Stomatal conductance and growth of five Alnusglutinosa clones in response to controlled water stress

1988 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 421-426 ◽  
T. C. Hennessey ◽  
E. M. Lorenzi ◽  
R. W. McNew

An experiment to quantify the response of unnodulated, fertilized European black alder (Alnusglutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) seedlings to progressive water stress showed contrasting drought tolerance among five clones, using stomatal conductance, leaf area, and height as indices of drought sensitivity. In particular, one rapidly growing clone (AG 8022-14) showed the ability to moderate changes in water stress more efficiently than the more slowly growing clones. After 30 days of moderate levels of water stress, clones that had higher stomatal conductance also had greater leaf area and height growth. Leaf area and height were both sensitive to plant water status, although no threshold of stress associated with a cessation of leaf area or height expansion was found even though stomatal conductance decreased to 0.05 cm s−1 under severe water stress.

2021 ◽  
Pablo Berríos ◽  
Abdelmalek Temnani ◽  
Susana Zapata ◽  
Manuel Forcén ◽  
Sandra Martínez-Pedreño ◽  

<p>Mandarin is one of the most important Citrus cultivated in Spain and the sustainability of the crop is subject to a constant pressure for water resources among the productive sectors and to a high climatic demand conditions and low rainfall (about 250 mm per year). The availability of irrigation water in the Murcia Region is generally close to 3,500 m<sup>3</sup> per ha and year, so it is only possible to satisfy 50 - 60% of the late mandarin ETc, which requires about 5,500 m<sup>3</sup> per ha. For this reason, it is necessary to provide tools to farmers in order to control the water applied in each phenological phase without promoting levels of severe water stress to the crop that negatively affect the sustainability of farms located in semi-arid conditions. Stem water potential (SWP) is a plant water status indicator very sensitive to water deficit, although its measurement is manual, discontinuous and on a small-scale.  In this way, indicators measured on a larger scale are necessary to achieve integrating the water status of the crop throughout the farm. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity to water deficit of different hyperspectral single bands (HSB) and their relationship with the midday SWP in mandarin trees submitted to severe water stress in different phenological phases. Four different irrigation treatments were assessed: i) a control (CTL), irrigated at 100% of the ETc throughout the growing season to satisfy plant water requirements and three water stress treatments that were irrigated at 60% of ETc throughout the season – corresponding to the real irrigation water availability – except  during: ii) the end of phase I and beginning of phase II (IS IIa), iii) the first half of phase II (IS IIb) and iv) phase III of fruit growth (IS III), which irrigation was withheld until values of -1.8 MPa of SWP or a water stress integral of 60 MPa day<sup>-1</sup>. When these threshold values were reached, the spectral reflectance values were measured between 350 and 2500 nm using a leaf level spectroradiometer to 20 mature and sunny leaves on 4 trees per treatment. Twenty-four HVI and HSB were calculated and a linear correlation was made between each of them with SWP, where the ρ940 and ρ1250 nm single bands reflectance presented r-Pearson values of -0.78** and -0.83***, respectively. Two linear regression curves fitting were made: SWP (MPa) = -11.05 ∙ ρ940 + 7.8014 (R<sup>2</sup> =0.61) and SWP (MPa) = -13.043 ∙ ρ1250 + 8.9757 (R<sup>2</sup> =0.69). These relationships were obtained with three different fruit diameters (35, 50 and 65 mm) and in a range between -0.7 and -1.6 MPa of SWP. Results obtained show the possibility of using these single bands in the detection of water stress in adult mandarin trees, and thus propose a sustainable and efficient irrigation scheduling by means of unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with sensors to carry out an automated control of the plant water status and with a suitable temporal and spatial scale to apply precision irrigation.</p>

Irriga ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 705-717 ◽  
Amanda Silva Costa ◽  
Antonio Lucineudo Oliveira Freire ◽  
Ivonete Alves Bakke ◽  
Francisco Hevilásio Freire Pereira

