2002 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 420-435 ◽  
Laurence Welborn

AbstractThis essay suggests that Paul's acceptance of the role of the "fool," and, arising out of this, his evaluation of the message of the cross as "folly," are best understood against the background of the popular theater and the fool's role in mime. The interpretation is, therefore, a corrective to the traditional view that the proclamation of the crucified Christ was an absurdity to the people of the ancient world. The essay also offers an alternative to the attempt, in some recent monographs and commentaries, to subsume Paul's "foolishness" under the category of the anti-rhetorical. The essay argues that the term "folly" was generally understood as a designation of the attitude and behavior of a particular social type, the lower class buffoon. As a source of amusement, these lower class types were widely represented on the stage in the vulgar and realistic comedy known as the mime. The essay suggests that Paul's Corinthian detractors labeled him as a "fool," in contrast to the eloquent and sophisticated Apollos. Paul's acceptance of the role of the fool mirrors the strategy of a number of intellectuals in the early Empire, who exploited the paradoxical freedom which the role permitted for the utterance of a dangerous truth.

2016 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 385-404 ◽  
Hui Wang

AbstractNW by Zadie Smith opens with a multicultural and multiracial scene and revolves around the crises in the lives of four people with longstanding connection to Northwest London. The Northwest London in NW is a besieged city, and the people therein could not see any possibility of getting out because the gate has been latched with the concept of social class. In NW, the social class is materialized as space, economic position and race. Geographically NW features the main areas of London, and considers the role of that city in shaping the consciousness of the major characters, a partly spatial configuring of identity. In addition, the major characters in NW also suffer from occupational exclusion and economic exploitation, which then lead to their lower-class position since social class is constructed in such a way that agents are distributed according to their positions in the statistical distribution based on the economic and cultural capital. Finally the racial discrimination encountered by the characters in NW shows that class relations shape the form that racial oppression takes. The racialization of class issues becomes a politically effective tool for the wealthy to divide and rule the lower classes. In NW, Smith thus has adopted a more political attitude than in her previous books, so the relatively new perspective of her fiction might be the attention she draws to the persistent obstacles to class crossing and the acknowledgment of the rigid lines that still define the social classes.

Bambang Dharwiyanto Putro

The construction of socio-cultural stigmatization on the understanding of mental disorders is particularly interesting to study in the people with mental disorders who received treatment at the Mental Hospital. Mental disorder is a disease caused by the chaos of thoughts, perceptions and behavior in which the individualaare not able to adjust to themselves, other people, society and the environment. By applying the cultural studies viewpoint that is siding with the oppressed, the study aims to determine the forms and factors causing the stigma of people with mental disorders. The research method used is observation, in-depth interviews and life history data collection. The collected data were then analyzed using qualitative descriptive and interpretative. The results showed that the forms of stigma with mental disorders are divided into two, namely the public stigma (stigma derived from the community) and self-stigma (stigma comes from the patient and his own family). The forms of the public stigma include rejection, exclusion, and violence. The self-stigma takes the forms, among others, prejudice, guilt, fear and anger. Factors behind the stigma of mental disorders are external and internal factors. External factors include, among others, the madness is a disgrace, the myth of mental illness, and people's belief regarding the role of dukun. While the internal factors are family knowledge of the etiology of mental disorders, lack of family support and feelings of shame.

1993 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
F. S. Malan

The function and message of the ‘preface’ in 1 Corinthians Paul’s thanksgiving and confession of faith in 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 fulfil the role of the classical preface to arrest the attention of his audience, to seek their goodwill, and to prepare them for instruction in a delicate matter through insinuation. The Corinthians, who boast of their own excellence and privileges, are confronted with God’s abundant and undeserved grace which will unite them to the Christ as the beginning, the continuation and the end of their whole life.

Halimatus Sadiyah

Female Ulama are different from female scholars.  If female ulama are female scholars, then female ulama are ulama (both women and men) who have a gender perspective.  The meaning of women has shifted not only biologically, but also ideologically.  The existence of the pesantren is influenced by the values, perceptions, policies, habits and behavior of the people in it.  Has characteristics that can influence the formation of positive attitudes and morals.  Women clerics, or so-called bu Nyai in Javanese terms, are culture creators who play an important role in the pesantren.  The role of organizational leaders in maintaining organizational culture, with a concentration on the issue of eliminating violence against women, preventing child marriage, extremism and environmental fatwas.  The role of female ulam can be seen when determining boundaries, meaning that they are able to create clear cultural differences between one organization and another.  Second, it plays a role in facilitating and generating organizational commitment above individual interests.  Third, the role of bringing a sense of identity to organizational members.  Fourth, plays a role in the stability of the social system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Noeranisa Adhadianty Gunawan ◽  
Nunung Nurwati ◽  
Bintarsih Sekarningrum

This study aims to analyze gender roles in childcare of families in Jawa-Jawa Ethnic, Jawa-Sunda Ethnic, and SundaSunda Etnic. Javanese-Javanese Ethnic and Sundanese-Sundanese Ethnic family as the main study that will show a mixture of values, culture, and behavior in Javanese-Sundanese Ethnic families. The study uses qualitative descriptive to approach with the case study research techniques. Data collection was obtained through observation, interviews, research studies and documentation studies. The results of the study shows that the differences gender roles in childcare of the Javanese-Javanese ethnic families, the Sundanese-Sundanese ethnic families, and the JavaneseSundanese ethnic families caused by habits, the way of life, and values are still embraced by each family. Based on the culture of its respective ethnicity The role of gender in the family is functioning but there is also a dysfunction where one of the roles are not practiced by men or women in parenting. Thus, it is, although the two ethnicities have coexisted for decades, the people still see differences in childcare caused by the application of the values in each family. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Hasyim Hasanah

