scholarly journals Transformation by v-myb correlates with trans-activation of gene expression.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 2591-2598 ◽  
T Lane ◽  
C Ibanez ◽  
A Garcia ◽  
T Graf ◽  
J Lipsick

The v-myb oncogene of avian myeloblastosis virus causes acute myelomonocytic leukemia in chickens and transforms avian myeloid cells in vitro. Its protein product p48v-myb is a nuclear, sequence-specific, DNA-binding protein which activates gene expression in transient DNA transfection studies. To investigate the relationship between transformation and trans-activation by v-myb, we constructed 15 in-frame linker insertion mutants. The 12 mutants which transformed myeloid cells also trans-activated gene expression, whereas the 3 mutants which did not transform also did not trans-activate. This implies that trans-activation is required for transformation by v-myb. One of the transformation-defective mutants localized to the cell nucleus but failed to bind DNA. The other two transformation-defective mutants localized to the cell nucleus and bound DNA but nevertheless failed to trans-activate. These latter mutants define two distinct domains of p48v-myb which control trans-activation by DNA-bound protein, one within the amino-terminal DNA-binding domain itself and one in a carboxyl-terminal domain which is not required for DNA binding.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 2591-2598 ◽  
T Lane ◽  
C Ibanez ◽  
A Garcia ◽  
T Graf ◽  
J Lipsick

The v-myb oncogene of avian myeloblastosis virus causes acute myelomonocytic leukemia in chickens and transforms avian myeloid cells in vitro. Its protein product p48v-myb is a nuclear, sequence-specific, DNA-binding protein which activates gene expression in transient DNA transfection studies. To investigate the relationship between transformation and trans-activation by v-myb, we constructed 15 in-frame linker insertion mutants. The 12 mutants which transformed myeloid cells also trans-activated gene expression, whereas the 3 mutants which did not transform also did not trans-activate. This implies that trans-activation is required for transformation by v-myb. One of the transformation-defective mutants localized to the cell nucleus but failed to bind DNA. The other two transformation-defective mutants localized to the cell nucleus and bound DNA but nevertheless failed to trans-activate. These latter mutants define two distinct domains of p48v-myb which control trans-activation by DNA-bound protein, one within the amino-terminal DNA-binding domain itself and one in a carboxyl-terminal domain which is not required for DNA binding.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 2285-2293 ◽  
C E Ibanez ◽  
J S Lipsick

The v-myb oncogene causes acute myelomonocytic leukemia in chickens and transforms avian myeloid cells in vitro. Its product, p48v-myb, is a short-lived nuclear protein which binds DNA. We demonstrate that p48v-myb can function as a trans activator of gene expression in transient DNA transfection assays. trans activation requires the highly conserved amino-terminal DNA-binding domain and the less highly conserved carboxyl-terminal domain of p48v-myb, both of which are required for transformation. Multiple copies of a consensus sequence for DNA binding by p48v-myb inserted upstream of a herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter are strongly stimulatory for transcriptional activation by a v-myb-VP16 fusion protein but not by p48v-myb itself, suggesting that the binding of p48v-myb to DNA may not be sufficient for trans activation.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 2285-2293 ◽  
C E Ibanez ◽  
J S Lipsick

The v-myb oncogene causes acute myelomonocytic leukemia in chickens and transforms avian myeloid cells in vitro. Its product, p48v-myb, is a short-lived nuclear protein which binds DNA. We demonstrate that p48v-myb can function as a trans activator of gene expression in transient DNA transfection assays. trans activation requires the highly conserved amino-terminal DNA-binding domain and the less highly conserved carboxyl-terminal domain of p48v-myb, both of which are required for transformation. Multiple copies of a consensus sequence for DNA binding by p48v-myb inserted upstream of a herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter are strongly stimulatory for transcriptional activation by a v-myb-VP16 fusion protein but not by p48v-myb itself, suggesting that the binding of p48v-myb to DNA may not be sufficient for trans activation.

