Dinamika Penelitian: Media Komunikasi Penelitian Sosial Keagamaan
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Published By IAIN Tulungagung

2549-4244, 2549-4244

Chusnul Chotimah ◽  
Ahmad Kholil

New Student Admission, hereinafter abbreviated as PPDB, is stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 51 of 2018, carried out based on the principles of non-discrimination, objective, transparent, accountable and fair. One of them is implemented with the PPDB zoning system policy. The New Student Admission (PPDB) zoning system raises a number of impacts. In practice, SMAN 1 Srengat has encountered several effects that have arisen since the implementation of the PPDB zoning system. Among them are the random input of students and the low enthusiasm for learning in students who are accepted through the zoning route without any selection with qualifications based on the acquisition of learning outcomes at the previous level. This research tries to review overcoming the problems of the teaching and learning process after the implementation of the zoning system PPDB policy at SMAN 1 Srengat. So that it can be seen that, in response to the implementation of the PPDB policy of the zoning system which generates random input and raises problems in the spirit of learning, SMAN 1 Srengat implements innovation and development of transformative and comprehensive student coaching.

Haniefa Nuruddienil Fithriy ◽  
Didin Sirojudin

The limited allocation of time, which is only 2 hours per week, the curricula that often change, the stereotypes about the History of Islamic Civilization (Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam or SKI) as a merely complementary and a boring subject, are among significant obstacles for SKI teachers to deliver the learning of the subject with demands for changes in the students’ cognitive, affective, and psycho-motoric aspects,. This paper aims at studying the strategies employed by the SKI teacher at the Islamic Junior High School (Madrasah Tsanawiyah or MTs) “Bahrul Ulum” Gadingmangu – Perak – Jombang in learning the subject to the students. The study is qualitative field research and the data was analyzed using the descriptive method. The findings show that the teacher’s good preparation and mastery of the subject, the Small Group Work (SGW) technique, and self-habituation activities have helped much in overcoming obstacles in the SKI learning as well as helping students to obtain good achievement both academically and non-academically.

Aqim Adlan

This study aims to actualize the management of household finances based on Islamic economics in female congregations of the Al-Muttaqin Mosque. This is because in the Covid-19 pandemic situation, the family is one of the components affected by economic stability. Thus, through the model of empowering family financial management based on Islamic economics for the female congregation of the Al-Muttaqin mosque, it is very important. Through very in-depth mentoring and study, this work resulted in the finding that in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, the management of household finances based on Islamic economics for the female congregation of the Al-Muttaqin mosque is very important because the situation and economic downturn have an impact on household finances. So that the management of household finances based on Islamic economics becomes a solution.

Muhammad Syahrul Ulum ◽  
Alfa Warda ◽  
Zuris Dwi Elina ◽  
Ilmi Sephia Ardiana

This study aims to find out how the role of the preacher in bringing changes to the social conditions of the people who used to work in the Dadapan prostitution localization, Kediri City. Da'i plays an important role as a propagator of religion to protect the community. Thus, the relationship between the preacher and his community must be close regardless of the background or social conditions of the community. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method and is equipped with George Homans' social exchange theory, namely as an analytical tool to understand and seek clarity of cases so that researchers know more clearly about the phenomenon of da'wah in the ex-Dadapan localization community. The results of this study conclude that the da'wah process that occurs in Dadapan Village in social exchange theory explains that they are willing to interact when the interaction produces benefits for themselves. Therefore, in the dynamics of increasing religious understanding in the ex-Dadapan localization, it is necessary to have a reward given so that people want to interact in discussing religious studies.

Gedong Maulana Kabir

This article tends to revisiting Javanese Islamic studies. This study began from the European travelers’ period who noted some aspects of society such as the religious life. Those notes show the negative label that is addressed to the Javanese religious practices. These negative labels are often reproduced in Javanese Islam studies to this day. This article argues that the negative labels in Javanese Islamic studies tend to be misrepresentative. These kinds of results cannot be separated from certain paradigms in religious studies. There are two paradigms in the study of religion which are discussed in this article. First, the world religion paradigm. This paradigm, consciously or not, is often used in Javanese Islamic studies. The implication is Javanese religious practices are often portrayed as animist, syncretic, and so on. Second, the indigenous religion paradigm. This article elaborates this paradigm because of its potential in understanding Javanese Islamic religious practice more properly. The basis of this paradigm is intersubjective relation with ethical commitment, responsibility, and reciprocity.

Rhomayda Alfa Aimah

Outside Indonesia, Indonesian manuscripts are preserved in universities, libraries and museums in various parts of the globe. And the exact number of collections is not known as various projects of manuscript digitization and cataloging continue to emerge. This paper discusses two things. First, remarkable European institutions preserving Indonesian manuscripts will be reviewed. We will look at their manuscript collections and to what extent they deal with the digitized collections. Secondly, as a great number of Indonesian digitized manuscripts in Europe is accessible online and free of charge, this paper will study how digitizing Indonesian manuscript becomes crucial. It argues that comprehensive manuscript digitization is – for now – the main goal of preservation.   Manuskrip Indonesia tidak hanya tersimpan di Indonesia, jumlah pastinya tidak diketahui dan terus berubah karena katalogisasi naskah-naskah tersebut masih terus dilakukan di lembaga-lembaga yang menyimpannya – universitas, museum maupun perpustakaan – di berbagai belahan dunia. Artikel ini membahas dua hal: Yang pertama, akan dijabarkan lembaga-lembaga penting yang menyimpan naskah-naskah kuno Indonesia dan memiliki sistem preservasi dan katalogisasi yang unggul; Yang kedua, mengingat sebagian dari koleksi digital di Eropa tersebut bahkan dapat diakses secara online dan tidak berbayar, artikel ini juga mengkaji pentingnya digitalisasi naskah. Argumen yang dimunculkan adalah digitalisasi naskah yang komprehensif merupakan tujuan utama preservasi untuk saat ini.