RESPOSTAS FISIOLÓGICAS E BIOQUÍMICAS DE PLANTAS DE AROEIRA (Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão) AO DÉFICIT HÍDRICO E POSTERIOR RECUPERAÇÃO  AMANDA SILVA COSTA1; ANTONIO LUCINEUDO DE OLIVEIRA FREIRE2; IVONETE ALVES BAKKE3 E FRANCISCO HEVILÁSIO FREIRE PEREIRA4 1Engenheira Florestal - Mestre em Ciências Florestais pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Florestais – Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Florestal - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/UFCG, Patos, PB, Brasil, [email protected] Agrônomo – Doutor - Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Florestal - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/UFCG, Patos, PB, Brasil, [email protected] Florestal – Doutora - Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Florestal - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/UFCG, Patos, PB, Brasil, [email protected] Agrônomo – Doutor - Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Agrárias - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/UFCG, Pombal, PB, Brasil, [email protected]  1 RESUMO A aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão) vem sendo explorada de forma desordenada, ocasionando redução drástica no número de indivíduos, fazendo com que passasse a fazer parte da lista de espécies ameaçadas de extinção, sendo oportuna a prioridade da conservação. No entanto, pouco se sabe a respeito de aspectos relacionados à sua fisiologia, principalmente acerca dos mecanismos fisiológicos que determinam sua tolerância à seca. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as trocas gasosas e o acúmulo de solutos orgânicos em plantas jovens de aroeira submetidas ao déficit hídrico e posterior recuperação. Plantas com doze meses de idade, mantidas em sacos plásticos pretos, contendo 5 kg de uma mistura de solo e esterco bovino (2:1) foram submetidas aos tratamentos irrigados (controle) e de déficit hídrico, o qual foi imposto através da suspensão da irrigação. Decorridos 12 dias de déficit hídrico, as plantas foram reidratadas. As plantas sob déficit hídrico apresentaram teor relativo de água de 70% ao final do período de estresse. O déficit hídrico promoveu redução progressiva na condutância estomática, na transpiração, na fotossíntese líquida e na eficiência no uso da água das plantas. A concentração intercelular de CO2 e as concentrações foliares de açúcares totais e aminoácidos solúveis totais aumentaram. Após a retomada da irrigação, ocorreu rápida recuperação no teor relativo de água, mas a recuperação da condutância estomática e da fotossíntese líquida ocorreu mais lentamente. As plantas de aroeira foram capazes de recuperar o status hídrico e o funcionamento do mecanismo estomático e fotossintético após a recuperação, demonstrando tolerância ao déficit hídrico. Palavras-chave: Fotossíntese, solutos orgânicos, trocas gasosas, tolerância à seca.  COSTA, A, S.; FREIRE, A. L. O.; BAKKE, I. A.; PEREIRA, F. H. R.PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL RESONSES OF Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão  PLANTS TO WATER DEFICIT AND REHYDRATION   2 ABSTRACT Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemao plants have been explored in a disorderly way, which   has caused   a sharp reduction in the number of individuals, and  put  them on  the list of endangered species. Therefore, their conservation became timely priority. However, little is known about aspects concerning their physiology, mainly those related to physiological mechanisms which determine their drought tolerance.   The objective of this study was to evaluate the stomatal behavior and accumulation of organic solutes in young plants subjected to water stress and subsequent rehydration.  Twelve  month-old  plants, kept in black plastic bags, with 5 kg of a mixture of soil and bovine manure (2:1) were subjected to irrigation treatment (control) and water deficit by irrigation withdrawal. After 12 day-water deficit, plants were rehydrated.  Plants under water deficit showed relative water content of 70% at the end of the stress. Water stress caused progressive reduction in stomatal conductance, transpiration,  photosynthesis rate  and water use efficiency of plants. Intercellular concentration of CO2   and leaf concentrations of total sugar and soluble amino acids increased.   After resumption of irrigation, rapid recovery of relative content of water was observed in the second day, but recovery of the stomatal conductance and photosynthesis rate was slower.  Plants were able to recover   the water status and functioning of the stomatal and photosynthetic mechanisms after rehydration, which shows their tolerance to water stress. Keywords: Photosynthesis, organic solutes, gas exchanges, drought  tolerance. 

