Borneo Engineering : Jurnal Teknik Sipil
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Published By Universitas Borneo Tarakan


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-316
Dewi Amalia ◽  
Bagus Guritno ◽  
Geni Firuliadhim

Many studies have begun to develop the concept of cracked soil. The results of research related to cracked soil are able to answer the irregularities that occur, such as the difference in the results of the stability analysis which is considered safe with the conventional bishop method, while the conditions in the field are landslides. Swelling soil is soil that is susceptible to changes in water content. This type of soil is very prone to cracking. To build infrastructure on the swelling soil type, an improvement must be made, one of which is by mixing the swelling soil with biopolymer. The results of this biopolymer mixing are then modeled in the New Slope Stability Analysis Program (NSSAP) 1.0 which refers to the concept of cracked soil. From the analysis, it was found that the slope safety factor before improvement with biopolymer was 0.305 and the safety factor after improvement with biopolymer was 2.006. From the results of this study, it can be seen that the role of biopolymers in stabilizing swelling soil is quite large, which is around 558%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 294-306
Noerman Adi Prasetya ◽  
Ahmad Hernadi ◽  
Agung Nugroho

This study aims to determine the difference in structural beam design using SNI 2847-2002, SNI 2847-2013 and SNI 2847-2019 by comparing the bending and shear reinforcement in the case study of the Faculty of Health Sciences Building, University of Borneo Tarakan. The results of the comparisons include: the maximum reinforcement ratio at SNI 2847-2013 and 2019 is around 16,667% smaller than SNI 2847-2002, the flexural capacity of the beam design results from SNI 2847-2013 and 2019 increases by about 12.5% compared to SNI 2847-2002, The shear capacity of concrete (Vc) designed with SNI 2847-2013 and 2019 increased by about 2% compared to SNI 2847-2002, as well as the design shear capacity of the accumulated concrete and shear reinforcement designed by SNI 2847-2013 and 2019 increased no more than 1% compared to SNI 2847-2002.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 225-236
Ahmad Zaki ◽  
Rafi Zakiy

Tulangan adalah material yang penting dalam struktur balok beton bertulang. Dalam perencanaannya tulangan harus dapat memikul gaya-gaya yang diterima baik secara vertikal, horizontal, maupun lateral. Penulangan dalam beton dibagi menjadi dua yaitu tulangan tekan dan tulangan tarik. Tulangan tarik memiliki peranan memperkuat balok dalam menerima beban lentur. Sedangkan tulangan tekan berperan menahan beban tarik yang terjadi pada balok. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi perencanaan penulangan balok dilakukan dengan metode elemen hingga dalam suatu aplikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penambahan tulangan tekan pada balok beton bertulang dengan menggunakan software ATENA 3D. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan nilai daktilitas terbesar dengan nilai 21,6969 sedangkan nilai daktilitas terkecil dengan nilai 1,1796. Untuk nilai kekakuan terbesar dengan nilai 145,6491 sedangkan untuk nilai kekakuan terkecil dengan nilai 6,4843. Dari data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penambahan tulangan tekan pada balok beton memperkecil nilai daktilitas dan memperbesar nilai kekakuan. Pola keretakan pada balok dengan tulangan tekan cenderung lebih baik ketika menerima beban.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 237-247
Ahmad Hernadi ◽  
Rini Sahara ◽  
Septa Utami Dewi

Today, Practitioners of Civil Engineering in Indonesia are still using SNI 2847:2013 as code for reinforcement concrete design. As we know that SNI 2847:2019 been published, but practitioners still not yet use it.The point of design and evaluation in SNI 2847 code is reduction factor (ɸ) that could influence strength design of structure base on it behaviour. Load in Column is not just axial load, but flexural and combine of axial and flexural. This behavior makes the column has variate reduction factor and it can shown by interaction diagram. This research is compare between SNI 2847:2013 and SNI 2847:2019 for column with section 400x500, fc’ 20 MPa and reinforcement ratio 1%. Result of this research is compare between SNI 2847:2013 and SNI 2847:2019 for column with variation fy is not too significant. So when the column of SNI 2847:2013 inspected or evaluated by SNI 2847:2019 is not distinction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 248-262
Samin Samin ◽  
Alifia Dian Khoiriani ◽  
Alik Ansyori Alamsyah

Sentani Airport serves public using air transportation with increasing people mobility conditions because Jayapura is the National Activity Center, so it causes frequent accumulation of passengers in the terminal area especially during peak hours. To determine the effectiveness of the terminal in accommodating the flow of passenger movement, it is necessary to evaluate the terminal design of Sentani Airport. The method used is to calculate the number of PWS with passenger distribution patterns, calculate the standard area of terminal capacity using references from SNI 03-7046-2004 and SKEP 77/VI/2005, calculate the terminal LOS with IATA standards, measure the airport service standards based on PM 178 of 2015, processing passengers’ perceptions with IPA and QFD methods and forecasting with simple linier regression. From the analysis, Sentani Airport terminal gives passengers mobility with low service performance value, so it is rated as less optimal. In addition, the limited availability of several facilities causes the passengers feeling less comfortable. Thus, it is necessary to re-design the passenger terminal area and re-management the facilities according to Angkasa Pura standards.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 317-329
Tri Mulyono