Fahim Khasani

The problem of multiculturalism is the problem of our civilization. Indonesia with all its differences and cultural richness is one of the countries that has the potential for horizontal conflict. The efforts to unite and maintain unity must be three steps ahead of the threat of disintegration. The disruption era that is completely unpredictable and hoaxes and hate speech on social media makes it difficult to maintain security and maintain a conducive, harmonious and peaceful situation. Hostile with the others is not tradition of Nusantara people. Our tradition is a dialogue as well as strengthening the harmony of every difference. In this case, the Prophet Muhammad and the Walisongo have set a good example of living side by side with different communities. This article will discuss the strategies of the Walisongo in dialogue between religion and culture, as well as the strategy of the Prophet Mohammed in managing differences and building harmony in a pluralistic society. The results of the study conclude that to build a nation that is baldatun thayyibah wa Rabbun ghafur, it is necessary to have a society that is not only saleh ritual, but also saleh sosial and saleh kultural.

Abdullah Abdullah

Barzanji merupakan tradisi Islam yang tak asing lagi bagi telinga masyarakat Indonesia khususnya yang tinggal di daerah pedesaan. Dalam penelitian ini membahas mengenai tradisi barzanji di Dusun Jumbleng, Desa Sriwedari, Kecamatan Salaman, Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini menggnuakan pendekatan sosiologis dengan meminjam teori dari Ernest Cassirer mengenai manusia sebagai animal symbolicum untuk mengkaji tentang pemaknaan tradisi barzanji sebagai sebuah tradisi di masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan dua sumber data yaitu sumber data primer dari hasil wawancara secara daring (dalam jaringan) dengan jemaah barzanji dan juga sumber data sekunder dari hasil penelusuran buku serta jurnal yang terkait dengan tema penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini hasil yang dapat disimpulkan ialah adanya pemaknaan yang beragam dari tradisi barzanji ini yang dalam tulisan ini dibagi menjadi tiga bentuk pemaknaan yaitu pemaknaan secara teologis, secara sosiologis, dan secara kultural.

Sulisytorini Sulistyorini

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis eksistensi masyarakat dalam meningkatkan lingkungan pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MI Gogodeso, Kanigoro dan SDN  Sananwetan Kota Blitar. Pendekatan penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan rancangan studi multikasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi berperanserta, dan studi dokumentasi. Pengecekan kredibilitas data dengan teknik triangulasi, data yang terkumpul diorganisir, ditafsir, dan dianalisis secara berulang-ulang, baik melalui analisis dalam kasus maupun analisis lintas kasus guna menyusun konsep dan abstraksi temuan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertama masyarakat ikut memikirkan kondisi lingkungan akademik dan non akademik pada sekolah dasar tersebut dengan berpartisipasi dalam pengadaan buku-buku pengayaan, yang judul maupun isi bukunya menarik dan menambah wawasan pengetahuan bagi anak, kedua masyarakat bermusyawarah dengan sekolah untuk mengurangi sampah plastik dengan mendirikan kantin sehat dan kantin jujur. Jajanan yang dijual di dalam kantin tidak boleh dibungkus dengan plastik maupun dibungkus dengan daun. Di sekolah ini anak-anak dilarang njajan selain di kantin sehat dan kantin jujur tersebut dan masyarakat ikut membantu memikirkan dan menyediakan menu sehat untuk anak-anak, ketiga Jum’at bersih dilakukan oleh  sekolah  bersama-sama dengan masyarakat untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat, dan membantu membuat taman sekolah supaya lingkungan kelihatan indah dan hijau, dan kelima fihak kelurahan setempat ikut membantu mengkondisikan lingkungan bersih, hijau dan sehat dengan membuatkan bipori dan sumur resapan, pada taman-taman yang telah dibuat oleh sekolah bersama dengan masyarakat.

Luluk Indarti

The study aims to examine more deeply the leadership of the head of the institution in education to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Educational institution leadership plays an important role in creating an enabling environment for teachers, students and their families to continue to connect and learn during the COVID pandemic, both at school and at home. This research is a qualitative one using a phenomenological approach. Phenomenology is a qualitative research approach that focuses on the similarity of life experiences in certain groups. The results of the study show that the learning model developed by the institution's leadership is an effort to carry out learning that leads to adapting conditions and carrying out education according to needs. The existence of a pandemic is not an easy type of problem and must be handled properly and requires relevant data. The mobilization of resources carried out by institutional leaders in education has proven to be very important to ensure quality education for all people during the Covid-19 recovery period and beyond.

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