predation rate
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Xiao-Bo Li ◽  
Rui Zhu ◽  
Tian-Ci Yi ◽  
Jian-Jun Guo ◽  
Dao-Chao Jin

The ability to endure starvation is important for predatory mite survival and its effectiveness as biological control agent. We studied the longevity and functional response of the prodator mite Neoseiulus californicus (McGregaor) under starvation stress. N. californicus individuals were treated as three groups: the mites were provided with nothing (group I), with fresh bean leaves (group II), and with water (group III) to the larvae, protonymphs, deutonymphs, adult males and females. Functional response of N. californicus to Tetranychus urticae Koch eggs was evaluated after starvation for 0 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h. Results showed that all life stages of N. californicus in group III had the longest survival time among the three groups. Adult females had the strongest ability to endure starvation with a mean survival time of 8.16 d. Females had the ability to lay eggs, but the number of eggs laid was less than a mean of 1.2 eggs per female in the three starvation groups. N. californicus exhibited a Holling’s Type II functional response at all hunger levels. The handling time (Th) and attack rate (α) of the predator were not significantly different in all hunger levels. Predation rate of starved 0 h to 72 h initially increased and then decreased. The highest predation rate was recorded when the predators were starved for 24 h.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-206
Purnama Hidayat ◽  
Van Basten Tambunan ◽  
Keisha Disa Putirama ◽  

The whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and the aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) are important pests in tomato and chilli pepper. These pests directly attack and as a viral vector can decrease the production of tomato and chili pepper. Menochilus sexmaculatus (Fabricius) and Micraspis lineata (Thunberg) are predator beetles of B. tabaci and M. persicae. This study aimed to know the potential predation of M. sexmaculatus and M. lineata as a predator of B. tabaci and M. persicae. Completely randomized factorial design using 2 factors consist of type and density of prey with 3 replicates used in this study. The potency of predatory coccinellidae as predator of B. tabaci and M. persicae was evaluated in 2 observations, i.e. predation and functional response assay. Based on logistic regression analysis, both of M. sexmaculatus and M. lineata showed characteristic of type I functional, this means that the higher density of prey, the ability and predation rate of M. sexmaculatus and M. lineata were also increased. The predator M. sexmaculatus and M. lineata were more effective to control M. persicae than B. tabaci. M. sexmaculatus was the effective predator to control adult of M. persicae.

2021 ◽  
Larissa Inês Squinzani ◽  
Pitágoras Augusto Piana ◽  
Carlos Rodrigo Brocardo

Abstract Zoochoric dispersion is fundamental for the colonization of habitats by plants with large and heavy seeds such as the Paraná pine (Araucaria angustifolia). This is an endangered conifer from South America whose recruitment is heavily impacted by animals, but the way that different zoochoric dispersal modes and deposition sites can affect its successful establishment is not known yet. Thus, in this study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of dispersal mode (accordingly to the seed disperser), distance from adult conspecifics, and disposition site on long-term recruitment success. The experimental design included two environments (forest and open field) and each of them received 30 micro-habitat sampling stations (simulating deposition sites: 10 under conspecific; 10 far from conspecifics, next to a landmark; and 10 far from conspecifics, without a landmark), and each microhabitat had three levels of dispersal type simulating animal treatment (intact buried seed; intact seed over the ground; partially preyed seed over the ground), each with five seeds, totaling 900 seeds. In the forest environment, an experiment was also conducted to verify the fate of seeds using the spool and line technique. The environment and the micro-habitat alone did not explain seed survival, although the dispersal type given by the animal disperser was significant for survival and the buried seeds were the only ones that survived until the last survey. With the spool and line seed experiment, we attested that most of the Paraná pine seeds were preyed after removal (81.5%), and only buried seeds survived, reinforcing the role of scatter-hoarding animals as important agents in the Paraná pine dispersal. This way, our results showed that Paraná pine seeds suffer a very high predation rate, and that only a few seeds escape from predators and recruiting (only 1.1% of the all seeds used in the two experiments), indicating that the survival of seeds is a critical step in the life cycle of this plant, highlighting the role of dispersal mode in recruiting success.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. ec03033
Felipe S. R. Amaral ◽  
Mizael M. Ferreira ◽  
Antonio C. Lofego

