scholarly journals Experimental Assessments of Treating Effect on Retaining Walls for Loess Slopes under Long-Term Rainfall

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-23
Guodong Liu ◽  
Zhijun Zhou ◽  
Shiqiang Xu ◽  
Wenjing Mi

Failures of treated slope occurring in China are at a continually increasing rate, and the huge number of treated loess slopes is calling for a postevaluation; however, no mature technique is in place. Based on an actual loess slope in Shaanxi Province treated by retaining wall, indoor geotechnical and model tests were conducted, revealing the rainwater infiltration process and pressure variations behind the wall, and the processes were then adopted to perform the postevaluation of the treated slope. The results proposed that effectual measures hence needed to be taken so as to avert rainwater infiltrating along the wall face and back or flowing through the wall body, which can soften the soil of the slope bottom. Although the wet front was developed by the rainfall process, it cannot be used as the boundary between saturated and unsaturated areas. Despite the peculiarly large soil pressure upon the wall back at the top layer, the soil pressure increases to a large value and then decreases with the depth. The model test results and investigation results were used to conduct the postevaluation of the prototype slope, which formed a postevaluation frame relevant to other slope postevaluations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-37 ◽  

Abstract The Imperial City Terrace (Huangchengtai), a high terrace clad with stone retaining walls on all sides, was the core area of the Shimao Archaic City Site enclosed by the inner city and outer city. In 2016, the gate remains and the upper part of the northern section of the eastern retaining wall, which was the best preserved part of the retaining walls of the Imperial City Terrace, were excavated. The gate remains of the Imperial City Terrace consisted of the square, the outer barbican, the bastions, and the inner barbican. The square was in front of the gate, and the gateway was paved with stone slabs. The entire gate has more complex structure, more magnificent scale and more elaborate construction techniques than that of the eastern gate of the Outer City. This excavation sets a new starting point for the exploration of the large-scale stone city settlement pattern of the Longshan Age.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (9) ◽  
pp. 1154-1169
Hiroshi Nakazawa ◽  
Kazuya Usukura ◽  
Tadashi Hara ◽  
Daisuke Suetsugu ◽  
Kentaro Kuribayashi ◽  

The earthquake (Mw 7.3) that struck Nepal on April 25, 2015 caused damage to many civil engineering and architectural structures. While several road gabion retaining walls in mountainous regions incurred damage, there was very little information that could be used to draw up earthquake countermeasures in Nepal, because there have been few construction cases or case studies of gabion structures, nor have there been experimental or analytical studies on their earthquake resistance. Therefore, we conducted a shake table test using a full-scale gabion retaining wall to evaluate earthquake resistance. From the experiments, it was found that although gabion retaining walls display a flexible structure and deform easily due to the soil pressure of the backfill, they are resilient structures that tend to resist collapse. Yet, because retaining walls are assumed to be rigid bodies in the conventional stability computations used to design them, the characteristics of gabions as flexible structures are not taken advantage of. In this study, we propose an approach to designing gabion retaining walls by comparing the active collapse surface estimated by the trial wedge method, and the experiment results obtained from a full-scale model of a vertically-stacked wall, which is a structure employed in Nepal that is vulnerable to earthquake damage. When the base of the estimated slip line was raised for the trial wedge method, its height was found to be in rough agreement with the depth at which the gabion retaining wall deformed drastically in the experiment. Thus, we were able to demonstrate the development of a method for evaluating the seismic stability of gabion retaining walls that takes into consideration their flexibility by adjusting the base of the trial soil wedge.

2011 ◽  
Vol 368-373 ◽  
pp. 1572-1576
Jun Su ◽  
Hong Guang Chen

According to a highway expansion project, this paper makes field obversations on earth pressrue of double-sided reinforcement retaining walls and studies distribution of it. Test results show earth pressure on the back of double-sided reinforcement retaining walls grows with increase of filling height during construction and the distribution is nonlinear along with height of the wall, the maximum is at the base. Measured values of vertical earth pressure are lower than theoretical ones. And this structure of double-sided reinforcement retaining walls has low requirement on bearing pressure of foundations. The results can be used as a reference for further application in future.

Retaining walls are widely used as permanent structures for retaining soils at different levels.Type of the wall depends on the soil pressure, such as active or passive earth pressure and earth pressure at rest and drainage conditions. Types of walls generally used are gravity walls, RCC walls, counterfort walls and buttress retaining walls. Retaining walls behavior depends on the wall height and retention heights of the soil at its backfill. Retaining walls are used with tying with more than one wall at perpendicular joints to retain liquids, water storage and materials storages such as dyke walls and tanks. Retaining walls excessively used in culverts and as well as in the bridges for construction of abutment wing walls supposed to resist soil pressures laterally applied perpendicular to the axis of the walls.Based on the present scenario used in retaining structures within the civil industries there requirements of height of walls are being increased due to lake of land and cost of sub structures being incurred in the project work, higher height of walls develops huge bending moment at the base because of the cantilever action of the walls, thus resulting in higher sections at the base which deploys into a uneconomical zone so different wall systems are required in different arrangements so as to transfer the loads with limited sections. In the present study retaining walls of height 6m, 9m and 12m are considered for study and the length of the walls considered as 30m and the material properties considered are M20 and Fe415 steel bars and the supports considered to be fixed at the base