2003 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-38 ◽  

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) has relatively higher drought tolerance than other legume crops. It is widely grown in semi-arid regions, particularly in West Africa. One objective of the present study was to determine the effects of soil moisture stress on the length, dry matter and distribution of the roots of two cowpea varieties with different drought tolerances. Another objective was to evaluate the pin-board root-box as a method for identifying the role of root characteristics in drought tolerance. Two cowpea varieties, IT96D-604 (drought tolerant) and TVu7778 (drought susceptible), were used in this study. There were three watering treatments, T1 (well-watered), T2 (mild water stress) and T3 (severe water stress). Between varieties, there were no significant differences in shoot and root characteristics except for leaf area in T1. Under T2, the shoot:root ratio (S:R ratio) of IT96D-604 was significantly decreased compared with that under T1 as a result of the increase in root dry matter and decrease in leaf area without significant differences in total dry matter. In addition, the root dry matter per leaf area, which indicates the capacity to absorb water, of IT96D-604 was significantly higher than that of TVu7778. Under T3, the total dry matter of TVu7778 was about one third of those of the other treatments for the same variety, whereas that of IT96D-604 was more than half. Regarding root distribution, the centres of root dry matter and root length density of both varieties moved downwards significantly under water-stress conditions compared with those of the well-watered condition. This tendency was more pronounced in IT96D-604 than in TVu7778. Drought tolerance in IT96D-604 was associated with the increase in root dry matter per leaf area under mild water-stress conditions, and downward movement of roots (increasing access and use of soil moisture in deep soil layers) under mild and severe water stress conditions. In addition, the root-box method was versatile and can be used for studying root responses to edaphic factors relevant to root growth.

2010 ◽  
Vol 37 (8) ◽  
pp. 726 ◽  
Matthew T. Harrison ◽  
Walter M. Kelman ◽  
Andrew D. Moore ◽  
John R. Evans

To model the impact of grazing on the growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), we measured photosynthesis in the field. Grazing may affect photosynthesis as a consequence of changes to leaf water status, nitrogen content per unit leaf area (Na) or photosynthetic enzyme activity. While light-saturated CO2 assimilation rates (Asat) of field-grown wheat were unchanged during grazing, Asat transiently increased by 33–68% compared with ungrazed leaves over a 2- to 4-week period after grazing ended. Grazing reduced leaf mass per unit area, increased stomatal conductance and increased intercellular CO2 concentrations (Ci) by 36–38%, 88–169% and 17–20%, respectively. Grazing did not alter Na. Using a photosynthesis model, we demonstrated that the increase in Asat after grazing required an increase in Rubisco activity of up to 53%, whereas the increase in Ci could only increase Asat by up to 13%. Increased Rubisco activity was associated with a partial alleviation of leaf water stress. We observed a 68% increase in leaf water potential of grazed plants that could be attributed to reduced leaf area index and canopy evaporative demand, as well as to increased rainfall infiltration into soil. The grazing of rain-fed grain cereals may be tailored to relieve plant water stress and enhance leaf photosynthesis.

1989 ◽  
Vol 19 (8) ◽  
pp. 1071-1076 ◽  
M. Borghetti ◽  
S. Cocco ◽  
M. Lambardi ◽  
S. Raddi

The morphological and physiological response to water stress was studied in 2-year-old potted Italian alder (Alnuscordata Loisel.) seedlings. Leaf area, transpiration, stomatal conductance, and xylem water potential were measured during May 1987 on seedlings from five geographic sources grown (i) with soil water content close to field capacity and (ii) with a severe drought. Significant differences in leaf area were found, at the end of the experiment, between drought-stressed and well-watered plants. As drought progressed, plants displayed a reduction of xylem water potentials and a decrease in stomatal conductance. However, transpiration did not stop completely, and seedlings were not able to maintain a favourable internal water status. Osmotic potentials for the undiluted cell sap, estimated from pressure–volume curves, were between −0.9 and −1.3 MPa. In June 1988, a similar experiment was carried out using seedlings from only one geographic source. A simultaneous decrease of transpiration, xylem potential, and net photosynthesis was observed in seedlings subjected to the drought treatment. During both experiments, a recovery of physiological parameters was observed, after rewatering. Some differences between provenances were detected. The provenance from Corsica showed the greatest sensitivity to water stress; a seed source from the province of Avellino (Campania, south Italy) was able to maintain a more favourable internal water status, as drought progressed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 873 ◽  
Ballester ◽  
Brinkhoff ◽  
Quayle ◽  

