Twin/Non-Twin Discrimination By Lambs: an Investigation of Salient Stimulus Characteristics

Behaviour ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 134 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 463-475 ◽  
Benoist Schaal ◽  
Frédéric Lévy ◽  
Pierre Orgeur ◽  
Richard H. Porter ◽  
Raymond Nowak

AbstractA series of experiments was conducted to elucidate the stimuli that mediate twin/non-twin discrimination among 2-3 week old lambs. After being separated from their mother, lambs emitted more distress bleats when tested in isolation than when penned with their familiar twin, but separated from that lamb by a barrier of evenly spaced wood bars. A similar, albeit weaker effect was found for paired vs isolated non-twins. Twins separated by the barrier bleated less than did the non-twins in this condition. In contrast, bleat rates did not differ when subject lambs were tested in the presence of their twin vs a non-twin on the opposite side of a solid opaque barrier. Intact lambs in a final experiment bleated less when tested with their tranquillized twin vs a tranquillized non-twin agemate. The tranquillized stimulus lambs displayed atypical behavior patterns, including suppression of bleats and reduced activity levels. These data indicate that full bodily contact, vocalizations or normal behavioral patterns are not necessary for lambs to be recognized by their twin. Rather, twin/non-twin discrimination (and the effect of a twin on the rate of distress bleating) appears to depend upon visual, and possibly olfactory cues.

The Auk ◽  
1986 ◽  
Vol 103 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-22 ◽  
Yutaka Watanuki

Abstract Diurnal activity patterns of Leach's Storm-Petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) and Slaty-backed Gulls (Larus schistisagus) were investigated. The petrels reduced activity in moonlight in May and June when the predation rate by gulls was relatively high. Petrel activity levels were inversely correlated with light intensities and the corresponding risk of predation by the gull. This suggests that nocturnal activity and moonlight avoidance by the petrel in its colony are an effective defense against diurnal predators. Activity synchronization of the petrel was most marked during the full moon, further supporting the predator-avoidance hypothesis.

2010 ◽  
Vol 152 (3) ◽  
pp. 549-555 ◽  
Paulo Catry ◽  
José Pedro Granadeiro ◽  
Jaime Ramos ◽  
Richard A. Phillips ◽  
Paulo Oliveira

Wen-Yi Wang ◽  
Yu-Ling Hsieh ◽  
Ming-Chun Hsueh ◽  
Yang Liu ◽  
Yung Liao

Levels of physical activity and sedentary behavior among adolescents seem to vary within different settings, but few Asian studies have compared physical activity and sedentary activity patterns in adolescents across weekdays/weekends and during-school time/after-school time. This study aimed to provide objectively measured data describing intensity-specific physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns in Taiwanese adolescents. The results were sorted by gender and divided between weekdays/weekends and during-school time/after-school time. A total of 470 Taiwanese students (49.6% boys, ages 12–15 y) were recruited and fitted with GT3X+ accelerometers for seven days. Intensity-specific physical activity, total sedentary time, and sedentary bouts (number and duration ≥30 min) were measured. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to examine the significant differences in physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns between the genders on weekdays/weekends and during school/after-school time. The results show that the adolescents’ overall activity levels were below recommended thresholds, with girls engaging in significantly less moderate to vigorous physical activity, having longer sedentary time, longer time spent in sedentary bouts, and more frequent sedentary bouts than boys. Similar results were observed in physical activities of each intensity as well as sedentary behavior variables, both on weekdays/weekends and during-school/after-school periods. These findings emphasize the importance of developing and implementing approaches to increase moderate to vigorous physical activity, as well as decrease prolonged sedentary time and long sedentary bouts, especially for Taiwanese girls.

1966 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 451-456 ◽  
Victor H. Denenberg ◽  
Gerald A. Hudgens ◽  
M. X. Zarrow

Litters of four male and two female mice were fostered, at four days of age, to lactating rat mothers whose own litters (two to six days of age) were removed at the time of fostering. Control mouse litters (four males, two females) remained with their natural mothers. Rat-reared mice had a higher mortality rate between birth and weaning but the survivors weighed more at weaning than did mouse-reared mice. Rat-reared mice were less active in an open field on the first day of testing and were less aggressive than mice reared by mouse mothers. The data definitely implicate the mother as a critical determiner of adult behavioral patterns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ying Shen

Knowing the behavioral patterns of city residents is of great value in formulating and adjusting urban planning strategies, such as urban road planning, urban commercial development, and urban pedestrian flow control. Based on the high penetration rate of cell phones, it is possible to indirectly understand the behavior of city residents based on the call records of users. However, the behavioral patterns of large-scale users over a long period of time can present characteristics such as large dispersion, difficult to discover patterns, and difficult to explain behavioral patterns. In this paper, we design and implement a human behavior pattern analysis system based on massive mobile communication data based on serial data modeling method and visual analysis technology. For the problem that it is difficult to capture the behavioral patterns of residents in cities in call records, this paper constructs base station trajectories based on users’ cell phone call records and uses users’ long-time base station trajectories to mine users’ potential behavioral patterns. Since users with similar activity characteristics will exhibit similar base station trajectories, this paper focuses on the similarity between text sequences and base station trajectory sequences and combines the word embedding method in natural language processing to build a Cell2vec model to identify the semantics of base stations in cities. In order to obtain the group behavior patterns of users from the base station trajectories of group users, a user clustering method based on users’ regional mobile preferences is proposed, and the results are projected using the Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) algorithm to expose the clustering features of large-scale cell phone users in the low-dimensional space. To address the problem that user behavior patterns are difficult to interpret, a visual analysis model with group as well as regional semantics is designed for the spatial and temporal characteristics of user behavior. Among them, the clustering model uses the distance between scatter points to map the similarity between users, which helps analysts to explore the behavioral characteristics of group users.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 899-905
Adrián Hernández-Vicente ◽  
Alejandro Santos-Lozano ◽  
Carmen Mayolas-Pi ◽  
Gabriel Rodríguez-Romo ◽  
Helios Pareja-Galeano ◽  

