N. Ye. Koshil ◽  
N. V. Rybina ◽  
O. S. Hyryla

The article is dedicated to the study of student writing abstract specificity by analyzing its linguistic features. The authors study the communicative and genre nature of the training abstract and propose the  classification of student abstracts according to the  different features. The analysis of the main types of speech genres that are inherent in students’ lecture notes are carried out: informative, compelling, etiquette and evaluating. It has been conducted a survey to find out the level of students’ in writing abstracts and distinguish the most popular forms of abstract’s writing. The analysis of multilevel criteria has allowed the authors to propose the functionally oriented typology of student abstracts, which takes into account the outside of their design, the specifics of the informative-semantic expression and composition, as well as lexical and grammatical indicators, including syntactic and punctuation. It has also been considered the role of the author in the abstract’s form as a participant of the communication, who seeks to successful communication with the lecturer.  The attention is focused on structural, vocabulary and syntactic components of the abstract. The conducted research has shown that the students were not taught how to make the abstract correctly neither at school nor at the university and everybody learnt and got used to make notes by himself. It gives the authors possibility to suggest this topic to be the necessary part of the curriculum for the first-year students at the universities of the different types.

Evgeniya N. Popova

The issue of adaptation of modern first-year students to the educational process at the university is one of the current pedagogical tasks. Successful adaptation significantly affects the quality of received education, the degree of formation of personal and professional qualities, contributes to the development of motivation, self-education, and self-development. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the criteria, indicators, and levels of adaptation of first-year students to the learning process at the university. The material for the study was the domestic scientific sources of studying the peculiarities of the adaptation process of students to educational activities in higher education. Research methods: analysis and generalization of psychological-pedagogical and educational-methodical literature on the research topic. We determine as the main criteria for the adaptation of first-year students to the university, the adaptive potential and professionally important qualities of students, consider these concepts, their structure, and their basic properties. On the basis of the analysis and generalization of the existing indicators of the implementation of the adaptive potential, we formulate the author's indicators for determining the level of its development. The degree of formation of professionally important qualities of students are low, medium, and high levels of development of emotional intelligence, negative communicative attitude, intellectual lability, and stress tolerance.

A.V. Shishkin ◽  
L.A. Bekhovykh

The article shows the role of the student scientific society in attracting students to research work at the university. On the example of the student scientific society "Geosphere" of the Department of Geodesy, Physics and Engineering Structures of the Faculty of Environmental Engineering of the Altai State Agrarian University, a mechanism for involving first-year students in research work is presented. The structure, organization, directions and forms of work of the circle, the main projects being implemented, are also given, an assessment of the results of its activities and the most significant achievements are given. The positive role of the student scientific society in increasing the effectiveness of research work of students at the university is noted.