Blood ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 118 (21) ◽  
pp. 2371-2371
Amy E Campbell ◽  
Gerd A. Blobel

Abstract Abstract 2371 Missense mutations in the gene encoding hematopoietic transcription factor GATA1 cause congenital anemias and/or thrombocytopenias. Seven such mutations are reported. All of these give rise to amino acid substitutions within the amino terminal zinc finger (NF) of GATA1, producing a range of clinical phenotypes. Thus, V205M, G208R, and D218Y cause severe anemia and thrombocytopenia; G208S, R216Q, and D218G cause thrombocytopenia with minimal anemia; R216W gives rise to thrombocytopenia and congenital erythropoietic porphyria. One of these mutations, R216Q, occurs at the DNA binding interface and alters the ability of GATA1 to recognize a subset of cis motifs in vitro. Other mutations, including V205M, G208S, D218G, and D218Y, occur outside the DNA binding domain of the NF and inhibit interactions with the GATA1 cofactor FOG1 as determined by in vitro binding assays. However, these two mechanisms do not easily explain the broad spectrum of phenotypes associated with the mutations. For example, how do two substitutions of the same residue bring about disparate phenotypes? We examined the effects of each mutation on erythroid maturation, lineage-specific gene expression, in vivo target gene occupancy, and cofactor recruitment by introducing altered forms of GATA1 into murine GATA1-null proerythroblasts. The V205M, G208R, and D218Y mutations severely impaired erythroid maturation, recapitulating patient phenotypes. The G208S mutation also severely impaired erythroid maturation, causing a more pronounced defect than that expected from the clinical presentation. In contrast, R216Q and D218G produced mild effects in erythroid cells consistent with patient phenotypes. The porphyria-associated mutation R216W also produced relatively subtle effects in erythroid cells. We note that among the mutants, failure to activate gene expression strongly correlated with failure to repress gene expression. ChIP assays revealed that the V205M, G208R, and D218Y mutations impaired GATA1 target site occupancy. This indicates that despite normal DNA binding in vitro, the association with cofactor complexes is required for stable binding to chromatinized target sites in vivo. In contrast, the G208S mutant exhibited relatively normal chromatin occupancy, but reduced recruitment of FOG1 and SCL/Tal1 to GATA1-bound sites at erythroid genes. D218G also perturbed cofactor recruitment without greatly affecting GATA1 binding to its target genes. Notably, this mutation diminished SCL/Tal1 recruitment without significantly altering FOG1 occupancy. This implicates the SCL/Tal1 transcription complex in the pathogenesis of disorders caused by certain GATA1 mutations. Moreover, by uncoupling GATA1 chromatin occupancy and cofactor recruitment, G208S and D218G offer potentially useful tools for unraveling site-specific mechanisms of GATA1-regulated gene expression. Finally, both the R216Q and R216W mutants displayed relatively normal GATA1 chromatin occupancy and FOG1 and SCL/Tal1 recruitment at most sites. R216W presents as porphyria, and selective defects in the regulation of heme biosynthetic genes have yet be uncovered. Given that R216Q presents as thrombocytopenia, defects caused by this mutation may be revealed only in the context of megakaryocytes. Studies using similar rescue assays of a GATA1-null megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor line are underway and will be discussed. In concert, our results reveal that in vivo analysis of GATA1 in its native environment provides mechanistic insights not obtainable from in vitro studies. Moreover, they demonstrate the usefulness of gene complementation assays for the dissection of transcription pathways surrounding normal and altered GATA1 to improve our understanding of disease. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

2005 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 603-615 ◽  
Jacqueline Brodie ◽  
Iain J McEwan

The androgen receptor (AR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor that recognises and binds to specific DNA response elements upon activation by the steroids testosterone or dihydrotestosterone. In vitro, two types of response element have been characterised - non-selective elements that bind the androgen, glucocorticoid and progesterone receptors, and androgen receptor-selective sequences. In the present study, the allosteric effects of DNA binding on the receptor amino-terminal domain (NTD) were studied. Binding to both types of DNA response element resulted in changes in the intrinsic fluorescence emission spectrum for four tryptophan residues within the AR-NTD and resulted in a more protease-resistant conformation. In binding experiments, it was observed that the presence of the AR-NTD reduced the affinity of receptor polypeptides for binding to both selective and non-selective DNA elements derived from the probasin, PEM and prostatin C3 genes respectively, without significantly altering the protein–base pair contacts. Taken together, these results highlight the role of intra-domain communications between the AR-NTD and the DNA binding domain in receptor structure and function.