To objectively assess physical activity levels and sedentary behavior in a cohort of Spanish centenarians and their nonagenarian peers. Physical activity and sedentary behavior patterns were objectively measured by an ActiGraph GT3X accelerometer in centenarians (n = 18; 83% women; 100.8 ± 0.8 [100–103] years) and nonagenarians (n = 11; 91% women; 93.3 ± 2.5 [90–98] years). Centenarians showed less counts per minute (17.6 ± 7.1 vs. 46.1 ± 23.7, p = .003, d = 1.851) and steps per day (455 ± 237 vs. 1,249 ± 776, p = .007, d = 1.587) than nonagenarians. The daily number of sedentary breaks was also lower in the former (5.0 ± 1.5 vs. 6.7 ± 2.0, p = .019, d = 0.971). When observing time distribution, the most active day period in both groups was the morning, with a peak between 10:00 and 11:59. This data suggest that the decline in physical activity levels continues to worsen until the end of the human lifespan.

Lutz Wartberg ◽  
Rudolf Kammerl

Adolescents frequently show risky behavior, and these problematic behavior patterns often do not occur in isolation, but together. Problematic alcohol use is widespread among youth, as is problematic use of the Internet and of specific online applications (video games or social media). However, there is still a lack of findings for minors regarding the relations between these behavioral patterns (particularly between problematic alcohol use and problematic gaming or problematic social media use). Standardized instruments were used to survey problematic alcohol use, problematic gaming, problematic social media use, problematic Internet use and mental health among 633 adolescents (mean age: 15.79 years). Bivariate correlation and multivariable linear regression analyses were conducted. The correlation analyses showed statistically significant positive bivariate relationships between all four behavioral patterns each. Antisocial behavior was related to all problematic behavioral patterns. Whereas, emotional distress, self-esteem problems and hyperactivity/inattention were associated with substance-unrelated problematic behavior patterns only. Anger control problems were related to problematic alcohol use and problematic gaming. In adolescence, the findings revealed small effect sizes between substance-related and substance-unrelated problematic behavior patterns, but moderate to large effect sizes within substance-unrelated behavioral patterns. Similarities and differences were found in the relations between the behavioral patterns and mental health.

2016 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 505
Stephen Kelemen

Globally, 2015 had the lowest addition of new oil reserves in more than 60 years, reflecting both reduced activity and fewer oil opportunities, although significant gas discoveries were made. In Australia, the underlying theme for the year was one of adapting to low oil prices and learning to operate prudently with a lower price outlook. The cautious approach of 2014 persisted, with exploration activity at reduced levels. Offshore seismic recording maintained its recent high activity levels with a total of 45,563 km2 of mainly regional 3D seismic recorded, but onshore seismic recorded was at historically low levels. Nine exploration wells were spudded offshore with limited success (two gas and condensate discoveries at Auriga West–1 in the Browse Basin and Roc–1 in the Roebuck Basin). Onshore, however, the 38 non-CSG exploration wells drilled had a high success rate although discoveries were small. A highlight onshore was Origin Energy reporting encouraging results from the McArthur Basin for its Proterozoic mid-Velkerri Formation shales gas exploration program. Caution also extended to permit activity, where offshore relinquishments exceeded the number of permits granted, and onshore international companies withdrew from their unconventional farmin programs. For permits granted offshore, lower expectations of prospectivity resulted in only one well being committed in the primary term work program. Community pressure continued to play a significant role in the lack of CSG and other exploration drilling in NSW and onshore Victoria.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 204589401881418 ◽  
Stephen J. Halliday ◽  
Huang Shi ◽  
Evan L. Brittain ◽  
Anna R. Hemnes

We conducted a survey of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients and healthy controls who use either a smartphone or wearable fitness device that tracks daily step count. We found that PAH patients have markedly reduced activity levels compared to controls, after controlling for confounders.

2021 ◽  
pp. 194675672110103
Meg Rose

The Strategic Landscape designed by Hardin Tibbs was originally produced for use as a tool to analyze the bigger picture ideas and ideals for better structure within businesses and societies. The focus of facilitation workshops is to uncover subconscious behavioral patterns and make individuals aware of their motivators so that they can make positive changes in their lives. The facilitation workshops incorporate critical thinking activities, encouraging individuals to further break down the many aspects of their lives with open-ended questions designed for personal insight, as well as group discussions around recognized behavior patterns and best practices. The Strategic Landscape contains easily recognized significant symbols. Individuals may separate the different aspects of their lives using this tool, to better recognize their activities and actions and analyze their desires. Through honest analysis of behavioral patterns and goal setting, individuals are afforded clarity in their lives. Here, we describe the adaptation of Hardin Tibbs’ Strategic Landscape for use in facilitation workshops, to assist individuals to better structure their lives so that they may positively impact not only themselves but also their families, workplaces, and societies.

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