The main objective of this work was to study the feasibility of using the green red vegetation index (GRVI) and the red edge ratio (RE/R) obtained from UAS imagery for monitoring the effects of soil water deficit and for predicting fibre quality in a surface-irrigated cotton crop. The performance of these indices to track the effects of water stress on cotton was compared to that of the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and crop water stress index (CWSI). The study was conducted during two consecutive seasons on a commercial farm where three irrigation frequencies and two nitrogen rates were being tested. High-resolution multispectral images of the site were acquired on four dates in 2017 and six dates in 2018, encompassing a range of matric potential values. Leaf stomatal conductance was also measured at the image acquisition times. At harvest, lint yield and fibre quality (micronaire) were determined for each treatment. Results showed that within each year, the N rates tested (> 180 kg N ha-1) did not have a statistically significant effect on the spectral indices. Larger intervals between irrigations in the less frequently irrigated treatments led to an increase (p < 0.05) in the CWSI and a reduction (p < 0.05) in the GRVI, RE/R, and to a lesser extent in the NDVI. A statistically significant and good correlation was observed between the GRVI and RE/R with soil matric potential and stomatal conductance at specific dates. The GRVI and RE/R were in accordance with the soil and plant water status when plants experienced a mild level of water stress. In most of the cases, the GRVI and RE/R displayed long-term effects of the water stress on plants, thus hampering their use for determinations of the actual soil and plant water status. The NDVI was a better predictor of lint yield than the GRVI and RE/R. However, both GRVI and RE/R correlated well (p < 0.01) with micronaire in both years of study and were better predictors of micronaire than the NDVI. This research presents the GRVI and RE/R as good predictors of fibre quality with potential to be used from satellite platforms. This would provide cotton producers the possibility of designing specific harvesting plans in the case that large fibre quality variability was expected to avoid discount prices. Further research is needed to evaluate the capability of these indices obtained from satellite platforms and to study whether these results obtained for cotton can be extrapolated to other crops.

1993 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 143 ◽  
T Winkel ◽  
S Rambal

A comparative study of soil-plant water relations was conducted on three grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L. cvv. carignane, merlot, shiraz) to investigate their adjustment to short-term and long-term water stress under field conditions. Adjustment was a function of the relative stability of the internal plant water status on diurnal and seasonal scales. On a diurnal scale, stomatal closure in response to water vapour pressure directly contributed to this stability. Indirect evidence suggested an influence of the soil water status on the diurnal stomatal activity. On a seasonal scale, sufficient leaf hydration required high whole-plant hydraulic conductance. This was achieved by either daily stomatal regulation or limitation of leaf area. Physiological adjustment to water stress through stomatal control was well developed in cv. carignane, which originated in a Mediterranean environment. However, cv. shiraz, which was of mesic origin, apparently adjusted to water stress by reducing leaf area. Our study demonstrates the utility of integrating data on stomatal conductance, leaf water potential and whole-plant hydraulic conductance to interpret whole plant adaptation to water stress, and elucidates two mechanisms by which genotypes differentially acclimate to water stress.

1980 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-27 ◽  
D. Kumar ◽  
Larry L. Tieszen

SUMMARYExperiments were carried out to relate soil moisture to leaf water potential (Ψ1), and to determine the effects of varying Ψ1, on leaf conductances and photosynthesis in coffee. Stomatal conductance was maximum at 0900 h, but plants growing in drier soil showed marked mid-day stomatal closure. After 1500 h, stomata began closing although plant water status improved. Photosynthesis in relation to changing Ψ1 appeared to exhibit roughly three different rates. At the fixed experimental temperature (25°C) low Ψ1 reduced photosynthesis throughits influence on stomata, but under field conditions low Ψ1 and an accompanying rise in temperature could lower the rate by lowering both mesophyll and stomatal conductances.

1995 ◽  
Vol 120 (4) ◽  
pp. 577-582 ◽  
Amos Naor ◽  
Isaac Klein ◽  
Israel Doron

The sensitivity of leaf (ψleaf) and stem (ψstem) water potential and stomatal conductance (gs) to soil moisture availability in apple (Malus domestics Borkh.) trees and their correlation with yield components were studied in a field experiment. Two drip irrigation treatments, 440 mm (H) and 210 mm (L), were applied to a `Golden Delicious' apple orchard during cell enlargement stage (55-173 days after full bloom). Data collected included ψstem, y leaf, gs, and soil water potential at 25 (ψsoil-25) and 50 cm (ψsoil-50). No differences in midday ψleaf's were found between irrigation treatments. Stem water potential was higher in the H treatment than in the L treatment in diurnal measurements, and at midday throughout the season. Stomatal conductance of the H treatment was higher than the L treatment throughout the day. Stomatal conductance between 0930 and 1530 hr were highly correlated with ψstem. The H treatment increased the percentage of fruit >65 mm, and increased the proportion of earlier harvested fruit reaching marketable size compared to the L treatment. Fruit size in the first harvest and the total yield were highly correlated with ψstem. The degree of correlation between plant water stress indicators and yield component decreased in the following order: ψstem>ψsoil-25,>ψsoil-50>ψleaf. The data suggest that midday ψstem may serve as a preferable plant water stress indicator with respect to fruit size.

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