1991 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 1547-1552
D Leshkowitz ◽  
M D Walker

Insulin-producing cells and fibroblasts were fused to produce hybrid lines. In hybrids derived from both hamster and rat insulinoma cells, no insulin mRNA could be detected in any of seven lines examined by Northern (RNA) analysis despite the presence in each line of the insulin genes of both parental cells. Hybrid cells were transfected with recombinant chloramphenicol acetyltransferase plasmids containing defined segments of the rat insulin I gene 5' flank. We observed no transcriptional activity of the intact insulin enhancer or of IEB2, a critical cis-acting element of the insulin enhancer. IEB2 has previously been shown to interact in vitro with IEF1, a DNA-binding activity observed selectively in insulin-producing cells. Hybrid cells showed no detectable IEF1 activity. Furthermore, the insulin enhancer was unable to reduce transcription directed by the Moloney sarcoma virus enhancer in a double-enhancer construct. Thus, extinction of insulin gene expression in the hybrids apparently does not operate through a direct action of repressors on the insulin enhancer; rather, extinction is accompanied by, and may be caused by, reduced DNA-binding activity of the putative transcriptional activator IEF1.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (9) ◽  
pp. 2692 ◽  
Samantha Faber ◽  
Anatoly Soshilov ◽  
Sara Giani Tagliabue ◽  
Laura Bonati ◽  
Michael Denison

The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-dependent transcription factor that modulates gene expression following its binding and activation by structurally diverse chemicals. Species differences in AhR functionality have been observed, with the mouse AhR (mAhR) and human AhR (hAhR) exhibiting significant differences in ligand binding, coactivator recruitment, gene expression and response. While the AhR agonist indirubin (IR) is a more potent activator of hAhR-dependent gene expression than the prototypical ligand 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), it is a significantly less potent activator of the mAhR. DNA binding analysis confirmed the greater potency/efficacy of IR in stimulating transformation/DNA binding of the hAhR in vitro and domain-swapping experiments demonstrated that the enhanced response to IR was primarily due to the hAhR ligand binding domain (LBD). Site-directed mutagenesis and functional analysis studies revealed that mutation of H326 and A349 in the mAhR LBD to the corresponding residues in the hAhR LBD significantly increased the potency of IR. Since these mutations had no significant effect on ligand binding, these residues likely contribute to an enhanced efficiency of transformation/DNA binding by IR-bound hAhR. Molecular docking to mAhR LBD homology models further elucidated the different roles of the A375V mutation in TCDD and IR binding, as revealed by [3H]TCDD competitive binding results. These results demonstrate the differential binding of structurally diverse ligands within the LBD of a given AhR and confirm that amino acid differences within the LBD of AhRs contribute to significant species differences in ligand response.

2007 ◽  
Vol 88 (1) ◽  
pp. 259-263 ◽  
Jochen Bodem ◽  
Hans-Georg Kräusslich ◽  
Axel Rethwilm

It was shown recently that retrovirus transactivators interact with transcriptional coactivators, such as histone acetyltransferases (HATs). Foamy viruses (FVs) direct gene expression from the long terminal repeat and from an internal promoter. The activity of both promoters is strictly dependent on the DNA-binding transactivator Tas. Recently, it was shown that Tas interacts with the HATs p300 and PCAF. Based on these findings, it is demonstrated here that PCAF has the ability to acetylate Tas in vitro and in vivo. Tas acetylation resulted in enhanced DNA binding to the virus promoters. In vitro transcription reactions on non-chromatinized template showed that only acetylated Tas enhanced transcription significantly. These results demonstrate that acetylation of the FV transactivator Tas may be an effective means to regulate virus transcription.

Endocrinology ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 149 (9) ◽  
pp. 4702-4709 ◽  
Erik R. Nelson ◽  
Hamid R. Habibi

Thyroid hormones are important mediators of growth and development in vertebrates and act by binding to a specific family of thyroid receptors (TRs). The TRs belong to the nuclear receptor superfamily, with two conserved regions, a DNA binding domain and a ligand binding domain (LBD). We recently demonstrated the presence of four TR subtypes in goldfish, two with complete DNA binding domains and LBDs (TRα-1 and TRβ) and two novel forms including a transcript resembling TRα with variation in the LBD as well as a TRα-truncated (TRα-t) form lacking a LBD. To study the functional significance of TR subtypes, we first investigated the regulation of hepatic goldfish deiodinase type 3 (D3) by T3 and validated a bioassay in which D3 gene expression is up-regulated significantly in vivo and in vitro. Using short interfering RNA, TRα-1, TRβ, or TRα-t was specifically knocked down and thyroid hormone-induced D3 gene expression was measured. short interfering RNA against TRα-1 or TRβ reduced the T3 induction of deiodinase gene expression to 50% or less than 25% of control (T3 treated) cells, respectively. Knocking down TRα-t alone, however, increased D3 expression 500-fold supporting the hypothesis that TRα-t plays a modulatory role in thyroid hormone-induced gene expression. Our results provide important insight into thyroid receptor biology in goldfish and a framework for the better understanding of thyroid receptor function in all vertebrates.