С.А. Лысуенко

В статье обсуждаются вопросы, связанные с особенностями профессионального выбора выпускников общеобразовательных организаций. Представлены результаты исследования, позволяющие определить роль осознанной саморегуляции активности молодых людей, оказавшихся в ситуации профессионального выбора (на примере студентов педагогического вуза). В исследовании приняли участие 302 студента первого курса, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 44.03.01 «Педагогическое образование». В качестве инструментария были использованы методика «Мотивация учения студентов педагогического вуза» С. А. Пакулиной и М. В. Овчинникова и опросник «Стиль саморегуляции поведения» В. И. Моросановой. Данные, полученные в процессе исследования, были структурированы, обработаны и проинтерпретированы с применением математических методов. Было установлено, что студенты первого курса, совершившие при поступлении в вуз профессиональный выбор с учетом своих интересов и склонностей, обладают сформировавшейся потребностью продумывать способы своих действий и поведения для достижения намеченных целей, а план их действий отличается детализированностью и развернутостью. Также им свойственны самостоятельность при проектировании способов достижения индивидуальных целей, гибкость в случае возникновения непредвиденных обстоятельств, развитая адекватная оценка себя и полученных результатов. По итогам исследования был сделан вывод о том, что наличие сформированной системы осознанной саморегуляции произвольной активности у индивида, находящегося на этапе выбора профессии, позволяет совершить более правильный профессиональный выбор, что, в свою очередь, является одним из условий актуализации профессионально-личностного потенциала. The article discusses issues related to the peculiarities of the professional choice of graduates of public education organizations. There are results of the study presented, which allow us to determine the role of conscious self-regulation of the activity of young people who find themselves in a situation of having to make a professional choice (on the example of students of a pedagogical university). The research involved 302 first-year students studying in the field of training 44.03.01 «Pedagogical Education». As research tools, the «Motivation of teaching pedagogical university students» methodology by S.А. Pakulina and M.V. Ovchinnikov and the questionnaire «Style of self-regulation of behaviour» by V.I. Morosanova were used. The data obtained during the research were organized, processed and interpreted using mathematical methods. It was found that first-year students who, upon entering the university, made a professional choice more consciously, taking into account their interests and inclinations have a well-developed need to think through their actions and behaviour to achieve their goals and their action plan is detailed. They are also characterized by independence in designing an action plan to achieve individual goals, flexibility in the situation of unforeseen circumstances, an advanced adequate assessment of themselves and the results they achieved. As the main conclusion, the following is formulated: the possession of a developed system of conscious self-regulation of arbitrary activity in an individual who is at the stage of choosing a profession allows him to make an adequate professional choice, which, in turn, is one of the conditions for the actualization of professional and personal potential.

2020 ◽  
pp. 206-213
E.K. Gilfanova ◽  
T.B. Gorbatenko ◽  
O.Yu. Sharova

The article considers the possibility of using non-traditional recreational facilities in the educational process with university students. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of the developed methodology for fitball gymnastics and fitness yoga on the health level of students. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: theoretically substantiate the proposed methodology of classes; identify and conduct a comparative analysis of adaptive potential according to the method of R.M. Baevsky and the level of the functional state of first-year students during an experimental study. Scientific novelty lies in the expansion of theoretical and practical approaches to physical education at the university. The positive impact of the proposed teaching methods on the level of functional readiness of first-year students is substantiated and experimentally proved. To improve the methodology, a set of methods was used: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, the method of pedagogical research, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Irina Shcherbakova ◽  
Marina Ilina

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to reveal the essence of project education in the classroom in the foreign (English) language of students of nonlinguistic specialties of the university.Design/methodology/approachA sample of the study consisted of 20 first-year students of profile “Lawyer.” The study took place in three stages. The implementation of the training project was carried out based on the university in a group of students studying for the specialty “Lawyer.” At the organizational stage, primary diagnostics of the level of development of communicative competence through testing and communicative cases were carried out. In the second stage, the project was carried out for one semester under four topics by the thematic plan of the English language program. In the third stage, rediagnostics was carried out using testing and communicative cases following the completion of projects.FindingsBased on the results of repeated diagnostics, a positive dynamic was revealed in the level of development of communicative skills, the development of the independent communicative activity of students at both a productive and a creative level.Originality/valueThe research shows that the inclusion of project activities in the educational process of students of the university contributes to the formation and development of information skills. These skills quite effectively fit into the educational process, carried out in the form of a workshop. And the workshop is effective at all the stages of the project activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 740-748
Tatiana I. Shulga ◽  
Ya Juan Li ◽  
Julia A. Krokhina ◽  
Sergey V. Semenov ◽  
Elena L. Ryazanovae ◽  

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a rather difficult period of adaptation of students to the university system and the new educational process. Digital technologies came to the rescue, which contributed to some solution of emerging adaptation issues for nonresident students. This article is aimed at identifying the features of social adaptation of nonresident students to the educational process at the university. As a research method, the questionnaire method was used, which allowed to identify and analyze the peculiarities of adaptation of first-year students from other cities to the university environment and university requirements. The article reveals the influence of digital technologies on the adaptation of students to the university environment and new living conditions. It was determined that, in general, the participants have a high level of adaptation to the university environment, even in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. Keywords:  digital technologies; educational environment; social adaptation; student youth

