Response to water stress of Italian alder seedlings from diverse geographic origins

1989 ◽  
Vol 19 (8) ◽  
pp. 1071-1076 ◽  
M. Borghetti ◽  
S. Cocco ◽  
M. Lambardi ◽  
S. Raddi

The morphological and physiological response to water stress was studied in 2-year-old potted Italian alder (Alnuscordata Loisel.) seedlings. Leaf area, transpiration, stomatal conductance, and xylem water potential were measured during May 1987 on seedlings from five geographic sources grown (i) with soil water content close to field capacity and (ii) with a severe drought. Significant differences in leaf area were found, at the end of the experiment, between drought-stressed and well-watered plants. As drought progressed, plants displayed a reduction of xylem water potentials and a decrease in stomatal conductance. However, transpiration did not stop completely, and seedlings were not able to maintain a favourable internal water status. Osmotic potentials for the undiluted cell sap, estimated from pressure–volume curves, were between −0.9 and −1.3 MPa. In June 1988, a similar experiment was carried out using seedlings from only one geographic source. A simultaneous decrease of transpiration, xylem potential, and net photosynthesis was observed in seedlings subjected to the drought treatment. During both experiments, a recovery of physiological parameters was observed, after rewatering. Some differences between provenances were detected. The provenance from Corsica showed the greatest sensitivity to water stress; a seed source from the province of Avellino (Campania, south Italy) was able to maintain a more favourable internal water status, as drought progressed.

1988 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 421-426 ◽  
T. C. Hennessey ◽  
E. M. Lorenzi ◽  
R. W. McNew

An experiment to quantify the response of unnodulated, fertilized European black alder (Alnusglutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) seedlings to progressive water stress showed contrasting drought tolerance among five clones, using stomatal conductance, leaf area, and height as indices of drought sensitivity. In particular, one rapidly growing clone (AG 8022-14) showed the ability to moderate changes in water stress more efficiently than the more slowly growing clones. After 30 days of moderate levels of water stress, clones that had higher stomatal conductance also had greater leaf area and height growth. Leaf area and height were both sensitive to plant water status, although no threshold of stress associated with a cessation of leaf area or height expansion was found even though stomatal conductance decreased to 0.05 cm s−1 under severe water stress.

1984 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-84 ◽  
R. O. Teskey ◽  
C. C. Grier ◽  
T. M. Hinckley

Seasonal changes in water relations and net photosynthesis were measured over a year in current and 1-year-old foliage of Abiesamabilis (Dougl.) Forbes, a subalpine conifer. Responses were compared with maximum rates achieved in older foliage. Current-year foliage developed slowly during the growing season. Although growth began on 22 June, highest rates of stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis did not occur until September and October. One-year-old foliage had the highest rates of net photosynthesis (12.9 mg CO2•dm−2•h−1) and stomatal conductance (3.1 mm•s−1) during the summer. Net photosynthesis decreased with needle age, but foliage as old as 7 years had rates of net photosynthesis as high as 5.0 mg CO2•dm−2•h−1. There was no evidence of photosynthetic adjustment to seasonal change in temperature. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis remained at 15 ± 1.5 °C throughout the year. No water stress was observed during the summer. Xylem water potential never decreased below −1.65 MPa and was always well above the turgor loss point. The lack of any apparent water stress, combined with photosynthetic characteristics, indicated that summer was the most important season for carbon gain. These results also suggested that a strategy for competitive success by Abiesamabilis in this cold, stressful environment is minimum dependence on the carbon gain of any individual age-class of foliage. Instead trees rely on the combined photosynthetic capacity of many years of foliage.

1999 ◽  
Vol 132 (4) ◽  
pp. 445-452 ◽  

Potted 1·5-year-old apricot plants (Prunus armeniaca L.), growing under polycarbonate glasshouse conditions with a cooling system, were subjected to two successive water stress/recovery periods until pre-dawn leaf water potential (Ψpd) reached values between −2·0 and −2·5 MPa, during summer 1996. Control plants were irrigated daily to maintain the soil matric potential at c. −20 kPa. Water stress limited plant growth and induced a significant reduction in leaf area, caused by mature leaf abscission. The parallel behaviour of leaf turgor potential and epinasty in stressed plants indicated that these movements are turgor-dependent. Osmotic adjustments of 0·27 and 0·60 MPa were observed at the end of the first and second stress period, respectively. Relative apoplastic water content (RWCa) values were high, ranging from 27 to 42%, and were not affected by water stress. The rapid decrease in leaf conductance (gl) from the beginning of the stress periods, together with the delay in stomatal reopening after rewatering the plants, indicated that stomatal behaviour was not a simple passive response to water deficits. Net photosynthesis decreased only at the end of both stress periods and recovered quickly. These observations indicate that leaf productivity may be affected only slightly by short-term water stress. The results indicate that drought resistance in apricot is based mainly on avoidance mechanisms, such as stomatal control, epinasty and limitation of transpiration by reducing leaf area. However, some tolerance characteristics, including osmotic adjustment, high RWC a and low leaf osmotic potential at turgor loss point (Ψtlp) values were observed.