<p><em>Th</em><em>i</em><em>s paper aims to explain the role of opinion leader in dakwah activities through the analysis of communication network diffusion. This paper uses a descriptive qualitative method, with a network analysis approach. The results showed that opinion leaders playan important role in accelerating and slowing the process of diffusion of dakwah information. The higher the ability of people to influence others, the higher the effort also in influencing behavior changes that  occur in  that  person.  This is because  the  opinion  leader has the characteristic of making himself a media through innovation into society as a social system. An opinion leader also becomes a reference for media behavior (media behavior). That is, when the opinion leader is a Dai, he is a information disseminator of dakwah information that makes himself as one of the media forming behavior to change the order of values, attitudes, and behavior of people in a systematic and structured. Double role of a Dai to achieve social system changes and realize the life of the people who Sallam, hasanah, and thayyibah, and getting of Ridho Allah SWT.</em></p><p><em>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</em></p><p>Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran opinion leader dalam dakwah Islam melalui analisis difusi jaringan komunikasi. Tulisan ini menggunaakan metode kualitatif  deskriptif  dengan  pendekatan analisis jaringan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa para pemimpin opini memegang peranan penting dalam mempercepat maupun memperlambat proses difusi informasi dakwah. Semakin tinggi kemampuan orang mempengaruhi orang lain, maka akan semakin tinggi pula usahanya dalam memengaruhi perubahan perilaku yang terjadi pada orang tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan opinion leader memiliki karakteristik menjadikan dirinya sebagai media lewatnya  inovasi  ke dalam masyarakat sebagai  sebuah  sistem  sosial.  seorang opinion leader juga menjadi rujukan bagi perilaku media <em>(media behavior).</em> Artinya, ketika opinion leader adalah  seorang  dai,  maka  ia merupakan penyebar informasi  dakwah yang menjadikan dirinya sebagai salah satu media pembentuk perilaku untuk mengubah tatanan nilai, sikap, dan perilaku umat secara sistematis dan terstruktur.  Peran ganda seorang dai guna mencapai perubahan sistem sosial dan mewujudkan kehidupan umat yang salam, hasanah dan thayyibah serta memperoleh ridha Allah SWT.</p><p><em><br /></em></p>

David Novak

This chapter studies how, following Maimonides and Albo, several other prominent Jewish thinkers reflected on the role of Noahide law both within Judaism internally and in relation to gentiles externally. Perhaps the medieval thinker who expanded the concept of the Noahide to its greatest point was Menachem ha-Meiri. He states definitively that there are no idolaters today like the pagans of the ancient world. Non-Jews are bound by religion, and clearly function in the moral universe as Noahides. By accepting the universal moral law, one that is written into the very essence of being human, Christians have a point of ethical commonality with the people of revelation. The chapter then argues that Meiri revived the biblical institution of the ger toshav, though of course absent the political dimension. It also considers the work of two nineteenth-century, Italian-Jewish thinkers: Samuel David Luzzatto and Elijah Benamozegh. Benamozegh presents a novel approach to Noahide law. He is the first—and, to this point, only—important Jewish philosopher to deem the content of this law to form a separate religion, “Noahism,” a religion that Benamozegh judged distinct from Judaism's monotheistic rivals.

2019 ◽  
pp. 36-46
Erbina V. Nikitina ◽  
Vitaliy P. Stanyal ◽  

The article describes the main thesis of the teaching of the Chuvash ethnic religion Sardash, which is based on the key principles of Zoroastrianism; highlights some of its history and research issues; analyzes the current state of the traditional faith and its importance in the life of the people. An attempt was also made to reveal the role of the religious factor in ethnic identification and the formation of the ethnic mentality of the Chuvash people from the historical and socio-cultural perspective. The problem is considered in three aspects: 1) the interaction of traditional religious belief of the Chuvashes with Orthodox Christianity; 2) the influence of Islam (the religion of the related Turkic peoples – Tatars and Bashkirs) on the mentality of the Chuvashes; 3) the functioning of the Chuvash ethnic religion Sardash in modern conditions. The authors conclude that ethnic religion, which is preserved in the daily life of the Chuvashes in the form of «teaching of ancestors», as well as in prayers, mythology and folklore, forms the basis of centuries-old ethnic mentality, expressing spiritual values, behavioral principles and life aspirations of people. Ethnic religion contains the psychological roots of the Chuvash mentality, the phenomenon of the Chuvash inflexibility and the Chuvash character. Traditional faith has a profound impact on the lifestyle and behavior of many modern Chuvashes, determines their worldview and ethnic identity. The adherence of the Chuvash people to the «teaching of ancestors» is explained by the need to survive in difficult geopolitical and demographic conditions, the desire to preserve the lifestyles and social arrangements that have been established for centuries, and the aspiration to communal and economic well-being. In modern conditions, the rites of the Chuvash ethnic religion can be a significant factor in the development of ethnic tourism in the Chuvash Republic.

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