Debris slide and debris flow historical events in the Appalachians south of the glacial border

G. Michael Clark
1992 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-352 ◽  
M. J. Bovis ◽  
B. R. Dagg

A mechanism is proposed by which debris flows can be triggered through impulsive loading. Momentum transferred from hillslope failures to steep stream bed materials may be sufficient to initiate a debris flow where one may not otherwise occur. An important parameter in the momentum transfer is the planimetric angle between the slide path axis and the stream channel axis. Preliminary stability equations for both drained and undrained loading are developed from formulae commonly used to assess stream channel stability. Case studies from two basins in the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia are used to illustrate the mechanisms. Key words : debris flow, triggering, mechanisms, rock slide, debris slide, Coast Mountains.

2003 ◽  
Vol 69 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 309-330 ◽  
Gonghui Wang ◽  
Kyoji Sassa ◽  
Hiroshi Fukuoka

2020 ◽  
Adel Albaba ◽  
Niels Hollard ◽  
Christoph Schaller ◽  
Massimiliano Schwarz ◽  
Luuk Dorren

<p>The increasing urbanization of mountainous areas increased the risk imposed on residential buildings and infrastructure. In Switzerland, shallow landslides and hillslope debris flows are responsible every year for high infrastructure damage, blocking of important highways, evacuations and deaths. Up till now, the assessment of these processes has been mainly based on the experience of experts, especially in the assessment of their run-out extent and expected damage. In this research we present a new computationally efficient Discrete Element Model (DEM) which has been developed for the aim of simulating the run-out of hillslope debris flows.</p><p>YADE-DEM open source code has been extended and an elasto-plastic adhesive contact law have been implemented, which partially account for the presence of the fluid composed of water and find material. This is achieved through the adhesive aspect of the contact law, which would indirectly take the presence of such fluid into account, as this fluid would increase the cohesion of the flowing mass. A parametric study has been carried out to define the most sensitive model parameters, which were found to be the microscopic basal friction angle (Φ<sub>b</sub>) and the ratio between stiffness parameters (loading and unloading) of the flowing particles <img src="data:image/png;base64,%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" alt="">. Data of full-scale experiments of hillslope debris flows were used to compare the flow kinematics with the model’s prediction. A good agreement between the model and experiments was observed concerning the mean front velocity (average margin of error of 8%) and the maximum applied pressure (average margin of error of 5%), with less agreement of the flow height (average margin of error of 13%). Detailed comparisons of pressure evolution between different selected experiments and simulations revealed the model’s capability of reproducing observed pressure curves, especially during the primary loading phase, leading to maximum pressure.</p><p>In order to test the model’s prediction of run-out distance of hillslope debris flow, hundreds of past hillslope debris flow events in the Swiss Alps were analyzed and 30 cases were selected representing different situations (i.e. different release volumes, slopes and forest cover). Due to the discrete nature of results in YADE, a GIS algorithm was developed in order to create envelopes representing the temporal evolution of the simulated propagating processes, which were compared to the those of the historical events. Results of the comparison revealed that, with the calibration of the two sensitive parameters in YADE, a fair to very good agreement was observed between the envelopes of the model and those of historical events for 87% of the tested cases. Difficulties in reproducing the envelopes of the rest of the cases are linked to the uncertainties in the mapping of the envelopes of past events, the role of the forest which is not taken into account in the model, and the lack of direct representation of fluid in the model.</p>

2010 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-146 ◽  
Marina Pirulli ◽  
Federica Marco

The Nora alluvial fan, which is located in the Orco River valley (Piedmont region, Italy), was affected by a debris flow of approximately 10 000 m3 in October 2000. The event was triggered by heavy rainfall that affected the whole Piedmont region at that time. The mobilization of the water-satured altered gneissic bedrock and colluvium in the upper zone of the Nora basin resulted in the detachment of a debris slide, which rapidly evolved into a channelized noncohesive debris flow. As information from post-event surveys and two pre-event digital elevation models (DEMs), with different resolutions, were available for the study site, the dynamics of the event has been numerically back-analyzed using the numerical code RASH3D. The obtained results have shown both the capability of the code to simulate the dynamics of a noncohesive debris flow, including the final deposit depth distribution, and the importance of on-site surveys and digital elevation model (DEM) resolution in interpreting numerical results and the associated calibrated rheological parameters.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
Maria Babińska ◽  
Michal Bilewicz

AbstractThe problem of extended fusion and identification can be approached from a diachronic perspective. Based on our own research, as well as findings from the fields of social, political, and clinical psychology, we argue that the way contemporary emotional events shape local fusion is similar to the way in which historical experiences shape extended fusion. We propose a reciprocal process in which historical events shape contemporary identities, whereas contemporary identities shape interpretations of past traumas.

2013 ◽  
Vol 72 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Sophie Richardot

The aim of this study is to understand to what extent soliciting collective memory facilitates the appropriation of knowledge. After being informed about Milgram’s experiment on obedience to authority, students were asked to mention historical or contemporary events that came to mind while thinking about submission to authority. Main results of the factorial analysis show that the students who do not believe in the reproducibility of the experimental results oppose dramatic past events to a peaceful present, whereas those who do believe in the reproducibility of the results also mention dramatic contemporary events, thus linking past and present. Moreover, the students who do not accept the results for today personify historical events, whereas those who fully accept them generalize their impact. Therefore, according to their attitude toward this objet of knowledge, the students refer to two kinds of memory: a “closed memory,” which tends to relegate Milgram’s results to ancient history; and an “open memory,” which, on the contrary, transforms past events into a concept that helps them understand the present. Soliciting collective memory may contribute to the appropriation of knowledge provided the memory activated is an “open” one, linking past to present and going beyond the singularity of the event.

2001 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-122 ◽  

ABSTRACT: This paper includes a short biography of Menzies and an outline of the historical events on the northwest Pacific coast leading up to Vancouver's voyage. A table listing the botanical visitors to that area prior to 1792 is given followed by a résumé of the evolution of Menzies's journal. Sources used in compiling the chronology of his movements during Vancouver's voyage are then set down, ending the section with an account of Menzies's own visit, 1792–1794. His method of plant collecting is discussed along with an account of his collections and their subsequent disposal. The paper concludes with details of Menzies's later life, his connection with other botanists of the day, and an assessment of his achievements.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 496-514
Christophe Van Eecke

When Ken Russell's film The Devils was released in 1971 it generated a tidal wave of adverse criticism. The film tells the story of a libertine priest, Grandier, who was burnt at the stake for witchcraft in the French city of Loudun in the early seventeenth century. Because of its extended scenes of sexual hysteria among cloistered nuns, the film soon acquired a reputation for scandal and outrage. This has obscured the very serious political issues that the film addresses. This article argues that The Devils should be read primarily as a political allegory. It shows that the film is structured as a theatrum mundi, which is the allegorical trope of the world as a stage. Rather than as a conventional recreation of historical events (in the tradition of the costume film), Russell treats the trial against Grandier as a comment on the nature of power and politics in general. This is not only reflected in the overall allegorical structure of the theatrum mundi, but also in the use of the film's highly modernist (and therefore timeless) sets, in Russell's use of the mise-en-abyme (a self-reflexive embedded play) and in the introduction of a number of burlesque sequences, all of which are geared towards achieving the film's allegorical import.

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