scholarly journals Космонимия в cлавянских переводах библейской Книги Иова

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Людмила [Liudmila] Ф. [F.] Фомина [Fomina]

Cosmonymy in Slavic Translations of the Biblical Book of JobThis article explores the names of Venus, Pleiades, the Great Bear and Orion’s Belt in Slavic translations of the biblical Book of Job. The author proposes hypotheses about the etymology of Church Slavonic names for the following celestial objects: (1) the name денница for Venus originates from folk cosmonymy and was introduced into religious discourse by Apostle of the Slavs Constantine-Cyril; (2) the name власожелищи is etymologised as a merger of two nominations: South Slavic Власи ‘Pleiads’ and a hapax legomenon from the Book of Job *желищи ‘Great Bear’, from Hebrew Āsh or Aish ‘funeral convoy’; (3) the name кружилия for Orion is also connected with Hebrew cosmonymy and points to the mythical giant Nimrod, who was tied with a belt to the sky for his rebellion against God. Kosmonimia w słowiańskich tłumaczeniach biblijnej Księgi HiobaNiniejszy artykuł analizuje nazwy Wenus, Plejad, Wielkiej Niedźwiedzicy i Pasa Oriona w tłumaczeniach biblijnej Księgi Hioba na języki słowiańskie. Autorka przedstawia hipotezy dotyczące etymologii kilku cerkiewnosłowiańskich nazw obiektów kosmicznych: 1) nazwa planety Wenus денница została zapożyczona z kosmonimii ludowej i wprowadzona do dyskursu religijnego przez Apostoła Słowian Konstantyna-Cyryla; 2) nazwa власожелищи jest traktowana jako połączenie dwóch nazw: płd. słow. Власи ‘Plejady’ i hapaks legomenon z biblijnej Księgi Hioba *желищи ‘Wielka Niedźwiedzica’, od hebrajskiego Āsh lub Aish ʽkondukt pogrzebowyʼ; 3) nazwa Oriona кружилия rownież związana jest z kosmonimią hebrajską i wskazuje na mitycznego olbrzyma Nimroda, skazanego przez Boga na przywiązanie pasem do sklepienia niebieskiego.

2011 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-85 ◽  
Nora S. Eggen

In the Qur'an we find different concepts of trust situated within different ethical discourses. A rather unambiguous ethico-religious discourse of the trust relationship between the believer and God can be seen embodied in conceptions of tawakkul. God is the absolute wakīl, the guardian, trustee or protector. Consequently He is the only holder of an all-encompassing trusteeship, and the normative claim upon the human being is to trust God unconditionally. There are however other, more polyvalent, conceptions of trust. The main discussion in this article evolves around the conceptions of trust as expressed in the polysemic notion of amāna, involving both trust relationships between God and man and inter-human trust relationships. This concept of trust involves both trusting and being trusted, although the strongest and most explicit normative claim put forward is on being trustworthy in terms of social ethics as well as in ethico-religious discourse. However, ‘trusting’ when it comes to fellow human beings is, as we shall see, framed in the Qur'an in less absolute terms, and conditioned by circumstantial factors; the Qur'anic antithesis to social trust is primarily betrayal, ‘khiyāna’, rather than mistrust.

2010 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-93
Timothy Beal

This article reads between two recent explorations of the relationship between religion, chaos, and the monstrous: Catherine Keller’s Face of the Deep and Author's Religion and Its Monsters. Both are oriented toward the edge of chaos and order; both see the primordial and chaotic as generative; both pursue monstrous mythological figures as divine personifications of primordial chaos; both find a deep theological ambivalences in Christian and Jewish tradition with regard to the monstrous, chaotic divine; both are critical of theological and cultural tendencies to demonize chaos and the monstrous; and finally, both read the divine speech from the whirlwind in the book of Job as a revelation of divine chaos. But whereas one sees it as a call for laughter, a chaotic life-affirming laughter with Leviathan in the face of the deep, the other sees it as an incarnation of theological horror, leaving Job and the reader overwhelmed and out-monstered by God. Must it be one way or the other? Can laughter and horror coincide in the face of the deep?