HortScience ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 42 (6) ◽  
pp. 1341-1345 ◽  
J. Ryan Stewart ◽  
Reid D. Landes ◽  
Andrew K. Koeser ◽  
Andrea L. Pettay

Frequent episodes of water stress in managed landscapes have led the nursery industry to look for attractive woody species that perform well under extreme conditions of drought and flooding. We chose to evaluate three taxa with highly localized natural distributions in the United States, Calycanthus occidentalis (north–central California), Fraxinus anomala (northeastern Utah), and Pinckneya pubens (northeastern Florida), each of which may merit further use under cultivated conditions beyond their respective ranges. Although widespread cultivation of each taxon may not be possible as a result of limitations related to cold hardiness, we hypothesized that each species can tolerate extremes in soil moisture availability more so than their native habitats imply. Our objective was to characterize, under greenhouse conditions, how the quantity of soil water affects gas exchange of potted plants of each species. Plants were divided into five groups, each exposed to treatment conditions ranging from complete submersion to severe drought. Complete submersion killed plants of C. occidentalis and F. anomala, although in drought or severe drought conditions, C. occidentalis plants had lower net photosynthesis and less leaf area and plant dry weight than control plants. Net photosynthesis, leaf area, and plant dry weight of partially flooded plants, however, were not found to be significantly less than that of the control plants. Mean net photosynthetic levels and plant dry weights of severe drought, drought, and control F. anomala did not differ. While severe drought plants of P. pubens exhibited much lower levels of net photosynthesis, but not plant dry weights or leaf area, than the control plants, those exposed to drought, partial flood, and complete submersion were not found to differ in net photosynthesis levels from the control plants. Due to the sustained tolerance of F. anomala and P. pubens to a range of extreme soil moisture conditions, as exhibited by net photosynthetic responses, carbon accumulation, and survival, we conclude that use of these species in landscapes is warranted if invasiveness and other potential problems are not identified. Calycanthus occidentalis, however, appears unsuitable for cultivation in areas with organic soils greater than ≈66% and lower than ≈30% soil moisture content as a result of its high mortality in flooded conditions and poor physiological responses under dry conditions.

Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2264 ◽  
Marino ◽  
Ahmad ◽  
Ferreira ◽  

A field experiment was performed on spearmint (Mentha spicata L.) under different irrigation regimes in a hilly area of Southern Italy. Objectives of the study include evaluating the physiological and biometrical response of mint from plant establishment up to its complete maturation, as well as the yield composition in essential oil at two different dates. Increasing levels of water stress affected later developing leaves and plant’s water status and net photosynthesis (from the beginning of stress (DAT 63), while affecting negatively the biometric response very soon and significantly from 35 DAT. Photosynthesis limitation played a critical role from DAT 53 on, namely later, in the harvest period (DAT 35–70). Under severe water stress, crop restricted water losses by modulating stomatal closure and, at harvest, showing lowered mesophyll conductance. Irrigation treatments did not affect the concentration of organic compounds, while the yield of essential oils was negatively affected by water stress due to reduced crop growth, in terms of total and leaf biomass, leaf area index (LAI) and crop height.

1989 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 549 ◽  
SL Steinberg ◽  
MJ Mcfarland ◽  
JC Miller

A gradation, that reflects the maturity of the leaves, exists in the leaf water, osmotic and turgor potential and stomatal conductance of leaves along current and 1-year-old branches of peach. Predawn leaf water potentials of immature folded leaves were approximately 0.24 MPa lower than mature leaves under both well-watered and dry conditions. During the daytime the leaf water potential of immature leaves reflected the water potential produced by water flux for transpiration. In well- watered trees, mature and immature unfolded leaves had a solute potential at least 0.5 MPa lower than immature folded leaves, resulting in a turgor potential that was approximately 0.8 MPa higher. The turgor requirement for growth appeared to be much less than that maintained in mature leaves. As water stress developed and leaf water potentials decreased, the osmotic potential of immature folded leaves declined to the level found in mature leaves, thus maintaining turgor. In contrast, mature leaves showed little evidence of turgor maintenance. Stomatal conductance was lower in immature leaves than in fully mature leaves. With the onset of water stress, conductance of mature leaves declined to a level near that of immature leaves. Loss of turgor in mature leaves may be a major factor in early stomatal closure. It was concluded that osmotic adjustment played a role in maintenance of a leaf water status favorable for some growth in water-stressed immature peach leaves.