This study aimed to determine the biological parameters of Neoseiulus tunus (De Leon, 1967) feeding on Aculops lycopersici (Massee, 1937). We conducted experiments to assess the predation rate of the former and its biological cycle when consuming A. lycopersici exclusively. Moreover, we assessed the preference of N. tunus for A. lycopersici concerning the pollen of Typha domingensis Pers. (Typhaceae) and Tetranychus urticae Koch, 1835, using free-choice tests. The obtained data indicates A. lycopersici is an appropriate prey to N. tunus, as it allows it to complete its development, reproduce and increase its population. We also noticed that this phytoseiid prefers A. lycopersici to the two other food sources. Though more robust studies will be needed, these preliminary results allow some inferences, such as N. tunus being a potential natural enemy of A. lycopersici.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Sarah R. Hoy ◽  
Leah M. Vucetich ◽  
Rolf O. Peterson ◽  
John A. Vucetich

Climate change is expected to modify host-parasite interactions which is concerning because parasites are involved in most food-web links, and parasites have important influences on the structure, productivity and stability of communities and ecosystems. However, the impact of climate change on host–parasite interactions and any cascading effects on other ecosystem processes has received relatively little empirical attention. We assessed host-parasite dynamics for moose (Alces alces) and winter ticks (Dermacentor albipictus) in Isle Royale National Park over a 19-year period. Specifically, we monitored annual tick burdens for moose (estimated from hair loss) and assessed how it covaried with several aspects of seasonal climate, and non-climatic factors, such as moose density, predation on hosts by wolves (Canis lupus) and wolf abundance. Summer temperatures explained half the interannual variance in tick burden with tick burden being greater following hotter summers, presumably because warmer temperatures accelerate the development of tick eggs and increase egg survival. That finding is consistent with the general expectation that warmer temperatures may promote higher parasite burdens. However, summer temperatures are warming less rapidly than other seasons across most regions of North America. Therefore, tick burdens seem to be primarily associated with an aspect of climate that is currently exhibiting a lower rate of change. Tick burdens were also positively correlated with predation rate, which could be due to moose exhibiting risk-sensitive habitat selection (in years when predation risk is high) in such a manner as to increases the encounter rate with questing tick larvae in autumn. However, that positive correlation could also arise if high parasite burdens make moose more vulnerable to predators or because of some other density-dependent process (given that predation rate and moose density are highly correlated). Overall, these results provide valuable insights about interrelationships among climate, parasites, host/prey, and predators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (14) ◽  
pp. e553101422610
Felipe Bueno Dutra ◽  
Bruno dos Santos Francisco ◽  
Lausanne Soraya de Almeida ◽  
Ivonir Piotrowski Santos ◽  
Emerson Viveiros ◽  

Vegetative propagation is an alternative for the production of seedlings of native tree species such as Schinus terebinthifolia that presents a high predation rate on its seeds. In order to develop vegetative propagation technology, different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) were tested in the rooting of apical and intermediate minicuttings of Schinus terebinthifolia. The 2x4 factorial experimental design involved two types of minicuttings (apical and intermediate) and four dosages of the hormone IBA (0, 1000, 2000, and 4000 mg. L-1). The percentages of survival and rooting were evaluated. The intermediate minicuttings (37% and 35%) showed significantly greater survival than the apical cuttings (22% and 9%) respectively at 30 and 60 days, regardless of the IBA concentration. Among the rooting averages at 60 days obtained in the different concentrations of IBA, the treatment of 4000 mg. L-1 generated the highest results (9% for apical and 35% for intermediate). The vegetative propagation by minicuttings of Schinus terebinthifolia demonstrated the viability of intermediate minicuttings with high rooting associated with the highest concentration of IBA.