Sloane Speakman

In examining the strikingly high prevalence rates of HIV in many parts of Africa, reaching as high as 5% in some areas, how does the discourse promoted by the predominant religions across the continent, Islam and Christianity, affect the outlook of their followers on the epidemic? This question becomes even more intriguing after discovering the dramatic difference in rate of HIV prevalence between Muslims and Christians in Africa, confirmed by studies that have found a negative relationship to exist between HIV prevalence and being Muslim in Africa, even in Sub-Saharan African nations. Why does this gap in prevalence rates exist? Does Islam advocate participating in less risky behavior more so than Christianity? By comparing the social construction, epidemiological understanding and public responses among Muslim populations in Africa with Christian ones, it becomes apparent that many similarities exist between the two regarding discourse and that, rather than religious discourse itself, other social factors, such as circumcision practices, contribute more to the disparity in HIV prevalence than originally thought.

1970 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 284-295
Muridan Muridan

M. Natsir was one of the most prominent figures in religious discourse and movement in Indonesia. He was ada’wa reformer as well as a politician and a statesman.His most well known ideas were about the relationship between Islamand state, Islam and Pancasila, and his idea on da’wa. He stated that a country would be Islamic because of neither itsformal name as an Islamic state nor its Islamic state principles. The principles of the state could be generally formulated aslong as they referred to the Islamic values. Natsir also stated that the essence of Pancasila didn’t contradict with Islam; evensome parts of it went after the goals of Islam. However, it didn’t mean that Pancasila was identical with Islam. In relation toda’wa, he stated that it should be the responsibility of all Muslims, not only the responsibility of kiai or ulama. To make a da’wamovement successful, he suggested that it needed three integrated components; masjid, Islamic boarding school, andcampus.

1970 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Muridan Muridan

M. Natsir was one of the most prominent figures in religious discourse and movement in Indonesia. He was ada’wa reformer as well as a politician and a statesman. His most well known ideas were about the relationship between Islamand state, Islam and Pancasila, and his idea on da’wa. He stated that a country would be Islamic because of neither itsformal name as an Islamic state nor its Islamic state principles. The principles of the state could be generally formulated aslong as they referred to the Islamic values. Natsir also stated that the essence of Pancasila didn’t contradict with Islam; evensome parts of it went after the goals of Islam. However, it didn’t mean that Pancasila was identical with Islam. In relation toda’wa, he stated that it should be the responsibility of all Muslims, not only the responsibility of kyai or ulama. To make ada’wamovement successful, he suggested that it needed three integrated components; masjid, Islamic boarding school, andcampus.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Asaad Abdullwahab AbdulKarim

Religious discourse is one of the topics that bring the attention of writers and thinkers to the dimensions and intellectual contents related to the reality of social, economic and political pension, religion and the importance and prestige of his followers plays a major role in the establishment of many intellectual convictions and ideologies and relatively constant readings. Islam, as a religion, is one of the main sources in the growth of Arab and Islamic mindset. It is the main source of information and the real motivation for human change. Therefore, interest in Islamic studies, both political and social, helps us to understand the truth and bring us closer to the reality in which we live..

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
Pieter Van der Zwan

The womb is invested with great significance in the book of Job. As Job regresses from his extended body, concretised in his children, servants and material possessions, to his own, which is then “eaten into” by his skin problems, he longs to return to it. His fantasies about this womb reflect his unconscious anger, wishes and anxieties, processed by his symbolisation of the womb as a holding and containing grave where he can escape the attacks on his body. As such the womb invites a psychoanalytic study, with even transpersonal-psychological prospects, including that God is somehow, at least unconsciously, associated or even identified with the womb.

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