Irriga ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 705-717 ◽  
Amanda Silva Costa ◽  
Antonio Lucineudo Oliveira Freire ◽  
Ivonete Alves Bakke ◽  
Francisco Hevilásio Freire Pereira

RESPOSTAS FISIOLÓGICAS E BIOQUÍMICAS DE PLANTAS DE AROEIRA (Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão) AO DÉFICIT HÍDRICO E POSTERIOR RECUPERAÇÃO  AMANDA SILVA COSTA1; ANTONIO LUCINEUDO DE OLIVEIRA FREIRE2; IVONETE ALVES BAKKE3 E FRANCISCO HEVILÁSIO FREIRE PEREIRA4 1Engenheira Florestal - Mestre em Ciências Florestais pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Florestais – Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Florestal - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/UFCG, Patos, PB, Brasil, [email protected] Agrônomo – Doutor - Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Florestal - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/UFCG, Patos, PB, Brasil, [email protected] Florestal – Doutora - Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Florestal - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/UFCG, Patos, PB, Brasil, [email protected] Agrônomo – Doutor - Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Agrárias - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/UFCG, Pombal, PB, Brasil, [email protected]  1 RESUMO A aroeira (Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão) vem sendo explorada de forma desordenada, ocasionando redução drástica no número de indivíduos, fazendo com que passasse a fazer parte da lista de espécies ameaçadas de extinção, sendo oportuna a prioridade da conservação. No entanto, pouco se sabe a respeito de aspectos relacionados à sua fisiologia, principalmente acerca dos mecanismos fisiológicos que determinam sua tolerância à seca. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as trocas gasosas e o acúmulo de solutos orgânicos em plantas jovens de aroeira submetidas ao déficit hídrico e posterior recuperação. Plantas com doze meses de idade, mantidas em sacos plásticos pretos, contendo 5 kg de uma mistura de solo e esterco bovino (2:1) foram submetidas aos tratamentos irrigados (controle) e de déficit hídrico, o qual foi imposto através da suspensão da irrigação. Decorridos 12 dias de déficit hídrico, as plantas foram reidratadas. As plantas sob déficit hídrico apresentaram teor relativo de água de 70% ao final do período de estresse. O déficit hídrico promoveu redução progressiva na condutância estomática, na transpiração, na fotossíntese líquida e na eficiência no uso da água das plantas. A concentração intercelular de CO2 e as concentrações foliares de açúcares totais e aminoácidos solúveis totais aumentaram. Após a retomada da irrigação, ocorreu rápida recuperação no teor relativo de água, mas a recuperação da condutância estomática e da fotossíntese líquida ocorreu mais lentamente. As plantas de aroeira foram capazes de recuperar o status hídrico e o funcionamento do mecanismo estomático e fotossintético após a recuperação, demonstrando tolerância ao déficit hídrico. Palavras-chave: Fotossíntese, solutos orgânicos, trocas gasosas, tolerância à seca.  COSTA, A, S.; FREIRE, A. L. O.; BAKKE, I. A.; PEREIRA, F. H. R.PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL RESONSES OF Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão  PLANTS TO WATER DEFICIT AND REHYDRATION   2 ABSTRACT Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemao plants have been explored in a disorderly way, which   has caused   a sharp reduction in the number of individuals, and  put  them on  the list of endangered species. Therefore, their conservation became timely priority. However, little is known about aspects concerning their physiology, mainly those related to physiological mechanisms which determine their drought tolerance.   The objective of this study was to evaluate the stomatal behavior and accumulation of organic solutes in young plants subjected to water stress and subsequent rehydration.  Twelve  month-old  plants, kept in black plastic bags, with 5 kg of a mixture of soil and bovine manure (2:1) were subjected to irrigation treatment (control) and water deficit by irrigation withdrawal. After 12 day-water deficit, plants were rehydrated.  Plants under water deficit showed relative water content of 70% at the end of the stress. Water stress caused progressive reduction in stomatal conductance, transpiration,  photosynthesis rate  and water use efficiency of plants. Intercellular concentration of CO2   and leaf concentrations of total sugar and soluble amino acids increased.   After resumption of irrigation, rapid recovery of relative content of water was observed in the second day, but recovery of the stomatal conductance and photosynthesis rate was slower.  Plants were able to recover   the water status and functioning of the stomatal and photosynthetic mechanisms after rehydration, which shows their tolerance to water stress. Keywords: Photosynthesis, organic solutes, gas exchanges, drought  tolerance. 

HortScience ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
pp. 833-836 ◽  
Patricia R. Knight ◽  
J. Roger Harris ◽  
Jody K. Fanelli

Root severance during field harvesting alters the water status of a tree, resulting in water stress and reduced post-transplant growth. Two experiments, using Acer rubrum L. (red maple), determined the influence of root severance at harvest on sap flow and xylem embolism. Trees 1.5–1.8 m tall (4 years old) were utilized in the first experiment, and trees 1.2–1.5 m tall (2 years old) were utilized in the second. Sap flow sensors were installed on the 4-year-old trees prior to root severance and remained on the trees until 1 week after harvest. Within 1 day after root severance sap flow was reduced and remained lower than nontransplanted (control) trees for the remainder of the experiment. Leaf stomatal conductance (Cs) of transplanted trees 1 week after root severance was lower than that of control trees, but leaf water potentials (ψ) were similar. In the second experiment, sap flow was reduced relative to control trees within 2 h after root severance. Although Cs was reduced 4 hours after root severance, ψ was not. Embolism increased within 24 hours of root severance. These results indicate that root severance quickly induces increased levels of embolism, which is associated with reduced sap flow.

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