apresentam com relação à realização desse primeiro contato com o ambiente escolar. Métodos: participaram deste estudo qualitativo, trinta e cinco acadêmicos de uma instituição pública do norte do estado do Paraná/Brasil. As informações levantadas decorreram dos relatórios finais apresentados na disciplina de ECS I. Resultados: da análise das informações coletadas emergiram-se duas categorias de apresentação dos resultados: a) organização e estrutura da disciplina de ECS I e b) significados do ECS I para a formação docente. Na primeira categoria, os participantes destacam que a carga horária das ações do ECS possui caráter excessivo frente aos demais componentes curriculares, porém entendem que tal processo se faz necessário pois possibilita uma efetivação da relação teoria e prática. Na segunda, revelam que o ECS auxilia na reflexão contínua do futuro professor para com o exercício da sua profissão, traduz-se em uma ação educativa a partir da práxis, torna-se meio de socialização profissional, e, possibilita a reflexão das amarras entre a profissão e a escola. Conclusão: entende-se que o estágio se configura como um dos componentes essenciais na lapidação do processo inicial de construção do ser professor em suas mais diversas facetas para o contexto escolar dentro da formação de professores de Educação Física.ABSTRACT. Initial training of physical education teachers: a look at the supervised practicum. Background: analyze the role of the Supervised Practicum (SP) at the initial training of the Physical Education Teachers implies understanding that specialized pedagogical knowledge is legitimated in practice and, more than the knowledge of the subjects, comprehends the procedures of transmission of the knowledge of body movement culture, in a complex and challenging way. Objective: to verify, from the perspective of student-trainees, the organization and relevance of the SP, as well as the didactic-pedagogical understanding that the students present regarding the accomplishment of this first contact with the school environment. Methods: Thirty-five students from a public institution in the north of the state of Paraná/Brazil participated in this qualitative study. The collected information came from the final reports presented in the SP I subject. Results: from the analysis of the information collected, two categories of results were presented: a) organization and structure of the SP I subject and b) SP I significance for teacher training. In the first category, the participants emphasize that the workload of the SP actions is excessive compared to the other curricular components, but they understand that this process is necessary because it allows an effective relationship between theory and practice. In the second, they reveal that the SP helps in the continuous reflection of the future teacher towards the exercise of their profession, it is translated into an educational action from the praxis, it becomes a means of professional socialization, and, it allows the reflection of the relations between the profession and the school. Conclusion: it is understood that the practicum is one of the essential components in the stoning of the initial process of construction of being a teacher in its most diverse facets for the school context within the training of Physical Education teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Wagner César Pinheiro Costa ◽  
Willian Lazaretti da Conceição

INTRODUÇÃO: A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida à luz das experiências docentes no atendimento educacional a estudantes matriculados/as na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) que foram imersos no Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE) em decorrência da COVID-19. OBJETIVO: Apresentar os desafios que emergem do processo de ensino e de aprendizado na ação pedagógica de professores de Educação Física que trabalham no ERE com turmas da EJA. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo, 3 professores de Educação Física, do município de Vigia de Nazaré no Estado do Pará - Brasil que lecionam nos anos finais do ensino fundamental e do ensino médio em duas escolas públicas estaduais que atendem a modalidade EJA. De cunho qualitativo, a pesquisa usou como instrumento de coleta uma entrevista semiestruturada. A análise de conteúdo subsidiou o tratamento dos dados das entrevistas. RESULTADOS: Através dos relatos obtidos foi possível deparar com as grandes dificuldades dos professores de Educação Física em relação ao ensino por meio do ERE e a dura realidade excludente do mesmo em relação aos/às alunos/as da EJA. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se, que o presente estudo poderá provocar novas discussões sobre o Ensino Remoto Emergencial e seu papel excludente na área da Educação, em especial no âmbito da Educação Física Escolar e a EJA.ABSTRACT. School physical education and youth and adult education: Challenges of teaching in remote education.BACKGROUND: This research was developed in the light of the teaching experiences in the educational care of students enrolled in Youth and Adult Education (EJA) who were immersed in Emergency Remote Education (ERE) due to the COVID-19. OBJECTIVE: To present the challenges that emerge from the teaching and learning process in the pedagogical action of Physical Education teachers who work in the ERE with EJA classes. METHODS: The study included 3 physical education teachers from the municipality of Vigia de Nazaré in the State of Pará - Brazil who teach in the final years of elementary school and high school in two state public schools that have the modality EJA. Of qualitative nature, the research used as a collection instrument a semi-structured interview. The content analysis supported the treatment of the data from the interviews. RESULTS: Through the reports obtained it was possible to face the great difficulties of physical education teachers in relation to teaching through ERE and the harsh excluding reality of the same in relation to the students of the EJA. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that this study may provoke new discussions on Emergency Remote Education and its excluding role in the area of Education, especially in the field of School Physical Education and the EJA.

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