2013 ◽  
Vol 353-356 ◽  
pp. 585-588 ◽  
Shu Lian Wen ◽  
Hai Bin La

Geogrids reinforced soil retaining walls are widely used in various fields, such as highway, railway, architectural engineering, hydraulic engineering and so on because of its remarkable economical benefits, constructing convenience, adaption to the foundation simplicity of foundation treatment good vibration resistance shapely configuration and environmental pollution-free etc. Combined with a real engineering, the applied effects of geogrids reinforced earth retaining was tested. Based on the field test results and finite element method numerical analysis, the engineering characteristics of blocking reinforced earth retaining wall that used lime soil as filled material in construction period and after completion were opened out. The distributing characteristics and rules of wall back lateral soil pressure, tensile bar pull were put forward. Thus, technical references were provided for the similar structures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 695
David Thomson ◽  
Aniek Prihatiningsih

Kalimantan is one of the 3 islands in Indonesia which has the largest peatlands. Moreover, in 2019 the President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo inaugurated the move of Indonesia's capital city from DKI Jakarta to East Kalimantan. The development of supporting infrastructure for the Capital City will inevitably occur, so that construction on peatlands cannot be avoided. The characteristics of peatlands as well as the impacts and risks that will occur when working on peatlands need to be considered. In this thesis, we will discuss the types of retaining walls that are most effective when applied to peatlands. Types of retaining walls that will be compared include gravity retaining walls, sheet sheet-type retaining walls, and soldier piles. The analysis will be carried out on the lateral stresses that occur and the collapse in each type of retaining wall. Coulumb soil pressure theory and Rankine soil lateral pressure theory are also used to support this analysis. Theoretically, solid or gap-free retaining walls are likely to be effective when applied to peat soils. This is due to the nature of peat soil which has high water and organic content. The depth of excavation on peat soil is calculated as deep as 9 meters. The deflection that occurs in the diaphragm wall is 0.354 m, the secant pile is 0.751 m, the concrete sheet pile is 1.09 m and the steel sheet pile is 2.73 m. Kalimantan adalah salah satu dari 3 pulau di Indonesia yang memiliki lahan gambut terluas. Terlebih lagi pada tahun 2019 Presiden Republik Indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo meresmikan perpindahan Ibukota Indonesia dari DKI Jakarta ke Kalimantan Timur. Pembangunan infrastruktur – infrastruktur pendukung Ibukota pasti akan terjadi, sehingga kontruksi pada lahan gambut tidak akan dapat terhindarkan. Sifat-sifat dari lahan gambut maupun dampak dan resiko yang akan terjadi pada saat melakukan pekerjaan di lahan gambut perlu dipertimbangkan. Pada skripsi ini akan membahas tentang jenis dinding penahan tanah yang paling efektif ketika diaplikasikan ke lahan gambut. Jenis dinding penahan tanah yang akan dibandingkan antara lain dinding penahan gravitasi, dinding penahan tanah tipe turap, dan soldier pile. Analisa akan dilakukan pada tekanan lateral yang terjadi dan keruntuhan pada tiap jenis dinding penahan tanah. Teori tekanan tanah Coulumb dan teori tekanan lateral tanah Rankine dipakai juga untuk mendukung analisis ini. Secara teoritis, dinding penahan tanah yang solid atau yang tidak mempunyai celah yang berkemungkinan akan efektif ketika diaplikasikan pada tanah gambut. Hal ini dikarenakan sifat tanah gambut yang mempunyai kadar air dan organik yang tinggi. Kedalaman galian pada tanah gambut yang diperhitungkan sedalam 9 meter. Defleksi yang terjadi pada diaphragm wall adalah sebesar 0,354 m, pada secant pile sebesar 0,751 m, pada turap beton sebesar 1,09 m dan pada turap baja sebesar 2,73 m.

2004 ◽  
K. S. W. H. Hendriks ◽  
F. J. M. Grosfeld ◽  
A. A. M. Wilde ◽  
J. van den Bout ◽  
I. M. van Langen ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Mila K. Wardani ◽  
Felicia T. Nuciferani ◽  
Mohamad F.N. Aulady

Landslide one of the natural disasters that caused many victims. Therefore, the landslide need a construction that can withstand landslide force. This study aims to plan retaining walls to prevent landslides in the farm area in Kandangan Subdistrict, Kediri Regency. The method used is to use slide analysis which is used to plan the retaining wall. In addition the planning of soil containment walls u ses several methods as a comparison. The results of this study indicate that the planning of ordinary soil retaining walls is still not enough to overcome slides. The minimum SF value that meets the safe limit of landslide prevention is 1.541 in the combination of 1/3 H terracing and the number of gabions as many as 7 with a total height of 2- 3 m .

2019 ◽  
Vol Volume 2 Nomor 2 ◽  

There is a tendency in the education field today to return to the idea that children will learn better if the environment is created naturally. Learning will be more meaningful if children "experience" themselves what they are learning, not 'knowing' it. Target-oriented learning of material mastery proves to be successful in short-term 'remembering' competitions, but fails to equip children to solve problems in long-term life. The problems that would to be studied in this study are: (a) how is the improvement of Social Science learning outcomes by applying the Make A-Match Model to it? (b) how does the Make A-Match Model apply towards the learning motivation? The objectives of this study are: (a) want to know the improvement in Social Science learning achievement after the implemetation of the Make A-Match Model. (b) want to know the effect of Make A-Match Model towards students’ motivation of the subject after it is applied. This research is used two rounds of action research. In each round consists of four stages, namely: design, activity and observation, reflection and revision. The target of this research is the fourth grade students of Mongodow. The data obtained in the form of formative test results, observation sheets of teaching and learning activities. From the results of analysts obtained student achievement has increased from cycle I to cycle II namely, cycle I (65%), cycle II (83%). The conclusion of this research is the Make A-Match Model of Social Science learning could positively influence the motivation of learning of central students, and this learning model could be used as an alternative to Social Science learning.

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