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (21) ◽  
pp. 739-739
Vijay P. S. Rawat ◽  
Natalia Arseni ◽  
Farid Ahmed ◽  
Medhanie A. Mulaw ◽  
Silvia Thoene ◽  

Abstract Abstract 739 Recent studies suggest that a variety of regulatory molecules active in embryonic development such as clustered and non-clustered homeobox genes play an important role in normal and malignant hematopoiesis. Since it was shown that the Xvent-2 homeobox gene is part of the BMP-4 signalling pathway in Xenopus, it is of particular interest to examine the expression profile and function of its only recently discovered human homologue VENTX in hematopoietic development. Expression of the VENTX gene was analyzed in normal human hematopoiesis and AML patients samples by microarray and qPCR. To test the impact of the constitutive expression of VENTX on human progenitor cells, CD34+ cord blood (CB) cells were retrovirally transduced with VENTX or the empty control vector and analyzed using in vitro and in vivo assays. So far we and others have not been able to identify a murine Xenopus xvent gene homologue. However, we were able to document the expression of this gene by qPCR in human lineage positive hematopoietic subpopulations. Amongst committed progenitors VENTX was significantly 13-fold higher expressed in CD33+ BM myeloid cells (4/4 positive) compared to CD19+ BM lymphoid cells (5/7 positive, p=0.01). Of note, expression of VENTX was negligible in normal CD34+/CD38− but detectable in CD34+ BM human progenitor cells. In contrast to this, leukemic CD34+/CD38− from AML patients (n=3) with translocation t(8,21) showed significantly elevated expression levels compared to normal CD34+ BM cells (n=5) (50-fold higher; p≤0.0001). Furthermore, patients with normal karyotype NPM1c+/FLT3-LM− (n=9), NPM1c−/FLT3-LM+ (n=8) or patients with t(8;21) (n=9) had an >100-fold higher expression of VENTX compared to normal CD34+ BM cells and a 5- to 7.8-fold higher expression compared to BM MNCs. Importantly, lentivirus-mediated long-term silencing of VENTX in human AML cell lines (mRNA knockdown between 58% and 75%) led to a significant, reduction in cell number compared to the non-silencing control construct (>79% after 120h). Suggesting that growth of human leukemic cell lines depends on VENTX expression in vitro. As we observed that VENTX is aberrantly expressed in leukemic CD34+ cells with negligible expression in normal counterparts, we assessed the impact of forced VENTX gene expression in normal CD34+ human progenitor cells on the transcription program. Gene expression and pathway analysis demonstrated that in normal CD34+ cells enforced expression of VENTX initiates genes associated with myeloid development (CD11b, CD125, CD9,CD14 and M-CSF), and downregulates genes involved in early lymphoid development (IL-7, IL-9R, LEF1/TCF and C-JUN) and erythroid development such as EPOR, CD35 and CD36. We then tested whether enforced expression of VENTX in CD34+ cells is able to alter the hematopoietic development of early human progenitors as indicated by gene expression and pathway analyses. Functional analyses confirmed that aberrant expression of VENTX in normal CD34+ human progenitor cells induced a significant increase in the number of myeloid colonies compared to the GFP control with 48 ± 6.5 compared to 28.9 ± 4.8 CFU-G per 1000 initially plated CD34+ cells (n=11; p=0.03) and complete block in erythroid colony formation with an 81% reduction of the number of BFU-E compared to the control (n=11; p<0.003). In a feeder dependent co-culture system, VENTX impaired the development of B-lymphoid cells. In the NOD/SCID xenograft model, VENTX expression in CD34+ CB cells promoted generation of myeloid cells with an over 5-fold and 2.5-fold increase in the proportion of human CD15+ and CD33+ primitive myeloid cells compared to the GFP control (n=5, p=0.01). Summary: Overexpression of VENTX perturbs normal hematopoietic development, promotes generation of myeloid cells and impairs generation of lymphoid cells in vitro and in vivo. Whereas VENTX depletion in human AML cell lines impaired their growth.Taken together, these data extend our insights into the function of human embryonic mesodermal factors in human hematopoiesis and indicate a role of VENTX in normal and malignant myelopoiesis. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

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