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1014
Jie Wang ◽  
Shu Li ◽  
Jun Yang ◽  
Mingcheng Guo ◽  
Huijie Dai ◽  

Banker plant systems can be used to sustain a reproducing population of biological control agents (BCAs) within a crop, thus providing long-term pest suppression. The founder population of natural enemies in banker plant systems is usually mass-reared on factitious hosts. Thus, a better understanding of the population fitness and pest control performance of mass-reared BCAs in the field is crucial when developing integrated pest management (IPM) strategies. In this study, we determined the fitness of the generalist predator, Chrysopa pallens (Hemiptera: Chrysopidae) ever cultured on different food sources (i.e., mass rearing food, Corcyra cephalonica eggs, and aphid food, Megoura japonica) preying on Aphis craccivora in a banker plant system in a greenhouse based on Chi’s age-stage, two-sex life table analysis method. The life tables and predation rate parameters of C. pallens were not significantly different between both treatments under fluctuating temperature conditions. Corcyracephalonica eggs did not significantly weaken the performances of C. pallens in a Vicia faba–A. craccivora banker plant system compared to aphids. In conclusion, C. cephalonica eggs can be used for the mass production of C. pallens as the founder population in a banker plant system. Moreover, linking the life table data with the predation rate is an effective strategy for evaluating mass rearing programs in establishing banker plant systems.

Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 1010
Luisa Amo ◽  
Irene Saavedra

Natural selection has favored the evolution of different capabilities that allow animals to obtain food—e.g., the development of senses for improving prey/food detection. Among these senses, chemical sense is possibly the most ancient mechanism used by organisms for environmental assessment. Comparative studies suggest the prime role of foraging ecology in the evolution of the olfactory apparatus of vertebrates, including birds. Here, we review empirical studies that have shown birds’ abilities to detect prey/food via olfaction and report the results of a study aiming to analyze the specificity of eavesdropping on prey pheromones in insectivorous birds. In a field study, we placed artificial larvae and a dispenser with one of three treatments—prey (Operopthera brumata) pheromones, non-prey (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) pheromones, or a control unscented dispenser—on the branches of Pyrenean oak trees (Quercus pyrenaica). We then measured the predation rate of birds on artificial larvae. Our results show that more trees had larvae with signs of avian predation when they contained a prey pheromone dispenser than when they contained a non-prey pheromone dispenser or an unscented dispenser. Our results indicate that insectivorous birds can discriminate between the pheromones emitted by their prey and those emitted by non-prey insects and that they only exhibit attraction to prey pheromones. These results highlight the potential use of insectivorous birds in the biological control of insect pests.

Aparajita Gogoi ◽  
Shyama Prasad Biswas

Background: It is widely reported that exotic larvicidal fishes like Gambusia and Poecilia have adverse impact on the native aquatic fauna. The present study highlights the efficacy of two colourful native murrels, primarily designated as ornamental fish, Channa bleheri and Channa stewartii as biocontrol agent of mosquito larvae. Methods: Live specimens of Channa bleheri and C. stewartii, collected from the wetlands of Tinsukia district of Upper Assam, were assessed for their larvivorous potential at individual and group levels during day and night by dividing the specimens into two size groups. After 12 hour and 24 hour starvation, the test specimens (mean size for small group 8.67 - 9.17 cm and that of large group 11.63-13.27 cm) were given known number of mosquito larvae and recorded the consumption rate. Result: The predation rate varied from 33.3±4.36 to 71.6±5.15/min for Channa bleheri and that of C. stewartii from 16.3±0.95 to 68.2±2.77/min. In both species, smaller sized specimens were better performers as predators. Predation rate at 12 and 24 hrs of starvation and between day and night proved that these native murrels are excellent predators of mosquito larvae.

Sarah Hoy ◽  
Philip Hedrick ◽  
Rolf Peterson ◽  
Leah Vucetich ◽  
Kristin Brzeski ◽  

Although loss of genetic fitness is known to be severely detrimental to the viability of populations, little is known about how changes in the genetic fitness of keystone species can impact the functioning of communities and ecosystems. Here we assessed how changes in the genetic fitness of a keystone predator, grey wolves, impacted the ecosystem of Isle Royale National Park over 2-decades. The decline and subsequent resurgence of inbreeding in the wolf population led to a rise and then fall in predation rates on moose, the primary prey of wolves and dominant mammalian herbivore in this system. Those changes in predation rate led to large fluctuations in moose abundance which in turn impacted browse rates on balsam fir, the dominant forage for moose during winter and an important species in the forest. Thus, forest dynamics can be traced back to changes in the genetic health of a predator population.

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