The research aimed to determine the characteristics of the 16.9 MPa, using steel fibers (bendrat wire) with lenght variations in the concrete mixture 1% by volume-weight of the concrete. This research is an explanatory research with research questions are: how significant is the difference, and what are the characteristics. The total population of each treatment is 12 specimens with a sample of 5 specimens for compressive strength and 4 specimens for split tensile strength for each given treatment which is a random sample, specifically: A (reference concrete); B, C, D, and E for concrete with length variation an expressed as L/D fiber ratio of 50; 62.5; 75 and 87.5. The concrete material meets the standard. At the level of significance 0,05 indicates that the test data are normal distribution and uniform and the characteristics of concrete between reference concrete and concrete fiber different variance values. The unit weight between the reference concrete and the fiber concrete is slightly identical. The slump value decreases with increasing L/D fiber ratio. The concrete characteristics increase up to an L/D fiber ratio of 75. It generates a compressive strength of 19.47% of the design and 16.60% of the reference concrete (17,316 MPa). The split tensile strength is 2,753 MPa (22.29% higher than the design 2,251 MPa) and 18.83% of the reference concrete (2,317 MPa). The flexural strength was 3.638 MPa (18.01% of the 3.083 MPa design) and 1.97% of the reference concrete (3.144 MPa).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-282
Aswar Amiruddin ◽  
Asta Asta ◽  
Rosmalia Handayani

Watershed delineation is the process of determining an area that contributes to the flow of rainfall (precipitation) into runoff to the outlet. The watershed delineation analysis in this study used the HEC-HMS version 4.4 and QGIS 3.16 . HEC HMS version 4.4 has GIS tools that have been directly integrated to facilitate the watershed delineation process. The study area in this research is the Tojo watershed which is located in Central Sulawesi Province. The digital elevation model (DEM) data source used is DEMNAS BIG with a spatial resolution is 8,1 meters. The results of watershed delineation using HEC-HMS 4.4 software are the same as the results of watershed delineation using QGIS 3.16 software. There is a slight difference in the watershed boundary in some parts when zoomed in. The watershed area produced by each GIS Softwares are HEC-HMS 212,583 km2, QGIS 212,5404 km2. The HEC-HMS 4.4 software gives quite good results on the boundary analysis of the Tojo watershed, so the HEC-HMS 4.4 software can also be used in other researches in the field of water resources. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-293
Rika Apriani ◽  
Ida Ayu Ari Angreni

The concept of green building must also consider the cost of building maintenance in the post-construction stage so as not to reduce the large company costs each year. Green building is defined as a high-performance building that is made environmentally friendly, economically beneficial and healthy for life and workplace. This study intends to analyze the cost of building maintenance using the concept of green building non-green building. The data used in this study is the data on the maintenance costs of green buildings and non-green buildings. This data was taken by surveying the building management directly. Based on the analysis, the difference in the cost of maintaining green buildings and non-green buildings is Rp 10,283.22/m2/year. Based on the calculation, the maintenance costs of green building and non-green building still conform the standards of the Minister of Public Works Regulation and the standard of the Minister of Finance Regulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-272
Dicky Masrul ◽  
Adita Utami

This research contains an analysis of the traffic performance by dint of on-street parking, afterward the results are compared with the traffic performance if a scenario is made that there is no on-street parking activity. The purposes of this research are to determine the impact of on-street parking to road performance also to perceive the road level of service. The method used in this research is a quantitive method by direct field research. The results of this research are on-street parking activity around Jaya Ciracas Market affected the traffic performance with a difference in road capacity about 39,03%. The value of the road level of service when there is on-street parking activity is D, while when on-street parking is abolished, the road level of service can increase to C.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-130
Darmansyah Tjitradi ◽  
Eliatun Eliatun ◽  
Oktafianus Steven Tjitradi

The soil in Banjarmasin City is of soft clay type having a very low bearing capacity. Hence, it is normal for buildings in this area to have gelam wooden piles as part of the foundation. Foundations based on gelam wooden piles rely on friction which results in the building experiencing differential settlement, tilt, and cracks on the structural elements. This foundation settlement will be modeled using ANSYS software involving fifteen building structural models with brick walls under loads according to SNI 1727:2013 and due to settlement at the support. The modeling aims at understanding the effects of using tie beams on the pattern of structural damage in buildings that experience differential settlement on soft soil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan tie beam pada pondasi pada tanah lunak berpengaruh terhadap pola kerusakan. Pada tanah keras, ini tidak membawa efek seperti itu tetapi sebaliknya, itu meningkatkan tingkat ketidaktentuan statis struktur. Dalam kasus portal bentang tunggal, pola retakan menyerupai huruf "V" terbalik jika penurunan terjadi pada tumpuan samping. Di portal bentang ganda, di sisi lain, pola retakan dinding bata menyerupai huruf "V" jika penurunan terjadi pada penyangga samping, dan "V" terbalik jika terjadi di antara penyangga.

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