Volodymyr Starosta ◽  
Olena Popadych

The problem of motivating an individual to be active in the society is always relevant in different fields of science, since the availability of appropriate motives determines appropriate response of each person. The purposeful formation of students’ study and professional motivation is one of the main tasks in higher education, and identifying different aspects of such motivation in first-year students gives an opportunity to have feedback and improve the living conditions of young people. In this article it has been established that student’s educational motivation can be considered as a complex system of factors and motives (goals, needs, interests, tendencies, successes, etc.) that are constantly changing and are mutually influential; it makes students acquire knowledge, development and develop their abilities, skills, personal qualities, a positive attitude to their future profession and the world around. The purpose of this work is to study the indicators and peculiarities of the motivation to study of first-year students. At this stage, among the main tasks is the determination of indicators and dynamics of motivation of first-year students at the classical university based on the example of the Uzhhorod National University using the results an electronic questionnaire for first-year students. The article reveals a peculiarity of students’ motivation to study, which lies in the fact that it is not only polimotivated, but also one of the important results of the adaptation process (that is, the process and result of adaptation as a factor of motivation) and at the same time one of the mechanisms/factors of adaptation of young people to the educational process in higher education. The Empirical research proves that at the university, the majority of students (over 70%) have optimal motivational complexes during all the academic years under research, which contributes to successful professional training. There is also a general tendency for both the university as a whole and for most faculties, namely higher indicators of internal and external positive motivation in comparison with indicators of external negative motivation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 33-35
Sergei Tikhonovich Kokhan ◽  
Valeriia Olegovna Simonova

The article discusses the existing problems associated with the adaptation of first-year students with disabilities, who have profound impairments of body function (totally blind, deaf, and lesions of the musculoskeletal system) in the educational process at the university. Cause-and-effect relationships were established in the existing difficulties of relationships with classmates, which depend both on the student and on the psychosocial climate in the group.

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
Avgustina V. Ivanova

The article shows the expediency and significance of the work on social-pedagogical adaptation of first-year students of higher educational institutions under the new sociocultural conditions of our time. The search for effective ways of harmonizing the relations (interaction) with the social environment, being the basis for successful socialization and professional training of a future specialist, plays an important role under imperfect organizational and pedagogical support of social-pedagogical adaptation of the first-year students of higher educational institutions. The objective of the research is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of successful social-pedagogical adaptation of the first-year students of higher educational institutions. The research uses theoretical methods (theoretical analysis, generalization and synthesis), empirical methods (observation, questioning, conversation); experimental work; the Student’s criterion and correlation analysis were used as methods of mathematical processing of experimental data. To provide the process of social-pedagogical adaptation of the first-year students, the authors propose the following pedagogical conditions for successful adaptation of the first-year students, allowing, from the viewpoint of integrity of the social-pedagogical adaptation processes, to design and implement the group and individual strategies of the personal trajectories of students’ self-development, and to simultaneously solve the tasks of social, personal and professional development of future specialists: 1) the ability of the university professor to assist a student in their self-cognition, stimulating their personal self-development through motivating their interest in the chosen profession basing on pedagogy of cooperation, creating adequate conditions for expanding the possibility of personally significant and professional qualities of each student; 2) organization of an educational environment aimed at reducing anxiety, apprehension, inner discomfort, where a student realizes themselves as a team member, feels comfortable, which ensures the transformation of the structural components of professionalism as socially important qualities into personal ones; 3) social-pedagogical adaptation of the first-year students becomes an integral part of the university, when the student, without continuous internal and external conflicts, successfully carries out any activity in the educational environment in the context of personality-activity approach, and serves as a means for students to develop adequate self-esteem, advanced self-regulation, and high productivity, which is the basis for the development of activity, independence, and creativity.The authors provide the ways of implementing the revealed pedagogical conditions and the results of the formative experiment, which lead to the following conclusions: active social-pedagogical intervention, timely correction of the educational process, aimed at effective adaptation of the first-year students, through personal interaction basing on pedagogy of cooperation, ensures rapid adaptation of students in a new educational environment, which leads to value attitude to their future profession.

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